December 18, 2007

Our 10,000th Visitor!

A little less than two months ago, the Journal & Topics gave us some coverage in an article titled: Beware Of Blogger. That coverage served to boost our readership significantly.

The article contained the following:

"Ald. Rich DiPietro, the widely respected current alderman serving the second ward, was sharply critical of the website. "I didn't read much of Mad Magazine when I was growing up, and I gave up shortly after reading one or two of these blogs," he said. "It's negative, nothing constructive, it doesn't serve any purpose." He added that he doesn't know who the author is, but he offered that "is probably someone well known in the city."

Oh! That hurt! How could the Lord of the Manor not love us!? That's so negative!

In a bit of cosmic irony, we welcomed our 10,000th visitor to PRU early last week. Guess who it was.

That's right folks! The one! The only!

Lord of the Manor!

Referring Link - No referring link
Host Name -
IP Address - Rich DiPietro [Edit Label]
Country - United States
Region - Texas
City - Plano
ISP - Crosstech Communications
Returning Visits - 6
Visit Length - 0 seconds

Browser - MSIE 5.0
Operating System - PPC
Resolution - 1024x768
Javascript - Enabled

No referring link? Awwww, did you put us in your "favorites" list?


Anonymous said...

An invasion of privacy! Is nothing sacred?

Anonymous said...

The truth is a sacred thing. Alderman DiPietro could try holding the truth sacred.

Maybe he changed his mind though about reading the Underground. Like he changed his mind about his vote on Norwoods Condominiums after he talked with the lawyer at the meeting away from the microphones. I was there. I saw him do it.

Anonymous said...

Indeed. Alderman DiPietro is a widely respected member of the City Council.

1. He's soft spoken.

2. Never confrontational.

3. Always willing to compromise or appear to be doing so.

4. Has a ready smile.

5. Provides guidance to newer members of the Council on parliamentary procedure.

I guess people just love smooth politicians.


1. No need to raise your voice and alert people to the fact that you are going to screw them over.

2. Why bother to argue the matter when you can simply ignore logic and reason in doing the bidding of the Neo-HOs?

3. Why stand on principle when there are developers and political cronies whose happiness matters above all else.

4. It adds to the "aura" of being such a nice guy.

5. When it suits his purposes. When it doesn't he becomes very unaware of parliamentary procedures.

I've seen him do that.

Anonymous said...

For some additional information on Ald. DiPietro, check out "You Can't Tell The Players Without A Scorecard - Part III" (11/13/07) at

Anonymous said...

Smoke and mirrors....
maybe we need David Copperfield
to host our next city council mtg.

That would be great - to see the entire city council disappear !!

Well....ok....maybe just HF !!

Anonymous said...

I wonder...

What do the thoughtful and involved readers and writers of this blog feel is the motivation for all of this alleged insider dealing?

For 40 years, nothing changed in this sleepy town except neglect and deterioration of the downtown. A few developments actually happen, and there is all kinds of apparent collusion.

DiPietro is a fine person. He, like many others who volunteer their time, has been motivated by what he believes is in the long-term best interest of the community.

We don't all have to agree with his decisions, but what would be his motivation to agree with a project that would be destructive to the town? Is it money? Power?

One of the joys of living in a relatively small community like PR for a long time is the wonderful relationships one builds through involvement in school, coaching sports or other volunteer activities. Many of the bloggers, and more directly, the author of this blog, make it seem that any connection we have with one another is suspect when it's tied to a decision of which you don't agree. I find that sad.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...


What we find sad is that there are people in Park Ridge still ready to admire the Emporer's fine new clothes even after somebody points out that the Emporer is naked.

Neither coaching duty nor ushering at church qualifies anybody for the job of being a representative and determining policy, no matter how nice you may find them to be.

One of our friendly correspondents refers to the traditional dynamics of Park Ridge as being all about trading on social currency.

We feel Rich DiPietro does that as well as anybody.

We put up this post to call out the naked Emperor. He lied about reading here. He didn't tell the truth about reading here. A petty lie. He is playing politician and bullshitting the community.

At what other times and on what other subjects has Rich DiPietro shown himself to be veracity challenged? At what other times and on what other subjects is Rich DiPietro playing politician and bullshitting the community? On subjects that aren't petty?

Pay attention.

Anonymous said...


Did your turnip truck take a sharp turn, or are you just talking through your hat?

If we had only "neglect and deterioration of the downtown" for 40 years, why did our property values go up by 10% or more per year between 1994 and 2006?

Developers want money, which is why Norwood held "senior housing" hostage for those 8 extra units - and several hundred grand in additional profit, at Exec Office Plaza. And if you don't think politicians are looking for money or other favors (like tossing a friendly politician some private business in a "one hand washes the other" deal), you probably can't say "George Ryan," "Scott Fawell," "Pat Huels," "Tony Rezko," "Eddie Vrdolyak," etc.

If it can go on in Springfield, in Crook County, and in Daleyville, why do you think it can't be going on here in Pleasantville, especially when now for the first time there's actually some big money being made and spent?

And yes, when public money and power are involved, EVERY "deal" - the ones you like and the ones you don't - should be suspect, even the ones between a saintly alderman, a house league soccer coach, and the Market Day volunteer.

Anonymous said...

I'm solid with U-Ground and Kovic.

Yo, Yipes! What's so flippin' special about somebody volunteeirng their time? Hundreds of us do it, and we don't prance around calling ourselves alderdudes or spending jillions of somebody else's dough re me. Just because you don't get paid doesn't mean you can screw up or steal.

Sounds like you're one of those "special" Ridgers.