October 30, 2009

Have A Happy All Hallows Eve!

At last Monday's Council COW, resident George Johnson raised the issue of local blood drives -- asking that people in Park Ridge make the effort to donate.

Also at last Monday's COW, the Council also discussed the issue of a temporary public art policy but chose to defer the item until more information could be reviewed.

The PRU Crew first discussed the issue of public art back on June 16, 2008. What we profoundly concluded is, art appreciation is subjective and personal. Our opinion on that hasn't changed.

So, what could be better -- and just in time for a creepy Halloween holiday -- than when art meets blood!

'Self' by: Marc Quinn at .factum-arte.com

What you are looking at --

"Quinn's signature piece is often considered to be Self , a frozen sculpture of the artist's head made from 4.5 litres of the artist's own frozen blood taken from his body over a period of five months. This work is repeated every five years and will result in a unique record of the artist aging."

What the...!!!???!!!

Besides concluding art appreciation is subjective and personal, here is what else we've concluded -- some "artists" are total wankers and deserve to starve!

Have a spooktacular weekend!

October 29, 2009

Planning and Zoning!

As our faithful PRU readers know, the Crew has been trying to draw your attention to some proposed changes in the way planning and zoning issues will be handled in the future -- moooooving forward.

We discussed the potential for changing the dynamics of how Park Ridge city government functions in our
October 8th post -- Your Attention, Please! We also mentioned the issue again at the end of our October 21st post -- Pronunciation: \kə-ˈrəp-shən\.

At next Monday's City Council meeting, the Council will be discussing, debating and possibly voting on recommendations made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Council will construct the process by which zoning text amendments are treated.

Posted on the City's website, for Monday night's meeting, are two background documents related to how planning and zoning issues will be handled in the future -- moving forward.

The PRU Crew feels the following memo titled "First reading of an ordinance for text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Case Number TA-09-02" is a must read.


The third paragraph of the background memo says --

Section 4.8

The Commissioners agreed that the current review process protects the system from potential political influence. The Commission serves as a proper check and balance to the system. Private parties have appropriate recourse through the Circuit Court if the Commission denies a text amendment. The Commissioners found that proposed changes to section 4.8 would be appropriate. The Commission suggested that the new chart describing the Council’s review authority should be revised to reflect a two thirds super majority vote required by Council in the first and fourth lines, and that the Council vote should be changed to “not applicable” in the second line. The Commissioners also recommended that the second line, under further action, be changed to state: None, Planning and Zoning Commission is final.”

The first two sentences sum up the entire issue beautifully. The matter really is as simple as preserving proper checks and balances, and discouraging the potential for political influence.

Any questions?

October 28, 2009

Our Briefs Runneth Over!

#1 -- Come on, feel the noise! -- PROAC

For any PRU readers looking for some free entertainment this evening, you may want to check out what's going on at the meeting of the Park Ridge O'Hare Airport Commission. The meeting begins at 7:00 pm in the Mayor's Conference room on the 2nd floor at City Hall.

#2 -- Better late than never! -- Park District Videos

Once again, attention Park Board Wannabes! The Park Ridge Recreation and Park District has finally managed to post the most recently available videos of their meetings. The next scheduled special meeting for the Park Board will be on Thursday, November 5th in the Board Room of the Maine Park Leisure Center -- the meeting begins at 7:30 pm.

#3 -- B.O.H.I.C.A! -- Property Taxes

A report in yesterday's Chicago Tribune warns of 'Double-digit property tax increases in city, Cook County suburbs' The article also provides a link to a map (.pdf) showing the median increases in property taxes for municipalities -- Park Ridge's median increase over last year is only 6.2%! Doesn't everyone feel just great about that?

The median property tax for Park Ridge is $7,176 -- and the PRU Crew is very pleased not to be living in Winnetka!

#4 -- Down on their luck! -- Knights of Columbus Fish Fry

Last Friday, the Knights of Columbus hosted a Fish Fry at St. Paul of the Cross. All proceeds raised will go to the St. Paul of the Cross Sunday Suppers, a joint venture of the members of the PRMA (Park Ridge Ministerial Association).

As some of you may recall, the PRMA was also the chief sponsor for the effort to open a PADS Homeless shelter in Park Ridge. When the PADS organization took their shelter idea back and went home to Palatine, the PRMA responded to the christian call by beginning the Sunday Suppers program at St. Paul of the Cross.

For the Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, in support of the PRMA/St. Paul of the Cross Sunday Suppers, all of the churches involved in the PRMA, as well as Adrienne Timm and the rest of the "Social Concerns Ministry" at St. Paul of the Cross, were invited to attend.

