November 9, 2009

Two-fer Monday!

1. -- Wannabe to Gonnabe!

Our PRU sources report the Park Ridge Recreation and Park District has selected Mr. David Herman to fill the vacancy on the Park District Board. Mr. Herman will bring his financial background to the position. We're told Mr. Herman holds a CPA and MBA in finance, and is employed in the health care arena at a Chicago hospital.

Congratulations, Mr. Herman. Welcome to the machine!

2. -- Public Works and Public Safety COW Tonight!

The brain trust -- we use the phrase loosely -- comprising the representative body for the City of Park Ridge will be meeting tonight at the usual time, in the usual place. Tonight's COW agenda(.pdf) appears to offer a lot of talk and virtually no action -- you know, the usual.

Videos tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Thanks go to Dave Herman for stepping up! Wish you luck, man.

Anonymous said...

I thought we could get a break from Big Brother when we got the new police chief. But it looks like he is pushing for the red light cameras like Caudill did. It's another way for these guys to pick our pockets.

Anonymous said...

Good choice Park District!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:37 --

Chiefski doesn't have the authority to alter the policy direction on Red Light Cameras -- doing that is the function of the City Council.

Anonymous said...

if you're not doing anything wrong, then why are you against red light cameras? I see nothing wrong with them. This whole "big brother" thing is so 90's.

Anonymous said...

Anon 501: What a totally lame comment.

My Wild Irish Prose said...

Anon 501:

More like the '80s.
More specifically: 1984.
Just late and over budget like all government projects.

Anonymous said...

ha! paranoid much?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11/9 @ 5:01 PM

If you liked "1984," you must positively love the Bush/Cheney "Patriot Act."

Civil liberties? Totally over-rated. When will you be signing up to have your chip implant?