April 14, 2010

C.O.W. PS/PW/PR 4-12-2010 -- Video!

Begins with the usual opening ceremonies.

@ :39 mark -- Citizens who wish to address the Council on non-agenda items -- Resident Andrew Schwartz comments on the city budget.

@ 2:18 mark -- Mayor Schmidt comments on Polish plane crash and the lowering of the City flag to half mast.

@ 3:54 mark -- Public Works begins with discussion and action on forestry appeal for a tree removal.

@20:07 mark -- Discussion and action on custodial cleaning contract for City Hall begins.

@21:19 mark -- Discussion and action on IDOT resolution begins.

@21:52 mark -- Public Works discussion items begin with discussion of parking issues on Busse Hwy.

@45:04 mark -- Discussion of referendum question regarding funding of sewer relief work begins.

@59:36 mark -- Director of Public Works Spring Season Update begins.

@ 1 hour mark -- Public Safety begins with various reports from Chiefski.

@ 1:17:33 mark -- Fire Chief has no report and Public Safety discussions end.

@ 1:17:50 mark -- Procedures and Regulations begins with discussion and action on modification to the liquor ordinance -- several residents address the Council and the Crew hears a lot of the same statements being made in favor of the Irish Pub as were made in favor of Uncle Dan's, may that business R.I.P. But the Crew admits to looking forward to throwing back a few black and tans when the Irish Pub opens.

@ 1:51:24 mark -- And we quote the 6th ward's Unfriendly Ghost, "There needs to be a synergy and if this is the fulcrum of the genesis of the type of establishments we will be supportive of in the future, I believe that there needs to be a synergistic center in which these establishments can feed off of one another." And the PRU Crew is very pleased to hear the 6th ward's Unfriendly Ghost offer this type of quotational specificity. We got a big kick out of it! We thought about offering an equally syllabically laiden push back, but we're still too busy laughing!

@ 2:15:35 mark -- Discussion and action begins on TIF/Intergovernmental agreement, as Mayor Schmidt exits the Chamber, we assume in part, to congratulate the Irish Pub owners and perhaps plan another social rendezvous with the Irish Pub owners before the next Council meeting on this issue?

@ 2:23:37 mark -- Discussion and action begins on Zoning Text Amendment to supermajority voting.

@ 2:27:31 mark -- Residents begin addressing the Council.

@ 2:31:10 mark -- We sincerely offer PRUdos to Alderman Don Bach. Thank you Alderman Bach for your clarity, honesty, and candor on this issue. This moment may rank as your finest in your public service effort to date.

@ 2:38:53 mark -- Procedures and Regulations ends.

@ 2:39:15 mark -- Mayor Schmidt resumes the COW chair.

@ 2:39:22 mark and 2:39:53 mark -- City Manager Hock requests closed sessions.

@ 2:40:31 mark -- New Business begins and includes discussion of Thursday night's budget hearing, supporting budget documents available on the City's website, and other budget related matters.

@ 2:46:50 mark -- Move to adjourn to closed session.


Anonymous said...

Wow Pru, are you going soft? PRUdos for Bach?????????????

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Yep -- credit where credit is due.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes, the 2am bar....and the synergistic center in which establishments can feed off each other. Hmmmm Well I guess I could stop by New Prospects at 10 pm and pick up a pair of jeans on my way to having a cocktail. Oh wait... there are NO other business open past 9 pm to "feed off" of down there on Main Street. Of coarse it does make perfect sense to get a snoot full at Houllahans and cross Touhy and then a set of railroad tracks to finish up at the Irish Pub.

Anonymous said...

Better then the 2 mile hike to Edison Park where PARK RIDGE tax payers including all of city council and city government go after everyone of their 3 hour pud pulling sessions. I'm sure they'll waste hours micro-managing every inch on how this pub operates from the size of the tv's to length of the waitresses skirts instead of encouraging businesses to fill up the empty spaces in our lovely tax gulping UPTOWN abortion. We should put of billboards! "Stay out, we don't want your business, we like our non revenue generating BEDROOM COMMUNITY"

Anonymous said...

