April 30, 2010

With The Wind At Your Back!

From -- titiavanbeugen at deviantart.com

Have a great weekend!

April 29, 2010


For our faithful PRU readers who may have missed it, the Butterly On Education blog recently posted an interesting article titled A Rudyard Kipling approach to (FOIA) requests - Part One.

Butterly offers that he intends to "write a series of Blog postings on writing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests...My ultimate goal is to teach you a disciplined and repeatable approach to investigating your School District’s activities, utilizing the Freedom of Information Act...So, let’s end this post with the first question. What is FOIA?"

The PRU Crew is looking forward to reading what Butterly has to say on the subject and we look forward to the promised future postings. We also hope those who may be interested in paying closer attention, not only to what their local School District is up to but also any of their other local governing bodies, will find the information useful and the Butterly blog a helpful resource.

We have to admit we were dumbfounded by the story which inspired the above -- When is enough, enough? $900 a day for consulting? Not bad for government work!

And in case our faithful PRU readers are not aware, there is a small section of Park Ridge which reportedly pays property taxes into East Maine School District #63 (map)(.pdf).

Jeez, some of our fellow taxpayers are taking it from all sides!

April 28, 2010

City Council COW Mtg (PRFB) 4-26-10 - video!

The Council COW begins with the usual opening ceremonies, such as taking attendance -- Aldermen Bach and Carey are absent, as is Mayor Schmidt

@ 0:0:55 mark -- Finance and Budget begins -- agenda items covered are --

A. Action Items

1. Approve Payment for Database Administrator Services – Ariel, Inc.
2. Approve Payroll for Human Resources and Payroll Processing Services – Ceridian Employer Services.
3. Approve Payment for Employee Medical, Dental and Life Insurance.
4. Approve Prevailing Wage Ordinance Effective June 1, 2010.
5. Approve Services to Third Millennium.
6. Approval of SCH Real Estate, LLC Lease for Parking.

@ 0:23:46 mark -- Procedures and Regulations begins -- agenda items covered are --

A. Action Items

1. Modification to the 3P Manual regarding the City Attorney
2. Approval of the City Council referring a modification to Section 4.8.C.2.b (Definition of Supermajority) to the Planning and Zoning Commission for public hearing
3. Modification to the Liquor Ordinance Regarding Sealing and Removal of Open Wine Bottles
4. Lease Approval – 15-19 S. Prospect Ave. (Pedestrian Plaza and Arcade)

B. Discussion Items

1. Land Use Alternatives – 1200 Elm
2. Establish Solicitation Permit Fees
3. Required Votes to Grant an Appeal on Public Works Decisions

@ 1:48:02 mark -- New Business begins

@ 1:49:14 mark -- Adjournment

As usual, we strongly encourage our faithful PRU readers to spend the time reviewing the video of the meeting, and we believe you may get a sick and twisted kick out of watching the 4th ward's Ald. Allspaghetti offer up a performance worthy of an Oscar in the category of best special interest supporting bullshit artist!

April 27, 2010

Good Morning, Schmidtzkrieg!

It's a looooong one today, people -- we hope you see it through.

Mayor Schmidtzkrieg, we understand you're in a difficult spot. You inherited enough bullshit from your predecessor to last you and our grandchildren a lifetime. But pity party time is over, pal. You wanted the big chair and your hand on the gavel, and now you've got it. It's time to man up. It's time to be the fiscally responsible leader you promised the voters you would be. It's time to choose your response to this mess.

We also understand you probably aren't in want of tons of advice on the subject of the City budget either -- and we're told you're leaning toward a veto of the entire thing. We think that's a mistake and so we thought we'd add our advice to your slush pile for consideration -- our reasons and opinions follow below.

If the PRU Crew were in a position to choose how to respond to the current City of Park Ridge budget mess, we would choose to do the following --

Cutting Expenses:

We took a look at the allocations posted in the City Manager's budget document for Community & Civic Services(.pdf) on the City's website. The PRU Crew considers expenditures of these tax payer dollars to be of the most discretionary nature, and we've assumed the numbers posted on the City website are current and accurate.

We would line item veto the following items --

Fine Arts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 13,200
Civic Orchestra - - - - - - - - - - -$ 13,200
Teen Center - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 22,000
Senior Center - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 35,200
Rainbow Hospice - - - - - - - - - $ 4,400
Meals On Wheels - - - - - - - - - $ 7,040
Historical Society - - - - - - - - - $ 8,800
Cultural Arts Council - - - - - - $ 4,840
Kalo Foundation - - - - - - - - - $ 4,400
Brickton Arts Center - - - - - - -$ 11,000
O'Hare Commission - - - - - - - $165,000
Total Cuts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $289,080

No matter how we try to approach the subjects of each of the above, we are forced to conclude each and every one of them are non-essential expenditures of taxpayer dollars.