But clearly the Knights of Columbus were down on their luck, since not a single invited member showed up to support the Knight's efforts.

#5 -- Speaking of pretending to care! -- Faux Cardboard Duvet

Our PRU.Tech found the following item online. The Crew feels this is in really really bad taste, which is of course why we love it!

The above item comes courtesy of dutchbydesign.com and is being marketed as "The Home Duvet lets you sleep under a cardboard box so a homeless person doesn't have to!" and "30% of the gross profits go to Centrepoint, the UK charity for homeless young people aged 16-25."

Everyone got that? You can pretend to care about the homeless and pretend to experience sleeping under a cardboard box! That's even more convenient than giving up your time one whole night a week or showing up to eat Knights of Columbus Fish on Fry-day!

October 27, 2009

Video Special PRCC & PRCOW 10-26-09

video #00000.MTS Special PRCC 10-26-09

Special City Council meeting begins on discussion of restoration of parking area for 31-33 S. Prospect Ave.

@11:30 mark -- Aldermen present unanimously vote to approve (Bach and Carey absent)

video #00001.MTS PRCOW 10-26-09

Committee of the Whole meeting begins.

@01:10 mark -- Resident George Johnson addresses the COW regarding local blood drives

@05:30 mark -- Mayor Schmidt offers an announcement from Police Chiefski about Teen Halloween movie night at the Pickwick theater

@06:36 mark -- Finance and Budget committee meeting begins with discussion and vote on modification to the water ordinance

@12:08 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve

@12:15 mark -- Discussion of renewal of lease with All On The Road catering for Metra station

@19:00 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve

@19:12 mark -- Discussion of increase for Metra station coin box parking fee

@20:30 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve

@20:39 mark -- Discussion begins on Finance Director Diane Lembesis' report on issuing bonds to increase cash for the Uptown TIF

@22:10 mark -- Procedures and Regulations committee begins with discussion of Historic Preservation ordinance

@24:00 mark -- Alderman Ryan offers an amendment regarding awards

@30:31 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Anita Bloom addresses the COW

@33:35 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Judy Barclay addresses the COW

@40:54 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Randy Derifield addresses the COW

@43:55 mark -- Mayor Schmidt suggests the possibility of creating another task force.

@48:10 mark -- Alderman DiPietro motions a substitute for the whole to remove section R from the Historic Preservation ordinance

video #00002.MTS PRCOW 10-26-09

Begins with continuation of discussion on Aldermen DiPietro's and Ryan's amendments

@00:43 mark -- Resident Frank Partipillo addresses the COW

@03:15 mark -- Resident Lloyd Godfrey addresses the COW

@04:46 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Judy Barclay again addresses the COW

@05:27 mark -- Aldermen vote 3 (Sweeney, DiPietro and Wsol) to 2 (Allegretti and Ryan) to approve substitute for the whole and remove section R from the Historic Preservation ordinance

@05:50 mark -- Discussion begins again on the main motion for approval of the Historic Preservation ordinance

@06:10 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Judy Barclay again addresses the COW

@07:57 mark -- Resident Joan Sandrik addresses the COW

@15:20 mark -- Alderman DiPietro motions to defer approval of the Historic Preservation ordinance

@18:00 mark -- The PRU Crew is given reason to strongly suspect some Aldermen do not read all the items provided to them in their Saturday packets, or they do not visit the City website to review minutes in preparation for discussion and debate on recommended ordinances

@19:45 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to defer approval

@20:27 mark -- Discussion begins on approval of 2nd amendment to the easement and operating agreement for the Uptown redevelopment Phase II

@22:07 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve

@22:17 mark -- Discussion on temporary public art policy begins

@26:06 mark -- Alderman Wsol motions to defer approval

@33:03 mark -- Aldermen vote unanimously to defer approval

@33:51 mark -- Discussion begins on modification to 3P Policy Manual for Special Events

@34;14 mar -- Alderman DiPietro motions to defer approval due to absences and pending notification to effected parties

@36:05 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to defer approval

@36:16 mark -- Discussion of Health and Property Maintenance enforcement begins

@45:50 mark -- City Attorney Buzz Hill comments on the Park Ridge "fine scale" and suggests "fines ought to reflect the cost of...having to enforce our codes."

