December 5, 2007

Happy Repeal Day!

Today is Repeal Day! It is a day intended to celebrate the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was ratified on December 5, 1933, and which repealed "Prohibition; the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Some of you may have taken notice of some recent Dewar's ad campaigns that are promoting "Repeal Day" and encouraging adults to enjoy the responsible consumption of alcohol.

The PRU Crew gladly joins those promoting "Repeal Day" and we encourage all adults who are so inclined to fully enjoy being adults with the adult beverage of their choice.

We now raise our glasses in our first "Repeal Day" toast to Wayne Zingsheim who, after 3 months of enduring "acting" status as the man in charge of Public Works, we hear was finally named Director of Public Works at Monday night's City Council meeting.

As if on cue, Zingsheim was treated to Mother Nature's version of a celebratory balloon drop - a Tuesday snow storm - on his first day as Director. Most days in the Public Work's department are busy. Snow days are extra-special events. And as of this writing, it is still snowing.

So Zing, when your work is done, go home and kiss that pretty wife of yours, sit back, relax, and enjoy an adult beverage of your choice. You will have earned it.

Welcome to being in charge and good luck.

SLG Publishing - Beer Wench Print


Anonymous said...

I've never seen the snow trucks out this early with so many.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he the same guy who, a few years ago, called the plows home early to avoid paying overtime to the drivers, leaving half the town unplowed? Oh yippee!

Anonymous said...

Hard to trust someone that Howard is for, but Wayne's such a good guy.....

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

To Anon @8:46AM,

Yes. Same guy. Did that based on weather reports and continuous pressure from the pols to watch expenses. And he faced the music at a council meeting. More than we can say for a lot of people in high places.

To m. anderson,

We think you may have your Zing supporters confused, but that's just what we hear.

Anonymous said...

PRU- I hope I have my Zing supporters confused (besides me, that is).

Anonymous said...

Take it from a highly reliable source that the mayor did not want the Zinger. Tim won that battle of wills, albeit because the Council backed Tim and Wayne and, for once, told Howard no.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Wayne Zingsheim on his being appointed Director of Public Works. I hope he well survives his baptism by blizzard first week on the job as Director.

Reggie said...

Instead of Repeal Day, could we get a "Recall Day" in PR?

Recalling some of these hacks - now that would be something to celebrate with the adult beverage of your choice!

Anonymous said...


Recall hacks like Anderson, Cox, Radermacher? To bad they quit before we could do it.