By the by, does the above total cuts number look familiar? It should. It's relatively close to the number the Park Ridge Police Dept. has been asked to cut from it's budget for the coming year -- $283,768 -- again, if the sources we've checked are reliable.

The difference leaves a very modest surplus of $5,312, which is more than enough to fund the City run Youth Commission, slated for an allocation of $4,400 in the coming fiscal year's budget. We feel the 6th ward's Unfriendly Ghost has made an admirable effort in ramping up the efforts of the City run Youth Commission, and since the Commission is a City run effort, we're willing to take the surplus from cuts made to donations to private organizations and leave the Youth Commission funding in place. But we wouldn't lose any sleep over cutting the Youth Commission's funding either.

And we pause for a moment to thank the City run Health Commission for not taking an allocation in the next fiscal year, once again if the documents we've consulted are correct.

What the above mentioned cuts do not leave room for is funding the two privately run charitable efforts we previously mentioned in our post
here -- the Maine Center for Mental Health and the Center of Concern. Each of those privately run organizations are slated to receive allocations of taxpayer dollars in the amounts of $6,600 and $55,000, respectively.

Here is what the PRU Crew would choose to do -- we would work with the City Manager and the union representative for the police department rank and file and insist they find some way to cut the Park Ridge Police Department budget by $61,600 to cover the funding allocated for those two charities.

Not only do we believe they could do it inside of two hours time, we also believe it's in their best interest to do so -- and not just because it could save the department from having to lay off 4 police officers in which the department AND THE CITY taxpayers have invested training time and effort, but also because the two previously mentioned charitable organizations work in concert with many of the goals and efforts of the police department. The two previously mentioned charitable organizations may well alleviate some of the burden and responsibilities which may otherwise fall to the police department.

We'll explain -- but first we will offer that we're pissed off about having to attempt this without any hard numbers --

Let's begin with the Center of Concern, which has several programs they tout as being wonderful for the Park Ridge community and beyond. Some of those programs fall under the heading of
Senior Supportive Services. Two of those programs run by the Center of Concern are the "Friendly Visitors" and "Telephone Reassurance Program."
It just so happens the Park Ridge Police Department also offers "The Are You O.K.? Program" described as, "This program offers daily contact with seniors, and peace of mind for friends and family. The City of Park Ridge offers a telephone service to its senior citizens and the disabled. Each day the participant is called at a specified time to check on their well-being. If the call goes unanswered, help will be dispatched. For more information call the police department at (847) 318-5252or e-mail at info@parkridgepolice.org"

Maybe it's just us, but we would rather our police officers be out on regular patrol than have the added burden and responsibility of what is currently being handled by the Center of Concern. And again, we wish we had the goddamn f*&#ing numbers for these specific stats from the Center of Concern.

And at this point, Mayor Schmidtzkrieg, we would also like to remind you of what you said about the Center of Concern in your
press release on Homeless Shelters --

"I personally endorse the Center of Concern’s model of helping “cure” homelessness by helping homeless individuals secure shelter 7 nights a week in the same place, so they have some stability and a foundation upon which they can rebuild their lives."
We trust you weren't referring to the Center of Concern's model of providing assistance to those in need where only the homeless are concerned.

Another reason the PRU Crew would prefer to have police officers out on regular patrol, at the current staffing level, is because the recent reports in the local rags about gang graffiti, among other reports we've read, have not gone unnoticed by us.

We will admit, the thought crossed our minds that one of the masters of psycho-chicanery, Hoopty Lou of PRPD infamy, has been planting stories with his favorite local rag reporterette -- and if you want to put a scare into a mighty whitey suburban rightie, just holler "GANG ACTIVITY!" We guaranty, it's not visions of hip-hoppers breaking, popping, and locking that are dancing through their heads. It isn't NBA players neither.

However, enough evidence exists of a growing gang problem in the area that we believe concern is merited. We also believe that limited economic opportunities lead to all kinds of problems -- like the sale of drugs and weapons -- which brings us right back to wanting to preserve the current level of police department personnel our community currently enjoys, since we're fairly certain the North of Dempster ne're do wells, among other undesirables, didn't get the memo about not crossing the borders into Park Ridge.

