July 7, 2009

Freewheeling Recap!

Anyone wanting to share what they observed at last night's Council meeting can do that here!


Anonymous said...

I wasn't at the meeting, but a friend of mine was and said it was a loony fest. Some guy who was a candidate for office in the past showed up and acted like he was at a Baptitst revival meeting.

Anonymous said...

It probably went somehow like this,
They talked about issues that won't be solved for months or years that citizens were fighting over.

And probably a few alderman let some stupid shit come out of their mouth.

Bean said...

The new chief of police was sworn in...accompanied by many family, friends and two "spiritual advisors"...covering both the old and new testaments...but unlike Moses, Kaminski's made it to the "promised land" of becoming the PRPD's new chief...

Kaminski said a few words of thanks that included the phrases "moving forward"..."toward a new vision" for the department...which are phrases that should send chills up the spines of all thinking people...

Some cops stuffed themselves into the door of the meeting to "witness"...because the speakers in the hallway weren't turned on, and it was standing room only in the chamber...so thanks to Cheryl P. for correcting that when notified...

The council voted to screw Napleton and other commercial property owners by down-zoning their parcels...despite there being nothing on the table to consider for any of those sites, or so was said...

In spite of the urging from a member of the audience, nobody on the council bothered to ask the director of economic development what such an action could/would mean for economic development in the area...

...and the director of community development played it safely down the middle when asked for her opinion...

There was more blah blah blah about placement of generators with some folks refusing to understand that an ordinance controllng placement of generators on property does NOT prevent folks from placing generators on their property...and the council sent the ordinance back to staff for re-wording since there was so much "confusion" about what the hell the ordinance says, exactly...

Francis...that's Wsol to yous not in the know...acted like the smug jerk that he is...or maybe he thought he was Perry Mason questioning a "witness" during a dramitic episodic climax...and when asking the director of public works a question, cut the answer off before hearing the most important part of it...which is that the city does NOT change ordinances without having first discussed them at the committee level...and allowing for citizen input prior to a council action...

...but the city attorney did manage to get that in when Francis turned to him for an answer...so the latest idiocy from Francis, about the backflow valves and flood mitigation subsidies, was referred to the next COW session per Uncle Rich's parliamentary "point of order"...

...as for the first comment in this thread..."loony fest" and "Baptist revival meeting" behavior is...a rather "generous" characterization...

[That] former candidate was Jorge Zavala...who ran for office for 7th ward alderman, based at least in part on his belief he was pulled over for a traffic stop because of racial profiling...and was threatening to sue the city...as he alluded to doing again last night at the meeting regarding flooding issues so as to "cost the city some money".

He's a complete ass.

...my favorite speaker though was the guy who repeated everything at least two times...like the character "Jimmy Two Times" from the movie "Good Fellas"...

I swear...some of these meetings are the best free entertainment anybody could hope to see!

Francis said...

Anybody calls me Francis and I kill 'em.

Anonymous said...

Ah, ya gotta feel for "Jimmy Two Times". Mayor Dave was most patient and kind and I'm sure JTT went away feeling better about things.

As for Zavala, the thought of him holding public office is a frightening one at best.

As usual, it was an interesting evening.

Anonymous said...

Here's some simple math:

$2500 x 10,000 houses = $25,000,000

Wsol was blocked at the polls from spending $25MM (that we don't have) on a police station, so now he wants to spend the same amount on backflow subsidies. Why? What's in it for him?

BOHICA said...


Anonymous said...

Anon @ 3:48

You ask what's in it for Wsol? That's an easy one. He gets to tell people that he tried to help them. If his idea succeeds, he's a hero. If it doesn't, he's still a hero for trying. Some folks will fall for it.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:48:

I certainly think that any idea about subsidizing flood control systems should be tabled until after there is a report from the flood committee. 25,000,000 is a very big number but we better get used to very big numbers. For example, let's say that the recommended course of action involves releif sewers. Hmmmm....300,000 x the number of problem blocks in PR = BIG NUMBER!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the round up!
Blue skies.....as they say here!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

@6:38 --

They do, and for good reason.

Anonymous said...

These Aldermen are a bunch of bipolar lopheads! First they vote to hand over $2.4 MIL. dollars to Napleton, and now they vote to hand him a slap to his ownership rights. They don't know what the hell they are doing. These bums can't be thrown out of office soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Hey , lets see Ald.Bach's plan - first. I would like to see some old fashion muliti tasking - here.
As they use to say ....chief, cook and bottle washer.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 8:59, let's not insult people who struggle with bi-polar disorder by comparing them to the alderman! They have enough to deal with.

Wsol's idea is stupid and shortsighted; typical for gov't. If half the homes in Park Ridge run out and purchase overhead sewers or similar devices, won't the other homes just get more water? If those homes then purchase the same devices, won't the streets be flooded as the water has no where to go? All roads lead to the city sewers, don't they?

I've thought about why Wsol is proposing this. I think he plans to run for Mayor. He KNOWS the flooding issue will take years and a lot of money to fix, so it's unlikely to be resolved by the time Schmidts first term is up. He's throwing this out there so he can say HE tried to do something while Schmidt formed committees and that Schmidt promised to work on the flooding. Don't fall for it PR!! Schmidt is doing the right thing, and Wsol is reckless, arrogant, dumb and and RINO!

