July 6, 2009

On The Loose!

There's a Council meeting tonight! The agenda (.pdf) looks interesting, to say the least!

Finance & Budget Committee item c looks very interesting! Our sources inside the City tell us this little gem is the brainstorm of 7th Ward Alderman Frank assWsol.

Our sources have also told us, because Ald. assWsol hasn't provided any documentation for publication on the City's website, this will be a discussion about --

"-- rebates to owners of “existing” single family homes up to a maximum of a $2,500.00 rebate based on 25% of the actual cost of the verifiable construction of flood mitigation/prevention projects performed on a single-family residence, dating back to January 1, 2008. All new construction is required to meet all appropriate building codes and is specifically excluded from this program. The goal of the program is to provide Park Ridge homeowners of existing single family residences who have had flood mitigation/prevention construction work performed on their dwelling or those adopting such improvements an opportunity to address the new issue of “100 year flooding” rainfall that has become all too “normal.” Only existing single-family homes (and town homes) will be eligible whether owner occupied or not. Landlords may apply. Projects covered by the program will include improvements for: overhead sewers; backwater valves in basements or yards; lift stations in yards; glass block basement windows in cases where a home is subject to flooding through window wells; drain tile with sump pumps; backup battery sump pumps; emergency generators for flood control systems, “French drains” which can demonstrate their effectiveness at retaining significant rainwater that causes home flooding and sump pump connections to storm sewers. The type of projects not covered include maintenance items such as normal plumbing repairs, sump pump replacements, valve replacements, sewer clean-outs and repairs. Funding for this program will be from General Fund property tax reserves."

We are indebted to our brave source for this information. And, if Ald. assWsol gets his way, the entire City budget and Park Ridge taxpayers will be even further "indebted."

The current City budget is in the red by $2million and counting.

Last year's City budget was in the red by $2.5million.

Property taxes and fees have been raised.

City staff has been asked to take salary freezes.

The City Council increased funding for community groups beyond the original budget.

And Ald. assWsol wants to enact legislation to subsidize private home improvements, retroactive to January 1, 2008, before the City's consultants and Flooding Task Force determine any definitive causes of flooding and make recommendations for courses of action.

While the 5th Ward's Benedict Alderman Robert Ryan wants to make sure there is the likelihood of adding even more residential density to the Uptown area, and more housing units to the already depressed real estate housing market.


No PRU recap tomorrow. We'll provide a post for any reader reports of the meeting.


Anonymous said...

The Nanny State is alive and well. Thanks to Alderman Wsol for that.

These aldermen have got to go.

Anonymous said...

What a nitwitted idea from Mr. Wsol. Who is he shilling for?

Dirksen's Ghost said...

"Think these are just drops in the bucket? A million here, a million there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money.”

Anonymous said...

I thought Alderman Wsol was a Republican?

More or less government involvement?

Anonymous said...

Obamanomics comes to Park Ridge.

gypsy said...

get the net! there's a powerful FULL MOON!

Anonymous said...

Are we taking from Peter to give to Paul ?

I like the first plan:

- Check out all the troubled spots
first with the camera.

As reported in the local press - a sewer on Greenwood Ave in the 5th ward area had ashpalt and other junk dumped in it??? 90% blocked!!!

Before we throw money at the problem - let's let the flood commission work together - first.

Anonymous said...

WTF is Wsol thinking? WTF are any of the alderidiots thinking? I hope the residents of Park Ridge are wise enough to realize that if they are giving you $2500 to put in right pocket, they will eventually have to take $3000 from your left; unless of course they cut expenses elsewhere. But, in the words of Wsol, we can't cut services from those less fortunate. Give me a break! Man, I am really starting to dislike this town.

Anonymous said...

Give the flood commission a chance.
If it's like the other commissions that have been formed - it should not be just " window dressing".

By the way....the article in the tribune.....talk about sugar coating the issues !!

Sounded like 41st ward propaganda
to me!!