It also brings us to the Maine Center for Mental Health. One of the many human needs services the Maine Center provides is in the area of addiction treatment. The PRU Crew thinks the Maine Center's website sucks as a reference for ordinary taxpayers and how they're spending our money, but at this point in time we are going to choose to believe they are doing what they say they are doing -- which means they are, in part, treating people with substance abuse issues, who may or may not also have mental health issues.

Would any of our faithful PRU readers care to guess where substance abusers often get their money? That's right -- from burgling houses and committing other thefts -- which just so happen to be the two most frequent crimes reported in Park Ridge, according to
city-data.com for 2008 -- and, according to a memorandum issued by our Park Ridge Police Chiefski, "98% of the Crime Index relates to Property Crimes with theft representing the largest category, or 74% of the Crime Index."

And we find another reason we believe the Park Ridge Police Department may want to help carry the burden of funding the Maine Center for Mental Health. The fewer abusers of substances out on the streets, the less likely our police officers will have to deal with them if they're receiving treatment -- but just in case, we'd like to maintain our current staffing level of police officer personnel anyway. Thank you very much.

During these economic times, an overworked phrase these days to be sure, we sincerely believe it is in our community's best interest to continue to modestly fund true and real human needs services.

So Mayor Schmidtzkrieg, those are the cuts the PRU Crew would choose to make and those are the reasons and opinions for which we'd make them.

With respect to your claims that you believe the City Manager's revenue projections are way out of line -- the PRU Crew has gone over the
revenue analysis document (.pdf) and we just cannot pinpoint where you may believe the projections are off. We concede the threats from Governor Quinn of withholding a large portion of income tax revenue from municipalities should not be taken lightly or ignored, but we do note the City Manager has offered two possible areas which could also be cut should Quinn's threats come to fruition.

Whether you choose to respond to the current budget mess with the swing of a total veto axe or the employment of a discerning red line veto pen is your choice to make.

We feel a total veto would be worthless since the Aldermorons have already proven themselves incapable and unwilling to make fiscally responsible decisions. We're left to wonder if you've got the stones to do what the Aldermorons could not or would not do, or if you'll pass the hot potato budget buck back to the the City Council.

Responsibility: the ability to choose your response. We're looking forward to yours, whatever it may be.

April 26, 2010

More Cow Pies Tonight!

Tonight's City Council COW agenda (.pdf) covers issues under Finance and Budget, and Procedures and Regulations committees.

The Finance and Budget committee will be voting to approve spending your money on Ceridian Employee Services (.pdf), Ariel Database Services (.pdf), Employee Medical, Dental & Life Insurance (.pdf), and Third Millennium (.pdf).

In addition to those expenditures, the Finance and Budget COW will also be spending your money to renew the lease agreement (.pdf) with "SCH Real Estate, LLC for parking spaces at 20-22 S. Fairview. The City then sells parking permits for the lot to cover the amount of the lease. The existing lease expires on June 1,2010. The lease is being renewed for a period of six months with an automatic renewal for an additional six months in the amount of $20,520. This amount is based on an annual rate of $360 per space, with 57 spaces leased."

And the PRU Crew is wondering if SCH Real Estate, LLC sends flowers and chocolates to City Hall on Secretaries Day. If they don't, they should -- the PRU Crew feels it's very nice for the City to provide secretarial services and staff time to SCH Real Estate, LLC, as well as snow removal and other services to the lessor. The PRU Crew is also wondering if the City is obligated to pay the lease amount whether or not the spaces are sub-leased?

However, the real fun at tonight's City Council COW meeting should come under the Procedures and Regulations portion of the meeting.

Procedures and Regulations, chaired by the 4th ward's Ald. Allspaghetti, is set to again take action on the issue of Supermajority voting (.pdf), as well as a 3P Manual modification re: the City Attorney (.pdf) and a Liquor Ord Mofification re: Wine Bottles (.pdf).

The City Attorney's cover memorandum includes an entertaining passage -- "The attached Ordinance contains the City Attorney's addition of the term "2/3" to supermajority. The remaining proposed changes were made at Alderman Allegretti's request." And the PRU Crew laaaaauuuuughed! We may begin referring to the City Attorney as either "Pontius Hill" or "Buzz Pilate."

Also on the Procedures and Regulations agenda is another renewal of the lease agreement (.pdf) for the "pedestrian arcade from Prospect Ave. to the alley behind the building." Gillick-Zember Partnership will be receiving $15,000 for the first year and "the annual rent will increase at a rate of 4% annually. The initial term of the lease is 15 years, with an automatic 15 year renewal." And we're sure the Prospect Ave. Starbuck's crowd, among others, will be very pleased.

Enjoy the show!