Anonymous said...

Why are taxpayers responsible for SOME homes and THEIR problems? By LAW a seller MUST disclose if the home they are selling has ever flooded. If there was not full disclosure, then the buyer has the option of litigation. If, however, they KNEW and bought the property anyway, they must do what is necessary to fix THEIR problem. Don't give me the one hundred year flood story. That is just a term describing severity. EVERY YEAR has the potential of that level of flooding. As for Wsol.....he is a Democrat in sheeps clothing....spend....spend.... There needs to be some real responsibility to the taxpayers and live within our means. This means spend ONLY when you HAVE money to spend.

Anonymous said...

Have any of these people heard of sewer backup insurance?

Rorschach said...

Rorschach has a message for "Bean":

You meant that they voted to "up-zone" Napleton's property. Sounded like an improvement to me.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:42:

There have been arguments put forth by many here that the city is responsible for basic services and infrastructure. I hope you would not argue that the main reason for flooding is an antiquated sewer system. These comments you make about "some homes" and "their problem" could apply to anything. I do not flood so why should my tax dollars go to upgrade the sewer system.

The reality is that if money is spent (new sewer lines, releif sewers or whatever) to try and slove the flooding problems, it is going to come out of your tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

I believe that if they passed the generator ordinance, the people who have major flooding should get a generator, get a sump pump and a sump pump back up system it would solve flooding. I have that right now and it works perfectly because I got flooded from the big storms but after I installed the generator and the sump pump back up my problems were magically solved.

It may not solve your problem perfectly but it could really help. It helped me and I don't get flooded anymore.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the fact that the generator ordinance should pass, and quickly. With all the flooding problems we are having, if the city allowed for generators, especially in most restrictive lots, that would decrease a big number of complaints from residents about flooding. Although this is not a solution overall, it may help many people alleviate flooding in their homes. If you have a good sump pump system and a generator, it will decrease, and or help with eliminating flooding issues in your home. I suggest encouraging city staff members and the council to allow the generator ordinance to change for the better.

Anonymous said...

With all that is going here:
- Flooding
- Air traffic
- Cancers
- Noise
- Foul air
and more...............

It's no wonder that the big home on Talcott that once was reported to be
worth a million + ..is now up for a quick/short sale at 700K.

Yep! The people are leaving!

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with the generator ordinance. The city should allow it and if a person wants to spend the money they should be allowed.

Having said that, isn't part of the idea behind subsidizing flood control systems that there are people here in PR who flood on a reular basis for whom the approximately 8K for a flood control system is a huge burden? So the answer for these people is that if they spend thousands on their plumbing/sewer line and additional thousands on a nautural gas direct link generator, their flooding problem will be resloved??

I can live with that. I spent the money already (no genarator but I may head in that direction). It just seems to me that there are many in PR that will not be helped by this.

Anonymous said...

Who here doesn't understand that the generator ordinance isn't new?

People have always been able to install a generator.

What we seem to making a big tadoo about is WHERE someone can locate a generator as to NOT disturb thy neighbor.

However, I guess 5 feet from a lot line in the opinion of some is more than ample room. After all why should the person who is benifitting from the use of a generator actually have tolook at the generator when he could stick it out of his sight and impose it on his neighbors. Much better!

Anonymous said...

anon 6:53:

Do you live in a bubble??? I am not sure which big house on Talcott that you refer to, but your taking data and applying it to the conclusion that you have already made. Hell, you could work for cable news!!!

You assume that that sale was buy a person that was soooooo fed up with the things you listed that he/she said screw it and took a loss. You have no idea whay that person is selling. Have you noticed that market in general is way down. There is a new construction that I know of that was listed at 1.7 mil 3+ years ago, never sold and recently was on the market for around 1.2.

While you are looking at the price of homes in PR, try looking at home prices in Lake Forest, Deerfield, Naperville etc. These are areas that do not have the same issues you list but real estate prices are down virtually the same amount on a precentage basis.

Anonymous said...

I know there was talk earlier in the year that these City Council meetings would be televised...any update on that?

Anonymous said...

Anon @8:11,

I understand that the Mayor's office is still trying to sort out the most cost-effective way to televise meetings. Equipment is currently being evaluated.

Rest assured that it will happen, and not for the ridiculously large $$$ quote that the previous administration used to avoid televising meetings.

gypsy said...

I think the "blockage" on televising the meetings is more of an issue of resistance from the aldermonkeys than of technology or funding.
the Mayor wanted to post the video of each meeting on the City's website. it's very basic.
Which alderman screamed the most? Who protested too much? hmmm?

U.E.O. said...

We have received confiormation that thecamera was purchased yesterday, and the "experiment" will commence tonight at the Council's COW meeting.

Anonymous said...

I suppose I should come here and post something worthwhile from last nights meeting, but it went on so late that I'm still too tired. My favorite parts of the evening were when Ryan asked Carrie Davis if she preferred "12 inches or 8" and when Bach publically stated that "I myself have had the opportunity to lay some fiber around town" Classic CC moments.

gypsy said...

it was the COW CIRCUS last night. It is shameful how certain aldermonkeys act.
Pay attention! Priorities? Figure them out!

