And the PRU Crew has decided for today to embed these unmolested --
Thank you again, Charlie and George!
August 12, 2009
No Film AT Eleven! Film ON the Twelfth!
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Labels: Aldermen, City Hall, Public Safety Committee, Public Works, Video
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Thanks PRU and the guys who shot the vid.
I watched the first segment but skipped through alot of the rest.
What a cluster.
Whose side is Wsol on? Certainly not the taxpayers.
First he tried to push through a $20 million police station. Then he refused to end the subsidizing of water bills, meaning the taxpayers are helping to pay the water bills of Lutheran General, the Park District, the Country Club and other big users.
Now he wants to give away a half million dollars-per year-of taxpayer money to people who can already afford to pay for a flood control system, meaning those who cannot afford it or don't need it, ie. the other 95% of the taxpayers, will be footing the bill...all while the City sinks quickly towards bankruptcy.
His partner in crime on all of these issues? Don Bach. They are making Ryan look more statesmanlike by the day, and who thought that was possible? So who are these guys? Mutt and Jeff? Abbott and Costello? Siegried and Roy? Moe and Curly? Nero and Mrs. Nero? You pick.
And you can pick whether it is pandering, insanity, bad government, stupidity, or all of the above.
I'll go with Moe and Curly and pandering. Did I win?
347, it's like art...there is no wrong answer. Although personally I would have gone with Mr. and Mrs. Nero and all of the above.
Speaking of filming, there has been a film crew at Cumberland & Crescent all day and it’s not Charlie and George. Does anyone know what is being filmed?
It is probably the city filming the sewer lines. Don't they realize that have to put the camera underground??
Bach is re-dick-ulous! Twenty people asked him to put the subsidy on the agenda? Riiight. I noticed how packed the room was and how a lot of those twenty people all spoke to the topic. Bach is a liar.
Liar is such a strong term. Poser would be better. I got a hoot out of his Taft/Hartly throw out. Too many lawyers already and Bach likes to pretend he's one too.
20? I thought 30 was Ald. Bach's "magic number"...
What I found most disturbing is Ald. Bach saying that he wasn't trying to hurry anything along...then a short time later he says residents are annoyed and complaining that the clowncil is dragging it's the clowncil has to do *something!*...and Wsol's and Bach's solution is to give those residents money, now...before anything close to a full report is provided by the paid-for consultant and the Flood Control Task Force...
hhhmmmmm...did the phrase "hush money" run through anyone else's head...?
bach is the man!
Bach enjoyed his time up in the mayor's spot a LITTLE too much. What a friggin clown!
After reviewing the recordings(thank you Mr. Mayor, for getting a camera!), it seems like they had that whole Comcast/AT&T thing planned ahead of time to push it back. YES, Allegretti is trying to pull something.
i hope there is enough in the coffers for a lawsuit. The people of Park Ridge are SICK OF YOUR SHIT, City Council!
As a PRU moderator mentioned on the Pub-dog's site today, Allegretti only believes in competition for commercial garbage pickup, not for things like cable providers and taxi companies.
it just depends on who contribues to his campaign.
To anonymous August 12, 2009 6:37 PM:
Are you friggin kiddin me? Bach's the man?
The man in the little boat maybe.
It's all a magic show.
And they want to take your
tax dollars and make them all
Just leave your wallet on the table in front of Wsol and walk away.
You can trust'em!
yes, and if you leave your wallet in front of Wsol, Allegretti will jump in and take it, claiming it was his all along.
it's too bad Wsol, Bach and Allegretti are working on their own personal agendas, rather than focus on what is best for Park Ridge as a whole.
Anon @ 5:33
Film crew at Cumberland & Crescent on Wednesday was filming a commercial. Don't know what for, but that's what I heard.
9:34 AM, Thanks for the Cumberland & Crescent filming info. : )
What is it about a $2.5 million budget deficit that Wsol and Bach don't understand? And how did these guys get their reputations for being "conservatives" or Republicans? (okay, I guess we're talking Illinois "Republicans" of The Combine kind, not real Republicans).
This is the dumbest idea since Wsol and his Council buddies put HIS police station referendum on the ballot (not passing on increased water costs and giving more money to the community groups were just as dumb, but I think these sewer rebates would be costlier to the taxpayers)
10:44--it's that special class in college called "Aldermanic Math 101" (not "Manic Math" which is down the hall...)
