August 27, 2007

Pop Quiz!

The above picture is of:

a) Park Ridge police officers and vehicles.

b) ComEd's public relations team.

c) A public relations effort by the PRPD to appear "resident-friendly".

d) All of the above.

If you answered "d", you are correct!

Park Ridge police were passing out fliers letting residents know that ComEd is hard at work:

Those "STOP MEANS STOP" signs must be working perfectly!

The PRPD/ComEd flyer doesn't have a ComEd number to call for residents who are still without power.

But, the city web site does:

We can't claim any expertise in the mysteries of electrical engineering, but we're pretty sure the city's web site can't be viewed by residents who might be seeking information on how to contact ComEd if those residents don't have power to do so.

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