And by the way...you just proved once again last night why Park Ridge is thought of as "unfriendly" to small business owners. Pushing through the guy who wants to put BILLBOARDS in PR, not going through the right channels, then trying to glaze over the Chamber rep and retail businesses who want to put up signs on the sidewalks? HEL-LO?
Thanks for the solid proof.

everyone will need a nap today. Who says summertime is "light" on City Government?

Anonymous said...

gypsy: was it taped so i can see it?

Anonymous said...

Will these alderman ever actually work to serve the "people" and really learn what's going on in the city government and look into the city budget and actually know wtf they're doing? Growing up in this town I never knew of such incompetance!!! Past Alderman never worked against eachother like they do now, they worked together....you jag-offs! You people don't provide shit as it is! I call and talk to you people and all I hear is the same B.S. We're very short-handed and you're on our list or we're aware of your problem and we'll be there when we can....we're very short-handed. What!?!?! You're short-handed and I read about lay-offs!? Can somebody make this situation right? ...Really quick!?!?

Anonymous said...

how sad that the H-A is misreporting the AT&T UVerse issue. one of the aldermen stated in the meeting that they (AT&T) would be putting "boxes in front yards" which is not what AT&T proposed. Also, the $$ that the City will get BACK in franchise fees completely outweighs the waiving of the construction permits.
Also, Allegretti claims that he cannot vote to waive the fees when Comcast had to pay for them (in the 80's!). New STate of Illinois LAW (this alderman is an attorney, right?) says that they (AT&T) can claim exemption.

Here is the link to the article by the newbie reporter: http://www.pioneerlocal.com/parkridge/news/1666581,park-ridge-att-071609-s1.article

Anonymous said...


don't set your expectations high with our alderman lol

set them as low as they go

Anonymous said...

According to the Advocate & Journal, looks like the videos of Monday's COW meeting are on the Internet...as well as video of Mayor Schmidt's first meeting as Mayor when Howard refuses to shake his hand...as well as copies of the city's audio tapings of all City Council meetings since Mayor Dave has been in office. Thank you Mayor Dave for taking steps towards providing transparency in our government and making good on one of your campaign promises.

Who can find the video segment from Monday night's meeting where Ryan states he prefers 8 inches over 12 inches?

Check out these video and audio recordings at www.parkridgemayor.com under the video library tab.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 9:43AM, you are incorrect in your assumption that the franchise fees will outweigh the cost of waiving the permit fees. The franchise fees you're referring to PR already gets from Comcast. They are billed on your monthly bill. AT&T is trying to make you believe there is more money, but there's not, the only difference is in who gives the money to Park Ridge. In theory, it could actually be less. The Franchise fee is a % of monthly fee. If AT&T comes into town, the competition could drive rates down, therefore drive down the franchise fees collected. The only potential additional revenue for the city of PR, is if a resident is currently a satellite TV subscriber, and they switch to AT&T, but PR would get that revenue if the resident switched to Comcast as well. AT&T does have big ugly boxes that they will put up in town. And, no, I don't want one on my parkway. No amount of shrubs will make it look good, and at the end of the day, there is no additional money here.

Anonymous said...

1:12--you need to rethink your position. there are MANY of us who refuse to deal with Comcast and are WAITING WAITING WAITING for AT&T to come to town.

Anonymous said...

I'm not arguing that AT&T shouldn't come to PR, I'm only stating that there is not "big" money at stake. Even if we pick up more cable subscribers, and therefore more in Franchise Fees, the competition will drive the base down. Any increase would be minimal. I'm fine if they come to town, but I don't want the box on my parkway, and would certainly understand others who feel the same way. Also, please remember that a 2nd cable provider does not have to be AT&T, it could be someone else.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone read about aldermen wanting to pay for flooding problems in a way that will end up costing ALL taxpayers $100 to $200 A MONTH more on property taxes?
GREAT IDEA GUYS!!! Lets all chip in over two thousand a year more so you don't get "yelled" at. In the mean time there was NO mention of ACTION about the planes that. Yeah that group takes the polite, quiet approach so no need to rush. What a bunch of dolts who can't actually work TOGETHER to solve anything. I can't wait to NOT VOTE.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 12:15 PM, Ald Sweeney threw out that figure, and it's wrong. He pulled that number out of the air. If they bonded 40 Million dollars for 20 years, it was something like $100/year per household...maybe a bit more. In any case, it was no where close to what Sweeney stated. As far as the planes, didn't they already give money to that commission for noise recorders or something? Not sure what else we can do for now. Daley and FAA are not going to not use $150 Million dollar runway.

Anonymous said...