Excellent observation. Agreed.

Bean said...

Anonymous(s) 12:08 and 2:26,

Well...it's an amusing though false "observation"...since no less than a 1/3 of all the City's revenue is generated from property taxes in this ol' "bedroom community"...

...and from what I've seen, this ol' "pud pulling" clowncil is rather fond of PUDS...they sure have seemed to go out of their way to pull all kinds of strings to allow variances for PUDS...

...then again, maybe I'm not understanding what you mean?

In any case...you can be sure this clowncil might do it's very best to make Park Ridge just like Edison Park...which inspires me to ask...do you live in Park Ridge or Edison Park?...and if you live in Park Ridge but find something about Edison Park superior to the atmosphere offered here in Park Ridge, why did you choose to live here?

Anonymous said...

12:08 and 2:26:

Ah, that old chestnut: "Businesses would flock to Park Ridge if only the City was more pro business."

If it wasn't for all the free/subsidized rent in the new Uptown, most of those storefronts would be empty. But just keep telling yourselves retailers really view Park Ridge as a destination retail location. That's what the Chamber of Horrors...I mean, Commerce, wants everybody to believe.

When you roll up your sidewalks at 8:00 p.m., you're never going to become a reall hopping retail mecca.

Anonymous said...

"..and if you live in Park Ridge but find something about Edison Park superior to the atmosphere offered here in Park Ridge, why did you choose to live here?"

Does that mean I have to find PR superior to every other place in every way or move? Wow bean, you hit puritian and "love it or leave it" in the same post!!!!!!

Bean said...

Anonymous @ 2:55,


Yes. I'm so very "puritan"...

I'll presume you were aware of Park Ridge's "bedroom community" atmosphere when you selected Park Ridge as the town in which to live.

Yet, you deride that very same "bedroom community" atmosphere and cite Edison Park as being superior for the "night life" businesses it offers...

Well...there truly is an exceedingly fundamental difference to those two types of atmosphere and the "living" one will experience in either...

...and, now, you want to bring the Edison Park atmosphere to the Park Ridge "bedroom community" atmosphere...so it seems perfectly reasonable to ask why you chose the latter over the former in which to live...or were you unaware of the "Action Ridge" reputation here when you purchased your home?

The issue of being able to patronize a bar with a 2am license seems very important to you and the way in which you want to live...okay, fine...why not move to where such offerings are ALREADY available?...why did you choose to live in Park Ridge?

Anonymous said...


I fundamentally disagree with you on at least two points.

1. You seem to operate on this idea that for someone to live in Park Ridge that must feel that Park Ridge is superior to every other place. If that is your barometer, I would fail as would most of the people I know. There are many things about PR that I find superior to , for example, my old neighborhood in the City. There are also things about my old neighborhood that I feel are superior to here.

2. You operate under this idea this establishment is going to fundamentally change the "bedroom Community atmosphere of Park Ridge" I do not agree with that. Based on the location of the facility I cannot imagine how this going to bother anyone.

Lastly, I never even considered alcohol regulations when I movet to PR. I rarely even drink, let alone frequesnt 2AM bars so I am not in this guys target market. I will tell you that I do prefer Zia's Or Cafe Touche or Nano Pinos or the patio at Maretti's on a day like today. Based on your posts, apparently because of that I should move there.

Anonymous said...