April 23, 2010

Somewhere --

Have a great weekend!

April 22, 2010

A Thursday Twofer!

A quickie twofer for our faithful PRU readers!

Some of you may have noticed a new link we've added to our link list on the right -- the Sin Bin blog. We received an email from blogger Michael Sebastian letting us know "Your readers may have noticed some lights and cameras this week in Park Ridge. That's because there's a movie shooting in town. It's called Sin Bin and the writer and director are both from Park Ridge."

Mr. Sebastian has been given access to the behind-the-scenes production of the film and he writes, "The filmmakers--my childhood pals--gave me unfettered access to the set, the crew, the actors, the catering--basically anything I see or hear while they're filming.

The movie is about growing up, set in a suburb of Chicago. The main character owns a van called the Sin Bin --

And since the PRU Crew has a decided fondness for independents, we thought we'd give this film crew and Mr. Sebastian some attention and promotion!

Our faithful PRU readers who took the time to wend their way through yesterday's video of what is supposed to pass for the practice of democracy during local Council debate and discussion may have taken note of the 5th ward's Benedict Alderman Ryan saying he did not recall voting to approve an increase in vehicle sticker fees for the purpose of funding the Park Ridge O'Hare Airport Commission's requests.

In yesterday's video, discussion of the increase in vehicle stickers begins at the 1:50:08 mark. In response to a question raised by the 7th ward's Ald. assWsol, at the 1:51:10 mark, Ryan can be heard saying, "That wasn't the intent." And again at the 1:52:33 mark Ryan states, "This was not put in there for community groups" and goes on to ask, "Can we check the record?"

Yoohoo -- Benedict Ryan! You're in luck! The City posts videos of your meetings on your City web site, in case you don't get around to reading the minutes of the meetings prepared for your reviewing pleasure, before you vote to approve those minutes!

If you check out the video of the 7 p.m. City Council Budget Workshop for Wednesday 3-31-10 on the City web site -- or the second video we embedded here -- you will hear at the 2:38:43 mark, the 3rd ward's Ald. Don Bachtard say, while discussing funding for the PROAC, "I do have a suggestion as to how this is going to be paid for. That's my very next motion." And at the 2:50:50 mark Ald. Bachtard motions to increase the cost of vehicle stickers.

So, Benedict Ryan, there is a record available for your review and that record does reflect the intent behind the increase in vehicle sticker fees.

While the Lord of the Manor tried to clarify the process and procedure of increasing vehicle sticker fees, and while a member of the audience commented on the problem of doing so, it seems clear to the PRU Crew that the intent of the vehicle sticker increase was, in fact, to fund the PROAC request.

Of course now it will be left up to the municipal fund accounting wizards to cover the Council's asses for again not knowing what the hell they are doing.

Business as usual at 505 Butler Place.

April 21, 2010

City Council Meeting 4-19-2010 -- video!

*Note* -- somebody on City staff learned a new trick! -- how to embed videos on the City's web site! Woohoo! Way to join the cyber age, people!

No indexing today -- we think you can work your way through the video at your leisure.

The one editorial comment we will offer is a lot of people sure are full of shit when it comes to claiming to be free market capitalists and--or fiscal conservatives.

April 20, 2010

Special City Council Meeting 4-17-2010 -- video!

The PRU Crew is experiencing what can only be described as a feeling of vicarious embarrassment. Ouch.

Addendum -- For the commenter who previously asked about being able to view the budget memos on the City's web site -- the document web addresses appear to have been corrected and the specific documents you asked about can be viewed here.

April 19, 2010

Monday PRU Briefs!

#1 -- Listen up!

For those of you interested in hearing the discussion and debate from this past Saturday's 9:00 a.m. Special City Council Meeting, you can do so here.

#2 -- Pony up!

There's another City Council meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. The agenda (.pdf) is chock full of fun! And Park Ridge residents and taxpayers should expect to pony up more funds to the City by way of a Gasoline Tax Increase, Livery Vehicle Sticker Increase, Sewer Rate Increase, and Vehicle Sticker Increase.

#3 -- Belly up!

For those PRU readers who have expressed their interest through blog comments and emails, tonight's City Council meeting includes a first reading of a modification to the liquor ordinance (.pdf). This is another opportunity for interested residents to speak up and let their elected officials know their feelings on the issue of the proposed Irish Pub.

#4 -- Batter up!

For those who may have missed it, last week the District 64 School Board announced the name of their preferred candidate, set to step in and take his turn at bat in becoming the new Superintendent for District 64. The name and the news was finally reported in both a Journal & Topics article as well as an atrociously formatted online article in the Herald-Advocate.