~~THUD!!!~~ Jeez, Attorney Hill, you think?!?!

video #00003.MTS PRCOW 10-26-09

Begins with continuing discussion of Health and Property Maintenance enforcement

@09:05 mark -- Alderman Allegretti requests the City Attorney research State "nuisance" laws for possible adoption by the City Council

@10:23 mark -- Discussion of Video Poker begins

@13:49 mark -- Mayor Schmidt comments on "morality" of video poker and suggests taking action on the issue

@16:25 mark -- Alderman DiPietro motions to refer the issue to the next Procedures and Regulations committee meeting for action

@17:04 mark -- Des Plaines resident John Boryk addresses the COW

@20:35 mark -- Alderman Allegretti seconds Ald. DiPietro's motion

@20:40 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve DiPietro's motion to take action on the Video Poker issue at the next Procedures and Regulations committee meeting

@21:20 mark -- Public Works committee begins with discussion on Land Grades

@40:21 mark -- Mayor Schmidt comments on City enforcement of City building codes

video #00004.MTS PRCOW 10-26-09

Begins with continuing Public Works discussion of Land Grades

@12:24 mark -- Resident Jeff Getz addresses the COW

@33:26 mark -- Resident Joan Sandrik again addresses the COW

@35:27 mark -- Resident Cliff Kowalski addresses the COW

@36:47 mark -- CURRB spokesperson Judy Barclay addresses the COW

@38:10 mark -- Mayor Schmidt asks if there is any new business and Ald. DiPietro confirms the Saturday meeting of the Flood Control Task Force

@38:36 mark -- Mayor Schmidt requests City Attorney Hill to provide his answers in a report to the Council regarding the ethics violation process

@39:10 mark -- COW adjourns

Thanks for your patience today, people -- busy morning.

October 26, 2009

Another Cash COW meeting!

If taxpayers get the feeling they should start mooing like cows, it's probably because there's never a shortage of people who will try to milk them!

Tonight's Committee of the Whole agenda (.pdf) has a number of items to which taxpayers should be paying attention -- the background memos and cover documents can be viewed on the City website here.

The PRU Crew would sure like to know which genius suggested the City consider robbing Peter to pay Paul by suggesting the City issue bonds to increase cash in the Uptown TIF (.pdf). We're grateful City Finance Director Diane Lembesis has advised against doing so, but the current members of the City Council have a less than impressive record of financial decision-making.

Also on tonight's agenda, for those interested in little things like storm water drainage, you won't want to miss the memo on Land Grades for Residential Properties (.pdf), in case you were wondering how and why new construction can seem to cause flooding problems for neighboring properties.

Two other items of interest on the agenda for tonight are the Historic Preservation Ordinance (.pdf) and modification to the 3P Manual regarding Special Events policy (.pdf) -- two of Mayor Schmidtzkrieg's favorite subjects!

We're looking forward to more installments of Melidosian Motionbox magic tomorrow!

October 22, 2009

Ethics Shmethics!

Calvin and Hobbes; written and illustrated by Bill Watterson

Enjoy a good long weekend!

October 21, 2009

Pronunciation: \kə-ˈrəp-shən\

From: Artist Miron Abramovici --'Let's Shake Hands'

Main Entry: cor·rup·tion

Function: noun

Date: 14th century

1 a : impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle

b : decay, decomposition

c : inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means (as bribery)

d : a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct

The Crew thought it was worthwhile to post the definition of the word 'corruption' above. Nearly everyone uses the word almost exclusively based on its' third listed meaning. We wanted to be sure our readers understand that money need not change hands under the table for corruption to occur.

Sometimes corruption is simply the impairment of integrity. Sometimes corruption is simply a departure from what is correct.

And sometimes simply friendships can be the inducement to do something improper.

Which brings us to a recent issue reported in the news -- here and in the more conventional press.

Today's Journal & Topics front page features a story written by reporter Craig Adams -- 'Possible Ethics Violation Reviewed'

As PRU readers know, the City Council received an interim report from City Attorney Buzz Hill regarding the City's Ethics Ordinance. The City Attorney's report isn't available for public review, but all signs point to the City Attorney's opinion being that an ethics violation is likely to have occurred with the sale of insurance by former Mayor Howard Frimark to the Uptown redevelopment partners, PRC, and the Uptown Condo Homeowners Association, which allegedly solicited Frimark Insurance to bid on providing a policy.

At Monday night's City Council meeting, Frimark's attorney Jack Owens said former Mayor Frimark did not know the City would be party to the insurance coverage and did not intend to violate the ethics ordinance.

The Crew hasn't heard it offered yet, but we believe denial of knowledge of the City's Ethics Ordinance by PRC and the Condo owners association can't be far behind.

In the first comment under the PRU post from yesterday, it was noted --

"...wasn't HOward an Alderman for two years, during which time the PARTNERSHIP contract between PRC AND the City was negotiated and inked? Wasn't HOward the Mayor for four years, during which time there was much back and forth about the PARTNERSHIP contract between PRC AND the City?...and HOward didn't know the City would have a part in premium payments for any insurance policy? Really? REALLY?"