The concept of a "Bedroom Community" is a dead one. The proof is in our consistent budgetary issues. The fact that people in this community and previous and current city councils don't see the need to evolve into a business friendly community is just plain ignorance. When money was flying around and the city couldn't spend it fast enough, then you could preserve a "bedroom community". The economy has changed and unless we want to raise taxes astronomically to make up for these short falls, we need to have commercial tax revenue. I know where I live and have lived here for many years, but it does piss me off to see property that Park Ridge could have had (IE Dempster across from LGH), but too many old snot nosed residents complained that it was zoned commercial and didn't fit "OUR" standard of living. Well guess what? A homedepot is there bringing NILES tons of tax revenue and our city boundaries pretty much surround that area, and I'm sure drones of Park Ridge residents, most likely the same ones that turned their noses at the idea, shop there. Just like all the nah sayers that fought having a sports bar in town, only to go across the border to EPI's in Edison Park. Not because Edison Park is better, but because they offer something that PARK RIDGE refused to. EVOLUTION MR. BEAN. Look it up. Also, look up the definition of insanity, "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" that should be on a billboard in front of city hall.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, you do not live near uptown near Garden st or Fairview because rest assured....it will ultimately bother them. Noise, psarking issues, broken bear bottles ans so on. But kep telling yourself that any business is godd busineiss as long as it's in Park Ridge and it's uptown.

Don't forget that in the end it's NOT just one itty bitty bar, when every other B1 license in the "uptown" will be allowed and more than likely to have the same license. So when you thinking long the lines of... what's this one place gonna hurt, it's not gonna bother anyone, try 5 little places, and that's just for starters.

Bean said...

Anonymous at 3:39,

I'm going to enjoy this, so I thank you in advance...

"1. You seem to operate on this idea that for someone to live in Park Ridge that must feel that Park Ridge is superior to every other place."

Please cite the evidence for the above assumption...

What I have said, at least twice, is that there are fundamental differences between the atmosphere of Edison Park and Park Ridge, within the context of bars and 2am liq. licenses.

You have chosen to live in Park Ridge, yet you deride the "bedroom community" atmosphere, the absence of "night life" offerings and INSIST Park Ridge "become" more like Edison Park...so my question remains unanswered, WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO LIVE IN PARK RIDGE?

There are many things about PR that I find superior to , for example, my old neighborhood in the City."

Such as...?

"There are also things about my old neighborhood that I feel are superior to here."

Such as...?

"2. You operate under this idea this establishment is going to fundamentally change the "bedroom Community atmosphere of Park Ridge. I do not agree with that."

I surely do and you're under no obligation whatsoever to agree...but what you are insisting upon IS a fundamental change to the atmosphere of Park Ridge, which you and I agree is, fundamentally, a "bedroom community." Though we disagree about the revenue-generating aspects of it...

"Based on the location of the facility I cannot imagine how this going to bother anyone."

...heh...oh, just you wait, Henry Higgins... ;) Wheeeeee!

"Lastly, I never even considered alcohol regulations when I movet to PR."

Why not? You surely seem very concerned about them now...and whether or not clowncil members should have to trek a whole 2 miles to drink in EP...

"I rarely even drink, let alone frequesnt 2AM bars so I am not in this guys target market."

I see...just doing your duty as a good citizen to ensure the convenient access to 2am bars for your fellow citizens... I admire your selflessness...

"I will tell you that I do prefer Zia's Or Cafe Touche or Nano Pinos or the patio at Maretti's on a day like today."

...and I enjoyed the terrace at Jason's Deli this afternoon...and in the evening I might again enjoy the sidewalk tables at Starbucks on NWHwy...but oh, shoot, neither of those are open until 2am...dang...my life must lack synergistic fulcrums of genesis...or something...

"Based on your posts, apparently because of that I should move there."

Well...yes...because what you want is there and not here, and each are FUNDAMENTAL (I'm beginning to not like the word for my own guilt at it's over-use) to the different types of atmosphere the two communities offer.

Anonymous said...

If you want to preserve the "Bedroom Community" then you cannot complain about escalating taxes. Taxes are going to go up and up at an alarming rate. A rate so severe that we will have to cut the jobs of fire and police, cut donations to civic organizations simply to balance a budget. That my friend is not the town I moved into. So it has evolved, but done so in the wrong direction. Here are your options:
1) maintain bedroom community
Taxes go up greater then the rate of inflation and we keep our current public safety and live a little tighter.
2) Maintain Bedroom Community
Bitch about taxes, choose to cut public safety, cut civic organizations, and have enough extra money go to starbucks once a day.
3) Become business friendly, mild tax increases, maintain public safety, and still commit to these organizations, and maybe cut back on starbucks.
All options do require us forgetting about O'Hare, thats just stupid.
So which is it Mr. Bean, you can't have it all.
Fyi, you have been combining your arguements from 2 different posters, which is what led to some of the confusing statements.

