Courtesy of a packrat PRU reader, today we get to take a trip down memory lane.
The first stop on our trip takes us back to a Herald-Advocate article published back in March, 2003. In it we read that Howard Frimark, when campaigning to become the Alderman for the 4th ward, showed himself to be fully aware of the issues with O'Hare expansion and the actions the City of Park Ridge should take. Frimark is reported as having said, "-- now is the time for the City of Park Ridge to negotiate what is best for the community in terms of the airport."
Unfortunately for all of us, once Howard Frimark became the Mayor, he failed to take advantage of his position of leadership, and completely ignored his own stated belief on what the City of Park Ridge should have been doing "in terms of the airport."
The next stop on our trip brings us to an article from the Journal and Topics published in March, 2005. In the article then-Mayoral candidate Howard Frimark promised that "a big priority of his work as mayor" would be his "vision" for a "flood-free Park Ridge."
The WGN Radio video below shows us that Mayor Howard either needs new glasses or a new "vision" for Park Ridge.
The PRU Crew is sure Park Ridge needs new leadership.
Thanks for the memories, Mayor Howard!
February 4, 2009
Thanks for the Memories!
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Labels: Flooding, Howard Frimark, Journal-Topics, o'hare expansion, Park Ridge Herald-Advocate
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Wow. Howard Frimark has got to go.
Regarding your article from a week ago on the horse race for the Park District.
According to today's Journal, that field appears to be thinning (potentially).
I am one of the people who suffered major damage from the floods we have had.
Frimark has done nothing before the flooding or since the flooding in the last couple years to insure my home is safe from more of the same.
I don't know if Schmidt will be a better mayor, but I don't think he could be a worse mayor. I don't know anybody who could be a worse mayor than Frimark.
I read the articles from those long ago printings, thank you PRU and your packrat friend, and I could just scream.
The flooding. The plane noise. The overspending of the city budget. The plans to spend millions and millions more money on a new police station nobody but the police want for themselves. The secret deals to buy property from friends of the mayor. The giving away of tax deals for friends of the Mayor. The rudeness of Frimark to people at the meetings I have attended. Frimark refusing to face voter questions at the CURB debates.
I am promising to myself that if this bastard is reelected by the people in this town I will put our house on the market even for a loss and get the hell out of this Frimark hell hole.
Frimark is...that stupid to continue his rant in not being able to pierce
the fog of deception that he has expelled.
The fish dies/rots from the head down.
When one believe's his own BS...then Frimark can join his democratic buddy
and ex gov.on the rubber chicken circus jerkus grand tour.
Get the message Howie....your side broad needs you!~
In the 2005 article, Frimark also talked about allowing citizens to speak at the meetings.
He should have said, "as long as the citizens are going to tell me how fabulous I am, they can speak at meetings."
The baffoon must go. We've had too many of them in IL politics.
Check out the H.A. update. Fire truck responding to an alarm call hits POT HOLE which turns out to be a SINK HOLE and damages the truck.
But out strreets and infustruture are FIIIIINE.
Build more!
Thank God the fire alarm was a false alarm! I'm glad none of our firemen were hurt. This could have been a real disaster all around.
Let's think of this as a warning and get back to seeing to the basics that really matter. I go again. First of all, I agree with you - thank God the firemen were not hurt.
I have been thinking about this since I first saw the post about it earlier this afternoon. Based on my reading of the article, it was the fire truck running over the pot hole that allowed the sink hole to be discovered. I know that the natural reaction is to rail about how this is another example of PR government failing us. I guess I am just not sure how exactly they were supposed to know it was there.
The pipe was underground so, unless it was a major break and people lost water pressure, or water was flowing down the street like in a water main break, it is entirely possible they did not know the pipe was leaking. If the road was still there they could not have seen the erosion.
I guess an argument might be made that all pipes should be replaced on a rotation basis based on their age but, I do not know PR's proceedures on this or why the pipe was leaking. What should or should not be maintenance proceedures is well beyond my area of expertise.
Anyway....let the beatings begin!!
Time to make a difference - All those who want to rid this town of Frimark should support Dave Schmidt and his campaign for mayor. Howard spent close to $100,000 on his last campaign with the deep pockets of business owners and friends. On Dave Schmidt's campaign website,, Dave's posted a notice about his upcoming fundraiser at Zia's (owned by a guy from Park Ridge). The fundraiser is Saturday, February 21st with food and an open bar. Anyone who can, should go to this fundraiser - I'll be there for sure.
It's money well spent in my family's future and our quality of life here in Park Ridge.
I am shocked to learn that a politician made promises to voters and then broke those promises. That has never happened before. Not here in the great State of Illinois.
You know what they say, politicians are like diapers, they both need to be changed often and for the same reason.
It's time folks to go after Howard Frimark our Mayor who knew what was coming and did nothing to help at least prevent the OMP and the negative impact that we have now.
Anyone for a law suit...please stand up ! Let's go after Howie then.
He must be held accountable!
Its called verticle violation of our our airspace.
See you at the ONCC mtg!
As I'm reading the most recent Spokesman I can't help but to see the similarities between what's being said there and what has been said in the past.
Let's take the two articles shown here.
March 2003 reports...NOW is the time to negotiate what's best for the city in terms of the airport.
Feb 2009 Spokesman...We are exploring other ways to monitor * ACT in regard to airport traffic and noise.
6 years and new runways later.....hmmm not a whole lot of progress there and well behind the curve.
March 2003 reports...I would like to see money spent on addressing the sewer issues in the community.
March 2005 reports...Frimark spoke of a flood free Park Ridge, this would be a BIG priority as Mayor.
Feb 2009 Spokesman....a flood plan is being put into place.
6 years ago 4years ago and a whole lot of flooding later not much progress there.
Seems that he is currently running on issues that he used as running issues 4 years ago. Someone on his team needs to get their head out of the recycle bin and see that although these are important issues it might not be in his best interest to use them now 4 years later bringing to light the fact that NOTHING has been done about them in the past 4 years! DUH!!!!
Simple rule of local government: Keep it basic, keep it simple, keep it economical.
But because most local governments can't seem to do the basic stuff simply and economically (and because that's really not fun, or lucrative), they go off on other tangents where they screw up even more - and the basic stuff ends up going to hell.
Howard (and HIS Council) prefer to spend time and effort with behind the scenes sweetheart deals, the screwy Cumberland underpass, the ridiculous PADS deal, the big new police station, etc. Meanwhile, we're infested with potholes, have a huge hole in the budget, keep flooding, have electric power issues, etc.
Frimark has proved that, even with a handpicked Council, he is no leader and no mayor worth that title. It's time for a change.
Mayor Frimark....
I believe you've been fired
by the people.
Please vacate the blgd at 505
Thank you.
Citizens Revolt Against Planes
what I was surprised to read about in the recent Spokesman that the flooding problem was in progress of being resolved, they are just "waiting for federal grant money." uh...that's is gonna be a LONG WAIT. Does anyone there READ the newspaper/watch the news?
In the mean time, WHAT is the city doing? Hel-lo? Anybody there?
When you blow a tire or bend a rim bouncing from one pothole to another, remember that if you're on a state road it's not a Park Ridge problem - it's an IDOT problem.
Now doesn't that make you feel better?
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