January 24, 2008

Serving It Up!

As the old saying goes, there's never a cop around when you need one. If you are very lucky, you never need one. But most of us at some time in our lives usually need one. And having the assurance that when you need a cop you can call for one costs money.

In today's Park Ridge Herald-Advocate we read that the soon-to-retire City Manager, Tim Schuenke, is blaming a projected city budget deficit on an increase in police and fire pension funding. While the former City Treasurer, Carl Brauweiler, took a break from napping to call a spade a spade: "He said budget deficits are due to an excess of city expenditures, and that police and fire pensions should not be singled out as the primary cause."

One of the Crew's favorite blogs, BurbCopsChicago, has something to say about the matter of pensions, and we agree with them.

Think carefully now, of all the things your government provides to you through use of your tax dollars, what are the things you would be happy to eliminate? Police? Firefighters? Paved streets? Sewers? Give-aways to car dealerships?


Anonymous said...

But if you believe Schuenke and his ilk, we don't have to make that choice because there's always money from something to pay for something else - in this case TIF money to pay for the Napleton site cleanup. Sounds like one big shell game to me.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like business as usual to me.

Anonymous said...

The best part of that article is that Ryan and Carey didn't return the phone call from the press.

Anonymous said...

Park Ridge is suddenly becoming (well, maybe not suddenly...) the POSTER CHILD for how NOT to run a government.
Blaming on the police? seriously? get another scapegoat. Like the person in the mirror, Schuenke. If I were part of the police force, I would have an attitude too.

Anonymous said...

You really nailed the issue, PRU. In the same paper, on the same day, I read that the city will have a budget deficit and then a few pages later read that the city is giving away money to a car dealership. In a true case of adding insult to injury, the city manager tries to blame the deficit on negotiated fire and police pension provisions. Mr. Schuenke, it seems, would have no problem emptying the pockets of retired cops and firemen to line those of the Napleton folks. People ought to be LIVID. Mr. Schuenke works for US. Thankfully not for much longer.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame about those Packers.

Anonymous said...

Sad here - why can't they operate in the black instead of the red. Or ..is that what they teach today in our colleges.

Charge you college fees.
Charge your car.
Charge the wedding.
Charge the kid.

This city is so far in debt - when when is the next election ?

Tim is out of money - again !!!
Boy - when does he leave ?

What's left ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ms. Man
You may have something there. Nothing else seems to work. The Mayor and his stooges could care less about good of the community, ethics, fiduciary responsibility or even the wrath of the voters. Perhaps the answer is to go after the source of the city’s disease and follow the money. In this case Napleton itself.

Anonymous said...

It's quite simple---take responsibility for your actions. If you make a mess, CLEAN IT UP! Why do the taxpayers of PR have to clean up after Napleton?
hmmmm, Mr. Mayor?

Anonymous said...

Hey has anyone noticed that City Council Agenda is posted online? I see the Napleton deal is on the agenda, but there are no details of the deal anywhere to be seen. What’s up with that? I thought that was the purpose of putting the agenda online so, you could get the information.

Anonymous said...

Things are looking up.
Yes when your knocked down
to the ground by these city
rules and regs and then hit
again with a failed gov't.

Let us then - dare to read, write
and speak out minds!