Anonymous said...

O.K Bean... I'm gonna give it a go... feel free to jump in any time....

Let's once and for all tell the truest of truth about "generated Sales tax revenue" where small independent business is concerned.

A place such as the 2am bar that is proposed, although may be fine for some in the way simple entertainment, does d**k s**t in way of any meaningful revenue. And I mean the kind of revenue that would make any kind of difference to the resident tax paying body.

The ONLY real sales tax revenue we (or any other community benefits from) are places like Jewel Dominicks, or perhaps a car dealer, or big box retailer. Since Park Ridge is a mere 7 square miles, my guess is we stand no real chance of a Target, K-mart, or any big named retailer. So to blow the giant fart of, if we were just more business friendly it would save us from the big bad taxes we pay as residents. One word to that theory... BULLSHIT! It however hasn't stopped some city staff and elected officials from using that very old,very untrue argument. For those here insist on continuing that flacid regurgitation should find new sources of bodies to plagiarize. For those of us who have had our fill, we'll ask you to come up with better arguments thank you very much.

The mere $10,000 the city would receive in it's 1% of any independent small business owner lucky enough to gross 1 million dollars in sales, is never, ever ever gonna lower my taxes. It won't even save a job. So let's please move on from lala land and talk turkey.

If party town USA is what you're looking for I'm with Bean LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE. Even the animals know not to shit where they sleep!

OMG WTF said...

Hey Bean................4:04 and 5:01 don't even know that a girl just kicked their asses !!! Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa !!!

Bean said...

Anonymous @ 6:30,

;)...now now, it's not nice to point and laugh at the noobs...

...and on a more serious note...

Anonymous @ 6:22,

I didn't even get as far up/down the chain of discussion re: the BIG SALES TAX LIE...so good on ya!

Anonymous said...

Your absolutely right, we don't stand a chance at any big box revenue because when we did have a chance. Council said NO, No to Dempster, No to the south side of Higgins, No to Golf Mill. There is open commercial property all over the place, across from Jewel, across from Trader Joes, these may not be big box lots but surely large enough to have something substantial.
You are completely ignorant, just because several of us tax paying residents want to see some commercial development rather then empty lots and empty store fronts doesn't mean we want PARTY TOWN USA. And what is your solution? And what grand ideas do you have for economic stability?
Granted a PUB may not generate a boat load of tax revenue but its better then nothing, better then vacant land. Instead of people driving through town to spend money, perhaps they will drive to our town and spend. Oh but I guess your gonna cry about traffic and broken beer bottles and loud music. I'm tired of hearing neighbors bitch about taxes but then shoot down every idea about generating revenue. Our current tax base cannot support our town, so what is your answer?

PRU.ADMIN said...

Anon@7:26 --

Your last statement begs attention -- our current tax base cannot support our town.

First -- what do you consider to be our current tax base?

Second -- why do you believe the current tax base cannot support our town?

Third -- what is your understanding of where City tax revenue is generated?

Anonymous said...

7:26, first off...What?!?!?!

Did you actually say ANYTHING is better than nothing?

Well then mr/ms lets fill the empty lots and storefronts. Why stop at bar, let's have adult book stores, strip joints, currency exchanges, pawn shops and porn shops. And then we can have great big billboards with arrows pointing and "shop Park Ridge" and make sure you put it right over the sign that says "Park Ridge a great place to live.

Now we are talking generated revenue, but I wouldn't count on that to lower you taxes as a homeowner.

Anonymous said...

7:26 perhaps you should take a look at the "comprehensive Plan" the city has regarding those empty lots.

can you say condo. Would that satisfy the eye polution of emptiness for you. Oh wait....builders aren't building, developers aren't developing and retailer aren't opening new stores.

