March 11, 2008

Goodmorning, Sunshine!

As we told you last week, Mayor Hammer Time Howard and his council lapdogs were busy putting the screws to Alderman Schmidtzkrieg (1st Ward) for daring to disclose public business to the public.

We wanted to do something to try to make Schmidtzkrieg feel better about his terrible behavior. After all, what's this world coming to when a representative actually goes around representing?! Can't have that. Surely Schmidtzkrieg is chastened.

Still, as all seasoned mid-westerners know, February can be one very dreary month. But March is now here and the calendar is progressing as expected toward Spring. We are looking forward to some nice warm sunshine!

So one of the Crew was given the task to look for warm sunny online images of warm sunny sunshine. And that tasky, surfing Crew member found something even better.

Nominations for Sunshine Trouble Maker of the Week!

Schmidtzkrieg, consider yourself nominated! But rest assured, we didn't call you "Schmidtzkrieg" in the glowing email we sent.

Sunshine Trouble Maker of the Week awards are part of the “State Sunshine and Open Records” blog which is associated with the WikiFoia, a project of the Lucy Burns Institute. It's all about open and transparent government.

We're not kidding.


Anonymous said...

Great idea, and a deserving nominee. Now, if you can only find out who offers the "Darth Vader Prince of Darkness Award" for secret government, we've got a lot of nominees for that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

isn't that award, sponsored by Halburton, given out by Dick Cheney, from a secret, undisclosed location?

Anonymous said...

Ain't the internet grand? Good luck, Ald. Schmidt, and if you win, I think we should all hang smily sunshines from our trees! Hey, PRU, are you going to share the email you sent?

Anonymous said...

they call this " Hit, Skip, and None.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@12:09 PM,

We may share the email nomination if Schmidtzkrieg gets this major award.

We don't really expect anything to come of it but we are having fun with this one. It was a fun way to work in the new link we added for the State Sunshine and Open Records blog.

Anonymous said...

Stop goofing around, youse guys, and start grooming a tough (doesn't whine) principled (doesn't lie) smart (doesn't vote 'present') literate (does know how to read) cute (OK, that's optional) individual to run for Mayor. In these small towns and 'burbs, Mayors are for life, or until the feds show up. If that's not what you want, start passing the hat and not the buck.

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:21pm should the FEDS show up
tell them to use the old Chicago search warrant approach on Howie!

You officer to the front door and another to the rear.

When the front officer knocks and says
hello can we come in? - the other at the rear door says - yes you can!!

Think Spring Howie!

Anonymous said...

I want to thank the U'ground for this honor. Win or lose, it's nice to know that there are folks out there who appreciate my efforts.