July 24, 2009

And People Thought PRU Was Rough!

We understand there's a desire among some Alderdunces to allow more billboards to be erected in Park Ridge.

How about billboards like this --

And some people thought our pictures of dead Victorian kids was bad!

Any faithful PRU readers giving the Pub-dogs a bone this week? You should be.


gypsy said...

common sense certainly has taken a back seat!

those of you who are bitching about all these problems...are YOU going to be out, helping get someone else elected to the aldermonkey seats when it comes time? or are you just gonna keep bitching? hmmm?

Anonymous said...

Image their Viagra billboards.

Anonymous said...

Does gypsy have a plan? please share. could it be running for one of those seats herself?

Anonymous said...

If I may, I don't believe they are wanting to erect "more" billboards as the ordinance does not allow for billboards.

What they are asking for is to be allowed to be able to put up billboards and a change in to ordinance to do so.

gypsy said...

I'll have to ask the crystal ball.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous July 24, 2009 8:54 PM,

Your correction is not a correction. You are wrong about what the ordinance is.

Anonymous said...

Man, you have got to love those Kiwis.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we have different ideas of what a billboard is.

Our ordinance reads (and I paraphrase)

A)An off premise sign may not exceed 100 square feet or 10ft by 10ft. When was the last time you were driving the the tollway and saw a 10 by 10 sign?!

B) Can only be 20 feet above grade.
Again, have you seen a sign along the tollway that was ONLY 20 feet above grade?!

c)Must have 1000 feet between signs
on either side of a highway/tollway.

Shall I go on?

If this was an allowable use, why would this applicant seek out Alderman Allegretti for, in his words, a special use or text amendment to permit these signs.

The answer is he wants what is NOT allowed in our ordinance.

Check for yourself sec 14.9 Prohibited signs, H-off premise signs.

Happy reading.

Anonymous said...

PRU, your dead Victorian children post was shocking -- and completely appropriate. It was the kind of shaking up the lamebrains who lack imagination (another word for empathy)and drive like selfish fiends around our schools and parks need to get the concept that when drivers (including local parents, for God's sake!) don't think of other people, dead and maimed other people of all ages result. Ya done good; don't let anyone bust your chops for giving a damn and being skilled enough to say it memorably!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 9:51! We need more empathy and consideration for the greater good! All of this driving wit purpose needs to end so that the community as a whole can equally share in our safety innitiatives. And what about that diversity innitiative we were promised? Lets fget on it people! PR need hobos and drunks on the street. What about all those section 8 tennants we were promised would move in next door to us people! Our kids need diversity people! Get the net people!

Anonymous said...

9:51, you are a sad soul if you immediately get triggered to fret about "hobos" when you hear the word "empathy." Go ask Rushie-baby for some Oxycotin to chill you out.