Ah just fill it with crap...it's better than nothing.

Anonymous said...

You guys are just a lost cause. Yeah when I said somethings better then nothing, I ment porn shops you retard. Obviously I would want respectable establishments. There are plenty out there, but anytime they bring a proposal to the city its as if you want their first born. Pompeii wanted to open a restaurant in town and quickly got the cold shoulder. You guys are right though, lets just stare at the empty lots, by the way, the comprehensive plan??? really??? not very comprehensive. Condos were a great decision in a declining real estate market.

To answer the PRU.
1) Our current tax base is weighted too heavily residential.

2)I don't think the current tax base can support our town, by the simple fact that each year we systematically are losing benefits do to cost cutting measures and now jeopardizing public safety to balance this budget. The town is running lean, its either raise taxes or generate revenue, hopefully both. But to continue year after year trying to cut services is getting ridiculous.
3)There are many avenues in which the city collects funds and way too many to list. Some of which the city can't control, but the ones it can control besides taxes and fees is creating a business friendly environment, by not creating so much red tape and restrictions. The city almost lost Trader Joes because of all the BS.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh an empty space is CRAP, isn't it? So why not fill it with something?

Anonymous said...

It is a good point that the property that was not annexed by Park Ridge across from Luthern is generating a huge chunk of tax dollars. That is one big box we could have had. I tend to agree, we do need some business revenue to support the town. That was a serious miss step.

Anonymous said...

9:45 yea, yea, yea WE'RE the lost causes.

Regulations, ordinances, licenses are so pesky. Tsk Tsk they just get in the way of ANYONE doing ANYTHING they damn well please.

Except people like you are the first one who screams bloody murder when someone does something near you or your home that you like and run to the city for help.

After all your asking the city to be more business friendly to help offset your taxes in a community you chose to live in knowing full well is was made up of primarily single family homes.

Don't mistake the whining about taxes being anything more than the misuse of those taxes.Like funding lost causes over public safety employees foe example.

PRU.ADMIN said...

Anon@9:45 --

I'm gratified you were able to correctly answer the first question. However, your answer includes an element which is wholly a matter of opinion -- the portion describing the tax base as being weighted too heavily residential.

If the character of Park Ridge is one of a heavily residential community -- a bedroom community -- you must allow the possibility that Park Ridge being so is a characteristic a seeming majority of the residents have preferred through both their purchase of homes here as Park Ridge currently exists, as well as their having been willing to maintain that heavily residential character through their willingness to pay a premium through their property taxes to be here.

In response to your second answer, I'm disappointed you weren't more prepared with a more thoughtful and thorough response. Perhaps you chose not to address increased and, very possibly if not unequivocally, unnecessary spending -- we mentioned a number of items in our previous post.

The town has always run lean. Running lean was much less of a problem before local government decided to begin the rather liberal mingling of public funds with far too many private efforts -- to name the most obvious is the Uptown redevelopment project. To name another is the facade improvement program.

What you've also ignored in your response is the broader view of all the revenue sources which are directly attributable to residents, but which do not appear as the property tax line item -- an example would be utility taxes.

We agree, continuing to cut basic services is ridiculous, especially in light of continued spending increases on services which serve few and are by no means basic.

You're correct in your third answer that the city collects funds via many avenues, however, you will find those avenues listed in the city budget, since they are not, as you claim, too many to list.

Creating a business friendly environment, as you characterized it, seems to have come to mean allowing any business owner who whines loud enough to be allowed to forego the rules which many other businesses seem to be able to endure. It is our experience, anectdotal to be sure, the only people who whine more loudly about taxes and fees than do average residents are the average Chamber of Commerce members.

The universal response among the PRU Crew was loud and uproarious guffaws to the hue and cry from the Chamber men and maids lamenting the potential elimination of the Economic Development Director's position -- the wailing, the moaning, the gnashing of teeth...until it was mentioned that perhaps these direct beneficiaries of this city service may want to help secure that position through higher business license fees -- they seem to have swallowed their tongues since that suggestion was made.