In the Journal report, the Crew noted the following quote from local attorney Jack Owens, "Owens added that the city's portion of the premium would generate a commission of $360 for Frimark's company."

News flash for Attorney Owens, et.al. -- ignorance of the law is no excuse and neither is the dollar amount involved. It's the principle of the thing!

Which brings us to the current Aldermen. Any PRU readers out there feel as we do -- that the Aldermen's ability to act with integrity just may be impaired by not only their economic relationships with former Mayor Howard Frimark, but also by their personal friendships?

Any PRU readers out there think there's another opportunity coming down the pipe for friendships or beyond to possibly induce a departure from what is correct?

Think Planning and Zoning...and beyond.

October 20, 2009

City Council Meeting Video -- Oct. 19, 2009

video #00000.MTS 10-19-09

Begins with the usual City Council niceties

@01:05 mark -- Council proceeds with consent agenda

@02:55 mark -- City Officials report begins

@03:35 mark -- Mayor and Chiefski congratulate Officer Cacioppo on receiving an Award of Merit

@05:45 mark -- Mayor discusses his wishes for a Preliminary Budget Workshop

@09:05 mark -- Mayor gives an update on the Northwest Municipal Conference

@15:15 mark -- Discussion of Halloween hours for trick or treating begins

@16:10 mark -- Sarah and Ryan D. address the City Council and ask for consideration to extend the hours of trick or treating

@22:25 mark -- City Attorney begins interim report and discussion of Target Area 2 Insurance issue

@26:55 mark -- Local attorney Jack Owens speaks on behalf of former Mayor Howard Frimark

@30:42 mark -- Uptown Homeowners Association President Gwen Ritter addresses the City Council

@40:30 mark -- Citizens wishing to address the City Council on Non-agenda items begins; Ms. Joan Sandrik asks for an update on the placement of the street sensor at Granville and Cumberland

@41:38 mark -- Reports of Boards and Commissions begins with Ald. Sweeney moving for approval of first reading of an ordinance for proposed text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Case Number TA-09-02.

@44:05 mark -- Council votes 5 (Sweeney, Bach, Allegretti, Ryan and Wsol) to 1 (DiPietro) to defer

@44:38 mark -- Council begins Public Works with motion to approve contract for restoration of parking area for 31-33 S. Prospect Ave.

video #00001.MTS 10-19-09

Begins with continuation of discussion of contract for restoration of parking area at 31-33 S. Prospect Ave.

@02:37 mark -- Council takes a recess

video #00002.MTS 10-19-09

Begins with continued discussion of contract for restoration of parking area at 31-33 S. Prospect Ave.

@15:25 mark -- Council votes 5 (Sweeney, DiPietro, Bach, Allegretti and Wsol) to 1 (Ryan) to defer matter

@15:55 mark -- New Business begins with Ald. Ryan suggesting the City Council consider reinstating the position of a City Treasurer

@18:47 mark -- Mayor Schmidt requests explanation of Saturday night event and parking issues in Uptown

@22:15 mark -- Motion to adjourn

Another entertaining cluster f#%$, courtesy of your City of Park Ridge government.

October 19, 2009

More Monkey Business Tonight!

The City Council will be meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall. The agenda (.pdf) includes a number of consent items the Council considers routine.

But there are two items of interest PRU readers may want to pay particular attention to.

The first is the City Attorney's report on Target Area 2 Insurance.

For those of you who may not know, the City Attorney will be reporting on whether or not the TA2 insurance issue, covered in a report by Craig Adams in the Journal & Topics, is in violation of the City's ethics ordinance -- Article 2, Chapter 5 (.pdf) of the City's municipal code.

The PRU Crew would like to suggest, when the Council dispenses with the above ethics item -- at some future point they consider taking a look at the issue of undisclosed communications. To our reading and knowledge, no current elected officials have officially violated that section of the ordinance, but the Crew believes attempts by certain task force members to raise discussion of pending matters of public business on certain official's Face Book pages probably isn't a good idea -- the Crew are big fans of "bright lines" where issues of discussion on pending matters of public business are concerned.

The second item of interest on tonight's Council agenda will be the "first reading of an ordinance for proposed text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, ZoningCase Number TA-09-02." The details of the Text Amendment are here (.pdf).

The Council will essentially be considering whether or not to expand its' own powers -- what are the odds?! -- even though the Planning and Zoning commission has recommended against doing so. And as we reported to you here, we feel "this is a very serious matter people should be paying attention to, as the potential for altering the dynamics of your City government are far reaching."

And tomorrow, technological gods willing, we'll post the indexed videos for your review.