1116--where you THERE? did you hear the actual conversation at the COW? They arent going to put them in the parkways unless necessary. AGAIN, get the facts before you make a decision. Don't listen to the comical commentary of the aldermonkeys. They are off their meds and there was a full moon.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 3:20, yes I was there. They were choosing their words very carefully. They will 'try' to not put it on the parkway, but they made no guarantees they wouldn't need to be on a parkway. They waive "money" in front of the cc to get them to agree. There really is no money. In any case, I'm not basing my opinion on what I heard at the meeting, I'm basing it on personal knowledge. I used to work for them. It pains me to agree with Allegretti, but they are bullies who throw their weight around, A LOT! There's a reason you pay an IMF on all your telecommunications bills. C-LEC's are very powerful, politial and pushy.

Please understand something, I am in no way talking about the quality of the service they deliver. Many people prefer them, especially over Comcast. I don't have a problem with them being giving license. I just don't want people thinking that there will be some big pay off and therefore the boxes are worth it. If you want their services, you agree to the boxes, (and I believe we only need 3), but don't agree to the boxes thinking there's money. Does that make sense?

gypsy said...

anon @ 1:35: The claim that the former mayor and his peeps "didn't know about" the new runway that opened to allow planes to fly over our heads last November is the reference. The message from that, and the lesson to be learned, is that everyone needs to pay attention to what is going on.

PRU--I think you should get the net ready!

Anonymous said...

Re AT&T: The "boxes" are already in place and have been for around 20 years and are currently being used for phone line, data collection etc. They are essentially ready for hook up for "fiber optic" service already. I do not have cable and have been waiting impatiently to hook up to AT&T service. I have been VERY happy with their DSL service the last 3 years.

Anonymous said...

At&T sucks! They are big bullies with alot of money. I switched to comcast and I see a world of difference in customer service and just general attitude towards their customers. I was told by the FCC that AT&T has more complaints filed against them than all the other companies combined.

Anonymous said...

Let's see anyone keeping track...

- Obama wants his welfare/health care plan...........higher taxes.

- Gov. Quinn passed his budget which
raised your......... state taxes.

- City Alderman want to hit you in the wallet/face with another tax and spend proposal........higher taxes.

Yes.....if you wanted change...that is just what we will have left........change!

Anonymous said...

I think that Ald. Wsol ( per the press statements ) is..carrying out political mandate.

See you at the next election.

Maybe the screening comte....the super secret inner PR society will approve you - this time.

Great job.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:35:

I will have to defer to you on how 40 mil, as an example, would be reflected on our taxes.

I think the point is that if we take a city wide approach it is going to be a huge amount of money. I remember when I first moved to this town there was a referendum on new swimming pools that failed. The money involved here makes that look like a drop in the bucket.

So here is the way I see it. God willing, we will someday get a plan with dollars and timeframes attached. It will go to referendum, either from the council or from an angry group collecting signatures. It will be voted down. It will then be up to our "courageous" aldermen to make the call.

The only good news is that my record in predicting the future is less than 50/50.

Anonymous said...

July 17, 2009 10:15 AM

We can't compare a flood-control bond issue with a swimming pool bond issue, not just because of the money involved but because flood control is a necessity, but a new swimming pool is just an amenity.

But if a flood control bond issue is put to referendum and fails, then its up to the elected officials to make the call, because as a home-rule body the city doesn't need the referendum.

Anonymous said...

This is what the future holds for PR: Rising noise pollution. Declining air quality. Rising taxes. Increasing traffic (casino). Further infrastructure deterioration and more flooding. Shrinking tax base. Sell your house now (if you can)and move to Arlington Heights. Looks like they know how to take care of business. We're just a bunch of me-first squabblers,whiners & incompetents. The PR Public Works Director Wayne Somebody thinks this is a big joke cause all you ever see on his face is a smirk.

Anonymous said...

Wait til the lawsuits start. Just a matter of time. Then watch our taxes go up.

fred said...

If you want to see a permanent smirk, watch Wsol

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a jack ass in the movies named Frances? Perfect!

Anonymous said...

If you want to complain about the planes, the place to do it is in the ears of Jan Shakowsky and Dick Durbin. Shakowsky numbers: Chicago,773-506-7100, Evanston, 847-328-3409, Washington, 202-225-2111. Durbin numbers: Washington, 202-224-2152. Chicago, 312-353-4952, Springfield, 217-492-4062. Explain where your vote will be placed depending on their actions. No need to leave out dear Rosemary either.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:35 and 10:15:
$40 million, fully amortized (all principal repaid) over 20 years at let's assume 6% would amount to $3.487 million per year. There are about 35,000 people living in Park Ridge. That comes to $99.64 per person - not per household. Average household is 3+ people so the per household cost would be $300 - $400.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:52
Couldn't be more spot on. We can't stop the already built airport, but, why can't we try to stop the not yet built casino? Arlington Hts has the racetrack, BUT they get revenue. And it only operates for part of the year and only a few hours a day, wrapping up before the evening. The people of Arlington Hts stick together and make sure that never changes, the whiners of Park Ridge don't care, so long as the casino is far enough away from them.

Anonymous said...

Anon July 17 @ 2:43 pm

You are right...we need to call all of them. Flooding is a problem yes but the O'Hare Expansion is and will be a bigger one. PR needs to step up and call the ppl you mentioned especially Jan S. We need to bring the flight caps back...more runways = more flights... not relief...there are NO CAPS!! Don't be fooled (again). PR needs to stand together and say "enough is enough"!! Call her office and call the noise complaint number all day long if you can 1-800-435-9569. There are too many planes in our sky and these planes are too loud and too low.

gypsy said...