Red tape restrictions, as you phrased it, are things like zoning codes, health codes, and property maintenance codes. Enforcement of those codes benefits the whole. Your failure to recognize those restrictions as such bespeaks a lack of serious consideration on your part to the idea of community, and that's a real shame.

As for your last claim, that the city almost lost Trader Joes because of all the BS -- Dear Sir or Madame, someone has been feeding you a pile of bullshit so deep and wide, I wouldn't know where to begin to assist you in regaining your bearings. And for the record, if that someone is either an elected official or a city staff member -- we would first hope the electorate would see fit to remove the elected official from office at the first opportunity, and if that someone is a city staff member we'd seek their immediate termination. They have told you a bald faced lie.

Anonymous said...

Thank you PRU,

For your response and for taking the time in length and patience. Although I seriously doubt they will get it.

I wonder who exactly these people talk to that cons into into believing that nonsense.

Understanding the special interest whiner, is a whole lot less about what they have to offer to the city than it does about them possible making a boat load (of half a boat load these days) at the expense of the city and it's residents.

Anonymous said...

A question for anyone of you who feels this is a "bedroom community" issue. At least some of you seem to be up in arms about the 2:00Am thing.

In the article in the HA, it stated that if this goes through this would be the first liscense granted by the city that permits alcohol sales beyond 1:00 AM.

So are you saying that if this establishment had only a 1:00 AM liscense, which apparently the city has already issued previously, that you would have no problems?

Anonymous said...


Bean said...

Anonymous @ 9:49,

NOW we're getting somewhere...and thank you!

You said..."A question for anyone of you who feels this is a "bedroom community" issue. At least some of you seem to be up in arms about the 2:00Am thing."

I do believe this is a "bedroom community" issue, because what this B2 license grants is a (I apologize in advance...) fundamental change to the atmosphere of the uptown, specifically...and Park Ridge, in general...

...but I will tell you, I'm not "up in arms" about it because I actually DO understand what is being granted here well BEYOND simply a 2am B2 license...and I've not come to any pesonal conclusions about the issue BEYOND the 2am license, which I feel is terribly UNFAIR to EXISTING businesses...and I feel/think 1am is late enough, which I confess is a matter of personal opinion...

You said..."In the article in the HA, it stated that if this goes through this would be the first liscense granted by the city that permits alcohol sales beyond 1:00 AM."

That's correct...but what ISN'T being reported is that not only is this B2 license a matter of extending the hours to 2am...it is ALSO a license which REMOVES the previously required demand for the simultaneous sale of food during the service/consumption of alchol...

You said..."So are you saying that if this establishment had only a 1:00 AM liscense, which apparently the city has already issued previously, that you would have no problems?"

...and here we go...

For me personally, as I stated previously, the 2am license is unfair to the existing 1am licenses...BUT...the issue really goes BEYOND simply hours of sales.

...and right at [that] spot is where my own knowledge, observation and conscience collide...

The liq. ords (on the books) in this town have long made f-ing liars out of its citizenry...the demand that alcohol be served and consumed along with food...and [that] has simply NOT been the practice.

I've watched many many many people, in office and otherwise, sit at the bar section of a restaurant and drink WITHOUT ordering food...this has gone on in EVERY SINGLE ESTABLISHMENT IN TOWN that has a bar section in it's restaurant.

So...now...the liq. ord. B2 license will allow for PURE BAR sales.

...and at one level of my conscience I say, "Dang...it's about f-ing time we stop FAKING our way through liq. ord. restrictions and stop making f-ing liars out of the citizenry."

...and at another level, I'm just not sure I want PURE BARS in town. I'm not sure I want to remove the veil that demands the consumption of food along with alcohol be, at the least, "on the books"...

I'm generally capable of eating and drinking most other folks under the table...but I'm also very aware that without the consumption of food, the effects of liq. are not only quicker but far more..."effective"...

...and do I want the potential fall-out from [that] going on around town?