October 16, 2009

Where's The Sunshine?

From: EIU Astro -- jcconwell --biggest black hole
-- "at 18 billion solar masses, the largest known black hole in the universe was discovered in January, 2008"

'Black Hole Sun' by Soundgarden

We hear the weather may get better by Sunday, until then stay warm and have a good weekend!

October 15, 2009

Say What?

Item #1

PRU readers may recall our recent post -- Playing Dress-up -- about the recently held Park Ridge Niles School District 64 Administration and School Board meeting retreat.

The Crew gave the D64 Administration and Board a hard time about taking half of their meeting retreat and holding it out of town, at taxpayer expense. The Crew was only a bit bothered by the lack of consideration for how and where the D64 Administration and Board were choosing to spend taxpayer dollars.

And as a follow-up to our post, we wanted to see what occurred at each half of the meeting retreat. Below are links to the meeting retreat minutes.

Glen Club retreat minutes(.pdf)

-- Emerson retreat minutes (.pdf)

The PRU Crew is a lot more than a bit bothered by what we read on page 3, item 2 (Operating Principle 2: Open Communication), bullet point 4 (of the Emerson retreat minutes) which says --

• Information required by statute to be discussed in closed session and so discussed will remain confidential.
Say what? What statute? Where? The School Board members actually adopted that bullshit as one of their Operating Principles?

The only statute the PRU Crew is aware of, governing open meetings of public bodies, is the
Illinois Open Meetings Act (.pdf). On page 9 of the Illinois Attorney General's guide to the act we read there are exceptions to the requirement of holding open meetings --

Exceptions: Twenty-four exceptions authorizing the closing of meetings are set forth at5 ILCS 120/2(c). Consistent with the public policy of the Act, the exceptions relate to protecting public interests and safeguarding personal privacy. The exceptions "are in derogation of the requirement that public bodies meet in the open, and therefore, the exceptions are to be strictly construed, extending only to subjects clearly within their scope." 5 ILCS 120/2(b). "The exceptions authorize but do not require the holding of a closed meeting to discuss a subject included within an enumerated exception." 5 ILCS 120/2(b).

So essentially, there are NOT any statutes which "require" information to be discussed in closed session, nor is anything discussed in closed session required by statute to remain confidential, at least none that we know of.

We get the distinct impression the meeting retreat facilitator, Dr. James Warren, wasn't worth a bent quarter and we hope the D64 Administration and Board didn't pay much more than that for this guy's time.

But if Dr. James Warren or Superintendent Sally Pryor or Board President John Heyde, or any other person would like to correct our understanding of the open meetings act, we are all ears!

Item(s) #2

For those of you interested, below are the videos from last night's Flood Control Task Force -- we found some of the conversation very interesting.

video #00000.MTS -- FCTF 10-14-09

video #00001.MTS -- FCTF 10-14-09

October 14, 2009

Fruit of the Crew! -- Park Board update!

1. -- Opportunity!

As we suggested in our post
Introductions All Around, certain task force members may want to get to know certain commission members. And as luck would have it, there's an opportunity for certain task force members to get to know certain commission members tonight!

The Mayor's Flood Control Task Force will be
meeting tonight at City Hall in the Council chamber beginning at 6:00 pm, and the Park Ridge O'Hare Airport Commission will be meeting tonight at City Hall in the Mayor's conference room on the 2nd floor beginning at 7:00 pm!

Say 'hello' everybody!

2. -- HA HA HA!

In an October 13, 2009
online article in the Herald-Advocate, our favorite local reporter reports the stuffed to the gills! development project proposed for the southeast corner of Touhy and Rose avenues by developer Norman Hassinger of Hoffman Homes is "welcome news for Nan Parson, chairperson of the city's Fair Housing Commission and a proponent of making more lower-cost housing available to senior citizens, young adults, city employees, teachers, hospital workers and others who want to live in Park Ridge but cannot afford homes with starting prices of $500,000 or more."

Truth be told, because that's what reporting is all about, Ms. Nan Parson took her affordable housing marbles and resigned from the Fair Housing Commission back in May. Ms. Parson said as much at the
Human Needs Task Force meeting (.pdf) back in June. The minutes of that meeting also let everyone know that despite the City website description of the Human Needs Task Force --

Human Needs Task Force - A group of citizens appointed by the Mayor to concern themselves with the needs of the citizens of Park Ridge and surrounding communities. The Task Force coordinates such activities as food drives, a clothes closet, medical supply closet, job clearinghouse and other related matters. Meets second Friday of the month.