6:38--that is an EXCELLENT question. So what are YOU doing to track the progress of the casino? Hmmmm?
Get up off your couch and DO SOMETHING.

Anonymous said...

gypsy, I have called and written letters to Durbin, Burris, Kotowski,Jan Schakowski, Lisa Madigan, Rosemary Mulligan and the Illinois Gaming Commission. I've hit nothing but brick walls and was told more than once, that No One else is voicing any concerns, so it does not appear to be a problem with the residents of Park Ridge. I think we are facing a lot of major problems, and the casino is just one of them. But I'm afraid that because there really isn't any press about it, people are just not aware of this additional detriment to our city.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 6:38, it's my understanding that it's too late to do anything about the Casino. Frimark blew the deadline cause he thought it was good for Park Ridge. Since the Casino is not in PR, there's not much we can do now.

gypsy said...

OK...Class...what is said when the same behavior is repeated over and over expecting the same result? what do we call that?

Anonymous said...

Dear 12:06
That is the lie they tell all of us. Please be assured that you most certainly NOT the only one complaining. If you want to join some voices, come to Evanston office of Jan S. tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. We will be picketing. She must be a VISUAL learner since she ignores e-mails, letters, and calls. Bring a sign...she HATES signs. Let's make it clear to all the people you mentioned that unless something concrete is done THEY WILL BE FIRED!

Anonymous said...

12:06 You are calling the right people, but how about adding OUR ALDERMEN to the list.
They don't seem to be anxious to help.....it's only been eight months.

Anonymous said...

Your wrong!

Date: July 21st
Time: 10am
Location: Rep. Jan's offices
Address: 820 Davis Street

Planned protest by the parents today.
Whether its 6 or 60 - see you there.

Had enough ?
Us too.

400 planes per day
750 ft above our kids heads =

Daley's money tree
pay to play
Infiltrate the collar communities
Sing Mr.John Harris!!!

Now the alderman are cherry picking their own AP commission
by loading it up with Daley supporters.

The NGO's have failed too.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, people, Park Ridge is a mosquito on the elephant's butt when it comes to O'Hare AND the casino. There's far too much money generated by both of them for little Park Ridge to influence the decisions, especially now that the decisions have been made.

Flight caps? Good luck with that. When Richie Daley gets $X for every ticket sold? That ship has sailed, and if you haven't figured that out by now you're in sad shape.

The only things we have a chance of controlling are purely local matters, like sewers, zoning, taxes, budgets, etc. And we've been doing a really poor job of those, in part because too many residents are letting themselves get distracted by things we can't change.

But if you want to tilt at windmills, why not at least do something productive about O'Hare by lobbying for quieter engines. News from the recent Paris air show about Pratt & Whitney's new GTF engine:

"And GTF has a trump card to play: that of noise. Saia says that the PW1000G is actually quieter than normal jets - a lot quieter. The bypass fan is the main noise source, and in the case of a GTF it's spinning slower, so making less racket. Saia says that a big four-jet like the A340, equipped with GTFs, would have an 85-decibel noise footprint which fitted within a lot of airport boundaries. That means that it would be allowed to land or take off twenty-four hours a day, whereas big airliners usually have restricted hours of operation at the moment. Overall, a future GTF-equipped airline industry would be a lot quieter and more pleasant for people living near airports.

Open rotors, on the other hand, are likely to be significantly more noisy than current engines. But they potentially offer much greater fuel and carbon savings.

So which is more important? Saving the planet and/or conserving fossil fuel stocks, or cutting down on aircraft noise?

Rolls and most of the engine industry say the former, but P&W are betting on the latter - and, it has to be admitted, offering a decent fuel/carbon saving right off. Given that anti-airport protests seem to be driven as much by local residents' desire for quiet as by any fear of climate change, that could be a sound business move."

Anonymous said...

too bad you didnt let people know about that protest earlier!

Annoyed said...

gypsy’s a condescending person. Really insulting. Calling inquisitive people “Class” and telling them to get off their butts. Who is this self-indulgent maniac? Makes me hate this blog.

What have you done gypsy? Besides criticize every one on every side of every issue. You are useless.

Anonymous said...

Well, 12:05 don't give up! The demonstration was GREAT! We had a reporter for the "Oak Leaf" (Jan Shakowsky's local paper) get off a bus to come and talk to us. She called the story in to her office. We also had NUMEROUS people stop to talk to us. I can't tell you how many are disgusted with Jan and her inability to respond to various concerns. Don't believe the bunk that you stand alone. Apathy is thier weapon of choice. You have a more powerful weapon.....your voice. O.K. so many will say that this will not stop planes, but if we are condenmed to sacrifice our quality of life, it should be at the cost of political ambitions for those who ignore us. Shakowsky and Durbin listen up.... we will errode Daley's machine one by one! A sign is worth a thousand calls. Care to join us next time?

Anonymous said...

