A recent article in the online Herald-Advocate -- Residents thwart attempted 'grandparents' scam -- discussed how two residents avoided being bilked out of money by a caller, or callers, trying to scam them. In the news report, it is clear that the scammers were trying to play on the residents' personal and familial ties.
The PRU Crew knows most of the residents of Park Ridge aren't easily duped and we're very glad to hear these two residents avoided the scam that has turned out differently for many others across the nation.
Beware of scammers.
There are scammers everywhere.
And then there are opportunists.
There are opportunists everywhere.
Sometimes they don't use the phone.
Sometimes they're closer to home than you may think.
Discussion of one particular opportunist took place at last night's Flood Control Task Force meeting.
The discussion begins @ the 10:30 marker in the above video -- another from Cecil B. deMelidosian's Motionbox collection
A copy of the flyer being discussed by the Flood Control Task Force is below --
There's nothing illegal or outright fraudulent in the above flyer. But as we said, we find it very opportunistic and we hope Park Ridge residents aren't duped into believing any final decision on flood control rebates has been made or that anyone can count on receiving a "rebate" of up to $2500 dollars if they choose to install flood control systems of any kind .
Caveat emptor.
August 20, 2009
Beware of Opportunists!
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Labels: Flood Control Task Force, Flooding, Park Ridge Herald-Advocate, Video
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I have not seen the above flyer but have been involved in helping a neighbor who is considering a flood control system. She asked me for my expertise (god help her!!)in discussing systems with several vendors. Both vendors referenced the rebate as if it was a done deal and one even said that you should make your decision soon to get a permit and "get under the wire". I politely informed them that they were, at the least, misinformed.
Thanks for the warning PRU. The flyer may not be fraudulent as you said, but is sure isn't straight forward and I think that is on purpose and I think that is not honest.
I think it's VERY opportunistic and pathetic that these contractors are taking advantage of residents.
SHAME ON YOU! You aRE just like those who go through disaster ravaged communities and scam residents whose homes are damaged from hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.
Thanks PRU for the continued information and especially to Herr Melidosian for his work.
Lisa Madigan should just open a permanent office in Park Ridge.
Aqua plumbing's website has a Better Business Bureau logo on it.
It's all so shameful. Wsol's rebate plan sure is bringing out the greedy wolves. That says alot!
Buzz?You there? WHAT are you doing about this?
Stupid stupid stupid. Makes me wonder what holidays are like for this guy if this is how his company treats customers like family.
Hmm, while I don't like the flyer, it's clearly an advertisement, and like all advertisements, it's attempting to sell something. Unless the Flood Task Force did NOT unanimously support the rebate program, I don't see anything wrong with this; except that I don't think it's a particularly good advertisement....it seems cheesy and cheap to me, but nothing to bother Lisa Madigan about. What am I missing?
Anonymous 359
Are you serious? You don't see anything wrong with this? What planet do you spend most of your time on?
anon 4:46:
Sorry but I have to agree with the previous poster (from here on the planet of Park Ridge).
Lisa Madigan is charged with prosecuting crimes and, while distasteful (I picture the classic used car salesman) I do not see anything illegal.
I think PRU said it best. "There's nothing illegal or outright fraudulent in the above flyer".
I don't like the flyer, but I have to agree with Anonymous @ 3:59 PM - it seems to be the truth, although not the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
And for that, you can than the knuckleheaded and grossly premature "recommendation" of the Flood Control Task Force, compliments of Wayne Zingsheim, John Humm and Joe Saccomanno, instigators.
I, like gypsy, have no idea who John Galt is. I, like gypsy, think we should have govmnt. offcials stationed every 100 feet. And these stations will be permanent!
I contactd the owner of the company who made this flier by email. His response was unpleasant and doesnt thinK he did anythng wrong. this is what he said:
"I would advise people like your self to do a little investigation about people before you start hiding behind your computer blog sites and confront them to find out the truth. Obviously you are afraid to see the truth behind people thats why you write about them on your little blog sites. Why don,t you call me and we can go to the customers I have done work for or givin estimates to and see for your self how fair we are as a company or are you and your childish friends afraid to find out the TRUTH.
Do even better send this to your Mayor and have him call me since he sent a mass email out also, or is he afraid to speak with people also."
So--this guy thinks the mayor should call him and check in with him because the mayor had the nerve to send out an email, communicating with th epeople. I think we all know that if they mayor is contactd he does reply to people.
Ego much?!
I don't think ego is the problem. I think getting outted as a sort of used car salesman type of snake is the problem the guys got.
The thing I have seen happen many times since the blogs got started is that every time somebody gets caught not being their best self they start slamming the blogs and the anonymous authors. As if that is some kind of defense to whatever the issue is? The guy has got to know that this did not look good and doesn't look good. It looks cheap and sleazy. Even the Flood task force moved to distance themselves from this.
Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising.