-- Ms. Parson "will continue to help bring affordable housing to this City and will continue to try to educate this community and City Hall about this issue. Nan is hoping to get involved with the Ministerial Association here in town, as well as other communities, and continue to move forward with her goal of having affordable housing in this town. Nan will now be a community volunteer on this Task Force."

Oh joy! Be still our beating, bleeding hearts!

3. -- What the hell has the Park District and Board been up to?

If PRU readers and Park Board wannabes are looking for something to do tomorrow night, there's a Regular Board Meeting, October 15, 7:30 pm in the Board Room at the Maine Park Leisure Center, 2701 Sibley.

But if PRU readers and Park Board wannabes were hoping to preview a Board packet for tomorrow's meeting, you're shit out of luck. You'll have to content yourselves with the board packets of meetings past or guessing the details of the items on the meeting agenda (.pdf).

Addendum! -- Looks as if somebody got somebody's rear in gear!

The Park Board packet for tonight's meeting is here (.pdf)

October 13, 2009

Video from 10-12-09 COW

video #00000.MTS

@01:20 mark -- Public Works begins with discussion of resolution to add the cost of restoring the property at 31-33 S. Prospect to a future bond issue

@12:30 mark -- COW votes 5 (Sweeney, DiPietro, Bach, Allegretti and Carey) to 2 (Ryan and Wsol) to approve the resolution

@12:50 mark -- Discussion begins on approval of $62,369 contract for restoration of property at 31-33 S. Prospect

@31:35 mark -- COW unanimously votes to approve the contract

@31:50 mark -- Director of Public Works begins update and discussion of flooding study performed by Burke Engineering

@35:47 mark -- Director of Public Works reports on appraisal for the old Public Works Service Center on Elm St.

@40:45 mark -- Public Safety begins with discussion of Dangerous Animal ordinance

@41:39 mark -- Ald. Bach moves to defer action on Dangerous Animal ordinance

@43:40 mark -- Resident and director of Park District dog obedience course, Maryann Gobbo addresses the COW

video #00001.MTS

Begins with continuing discussion of Dangerous Animal ordinance

@00:27 mark -- Resident trouble maker, Pat Livensparger reveals she's really Dr. Dolittle

@06:17 mark -- Resident Bill Urquhart asks the COW questions about the definition of 'dangerous dogs'

@08:31 mark -- Resident George Kirkland addresses the COW regarding his proposed amendments to the Dangerous Animal ordinance

@16:40 mark -- Discussion continues among COW members

@19:48 mark -- COW finally votes, unanimously, on motion to defer

@20:00 mark -- Police Chief Kaminski, or Chiefski to the PRU Crew, begins his update of the Red Speed red light cameras

@23:00 mark -- Ald. Wsol loses his place on the agenda

@23:15 mark -- Chiefski reports on progress of the Chief's Advisory Task Force

@23:25 mark -- Chiefski reports on community meeting held at Franklin School

@24:52 mark -- Chiefski reports on the organizational assessment being done by Standard & Associates

@25:17 mark -- Chiefski reports on compliments received by the police department

@27:55 mark -- Mayor Schmidtzkrieg resumes the COW chair

@28:10 mark -- New Business agenda item begins with Ald. Ryan's request that the Procedures and Regulations committee discuss the building ordinance as it pertains to before and after site grades

@28:50 mark -- Ald. Ryan requests discussion at the Procedures and Regulations committee about enforcement of the ordinance regarding 'blocked up' windows

@29:25 mark -- Ald. Sweeney suggests the Procedures and Regulations committee consider making Park Ridge a hands-free cell phone zone

@30:25 mark -- Ald. Bach thumps his chest

@31:53 mark -- Ald. Wsol suggests discussion of hands-free cell phone use come before the Public Safety committee

@32:30 mark -- Ald. Bach reports on his latest round of meetings with the ONCC

@35:05 mark -- COW is adjourned

October 12, 2009

Happy COWlumbus Day!

From: funtocollect.com

Once again, the City Council will be holding another COW meeting at Park Ridge City Hall beginning at 7:00 pm this evening.

Tonight's agenda (.pdf) covers topics under Public Works and Public Safety, including proposed revisions to the dangerous animals ordinance (.pdf) and an update on the Red Speed red light cameras (.pdf).

Chief of Police Kaminski's cover memo discusses background information on accident data and includes yet another request for Red Speed to do feasibility studies of certain intersections. If any of you serfidents were hoping to be able to read that information -- you're s.o.l.

We look forward to posting the videos of the meeting tomorrow!

October 9, 2009

What An Interesting World!

By: Gary Larson

Kick back and have an uninteresting weekend!

October 8, 2009

Your Attention, Please!

In a side note we added to our Monday post, we suggested PRU readers give the Planning and Zoning Committee videos some time and attention too.