The PRU Crew is looking forward to the likelihood of making jokes, in the future, about District 64 being on a Bender.

#5 -- Screwed up! ***

The following appears on the Park Ridge Recreation and Park District web site --

April 19 Notice: Park Ridge Park District is currently experiencing difficulties with our phone system. We apologize if you are trying to contact us today, and hope to have our phones working soon.

***the notice is gone, so it appears the problem has been fixed.

Keep your shiny side up and have a good day!

April 17, 2010

Budget Hearing 4-15-2010 -- video!

Special City Council Meeting 4-15-2010

For interested PRU readers -- who may not prefer the audio tapes.

April 16, 2010

April 14, 2010

C.O.W. PS/PW/PR 4-12-2010 -- Video!

Begins with the usual opening ceremonies.

@ :39 mark -- Citizens who wish to address the Council on non-agenda items -- Resident Andrew Schwartz comments on the city budget.

@ 2:18 mark -- Mayor Schmidt comments on Polish plane crash and the lowering of the City flag to half mast.

@ 3:54 mark -- Public Works begins with discussion and action on forestry appeal for a tree removal.

@20:07 mark -- Discussion and action on custodial cleaning contract for City Hall begins.

@21:19 mark -- Discussion and action on IDOT resolution begins.

@21:52 mark -- Public Works discussion items begin with discussion of parking issues on Busse Hwy.

@45:04 mark -- Discussion of referendum question regarding funding of sewer relief work begins.

@59:36 mark -- Director of Public Works Spring Season Update begins.

@ 1 hour mark -- Public Safety begins with various reports from Chiefski.

@ 1:17:33 mark -- Fire Chief has no report and Public Safety discussions end.

@ 1:17:50 mark -- Procedures and Regulations begins with discussion and action on modification to the liquor ordinance -- several residents address the Council and the Crew hears a lot of the same statements being made in favor of the Irish Pub as were made in favor of Uncle Dan's, may that business R.I.P. But the Crew admits to looking forward to throwing back a few black and tans when the Irish Pub opens.

@ 1:51:24 mark -- And we quote the 6th ward's Unfriendly Ghost, "There needs to be a synergy and if this is the fulcrum of the genesis of the type of establishments we will be supportive of in the future, I believe that there needs to be a synergistic center in which these establishments can feed off of one another." And the PRU Crew is very pleased to hear the 6th ward's Unfriendly Ghost offer this type of quotational specificity. We got a big kick out of it! We thought about offering an equally syllabically laiden push back, but we're still too busy laughing!

@ 2:15:35 mark -- Discussion and action begins on TIF/Intergovernmental agreement, as Mayor Schmidt exits the Chamber, we assume in part, to congratulate the Irish Pub owners and perhaps plan another social rendezvous with the Irish Pub owners before the next Council meeting on this issue?

@ 2:23:37 mark -- Discussion and action begins on Zoning Text Amendment to supermajority voting.

@ 2:27:31 mark -- Residents begin addressing the Council.

@ 2:31:10 mark -- We sincerely offer PRUdos to Alderman Don Bach. Thank you Alderman Bach for your clarity, honesty, and candor on this issue. This moment may rank as your finest in your public service effort to date.

@ 2:38:53 mark -- Procedures and Regulations ends.

@ 2:39:15 mark -- Mayor Schmidt resumes the COW chair.

@ 2:39:22 mark and 2:39:53 mark -- City Manager Hock requests closed sessions.

@ 2:40:31 mark -- New Business begins and includes discussion of Thursday night's budget hearing, supporting budget documents available on the City's website, and other budget related matters.

@ 2:46:50 mark -- Move to adjourn to closed session.

April 13, 2010

We'll Loan You A Pair!

Gentlemen of the City Council of Park Ridge, your attention please!

Take which ever hand you may favor -- reach down the front of your pants -- feel around for a while. Notice anything missing?

That's right.

So the PRU Crew is willing to loan each of you a pair.

Each of you apparently needs a pair in order to be able to tell certain special interest groups something they may not be willing to hear -- "No."

"No" -- to the Park Ridge O'Hare Airport Commission whose membership is so delusional they seem to truly believe some lobbyist, no matter what level of funding provided, can succeed where history should have taught us more expensive legal arguments have failed.

"No" -- to the Park Ridge Teen Center because it's not the taxpayer's responsibility to entertain other people's ennui-riddled offspring. Ask the Teen Center to dip into
their own reserves (.pdf).

"No" -- to the Park Ridge Fine Arts Society because it's not the taxpayer's responsibility to entertain anybody and because, again, they too can dip into their own reserves (.pdf).