Ibid, Howard Frimark.
anon at 4:46 on 8/20, while I appreciate your inquiry about my homeland, NANU NANU, you didn't answer my question. Aside from being cheap and sleezy looking, (like a whole lotta advertising), what EXACTLY is wrong with this? It's not illegal. Please read it and tell me EXACTLY what is on there that is incorrect? It does NOT say you will be granted the $2500, it does NOT say the CC passed the rebate, it does NOT say anything other than they will give you an additional $500 of the price.
11:18 I agree. I view this business as simply trying to get some work in these hard times. He didn't say or do anything that you can't read on the city web site about flood control rebates. I would hope any homeowner would get several estimates and check references before hiring anyone.
If this contractor's (or any others') intentions were merely to drum-up business...and if his intentions were entirely above board...then why mention the proposed rebates at all? If he knows the rebate program isn't a given...if he isn't trying to use the possibility of rebates as a selling tool...why mention it at all? Why not simply say "my business" can help you with your flooding concerns...? Why mention the Wsol rebate program...in an advert about flooding...?
To leave an "impression"...to make an "inference"...to allow the potential customer to draw an incorrect conclusion, if they aren't reading perfectly carefully...that's why.
As the PRU said, it isn't illegal or fraudulent, per se...but as other commenters have noted, it isn't quite the whole truth or perfectly honest either.
He mentions the rebates in hopes of enticing people to buy. Technically, there is nothing wrong with that. If you read it, he states that the CC is considering the rebates. It doesn't state you will get it. I'm sorry, but it's not that cryptic. Look, I'm not saying it's a good ad campaign, but it's hardly criminal, not even close. As PRU said, it's 'opportunistic"; and imo, cheesy. Do we really need to bother Lisa Madigan with it?? Talk about a nanny state! A reasonable person would not read that and think it's a done deal. I can't speak to what they say when they come out to give an estimate, and another poster did say that the guy was heavy handed, but speaking strictly about the flyer; it's aggressive and cheesy, but this is capitalism. You eat what you kill and therefore not everyone will sell you what you need at a fair price. Buyer beware...
"impression"...to make an "inference"... Paalease. The man wants to dig sink holes for money. He’s not a lawyer.
Capitalism is now vilified. What ever happened to buyer beware? Do we really need adults looking over our shoulders for everything?
We have become a lost and spineless tub of goo.
You can beg "paaalease" all you want...
Capitalism does not preclude a full measure of honesty. Frankly, anyone who believes capitalism could/would survive without honest business people is a doofus.
Exhibits A and beyond, begin with the Enron debacle, continues to Worldcom fiasco, and includes the recent credit market disaster...
"Paaalease," yourself...
Clearly "the man" is not a lawyer, but he sure does know how to stay just "this side" of legal, or so it appears to me...
This form of "capitalism," being practiced by this ilk of businessmen/contractors is remarkably unimpressive.
As the PRU stated, "caveat emptor"...but the complaints from people like you seem to be your concerns with this type of "marketing" being pointed out and criticized in the first place as something less than "best practices" in the market... Do you think "reactions from the market place"...through commentary or observation... are not "legitimate" to the practice of capitalism?
Carry on...enjoy...and I will be ever grateful when less than "best practices" continue to be highlighted and warned against...
Pardon me Bean, was that a fart?
I think if you would paaalease use some more quotation marks, your point would be clear.
5:35, Nope...it is the written form of a type of "Bronx Cheer"... Consider youself corrected and "pardoned."
5:42, I "look forward" to a time when you have something substantive to say...
I LOVE THIS BLOG! It's like kollich, only free! Seriously, where else in this benighted town can you get in on a conversation about moral philosophy that started in the gutter and ended looking at the stars?
the indignance of this person who is preying on those who need home repairs is sad. But, yes, we all should beware of the wolves. Perhaps this was an HONEST effort to help citizens. Have we become THAT cynical that we cannot believe it?
At least we have a mayor who listens to what people/citizens/VOTERS have to say!
Watch out, aldermonkeys...you are up for re-election soon! they must be nervous that the meetings are being taped now!
August 20, 2009 6:37 PM,
That is some pretty funny stuff. Whoever you talked to goes on and on about the blog but not a word about what was said by the flood task force at an open meeting on camera. It doesn't look to me like those people were doing any hiding and PRU just posted it with their comments.
Maybe this big standup guy can be even more helpful to his neighbors and show up at the next flood task force meeting and tell the TRUTH about what the eff he thought he was doing with this p.o.s.
Like that will happen.
Funny stuff.
Anyone seen your latest tax bill?
If not - take two first then read it.
And Wsol wants to hits us between the eyes with a huge tax hike to cover what the city should be doing ?
Shifting the blame is one thing but shifting the fiscal responsibility is another.
Read Dave's white paper.
Bean, I honestly cannot believe you would compare this guy to Enron????!!! Seriously!
Enron was out and out FRAUD! This is an advertisement that doesn't even come CLOSE to fraud.
Geez! The gov't cannot protect idiots from themselves.....and only an idiot would read this and think it says they will get $2500. And you think this is akin to ENRON! Do you know what happened at Enron??? Or do you actually believe the gov't did a 'good thing' when it put AA out of business and passed a law that does nothing to prevent the same thing from happening again, but does drive up the cost of audits and CFO salaries?