If visuals are so effective, why not show up on Dan Shokowski's front lawn, or the steps of 505? Maybe the aldermen will let go of their egos and get the messaage to co-operate in order to GET SOMETHING done about flooding and planes.

gypsy said...

annoyed @12:01-- you betcha

Anonymous said...

1:47 PM
Who is Dan Shokowski?

Anonymous said...

It's Dan Katowski.....State Senator...lives in P. R. often mixed up with Jan Schakowsky.

Anonymous said...

10:53 We are planning another demonstration for Schakowsky...stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Mark your calenders.....

August 1st 2009
Alternate rain date of Aug 8th
10am start
9th Cong. District
Veterans Square
Evanston, IL

Planned Protest Rally
Let's send a message to
US Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)

Jan is home on break......

Bring your signs!!!

- "Stop the cancers"
- "Bring back the flight cap"
- "Stop runway 9 center over 7th
the Granville residents" .
- "750ft separates life safety
over our kids heads"!

See you there!!!!

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I was watching C-Span. The House of Reps. was discussing a bill concerning airport redesign. TAHT IS WHAT WE ARE AGAINST!
The Rep. who is working to help protect people lide us from the FAA is Rep. Jerry Costello from Il. If you would like to cheer him on, or help him gain support, his number is 618-233-8026. The Rep. who is working for the FAA is John Olver from Mass. If you would like to express your concerns to him, his number is 413-442-0946. Too bad we don't live in Costello's district because HE is actually working for his constituants...much UNLIKE Jan Schakowsky.

Anonymous said...

Why are we fighting the airport again?? Its done lol

Anonymous said...

I can see it now: "Park Ridge residents shut down the world's busiest airport". Go get some reality people... WHY did you move here?

Anonymous said...

The truth is there are several different Park Ridges. There are areas in PR that are not affected by the planes or the flooding. You can pretty much tell by the righteousness and smugness of the comments as to who lives where. But I've got news, Mr/Ms. Reality, when PR's image goes down the tube, and it is already sliding down, you will be affected, and you will sing a different song.

Anonymous said...

ummm 1:00 PM not everyone cares that much about every single problem in park ridge..

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the folks in the south ward areas that still believe.

The Law firm sounds quite interesting.

The only thing is...they are use to defending dead people - after a crash!!!!

Oh - maybe we can think prevention.

750 feet is all that separtes the aircraft and our kids lives at MSH.

Good luck dist 207!!with your action plan too!

Anonymous said...

6:24 Don't forget the casino right next to Maine South. But like someone pointed out, not everyone cares. But give yourself a big pat on the back for circulating a petition.

Anonymous said...

"when PR's image goes down the tube, and it is already sliding down, you will be affected, and you will sing a different song."

Yes, the "image" is being helped tremendously from Chicken Little shouting from the rooftops about all the cancer we're getting, how we can't converse in our houses or yards because of plane noise, how the kids at Maine South are wearing bulls-eyes for crashing planes, etc. Yeah, that helps improve the image, doesn't it

Anonymous said...

the real estate in our area probably went up because there is a lot less air noise... living by the country club and have noticed a significant decrease in noise since they opened the new runway.

Anonymous said...

And then chicken little cried "The police station is coming! the police station is coming!" And the brave followers went out in COLD weather and collected signatures on a PETITION and battled the bad police at the library. In the end, the police station that wasn't going to built anyway, wasn't built. And they clucked and patted themselves on their own backs, tooted their own horns and felt very smug indeed.

Anonymous said...

8:36 must be living in a bubble.
Can't be in the glide path - that's for sure.

Where are you at 3am ?
Stop by to view and hear the cargo boys!

Ah...yes....commerce at work!

Enjoy your next tax hike!

Anonymous said...

10:28pm... blow it out your ass.
Where does this comment come from?
Regardless, it was actually the police station that Alder-uber-idiot Wsol, then Mayor What's-in-it-for-me Frimark and a few of the others on the council would have been happy to bond for had the referendums gone their way.
Your revisionist history is bullshit... try again.

Anonymous said...

How come everybody in park ridge hates change?

Anonymous said...

anon 8:27:

Not to get too deep on you, but is it not true that virtually everyone hates change? I mean isn't that what the Republicans are selling related to the health care issue. "Oh no the government will be involved in health care.....ahhhhhh.....run"

Related to the airport (which is what many of the posts in this thread are about), I would respectfull submit that my problem is not fear of change. My problem is 200+ planes a day flying 1000ft or less over my house. They could take the whole airport and move it to Gurnee. That would be a change that I would have to problem with.

Anonymous said...

9:20 AM

are you kidding me, It may not be everyone but most of park ridge hates change.

Park Ridge overall is a very sleepy town, we are lucky we have the new uptown!

We needed a new police station park ridge citizens voted "NO" Have you seen the police station?????
It's a joke

We have to go through so much to change ordinances! We have to keep the same unorganized, and unfair ordinances for over years! Park Ridge is a town that realllllly needs changes

Bean said...

No, most of Park Ridge doesn't hate change. Most of Park Ridge hates people who demand change for change's sake, without bothering to consider if the change is good or bad.