"No" -- to the Brickton Art Center who should not only be required to stay within the parameters of their own budget (.pdf), but should also consider charging entrance fees for their bi-monthly art exhibits, among other things.

"No" -- to the Park Ridge Historical Society for whom the most recent Federal Tax form 990 (.pdf) we can find is from 2004! WTF?

"No" -- to the Park Ridge Cultural Arts Council who seems to have bested the Park Ridge Historical Society on the Federal Tax form 990 front! Their most recent filing available for public review dates back to 2000! (.pdf).

"No" -- to Park Ridge Senior Services, a.k.a. the Park Ridge Senior Center, for the same reasons we cited above for the Park Ridge Teen Center! Taxpayers do not owe Senior citizens an entertainment center for their exclusive use simply because they've become citizens of a certain age -- Park Ridge Senior Services can dip into their own reserves (.pdf) if they choose not to up their program and membership fees. And do not for one minute suggest the funding of the Meals on Wheels program at the Senior Center comes close to what the general public believes it to be -- this is a local program which should be run exclusively through Lutheran General Hospital, as the law demands not-for-profit hospitals "dispense enough charity care" in order to maintain their tax exempt status.

"No" -- to the Kalo Foundation because until the City can get its own financial house in order, taxpayers should not be asked to fund still another art-history-hobby group whose own fund raising efforts (.pdf) appear to need much more dedicated effort.

"No" -- to Rainbow Hospice whose funding from the City of Park Ridge is largely symbolic, and who then reportedly uses some portion of that taxpayer provided funding for a sponsorship berth at the Taste of Park Ridge, Inc. for whom, incidentally, there are no published Federal Tax form 990s that we could find. And again we suggest Rainbow Hospice be asked to dip into their reserves (.pdf), while the City of Park Ridge is bleeding red ink.

So gentlemen of the Park Ridge City Council, hoist 'em up and just say "No!" until you can manage to get this city back on some kind of healthy financial footing. Grab your pair on loan and make the decision that contributions to community groups, which do not provide essential services to either the general public or individuals in need, are not the luxuries on which we can afford to spend seriously limited taxpayer dollars in the coming year.

But because the PRU Crew are not a pack of heartless bastards, contrary to what people may have heard, we are willing to carve out two exceptions during the coming fiscal year for two community groups engaged in charitable endeavors -- the Center of Concern (.pdf) and the Maine Center for mental health (.pdf).

However, we're as willing to tell the Center of Concern and the Maine Center to go take a flying leap along with every other privately operated, non-profit group if neither of them, along with every other privately operated community group, doesn't have enough respect for the taxpayers to publish their most recent Federal Tax form 990s or annual reports on their websites for public review, at a minimum! Nobody should have to search and dig for any of this information -- it should be offered freely and willingly to the general public who is providing some measure of funding for each of these efforts.

And the gentlemen on the Park Ridge City Council should demand nothing less on behalf of the taxpayers whom they are supposed to represent.

April 12, 2010

We Recommend --

Lifted from salon.com/story

For those of you paying attention to City Council antics, you'll want to stock-up on some good old fashioned lubrication in preparation for the screwing you're likely to get this week from your representatives -- we use the term really really really loosely.

Tonight's City Council
COW agenda (.pdf) is set to cover topics under Public Safety, Public Works and Procedures and Regulations.

Topics to be covered under Procedures and Regulations look to be particularly entertaining.

Once again it appears the 4th ward's Alderman James Allspaghetti has taken some liberty in clarifying the cover memorandum submitted for public review by the City Attorney -- Here's a link to the original cover memorandum and here's a link to the revised cover memorandum regarding Supermajority voting to override denials by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

The revised language reads --
Alderman Allegretti states that this change is only directed at the ordinance adopted November 16, 2009, which he believes misstated the intent of the Council by requiring 6 votes instead of 5 votes as intended.
Our faithful PRU readers can review the videos of the November 16, 2009 meeting here -- the subject of supermajority voting is covered in videos #3, #4, and #5. So how about it PRU readers, do you think after talking the issue of supermajority voting to death, to borrow a phrase Ald. Allspaghetti so often likes to use, can any of the Aldermorons claim to not have been clear on what they were voting for or against?

And as everyone should understand by now, the only reason this issue has come up again is because Ald. Allspaghetti is doing his incompetent best to see to it Park Ridge has the privilege of billboards being erected within our borders. And in light of the legal cites and legal history surrounding the issues of billboards, zoning and fees -- the only question remaining is what exactly is in this for Aldermoron Allspaghetti, personally, because this guy has never worked this hard for any other single piece of City legislation in his entire term in office.