Well...I don't know.

I think I might not.

The issue is one I see as reaching well beyond just the hours of alcohol sales.

Anonymous said...


I'll add that the demand...er.request for the "pure bar" and 2am extention was presented in the way of competing on "a level playing field".....with other communities. Ignoring the unfair advantage it would posses WITHIN OUR community.

Further more this "presentation" was offered without ONE SHRED of evidence that current businesses are failing due the the current licenses. Quite the contrary, not only have they willingly complied, they are rather successful.

I am curious to know how this fits into the public safety committees, alcohol awareness proclamation.

Anonymous said...


You said of coarse you'd want "respectable" businesses. But later you said to remove all the "red tape and Restrictions".

Sorry Charlie, can't have your cake and eat it too. That red tape and restrictions are EXACTLY what keeps out the "non-respectable" business you speak of. DUH!!

I guess what you speak of is not having rules applied fairly and equally, but rather on a pick and chose basis. THAT kind of thinking really speaks to a friendly business environment...not.

In fact that a sure fire way to keep business OUT!

Anonymous said...

Question: Did any of those other businesses ever petition for a 2 AM liscense?

Anonymous said...

I just found a problem that Mr. Stapleton had with the Tinley Park police:

BREAKFAST BOOZE The owner of J.W. Hollstein's Saloon, Declan Stapleton, was cited for selling alcohol before noon on March 14 at the tavern, 17358 Oak Park Ave., police said.

This is from the Southtown Star, 3/21/2010


Anonymous said...

First its "we don't want bars", then its "we don't want the 2am license", blah blah blah. Pick a point and stick with it. Too much red tape and restrictions do keep respectable businesses out. DUH!!! I hope all of you whiners are boycotting HomeDepot, and Portillos, don't shop at Golf Mill or use any of the Hotels and restaurants on Higgins. And I'm sure none of you use O'Hare either. Hmmmm... I know lifting restrictions is going to let in all the riff raff and PORN, keep banging that drum if it makes you feel righteous.

Anonymous said...


Your link does not work. I searched the archives and found nothing. Can you try again please. I would really like to read the story.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@2:59 --

Copy and paste the link address into your browser window.

Links submitted in comments are not usually live links, unless the commenter is familiar with html code.

Anonymous said...


That is what I did. It links to the Southtown star but says "sorry, the page you requested could not be found".

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:05 --


Give this lowly moderator some time and maybe our P-Tech can take some time to do the code.


PRU.TECH said...

SouthtownStar Blotter

Anonymous said...

Gracias!! Sorry to have you do that. I assumed it was a story rather that an police blotter bullet point. Thanks again!!

Anonymous said...


No not righteous, just ..right thank you.

Tell me how do you define respectable, because I believe your standards are quite low, not low enough for porn I guess, but low enough to excuse pandering, lying, and a big fat nose thumbing to well establish processes, licenses, and an absolute unwillingness to compromise, or discuss a compromise to THEIR PLANS. In the very town by the way that they have chosen to reside, so that tells me, that they are and were familiar with what regulations we currently have.

And please don't even try to buffalo the public that these business men are thinking about the community. What they are thinking about is how much money they think they can make and fuck the community. THAT"S business. is it good business? Is it respectable? I guess it depends who you ask.

Anonymous said...


Let me guess this strait. A person sees a business oportunity in PR. They put together a business plan and decide that for this whole thing to work (by work I mean make money) they are going to need this change from the city. So they go through the process of requesting that change. They even go so far as to "lobby" for that change in the local press. In your mind that makes them a bad unrespectable person trying to F*&k the city??? They are not holding a gun to anyones head. Thye are not lying, simply stating their position. Out city officials have all the information they need to make this decision. All the city has to do, if they feel it is appropriate, is say no. But simply by asking for a change these guys are trying to F*%k the city. hmmmmmmmmm. Does this mentality apply to all businesses or just bars?? Just take the code as written and don't you dare even ask a question or you will be labeled not respectable!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking, there has been discussion about a potential development on Higgins (god knows if anything will ever be done there). There was even talk that what ever the hell this development is might require the city to exercise eminent domain to get the necessary land from existing homeowners. Gee, that would mean that whoever this potential developer is would have to make a request of the city related to these properties and the city, in turn would have to consider their request, of course having the option to say no. Well if this deal ever starts to move I just hope our city officials realize that these are bad business people who are unrespectable and simply trying to make money and f&*K the city. How dare they as for something like that!!!!!