My family moved here precisely because Park Ridge, "overall", is a very "sleepy town"...but I would characterize it as having a small town feel.

I don't think we are "lucky" to have the new uptown. I liked the "old" uptown with its wide-open space...instead of the heat island we now have that...in my opinion...has likely added tremendously to the pressures on our sewer system for those living South of uptown...those asking "what changed?"

I also don't think we are "lucky" to have the new uptown because of the cost to taxpayers...unless you think that thing will ever prove profitable for the city? I don't share that opinion.

We might need a better organized police station, but we don't need a new police station 5 times bigger than the current police station...out of which our police dept. continues to be accredited and continues to win awards...and yes, I've been in the police station.

I am happly as a clam that the process for changing, repealing, or enacting ordinances, also known as laws, requires "so much"...as the old joke goes, "...and to think we started with just 10 commandments..." Have you been in a law library? It's a joke!

As I believe Lincoln was credited with saying, "The best way to repeal a bad law is to enforce it to the fullest"...so if you believe there are bad, "unorganized and unfair" ordinances on the books in Park Ridge, do bring your concerns to the next City Clowncil meeting and describe for the assembly how enforcement of certain "unorganized and unfair" local laws have prevented some utopian transformation of Park Ridge into a bustling urban center...

The worst that can happen at the meeting is, you will be cured of your ignorance for failing to understand the purpose behind the local laws...or you will be asked to join a task force to "investiage" changing the local laws...because in your opinion Park Ridge "realllllly needs changes"...

Get your list together. Show up. Or. Shut up.

Anonymous said...

"Show up, or shut up"? Are you kidding? We, the plane people, DID show up. We were told "We can't do anything, its up to the people". We were we couldn't applaud, we had to be polite, we had to be patient, we had to be respectful. Where has THAT gotten us? The "flood" folks show up, yell, scream,throw papers and they get action PDQ. We get we'll look into it when we get around to it. ITS BEEN EIGHT MONTHS!!!!!!! The problem isn't showing up, its getting the aldermen to work FOR the people and WITH Dave instead of being upset that a decent person won the election. How about DO YOUR JOB, OR GET OUT.

gypsy said...

no, we don't need a NEW police station, not the kind that Frimark proposed. The existing one can be remodeled, utilizing the house adjacent to City Hall for office space. The voters voted AGAINST spending all that $$. There IS a workaround.

I don't like the "new" uptown. It's hideous and makes us look like every other town on the train line. I believe myself that it caused all the flooding. I don't have scientific proof.

Yes, we need changes. Starting with getting more educated aldermen who understand how to balance a budget, spend money, be CIVIL, and actually respond to the needs of citizens. Right now the clowns are running the circus.

gypsy said...

anon @ 1:33--remember, that airport meeting was run by Frimark. We were to be SEEN but not heard.
The meetings on flooding are run by the new mayor.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to those who disagree here on the many key points and issues that we are facing - I would ask those civilians to take a step back.

Listen and learn from this last election.

Let's help and come together in helping Mayor Dave Schmidt achieve his goals.

Right now , 505 is NOT for sale.

Although we have some issues with our alderman - they too need to come together.

Tax and spend is NOT a plan - is a road to disaster.

Yes, I agree that we all have our priorities and thats ok.

But to trample on one's comments and key points here - is unfair.

You want smoke and mirrors - hire a magician to work out these issues.

As we speak Obama wants to tear down this country with his 51st ward crew that now occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Let's pull in one direction.
Reach across the isle here too!

Remember - it's not how you start out - but how you finish.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:50:

Lovely sentiments. In fact, I am dabbing a tear out of the corner of my eye as I type this.

The problem is that the majority of people (you included I imagine) are all for pulling in one direction but only if it is the direction they want to go. If it is not in their direction then screw everyone else.

Anonymous said...

11:48 AM

People like you are the reason I say park ridge hates change. ;) All change is good, my family has lived in park ridge for over 17 years, I think we know how much change park ridge DOES need.As for most of park ridge who "hates people who demand change for change's sake," everyone in PR demands change for a real reason, not for change's sake...Do you really think pr residents care about change's sake.

If you wanted a "small town feel" you really did come to the right place, as I said it is a sleepy town.

We are lucky for the new uptown, that was change. It is beautiful and modern. It's 2009 not the 70's, 80s' or the 90's if you don't like new modern things you should buy a farm.

As for the sewer systems, Park ridge as has been stated on here millions of times has always had flooding problems..

We obviously don't share the same opinions, It is a city! It is gonna have new businesses it is going to have new buildings, I don't know what you expected!

It can't be organized if it doesn't have the space,have you been to glenview? Have you seen their police station? It is not only 5 times bigger, it isn't even 10, It so much bigger that Park Ridge that we look pathetic.. It is a joke, it is a shack. Oh and umm... Congrats on going in there??

Of course you are happy about the ordinances.
Our ordinances are old and need to be renewed. Sorry, it's the truth. It does require so much. Have you read the things people said about change and ordinances here? All they do is fight change. People in park ridge don't even like new construction homes, or buildings.
It's a joke!!!!

