February 2, 2010

Primary Election Day!

Every election season, the pols get busy kissing voters' backsides. Give them a reason to keep having to do that -- if you haven't voted yet, today's your last chance to go to the polls for this primary election campaign.

We don't care which party ballot you pull -- we don't care which candidates you vote for.

We only care that you don't waste the opportunity!



Anonymous said...

Don't like the way government is going, vote the other party in.

Still don't like the way things are going vote the other party back in.

Rearranging deck chairs on the Ship of State.

Like a hamster running in a wheel; revolutions all the time but never going anywhere.

The majority stays home and says they have better things to do.

PRU.ADMIN said...

Anon@3:55 --

Did you tire of discussing union and economic philosophy?

As for the current system of democracy, with which you seem to take issue, what do you suggest to replace it?