I asked Bach about the budget. He doesn't believe there is a deficit. He stated that you have to look at the budget as a whole rather than the individual funds. I can't say that I've spent any time looking into this to see if he's correct or not. In any case, I'd like to see reserves in ALL the funds. That way when a large expense comes along, the city is prepared. But that's me, and I am fiscally conservative.
"He doesnt believe there is a deficit"??? HE DOESNT BELIEVE THERE IS A DEFICIT?!!!!!
God help us.
Superman? Batman? Where are you?!!
If Bach actually said that then he is an even bigger idiot than I thought. On second thought, he is a lier, because he has been chirping in Council meetings that Hock should cut management staff to help erase the deficit.
On closer examnination, Bach is the worst of the double-talkers.
If Bach really said that he is undoubtedly the biggest Alderidiot of the bunch.
Let's get something straight... there is the City's annual budget and there is the City's overall financial condition.
If Bach is not aware that the City has run a deficit in it's annual budget the last three (maybe four?) years running then he ought to resign NOW. And I think the cumulative running total is about $4.5 million or so.
On the other hand, the City still has some money on hand in its General Fund... but the General Fund balance is made up of some actual cash on hand (maybe appx. $4 million now-a-days?) and a bunch of IOU's from other funds (ie. the Uptown TIF Fund) to the tune of +$5 million, I believe.
So the City used to have a bunch of money on hand in its General Fund but due to the recent annual OPERATING DEFICITS that money has been greatly diminished. The City cannot afford to continue to increase this year's annual budget deficit, which is what the Bach/Wsol (or should I say Wsol/Bach) flood rebate give-a-way would do. Nor can the City continue to afford to run annual OPERATING DEFICITS or soon enough the General Fund will be depleted of actual cash money and will be left with a bunch of potentially worthless IOU's.
There has been talk of bankruptcy but that, in all honesty, is a long shot. That said, with guys like Bach and Wsol trying to give away the precious little cash the General Fund has on hand they are tempting fate. Along with their kooky plans to give taxpayer money to private homeowners for private home repairs the economy is not out of the woods... and even if the economy does bounce back PR is hardly poised to reap the benefit of that what with all of the empty retail space we have on hand.
So, sorry this was sooooooo long but please... get the straight story... I don't have all of the numbers just right but Bach or Wsol or any of the rest of them should be able to get them by just asking. Then when all of the facts are laid bare all we can do is hope that some minor bit of reasonableness will prevail.
If anyone really thinks that's an original Bach-ian thought...that there really isn't a deficit...they're as idiotic as Bach. I'd bet my house, the basis for [that] came from Wsol in some form, in chats between the two of them...take a look at who it is who has PROPOSED which courses of action...flood control rebates, subsidies that dip further into the water fund balance, etc.
...and there ya go.
Question: Will the City spend more than it will take in this year?
If the answer is "Yes," then you have a budget deficit.
Any questions, Mr. Bach?
Right-e-o Bean. Bach and Wsol appear to be newest bestest friends. I'd bet a year's worth of TIF IOUs that if you lifted Wsol's skirt you'd see Bach down there munching away.
ewwww. I just threw up in my mouth!
Is that you Monger?
Who? Me?
Not Gypsy. Could be Whoa Nellie aka "The Monger."
i'm very busy research Chinese Drywall cases today. But still committed to Mongering.
Let's not forget that Bach is known to oversimplfy things and make throw away statements. He may have meant that it's not as bad as others are saying. Sometimes it's hard to tell with him.
I'm going to have to go with "Who are Dumb and Dumber, Alex."
As for the Cumberland & Crescent film folks, according to one of the crew, they are filming a commercial for Reynold's Wrap.
What I find curious, however, is that they're here at all. The added cost of going on site (and apparently removing a good deal of the contents of the house while doing so) instead of using a studio test kitchen is crazy high.
The financial decision to do so must have been made by our very own Don "Muttonhead" Bach.
Bach really does believe we don't have a budget problem. He's a complete idiot.
so who is gonna get up at City Council and do a quick poll of the aldermonkeys on the budget? just a simple raise of hands on who thinks there is a deficit...
Mr. Mayor?
PRU is one of two actual news outlets in town; the other is Pubdog. Please leave the revolting extended-metaphor (pun intended comments by middle-aged frat-boys out; there are enough people who have opinions and can express them cleverly.
Thought I'd ask how's everyone been holding on with today's rain?
Watch.........after the 1st of the year......they will try for building out and up for the existing PD.
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