I came here to say park ridge is unhappy with change, not to change ordinances that was just one of my reasons.. So no I don't have to go to a meeting... but if it matters like you mentioned you've been to the police station.. I have been to city hall!!

I won't be attending a meeting to prove park ridge hates change, Thats actually funny you'd think I would do that you didn't understand my first comment, if thats what you thought I would do.

My list is together, you have a lot of problems you have been complaining about also, as you said go to city "clowncil" and show up or shut up!!

Anonymous said...

anon 3:50

Obama wants to tear down the country?? This country hit rock bottom under the Bush Administration. Get out of the way, and let the man rebuild.

gypsy said...

anon @ 350--your bitterness shines through and your ugly criticism and disrespect for the President of the United States is unacceptable.

I find your comments disrespectful and cannot imagine how anyone would find anything you say educated or worthwhile. Do something positive, stop being so negative and critical.

Bean said...

To Anonymous at 5:51,



Anonymous said...


God love ya but where is the consistency??? You object to the "ugly criticism and disrespect for the President". You go on to say "Do something positive, stop being so negative and critical". 3:50 expressed an opinion about Obama. I completely and categorically disagree with his opinion but he did so without incorporating the word retard (bachtard) or a bodily excretion (turd) or an animal (aldermonkey) etc.

Ugly criticism and disrespect??? Please!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

7:04 PM

couldn't think of anything to say?

Anonymous said...

3:50 PM

Tear down this country? where did you get your information?

gypsy said...

anon @ 815---how's the view from your sofa? hmmm?

Anonymous said...

8:15 PM

I agree completely!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

mental retardation
Function: noun
Date: 1914

: subaverage intellectual ability equivalent to or less than an IQ of 70 that is accompanied by significant deficits in abilities (as in communication or self-care) necessary for independent daily functioning, is present from birth or infancy, and is manifested especially by delayed or abnormal development, by learning difficulties, and by problems in social adjustment

— mentally retarded, adjective

We understand there are those that become offended when mental retardation is overtly observed and described.

We suggest you find a blog to read where the administrators give a shit about your pc sensibilities.

U.E.O. said...

Gypsy...you know I love you, and I am ready to accept that gratutitous beer at Uncle Dan's any time. But your heartfelt plea to respect the president and stop saying bad things about him rings hollow after 8 years of constant Bush-bashing which makes the current Obama-bashing look like tiddly winkls. Let's all stick to local issues and leave the national crap for the clowns at Fox News and MSNBC.

Now, do I still get that beer, or don't you love me anymore?

Anonymous said...

what happened to rudy?

gypsy said...

in the words of that fantastic Republican candidate for Vice President: YOU BETCHA

Anonymous said...


Just to be clear, I am in no way offended. I would like to think that people can make their point with out personal attacks but I knew exactly what I was getting the first time I read this blog and, for me, the positives outweigh the negatives.

That being said, when I read comments like Gypsy's I feel obliged to call him on it. To use use words "ugly criticism" and "disrespectful" is simply a reflection of the fact that he does not agree with the poster. The posters comments were significantly less "disrespectful" then many of the posts here. Apparently it is fine with him for people to be "disrespectful" as long as he agrees with their opinion. That is nothing but crap!!

gypsy said...

I knew who the poster was.
I am sick of HIS b.s.
I am a SHE.
I am not afraid to speak up and attend meetings, write emails, make phone calls, etc.

the disrespect shown by all the bitching by a few people is unacceptable to me. Sorry if that offends you.

Now pick up your remote control and sit down on the sofa.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gypsy,the comments on here are disrespectful and complaints about Obama are out of place. There's one person who consistently blames every problem in PR on the mayor of Chciago, Cook county, Obama and every living breathing democrat. He needs to go away. It's not positive or helpful.
UEO whoever you are, theer is NO WAY you can compare the 8 years of nightmare with Bush with the past 6 months of Obama!

Anonymous said...

OK....again I will bang my head against the wall but what the hell.

Anon 7:53....this is a blog! What that means is people get to express their opinion. That does not mean that every opinion expressed is one that you or I will agree with. I do not agree at all with the comments made related to Obama by the previous poster. Like you, I believe that their position conveniently ignores the prior 8 years.

But to catagorize the persons comments as disrespectful (lacking courtesy, impolite, rude) simply becuase you disagree with them is wrong.

PRU took this topic as an opportunity to invite those who are PC to go elsewhere. In that vein, if you are only looking for opinions that you agree with and you get all pissy and feel any differing view is disrespectful, why would you come to a blog??

I have no problem with anything people type here, you included. This is a freee exchange of ideas. But, put bluntly, people attaching a name to an alderman equated with excrement brings no comment at all from you about disrespect but god for bid someone offer a an opinion you disagree with.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 10:06am--"people attaching a name to an alderman equated with excrement"


Anonymous said...

10:06 AM

don't be a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:35:

What does "Bachturd" mean to you?

Again, I am not complaining. People should type what ever they want. Hell, I have been refered to as "asshat" more than once here and at times it was deserved.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Come on dear,
Tell us really how you feel.

Anonymous said...

AARP Meeting in Dallas, Tx.
Anyone see that on the news or youtube.