Anonymous said...

April 16, 2010 3:37 PM

Oh yes, how dare a business try and make money. God forbid, Um lets see. If they don't make money, they go out of business, workers lose jobs and we have an empty lot. DUMBASS.
Of course they are going to present a business plan that is profitable.
I guess Starbucks is F$%^ing your brains out aren't they?
We should all picket Starbucks for being profitable, How dare they.
You have just proven how wrong and completely ignorant you are.
Yes I chose to reside here, I thought as a community we would grow, just like any community does. But instead everyone around has made changes but we remain in neutral stuck at the starting line and the cities answer is to cut Public Safety, Fund O'Hare, and Donate to groups for which a limited percentage of the community can even participate in. All the while THUMBING their noses at business attempting to fill our empty lots and store fronts. And its people like you that champion this type of governing.
Get a Clue Lady, be thankful that the business that you work for is F$%^ing the community it resides in, because if it wasn't you would be unemployed.

Anonymous said...

Ah businesses aren't obligated to assist the community, and profit is necessary to thrive. That's why they are taxed by the city. Not sure what your point was. How is business screwing the community? I guess you don't shop anywhere or go out at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't go shopping, that's what my Aupair is for. Hector my lawn care technician takes care of the odds and ends. Phuck Yu my beauty technician brings me Starbucks because those bastards don't deliver. Who has time to go to those pesky businesses when my BMW is in the shop and my Landrover is just too big to drive. OMG can someone tell those planes to fly somewhere else, haven't enough people landed in Chicago today.

Anonymous said...

Thats priceless!!!
I think your my neighbor..lol

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:48

The potential development partnership would be looking for the city or the state to help them buy the properties up and then they will f&*ck the city over by taking the property off the commercial tax rolls and putting it into some tax exempt trust. So we can all look forward to subsidizing the future added property tax load too.

But the story we will get fed is how development of this whacktard museum idea will bring all this revenue to PR by way of shoppers who go to seminars and business education workshops at the whacktard museum. It'll be a pretty similar story we got fed for how Uptown would be a big money mint that would bring all these new tax revenues to PR and spur all this new development around it. Funny thing is the rest of us are subsidizing the Uptown boondoggle to the tune of millions a year while we get service cuts.

I have zero doubt the museum madame is talking it up right at this very moment at the MTRGOP dinner dance where Rosie Mulligan and the gang are kicking off their new and not much improved local GOP party. Funny thing is, didn't the museum madame just recently hold a fundraising party for Sen. Kotowski (D-Park Ridge)?

It's not just about development and business and profit, anon 4:48, it's all about the deal making, backscratcher Combine John Kass talks about. I defy anyone to point to a single instance where that ever turned out for the benefit us regular jamokes.

Bean said...

...heh..."museum madame"...same DipSchmidt supporter who promised him $3k, ya know, should he need any help retiring his campaign debt...oh and, by the way, there's this museum idea...


I swear to God...anybody who comes with more than a couple hundred bucks or time to give is looking for something...

I have NEVER seen ANYthing different...

Anonymous said...

OK.....Now one of you has to go a little deeper here. Are you saying that Mayor Schmidt would be involved in anything as unseemly as you seem to be implying???????

Anonymous said...

7:30 take a pill for gods sake.

The City Council is going to pass this. I love a good debate, particularly about process, but your argument seems be coming out of both sides of your mouth, followed by name calling, and stone throwing.

I bet you pulled wings off of butterflies as a kid.

Anonymous said...

Will anyone answer 7am?