August 22, 2008

Let The Sunshine In!

Photo by: Joel Bedford, "Where Time Stands Still (Morning Glory)" - Flickr

Once again, we offer PRUdos to Alderman Dave Schmidt (1st ward) for his continued fight against the forces of darkness! Excellent letter to the editor yesterday, Alderman Dave!

Have a bright and peaceful weekend!


Anonymous said...

i am one of those residents who believe that city, park district and school district government should all be open, transparent and accountable to us, especially when they are spending our money like drunken sailors on shore leave.

i'm grateful that at least the city council has one ald. schmidt to stand up for me and the many residents like me. too bad the other two governing bodies (and especially school dist. 64) have none.

Anonymous said...

Nice letter Alderman Dave! You rock... just like yesterday.

Anonymous said...

BIG THANKS to Ald. Schmidt for representing all of us against those who represent only their friends and special interests.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Ald. Dave!

e.e.: Be may be insulting some drunken sailors with that one!

Anonymous said...

Howie has turned our town into a circus with a "for sale" sign, having the proceeds go right into his pocket.
I'm so sick of all of it.
Why IS it that he thinks he can make up his own rules? It's beyond comprehension.
Rock on, Alderman Dave!

Anonymous said...

Again it is Dave Schmidt that communicates solid reasoning and consideration for Park Ridge in another open letter to the people. Keep up the good works Alderman Schmidt!

Anonymous said...

Howie is on his way out.....s/bound on Cumberland then turn east until the hat floats!!

See ya!

PS Welcome back Sonny's Pizza
( Gumba Joe's that is).

Anonymous said...

Mayor Frimark = Closed door deal cutting in smoke filled rooms.

Alderman Dave = Open Government

Park Ridge you need to pick.

Anonymous said...

the vacant car dealerships are getting to be an eyesore, especially the one on Greenwood. Is this another thing that the people of PR are going to be held financially responsible for cleaning up?

Anonymous said...

I see that Mayor Blase in Niles is stepping down. He starts his trial in September. Could this be a sign of things to come in PR?

Anonymous said...

If Mayor Frimark does get his do lets hope the next mayor is more like Dave Schmidt. People like Bob Trizna and Joe Baldi have served this town with dignity and ought to be mentioned on the list of potential candidates. Bob Trizna, a well-respected lawyer and frequent contributor to this site is someone who knows who the people need and want to better this community.

Anonymous said...

you mean someone whose agenda is to serve ALL of the citizens of Park Ridge and NOT limiting it to himself and his cronies?
hmmmm. WHAT a concept!

Anonymous said...

Good grief! What kind of an idiot puts Trizna and Baldi on the same short list? Those two former elected officials could not be more different.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone who values honesty in government above differences in style or politcal view?

Anonymous said...

Nice post-mass message from Fr. Gundersen on Saturday nite (and I assume on Sunday too).

Sign the petition in the hallway, we all support PADS.

Go to the meeting at Emerson on Monday night and wear white to show your support.

SPC here it comes . . .