Also under Procedures and Regulations is a cover memorandum (.pdf) from City Manager Jim Hock discussing the District 207 Board of Education's proposal to add nominal interest to the deferred TIF payment from the City of Park Ridge -- and as we bantered back and forth in the comments on this post, it does indeed appear the discussion between the City Manager and the Board was, in fact, interesting.

Hopefully, the videos from tonight's meeting will be available for review at some point in the future!

April 9, 2010

Guest Essay! Sit Down At the Table!

Photo credit: reachgreenpeas on CiteHR.com

Open Letter to
District 207 Board of Education
Maine Teachers Association

From: COLLEENHIRSCHBINE(at)*******.net

Subject: Questions Board and MTA

ssullivan@maine207board.org, dpellar@maine207board.org, emueller@maine207board.org, mmcgrath@maine207board.org, eleys@maine207board.org, eburk@maine207board.org, jbraam@maine207board.org, kwallace@maine207.org, gdietz@maine207.org, maineteachersassociation@gmail.com

Date: Thursday, April 8, 2010

As you are aware I spoke at both the March and April Board meetings. In March I brought up the impact on the students in losing guidence counselors, who are extremely important to students during the educational process. Directly stating that Ms. Adams (Maine East) is my daughter's second guidence counselor and by her being RIFFed it would impact my daughter. I learned at the Board meeting that she will be returning next year at least part time. I thank you for efforts you continue to make to keep the staff in our schools.

In further review of the Maine 207 Board and the teachers union, I have found something I wish to address.

1. It appears to me that the Board has attempted in a reasonable manner to ask the MTA to sit down in the interest of options other then RIF (reduction in force) 75 of the teachers they represent.

2. As I see it changing the calander to 5 less school days could have a significant impact on the current financial issues we are currently facing, in that it would save 5 days teachers salaries, 5 days administrative salaries, and would reduce expenses normally used to operate the building for those 5 days. I believe this will be savings if directed towards keeping our teaching staff in place and would be of great benefit to the students, teachers, and our schools as a whole.

With this said I would like to know more about the Article I section 8 clause in the contract which in part reads,

"In the event of a financial disaster, the duly authorized representatives of
both parties shall meet to review action taken or to be taken by the Board
and/or Administration in response to the disaster and to recommend adjustments or modifications thereto."
1. Due to the financial crisis that the district is currently experiencing, is the MTA in accordance with this clause obligated to sit down with the Board and discuss potential adjustments and modifications such as reducing the school calander by 5 days.

2. In reading the contract, it states,

"So long as the minimum number of pupil attendance days required by
law is satisfied, the 185-day requirement will be reduced when schools have been closed for duly declared emergencies, up a maximum of five (5) days."
What is the definition of duly declared emergencies? Could this be a way to reduce the calander by 5 days without reopening the entire contract? If both the Board and the MTA declare the 5 day reduction as a duly declared financial emergency requiring the closing of the school?

3. How much total would the district save closing all 5 schools for the 5 additional days?

4. Would the Board agree to use all these saved funds to keep the 75 teachers in place?

5. Would the Board provide funds from the reserve to assist in keeping all of the 75 teachers, should the school be allowed to close for an additional 5 days a year?

As stated by MTA Board President Emma Visee in her statement to the BOE on 02/01/2010, "Rhetoric and emotions aside, the members of the Maine Teacher Association have recognized and acknowledged the financial situation of District 207. Our research teams spent two months this past fall pouring over district financials and impact data."

1. You acknowledge the financial situation of District 207. Why not sit down with the Board and hear the available option?

2. By sitting down with the Board, wouldn't it appear you are attempting to work for the 75 teachers who are losing their jobs as a result of the RIF?

3. As your raises are considered "cost of living increases," do you think it is fair to refuse to communicate when the cost of living increase is ZERO? Try living on Social Security, no cost of living increase, and no one to fight about it!

4. Do you honestly believe your posturing is positve representation to ALL the people covered by the contract, the student's, and the schools?

Again I will repeat...The ones at risk of losing in this battle between the MTA and BOE is the students and people losing their jobs. This is not a time to think of ourselves. I do not believe anyone becomes a teacher for the great pay and benefits they receive. I believe a person becomes a teacher because they have a desire to make a difference in the life of the students they teach, and teach them something that they are passionate about.

There is no harm at sitting down at the table and hearing cost saving ideas from both sides of the table.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Colleen Hirschbine

Below is a video of Ms. Hirschbine's remarks to the District 207 Board of Education and Maine Teachers Association at the April 5, 2010 Board of Education meeting.