Yeah, clearly this guy on the same level as that..
Anonymous 10:39,
I didn't compare Enron to Aqua Plumbing...I raised the topic of Enron, et.al. in regard to a discussion of honesty within a capitalist system, and why honest business people are necessary to its continuation.
However, I'm not at all surprised by your inability to follow the converstation...
Carry on...
I can carry on a conversation about honesty and capitalism. Aqua has not been dishonest. You ASSUME they intend to be, and perhaps you're correct. I just don't think the flyer convicts them of anything other than bad taste.
Honesty is of course necessary for capitalism to thrive, that's why white collar criminals go to jail. But consumers must take some responsibilty for their part in the transactions they choose to take part in. Aqua didn't lie here, they advertised that they have experience in this type of work and that IF the cc passes this ridiculous rebate, the flood control system may qualify. That's no different that a 501c3 telling you any donation you make to them may be deductible on your federal income tax return. It's still up to you to determine how you file, i.e. can/do you itemize; and if so, have you met the income requirement to take the write off.
Anonymous at 1122,
I must have missed where in the flyer it says IF the cc passes this ridiculous rebate. Could you point out that line? Otherwise I think I am going to have to agree that this was not only a cheap looking advertisement but also not purely honest in intention.
the rep from Aqua claims that the H-A printed an article last month stating that the City Council approved the rebates. Yet...no one can provide the article.
If it looks like a duck---
I posted a comment why is it not on here? Gina De Meo
Hello Ms. DeMeo --
We've been expecting you. I've checked the comment que and this is the first comment we've received from you that I can find.
Feel free to resubmit whatever may have been lost in your prior effort.
We can hardly wait.
No rep from the co. said that the H.A. printed an article saying the rebates were approved. Only two people we have been in contact with, one by email and I wish she would have posted the truth instead of what she felt like writing (I still have a copy of it) and the other I spoke to on the phone (J.M.) So for anyone to say that I or the company is saying this is a lie! If anyone would like to speak to us they can always just call and get all of their answers. Thanks Gina De Meo 847/459/7900
Ms. DeMeo --
Surely that cannot possibly be the sum total of all you wish to say on this topic? Did you not want to address the intention of the flyer or the cautions issued by the Flood Control Task Force against opportunistic contractors?
I am leaving my number, I don't understand why I have to address people with no names. Why not just call me directly. Gina De Meo
Ms. DeMeo --
Your skittishness betrays you.
You didn't have to address anyone here, in any way whatsoever. But you chose to do so. You've also chosen our anonymously authored blog as a vehicle and means of communicating with our anonymous readers and posters.
Ms. DeMeo, your lack of respect for the vehicle we've provided you, and your somewhat snippy refusal to address the topic at hand -- the Aqua Plumbing flyer -- strikes us as patently rude.
We wish you luck in your future endeavors.
OMFG! Too funny! Gina honey, better quit while youre ahead!
PRU--you really shouldn't print any more from "gina" as it is obvious she and her husband LIKE the drama. I saw the emails that her husband sent someone who inquired about the flier.
It went from asking for an explanation about the flier to him accusing the sender of harassing the family, listing all he does for the community, coaching softball, etc.
After just inquiring about business, he went off on a rant.
It's best to just turn these people off.
Anon@9:25 --
You are probably right.
But here is what the Crew was hoping for --
"To PRU and their readers,
I would like to address the issue of the flyer and the post on this blog. This has all been a terrible misunderstanding. Aqua Plumbing has been a long standing and honorable business serving the Park Ridge community for decades.
We have felt terrible for our neighbors and friends we have witnessed endure the recent spate of flooding. Our Aqua Plumbing business may be able to provide services that protect our friends and neighbors from future flood damage.
We were eager to offer our services, at a discount, to our friends and neighbors while also promoting our business.
In our haste we may have misunderstood the nature of the Flood Control rebate program and mistakenly tried to inform people of the program before it was finalized.
We deeply regret any confusion we may have created or contributed to.
Anyone interested in checking our references can call our office and we will provide those references to all interested parties.
Aqua Plumbing intends to move on from this unfortunate moment and continue to serve the community of Park Ridge with the honor, integrity and quality we have always provided.
Thank you for the opportunity to address this issue.
Aqua Plumbing mouthpiece"
And what the Crew would have added after such a statement would have been --
"People, it doesn't get any better than that. Everyone makes mistakes and we appreciate this business owning up to theirs.
We've checked around and have found that, while considered pricey, Aqua Plumbing's work is considered top notch.
We look forward to their continued service and good will within the Park Ridge community."
But no.
What a waste.
Anon on 8/25 at 5:05...the flyer says the cc is reviewing the rebate proposal and that the purchase from Aqua could "potentially' qualify. If does NOT state the rebate HAS passed, or that a purchase from Aqua WILL qualify.
It' advertising, and nothing more. Is that Opportunistic? Well, isn't all advertising somewhat opportunistic? Bad taste here, but not criminal.
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