August 7, 2008

Doan Porget To Wahr Yewr Happy Slip!

Have a great long weekend!

note -- until YouTube gets their act together, if you want to view the 'Chill Pill' video, you can use this link


Anonymous said...

After reading Nan Parson's latest missive in the Advocate today, I need several bottels of chill pills. I can see why P&R felt the Fair Housing Ordinance needed some fine tuning. Keep up the good work fellas, another 5 to 2 vote is in order on the 18th! Maybe then Ms. Parson would do us all a favor and resign.

Anonymous said...

My hats off to you if you got through the thing. I stopped reading about 1/2 way through it. I couldn't take any more of that blabbering.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is that she keeps saying that "They are taking away her judicatorial powers and her power to investigate. The fair housing commission never had those powers. She also complains about not being able to educate. However, the real estate agents have to attend classes and take tests that cover fair housing every year.

I heard she wanted to go into the district 64 schools and teach the primary grade children about fair housing. Thank God they didn't let her in our children's schools.

Keep in mind that in Park Ridge Fair housing has had one complaint in ten years. That complaint was determined to be an argument between a landlord and a tenant over a parking spot.

Nothing to do with fair housing at all.

I think Nan is getting a little weird/eccentric in her old age. Doesn't dementia start setting in when you are in your seventies?

Anonymous said...

I was at the last City Council Meeting. A woman got up and gave this speech and people got up and talked and explained that she never had those powers in the ordinance. Was that woman Nan Parsons?

Anonymous said...

I am offended by Nan Parson’s reference to “citizens who are threatened by difference and change”, “Naysayers“ and “fearful people”. I would like to clarify that most residents work long hours, while trying to pay medical bills, mortgage, and their children’s college tuition. Ms Parson should get to know the people that share her space; they are not fearful or threatened by diversity, but by the shrinking economy.

This is not the affluent community it was 35 years ago – times have changed and we can’t afford her hobby. She is a privileged, retired social worker, in need of a pastime and that pastime shouldn’t burden taxpayers.

Also, isn’t Ms Parson responsible for luring PADS into Park Ridge?

KaiserSosay said...

Are they trying to take her power?

Now where have I heard that before?

Anonymous said...

Not only are they trying to take power, but her passion is to diversify the town, provide section 8 housing and have HUD come in.

She wants Park Ridge to hold diversity days just like Evanston. I say you should move to Evanston Nan. I don't mind any person living in our town, religion or race that can afford to live here, but if we are going to give away houses for much less a price then why can't I live in the Hamptons?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 2:39. That was Sue Bell, Nan Parson's side kick. Friend of Howard Frimark.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the Ekl report due out by now???