February 8, 2010

A Monday Two-fer!

#1 --

Once again this evening, our lack-lustrious City Council will hold a COW meeting. The Finance & Budget, Public Works and Public Safety fun is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber.

On the
agenda (.pdf) are interesting little gems such as discussion of the water fund and sewer rehabilitation program, and an update on the red light camera from Chiefski.

The PRU Crew can hardly wait to watch the verbal contortions and distortions from some of the Aldermopes as to why water usage should continue to be subsidized.

#2 --

Below is the video from last Wednesday's City Council meeting. Can you spot the opening salvo for another bite at the rotten billboard apple?

video #00000.MTS PRCC 2/3/10

We knew that you could.


Anonymous said...

Rotten is the key word here when you decribe the "Rino's [ 3dr political party of Park Ridge ].
Republican in name only - oh yea!

T - Taxed
E - Enough
A - Already

Anonymous said...

Tea?!?!?! Oh god no!!!! Not the Teas Party!! If Palin speaks on the steps of 505 Butler I will puke!!!

Anonymous said...

Palin, Schakowsky, what's the diffference? Two sides of the same coin, babbling partisans to the max.

And don't kid yourselves, elephant-people: If Palin looked like Schak, she wouldn't even have been elected mayor of dinky-town Alaska.

Anonymous said...

Can't figure out what a Supermajority is? (38:30)

Let's make it an action item.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:32:

Thanks for the clue.

Allegretti could barely spit out the words because he knows he's trying to pull a fast one.

What a jerk.

Anonymous said...

Anon 406,

I would sort of like to see Palin speak on the steps of Butler Pl.

I wonder what sort of notes she would write on her palm to talk to the people of PR.

Anonymous said...

10:11 -

"I can see Des Plaines from here."

Anonymous said...

Well, Ryan did himself proud last night... NOT. When the video comes up go to the end of the last video... New Business under the agenda. Ryan, either by himself (which would be hard to beleive he would have the guts to do) or as the "spokesman" for the anti-Schmidt faction of the Council made a little speech about the Mayor's State of the City address. Apparently, Robert didn't like what the Mayor had to say. Apparently, Robert was quite offended by what the Mayor had to say. Regardless, in his pathetic little speech that he read from a couple of sheets of notepaper, Robert didn't lay out any alterenatives to the Mayor's address, which included the mention a small handful of things the City, the Council and the Mayor need to actually DO. Rather, Robert simply (and simply is the operative word here folks) said he was offended. Oh, and Robert chided the Mayor for not being nicer to his council... they are just a bunch of volunteers, you know.

Robert... you are not a volunteer. You ran for your office and kept someone else who wanted it from getting it. But if that is what you feel you are I suggest you volunteer to step down from your seat as 5th Ward Alderman and let someone who is interested in actually governing take your place.

Bottom line Bob, suck it up and get to work even if the Mayor is a little hard on you or get the hell out of the way and let someone who wants to work for the City step in.

Anonymous said...

Can the residents of the fifth ward call for Robert Ryan's resignation? Can we pass a petition or something to get rid of him?

I can stand the thought of having to wait for the next municipal election to get his #%@ booted out!

M. Anderson said...

Pass all the petitions you like. Ryan won't go. He might even get reelected if a strong candidate won't step forward to run in a year. Better to focus on that process if his removal is what you seek.