May 27, 2009

Oh my my my my my oh my mum!

-- with apologies to the Violent Femmes.

Take a look now, look what your Pub-dog's done!

O.k. -- we admit it -- we are being total slackers!


Anonymous said...

Can't argrue with logic! Even if our over paid leaders compromised on 30% it would be a large step in the right direction.

On another note. We are going to have one hell of train station. That's good. Too bad there will be no trains. If the bridge over Touhy does not get fixed and updated there will be no way for the trains to reach the station! Or, let's continue to do what we do best. Wait until someone is seriously hurt or killed, have a lawsuit, then spend the money and fix. Hey, those side street roads look nice!

MIKE said...

Unfortunatly the bridge is the responsability of Union Pacific so there's not much we can do about that.

gypsy said...

Mike, you cannot just throw up your hands and said "it's not our fault."
The City needs to GET AFTER U.P. to fix that.

Anonymous said...

Maybe so. However, you don't think that if someone is hurt or killed the city of Pak Ridge would not be on the lawsuit for knowing there was an issue and still allowed pedestrians vehicles to pass under? And where would the money for defense come from, not to mention if neglect was found???

MIKE said...


I'm not suggesting they do that.

What gave you that crackpot idea?