And you did not. For shame!

So again today we're going to wave a big red flag and nag you about giving your time and attention to the specific Planning and Zoning Committee video segments below. We've indexed them for your convenience.

The PRU Crew is not kidding about this issue -- this is a very serious matter people should be paying attention to, as the potential for altering the dynamics of your City government are far reaching.

video #00003.MTS PRPZ 9-22-09

Begins with a discussion of Text Amendment changes to the zoning ordinance -- specifically, the City Council's request that the Planning and Zoning Commission reconsider the Council's authority to review denials by the Planning and Zoning Commission, revocation and extensions of PUDs for stage two plans, change to zoning code for ground pole signs, and other minor house-keeping issues.

@05:20 mark -- Discussion of construction schedules for building projects begins

@23:45 mark -- Discussion begins on whether the City Council should have the authority to review denials of Text Amendments by the Planning and Zoning Commission

@26:20 mark -- Commissioner Rifkind begins to hit the nail on the head

@27:16 mark -- Commissioner Rifkind sinks it -- nothing but net!

@29:05 mark -- Commissioner Baldi comments on legislative process vs. a matter of personal interest and privilege

@34:15 mark -- Commissioner Austriaco offers her agreement with Commissioner Baldi's remarks and comments upon the "potential for abuse"

@35:43 mark -- Ald. Rich DiPietro "preaches to the choir"

@40:39 mark -- Resident Pat Livensparger addresses the Commission, offering her observations of "interesting behavior" she's seen at recent Council and Zoning Board of Appeals meetings

@48:59 mark -- Commissioner Rifkind moves to approve changes with deletions (as amended by the Planning and Zoning Commission)

video #00004.MTS PRPZ 9-22-09

Begins with continuation of Commissioner Rifkind's motion for approval of changes with deletions

@06:20 mark -- Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously votes to tell the City Council to shove their politicizing power grab up their collective Council caboose

@07:30 mark -- Discussion of changes to revocations and extensions for PUDs begins

~~ here PRU.ADMIN confessed the meeting became a bit of a snoozefest

@12:55 mark -- Commissioner Rifkind moves approval of changes

@30:05 mark -- Audience member and as previously mentioned here (and here and here too) local zoning variance czar, attorney Jack Owens, thinks he's back in grade school and approaches Commissioner Baldi with a note

@30:48 mark -- Commissioner Rifkind withdraws her motion

@31:30 mark -- Commissioner Baldi points out a conflict in the ordinance language

@32:12 mark -- Commissioner Rifkind suggests a motion to table the matter

@32:35 mark -- Commission unanimously votes to table the matter

@32:55 mark -- Discussion on ground pole signs begins

@35:40 mark -- Commissioner Roskiewicz moves approval

@37:05 mark -- A roll call vote of 6 to 2 -- the motion failed

@37:43 mark -- Discussion on non-conforming uses begins

@38:45 mark -- Commissioner Austriaco moves approval, then motions again @39:23 mark

@39:39 mark -- Commission unanimously approves motion

@39:51 mark -- Commission begins consideration of modified definitions

@40:10 mark -- Commissioner Baldi moves for approval

@40:25 mark -- Commission unanimously approves motion

@41:00 mark -- Motion is made to close the public hearing

@41:36 mark -- Motion to adjourn is made

October 7, 2009

Introductions All Around!

The PRU Crew would like to take the opportunity to introduce the members of the Community Health Commission to the members of the Park Ridge O'Hare Commission!

Say 'hello' everybody!

Back on July 20th, at the
regular City Council meeting (.pdf), Mayor Schmidtzkrieg reported that he approved the appointments of the members of the O'Hare Airport Commission. Also at that meeting, Mayor Schmidtzkrieg said that he "met with a few residents regarding serious health issues related to living near O’Hare -- and requested Ald. Wsol and the Community Health Commission look into the issue."

At the July 23rd meeting of the Community Health Commission (.pdf), "Ald. Wsol reported that the mayor has requested [the Community Health Commission] to provide expertise to the newly formed City Commission on Airport Noise. Discussion ensued and the Commission decided that they would be willing to send a liaison to meet with them once they are seated to help provide them direction."

The first meeting of the Park Ridge O'Hare Airport Commission was held on September 23rd and hey there, Health Commission liaison -- whoever you are, we missed you!

We would now like to introduce the members of the Park Ridge O'Hare Airport Commission to the members of the Tree Preservation Task Force!

Say 'hello' everybody!

The PRU Crew understands there are those on the Park Ridge O'Hare Airport Commission who are very very very concerned about the air pollution being generated by planes flying over their homes.

