April 19, 2010

Monday PRU Briefs!

#1 -- Listen up!

For those of you interested in hearing the discussion and debate from this past Saturday's 9:00 a.m. Special City Council Meeting, you can do so here.

#2 -- Pony up!

There's another City Council meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. The agenda (.pdf) is chock full of fun! And Park Ridge residents and taxpayers should expect to pony up more funds to the City by way of a Gasoline Tax Increase, Livery Vehicle Sticker Increase, Sewer Rate Increase, and Vehicle Sticker Increase.

#3 -- Belly up!

For those PRU readers who have expressed their interest through blog comments and emails, tonight's City Council meeting includes a first reading of a modification to the liquor ordinance (.pdf). This is another opportunity for interested residents to speak up and let their elected officials know their feelings on the issue of the proposed Irish Pub.

#4 -- Batter up!

For those who may have missed it, last week the District 64 School Board announced the name of their preferred candidate, set to step in and take his turn at bat in becoming the new Superintendent for District 64. The name and the news was finally reported in both a Journal & Topics article as well as an atrociously formatted online article in the Herald-Advocate.

The PRU Crew is looking forward to the likelihood of making jokes, in the future, about District 64 being on a Bender.

#5 -- Screwed up! ***

The following appears on the Park Ridge Recreation and Park District web site --

April 19 Notice: Park Ridge Park District is currently experiencing difficulties with our phone system. We apologize if you are trying to contact us today, and hope to have our phones working soon.

***the notice is gone, so it appears the problem has been fixed.

Keep your shiny side up and have a good day!


Anonymous said...

Pru, thanks for the audio link. I gave it 45 minutes. These people are either crazy or stupid or both.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really wish I could understand what the aldermen are thinking. I wish they would explain why my taxes will go up again but I will have less police protection. I really wish I could understand it.

Anonymous said...


Maybe I can explain it for you.

The aldermorons don't care what we the people say we want.

Get it?

Anonymous said...

For what its worth, I see the council doing the best they can in a terrible time. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I wanted to say that.

Now that I have said that, I think we need new aldermen. The aldermen we have don't sound like they know enough about city finances to figure things out.

Anonymous said...


"The aldermorons don't care what we the people say we want". Has it ever dawned on you that "the people" is not a homogenous group?
If you look at the very vocal people who come to the blogs, it is really a fairly small percentage of the voting population. If you look at the total number of people who have attended the meetings and budget workshops, again a small percentage. Also, remember in that group there were representatives of the unions and community groups who who would differ with some of the opinions. That does not even include chats over the fence of over coffee, or e-mails. My point is you make this statement as if it were cut and dry and that 100% of the city is completely against all of the decisions they have made. That is simply not the case.

JT said...

The council needs an enema. Bad. Please remember all of this when your local aldermoron is kissing hands and shaking babies. Er...you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't know how the question became between cutting the police and fire OR the community groups and O'Hare. . . . We need to cut all of it and then some to get us realistically balanced with the overreaching revenue estimates and the likley cut in state funding to the tune of over $900K.

Anonymous said...


I've been a resident for 12 years and am employed by "ACME"(don't want to publish co. name) Ins. My analysts best estimates are that our communities PPC (Public Protection Classification) or otherwise known as ISO will most likely change from the current score of 3 to a WORSE score of 5. This is primarily due to the loss of an AERIAL LADDER TRUCK and staffing levels below IFSTA standards. Once the new rating is factored the city has 90 days to contest and make changes or the rating is posted and most insurance companies including mine reevaluate the premiums. We are estimating an 11% premium increase. Not a good idea. I placed a link above that you can visit to get a better idea. We should be protesting these fire personnel cuts.

Anonymous said...

I remember when the fire department bought their Fire Truck that it was purchased with grant funds from the state, It was very large sum of money. How is that going to reflect on this city if the fire department has to take this vehicle out of service. What are this cities chances of obtaining another grant in the future if we are not using a very expensive piece of equipment purchased with state grant funds? I have yet to find a compelling argument to make these Public Safety cuts, especially to the fire department. I checked that ISO website, way over my head, but it raises a point which I haven't heard any of these alderman address.

Anonymous said...

Hey I wonder if city council would like to donate rubber bands to the the troops in Iraq, I mean isn't sending them rubber bands to fight a war like tossing $185k to fight an airport that just received $415 million.

If this doesn't get vetoed then this will go down as the most ignorant council group yet.