April 8, 2010

School District 64 Invites You To Play --

In an online Herald-Advocate article headlined, Board won't share name of 'preferred' superintendent candidate, we read "We're not ready to let go of the candidate's name and information yet," said School Board President John Heyde.

And in an email sent out yesterday --

Message from District 64 Board President John Heyde

To All District 64 Parents:

Just a reminder that you are invited to an informal reception tomorrow – Thursday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. – to meet and learn about the preferred candidate identified by the Board of Education for District 64 Superintendent. We would like to introduce this candidate to our community before making a final decision. It is also an opportunity for the candidate to hear first-hand about the vision we have for our schools. We encourage you to join us for coffee, cookies and conversation.

Preferred Candidate Reception
Thursday, April 8 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Washington School
1500 Stewart Ave., Park Ridge,

John Heyde, President
Board of Education

So you see people, if the District 64 School Board shared the name of the 'preferred' superintendent candidate before the Mystery Date reception it would totally ruin the game!

The PRU Crew is wondering, if the Mystery Date superintendent candidate wears a name tag, will it look something like this --

We're inclined to suggest, if name tags are passed out, everybody put a big ? mark in the name space provided.

The PRU Crew is also wondering if this Mystery Date reception, which sounds a lot like a public meeting, passes the demands of the IOMA -- which tends to put a damper on the games elected officials enjoy playing, but far be it from us to spoil all the fun!

April 7, 2010

Finally! Budget Workshop and Council Meeting Videos!


We've placed the most recent video first, since last Monday night's City Council meeting contains the newest information and action in relation to the City budget -- the rest are posted in descending date order.

We strongly encourage those who've not listened to the audio tapes, or read the extremely scanty coverage in the local rags to give your time to viewing the meeting videos. As time allows, the PRU Crew will attempt to add indexing to the videos to give our faithful PRU readers an idea of what comes up for discussion throughout the meetings. But DO NOT FEEL YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR US! We will not mind at all if you all go whipping through these on your own! Really! We're o.k. with that!

All of what the City Council is doing is precisely what your government is supposed to debate and vote for or against on your behalf, presumably in representing your best interests.

How's that working for you so far?

City Council Meeting 4-5-2010

City Council Budget Workshop 3-31-2010

City Council Budget Workshop 3-29-2010

City Council Budget Workshop 3-27-2010

April 2, 2010

For That Freshly Risen Feeling!

Spray On Jesus!

Lifted from The Huffington Post

"Aerosol de Poder Atraccion!" -- that's "Attraction Power Spray" for you gringos.

20% more free with "Three Kings Frankincense and Myrrh legitimate oil!"

Yeah yeah, we already know where we're going -- and we're going to roast peeps when we get there!

And for our more reverent and faithful PRU readers, we offer --

By artist Gary LeMaster at The Eggshell Sculptor.com

Enjoy a Happy Easter!

April 1, 2010

Cluster F#@%K! -- Addendum! and ***

As some of our faithful PRU readers may have noted a comment was left on our last post saying audio of the Saturday budget workshop is now available on the City website. How exciting!

So we visited the City website. Yes! The audio for the Saturday budget workshop is available on the City website, if you can find it! The search will go something like this:

-- Go to the City home page
-- Click on the menu item Calendar and Agendas (left side of your screen)
-- Click on Look Up Past Events
-- Scroll down to the line item and click on 3/27/20108:30 a.m. City Council Budget Workshop
And voila! You'll see "Video Recording of this Meeting: (will be available when processing is complete on YouTube)" and below that two possibilities for listening to the audio recording of the Saturday budget workshop.

But should you not be able to find the correct web page for the Saturday budget workshop audio recording, and should you find yourself equally or more interested in Monday night's 3/29/20107 p.m. Special City Council Meeting & Budget Workshop***, you can click on that line item and -- voila! You can still listen to the audio recording OF THE SATURDAY BUDGET WORKSHOP! -- because, as of our last check at 10 a.m. today, it's posted under the Monday City Council meeting too!

And at this point, the PRU Crew doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

We suppose we should take some twisted measure of sickening comfort in reading on the City website that --

4/1/20107 p.m. CANC Special City Council Meeting & Budget Workshop: This event has been cancelled.

4/3/20108 a.m. CANC Special City Council Meeting & Budget Workshop: This event has been cancelled.

Addendum --

The audio file for last night's meeting can be heard here:
3/31/20107 p.m. City Council Budget Workshop

*** -- the correct audio tape is now available.