The PRU Crew also understands there may be benefits to maintaining, if not pushing to increase, the tree canopy in the City of Park Ridge, because things like air pollution, as well as noise pollution, may be mitigated by a fuller tree canopy.

We recommend the following in-exhaustive list for a quickie primer on the subject of trees and environmental health benefits --

1. -- UrbanForestry.org (.pdf) -- based in the United Kingdom which, as you may know, is England's married name.

We found this statement in the paper very interesting -- "Trees help to reduce noise pollution by absorbing and blocking urban noise. Areas of Hounslow are subjected to high levels of noise on a daily basis. This is caused by aeroplanes taking off and landing at Heathrow Airport, and vehicular traffic using the arterial roads in and out of central London. Some of this background noise could be alleviated with strategically placed tree planting."

2. -- SaveGreenEarth.com (.pdf) -- based in Richmond, VA which, as you may know, has a law that makes it illegal to flip a coin in a restaurant to see who pays for a coffee.

We found this cite in the paper very interesting and didn't want to leave the Park Ridge Flood Control Task Force feeling left out -- "Research by the USFS shows that in a 1 inch rainstorm over 12 hours, the interception of rain by the canopy of the urban forest in Salt Lake City reduces surface runoff by about 11.3 million gallons, or17%. These values would increase as the canopy increases."

3. -- ColoradoTrees.org hosts an article by David J. Nowak of the Syracuse, NY USDA Forest Service which, as you may know, is one of those sprawling government bureaucracies.

We found the article very interesting in its balance between benefits and potential drawbacks of trees on environmental health.

So now it's time to introduce the members of the Tree Preservation Task Force to the members of the Community Health Commission!

Say 'hello' everybody!

We trust we don't have to explain why the Community Health Commission should take an interest in the potential environmental health benefits offered by trees, right?

As luck would have it, you can all get together this evening to say your hellos in person! The Park Ridge Tree Preservation Task Force meets tonight at City Hall, beginning at 6:00 pm.

October 6, 2009

City Council Meeting Video -- Oct. 5, 2009

video #00000.MTS PRCC 10-5-09

Begins with the usual City Council niceties of roll call (Sweeney and Ryan were absent), etc.

@01:20 mark -- City Council approves consent agenda

@03:24 mark -- Mayor Schmidt reports State Sen. Kotowski had to reschedule his appearance before the council

@04:00 mark -- Citizen's Patrol Proclamation

@07:50 mark -- Autumnfest Proclamation

@13:05 mark -- Mayor Schmidt offers reminder to City Council to try to place items on the agenda before the meeting

@13:35 mark -- Mayor Schmidt comments on Gaming Board meeting

@14:00 mark -- Mayor Schmidt asks Ald. Bach to comment on his attendance at the Northwest Municipal Conference regarding the issue of a proposed tollway fare increase

@15:45 mark -- City Attorney Buzz Hill reports as the ex-officio ethics officer about an issue that has arisen regarding the City's ethics ordinance and asks for time to prepare a full report for the City Council for next week's COW meeting

@18:05 mark -- Mayor Schmidt asks the Director of Economic Development Kim Uhlig to report on the opening week for the new Houlihans restaurant

@19:25 mark -- City Clerk Betty Henneman requests a closed session to approve closed session minutes

@20:10 mark -- City Manager Jim Hock requests a closed session to discuss pending litigation and suggests again that, since two Aldermen are absent, his review be moved to a future date

@22:00 mark -- Citizens address on non-agenda items begins with Ms. Denise Alberts comments about attending Gaming Board meetings

@27:18 mark -- Boy Scout Robert draws the attention of City officials to a traffic problem at the intersection/crosswalk of Cumberland and Granville

@29:39 mark -- Ms. Pat Livensparger requests an update regarding the drainage issues on Vine street

@30:47 mark -- The City Council reports there are no reports for the Planning and Zoning, Zoning Board of Appeals, Procedures and Regulations, Public Works, Finance and Budget or Public Safety committees

@31:20 mark -- Mayor Schmidt requests items for New Business -- none

@31:27 mark -- City Council adjourns to closed session

Addendum for the curious --

City Municipal Code Article 2, Chapter 5

Ethics Provisions

-- relevant ordinance section referred to by City Attorney Hill

E. Representation of Persons in Matters Involving the City of Park Ridge.

1. No person serving in the following capacities within the City shall, while serving or within two (2) years after his or her office or employment has ceased, act as agent, consultant or attorney for any party in that other party’s request for consideration from the City or in that other party’s claim against the City:

a. Mayor
b. Alderman
c. City Manager or Assistant City Manager
d. Department head
e. City Attorney
f. City Engineer
g. City Prosecutor