December 14, 2007


Thanks to the Pub-dogs for the numbers.

Have a warm weekend.


Anonymous said...

Are those the increases in the per-home levies? Or in the overall levies? Are those increases over one year? What are the aggregate increases over the last 5 years? How do the increases compare to the increases in home values over the last 5 years?

And to all a good night.

Anonymous said...

and yet still with those increases, district 64 will run out of money. Once again, WHY are they always asking for money? WHO IS IN CHARGE????

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

ms. m,

Didn't you hear? It's Karma.

m. anderson,

Our bad. Should have said tax LEVY increase. Home values have stagnated or declined in most areas. We check the market regularly.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Just for m. anderson, we had the PRU Tech add LEVY to the government stockings. :-)

Anonymous said...

That's great.
You SOB's( who want higher taxes) could care less. Iguess your thumbs will all turn to gold - now. Stickem where the sun don't sun!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't tell you how happy I am to learn that PRU has a tech crew. No doubt dozens toil on this great enterprise.

Thanks for clarifying that the % increases reflect gross levy. Any idea how much the gross value of all affected property increased? As we know, an increased levy spread over a more greatly increased tax base results in a lower tax rate.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Maybe some of the realtors, or city staff, or IRS agents who read here will be willing to answer your question, even if it was phrased in extraordinarly simple terms. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I gues that this is the price we all have to pay to live in the lilly white neighboords.

Ah...yes...........I wounder what the poor people are doing !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 1:54 pm,

Your snotty statement is a bunch of garbage. When we were ready to buy a house we looked for an area that was nice and clean and would be good for raising our children with good schools. Were we supposed to check out the racial census data first or be ready for some jerk to call us racists because we didn't check the race numbers in the census before deciding where to raise our family? You sound like one of those quota idiots that can't do anything more than count race numbers in groups.

I also feel that I do not have to apologize for my family's economic success. We have worked hard for what we have. We didn't take anything or steal anything that we have. We have earned it all. We do not begrudge helping people who are poor. We give to charities every year. We won't apologize either for not being poor.

You are all wet with your snotty comment.

Anonymous said...

Watch and see where your faithful taxes go.....up sir !!!

We can all be proud of our leadership at all levels.

Yes....Let's take a moment to wish Gov. Blago and his greedy team a merry......your all going to need it
Mr. "A". the county level....thank you Todd for your great leadership.

The budget is in the toilet!

Finally, we have the squeaky clean nice white bread PK....thanks to the real estate tycoons that keep us safe !! Oh ...I mean Hillary country...excuse me hush puppy crowd!


Anonymous said...

hey anonymous at 2:17...
woweee, a little sensitive? I took that comment to refer to those who the Fair Housing Commission wants to attract to our little town.
Between Blago, Cook County's Irkel, and our own fine mayor, we will be NEEDING the Housing Authority to help us out.
Have a splendid weekend.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Christmas. The Spirit of this Christmas is bundled beneath a shroud of tax increases yet to come. Courtesy of Mayor Frimark with his perks and under the table deals for "Friends of Frimark", located right at Park Ridge City Hall. I can't wait until February, how about you Mr. Mayor?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you come out from under your rock, Frog, and do your own dirty work, instead of pulling the strings on your corrupt buddy???

Anonymous said...

m. anderson - Thanks for all your instruction on the tax levy process, but it doesn't make more palatable the fact that our taxes keep going up because our local governments can't control their spending.

Anonymous said...


Does your gas bill go up because you keep your house too warm? Does your grocery bill go up because you eat too much? Not necessarily. Park Ridge citizens demand services and the cost of providing those services goes up every year. It's not realistic to expect there to never be a tax increase.

Anonymous said...

M Anderson,

You are not talking "apples to apples". We are not talking about the heat or the groceries as a target for our wrath when the tax bills go up. Rather, the bloated payrolls, fat pensions and tax give-a-ways are the issue.

For starters: Tell me what the heck is the rational for the city's early retirement plan? Why in the world does the city want to pay $400,000 to clean up a former automotive site that's being sold to a private party. Why does the park district insist on keeping open a pool facility that loses, what, about $75,000 annually. That's just a start of the questions that should be addressed as we discuss the rational of our tax levy's.

You sound like Urkle Stroger as far as your rational for the tax levys. You want to focus simply on life's necessities and steer away from the bloat. Actually, there are times that maybe taxes do need to go up. But certainly here in PR, and more for certain in Cook County, there are ways to cut costs in an attempt to far reduce or eliminate the need for ANY increase.

Anonymous said...

Wondering is 100% right. There are many opportunities to cut costs. And there are many ill-advised programs and downright wastes of taxpayer money. Our elected officials should always work hard to hold the line on spending.

Is that what our current City Council is doing?

Anonymous said...

m. anderson - If you think that Wondering is correct, where did you get the idea that there's some kind of groundswell of "demand" by Park Ridge citizens for things such as early retirement for city employees, $400,000 for Napleton, keeping Oakton Pool open, or so many other of the non-essential expenditures our governments keep making?

As best as I can tell, the previous City Council came up with the early retirement deal, and gave bundles of money to Joe Bredemann.