September 1, 2010

Hump Day PRU Briefs!

#1 -- Calling All Grubbers!

For those of you who like to treat yourselves to some good grub, you can do so and help out a good cause!

Despite notions to the contrary, one of our local service agencies has begun another fundraising effort --

Restaurant Rewards Center of Concern

Eat hearty!

#2 -- Thank You, Sir! May We Have Another!

In case our faithful PRU readers missed it at the August 23rd COW meeting, our Aldermopes discussed the possibility of what government officials amusingly like to call
Modifications to the ordinance governing business license fees. For those of you new to government-speak, modifications to fees usually translates to mean increases in fees.

In keeping with what has become a tradition with the current crop of Aldermopes, action on the item was deferred in deference to getting
feedback from the business community.

According to a
press release on the City's spanky new website, "The Procedures and Regulations Committee of the Whole will discuss the proposed increase again at their September 27, 2010 meeting."

The PRU Crew is gong to go out on a limb and speculate that the feedback from the business community will be something along the lines of, "The economy stinks! We're generating less sales! We're generating less in sales tax! So now you want to hit us with higher fees!?!? Thank you, sir! May we have another!?!?"

The PRU Crew could go either way on this issue -- except -- we find some of the spending decisions, voted on by a majority of our Aldermopes so far, negates their ability to reasonably persuade anyone of the absolute necessity for these increases.

And while the last page of the memo provides a nice comparison of Park Ridge fees to those in some fo the surrounding communities, we feel our Aldermopes should keep in mind the size of the Park Ridge market in which these businesses operate.

#3 -- Wanna Buy A House?

According to information contained on the Crook County
Treasurer's website, today is the last day to pay delinquent 2008 tax bills or the property will be included in the Treasurer's upcoming 2008 Annual Tax Sale.

The purpose of the tax sale is to garner the unpaid taxes and return the properties to the participating tax roles.

The PRU Crew hasn't done anything close to a comprehensive review of properties in Park Ridge at risk of having their taxes sold due to non-payment. But we know of one in particular. Wanna buy a house? It looks like a nice house --

And according to other information on the Crook County Treasurer's website, the 1st installment taxes for 2009 haven't been paid either.

We sense a trend occurring for Property Index Number (PIN): 09-27-414-018-0000.


Anonymous said...

So I will say it... good for CofC, that's a very creative way to raise money. I'll plan on dining out to benefit them...
Now, just keep doing more of the same.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the participating businesses. I am happy to spend my money in your establishments just like I am happy to have some small amount of my taxes go to the Center of Concern.

Anonymous said...

Anon: 1:25

I do agree, but just so you are aware this is only the newest in a long line of fundraising activities the Center does.

Anonymous said...

The people saying no charities should ever get any public dollars are just idiots. O.k? They're idiots!


PRU, I disagree with you not taking a position on the business liceses. Just like it's wrong to withold money from charities during the worst economic crisis in decades, I find it wrong to increase fees to businesses that are already hurting. Just my .02.

Thank you.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:51 --

We thought you didn't want to talk about donations to charities.

In either case -- we understand your opinion and don't find it an unreasonable argument to make against a policy of increasing fees.

Anonymous said...

PRU, you got me there.

I would have expected you to make a stronger case against the issue. I was surprised when I read your post today.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:59 --


We feel if you are a member of the business community, you have been expressly invited to share your views with the elected officials and you should do so.

We also feel if you are a member of the business community, you have ready representation from the Chamber of Commerce, assuming the Chambers view matches up with your own. If not, you can feel free to provide the elected officials with your minority report on the subject.

Finally, we strongly feel those in the business community should be, and usually are, capable of carrying their own water -- with a few notable exceptions.

Anonymous said...


I hope you won't mind if I copy my answer from your last page to this page as well.

Thank you.

I hope many people will take advantage of the latest fundraising effort by the Center.

By Anonymous September 1, 2010 5:38 PM:

"Exactly what essential services do the community groups provide for our residents that corresponds to the money they are getting"?

My guess is you lump all the community groups together because you don't want to talk about cultural arts separate from human needs.

I want to talk about them separately. I want to specifically talk about the Center of Concern and the essential services they provide to this community.

The city of Park Ridge is donating $55,000 dollars to the Center this year.

What the city of Park Ridge will get for that donation is 1,350 friendly visits to frail elderly and the disabled right here in Park Ridge.

What the city of Park Ridge will get for that donation is 326 seniors and their families will receive ongoing counseling and case management right here in Park Ridge.

What the city of Park Ridge will get for that donation is 3,500 reassurance calls to frail elderly and the disabled right here in Park Ridge.

What the city of Park Ridge will get for that donation is legal, financial and medicaid counseling for 260 residents right here in Park Ridge.

What makes anybody think these services are essential? Just ask the people who receive them where they would be without the Center's assistance.

What else could make anybody think these are essential services? How about the fact that the Park Ridge Police have a program that also provides senior wellness checks. The city of Park Ridge seems to think these human needs services are essential. The police department seems to think these human needs services are essential.

Maybe everybody would prefer the police to spend their days making wellness checks and calls to the homes of frail elderly and the disabled here in Park Ridge instead of being out on the streets for patrol. How much does one police officer cost the city of Park Ridge per year? I think I heard the number $100,000 mentioned some place.

We did get rid of four of our officers recently though.

The Center provides all of the above essential services at half the cost of one police officer.

Get over yourself Anonymous September 1, 2010 5:38 PM

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@9:28 --

We don't mind at all.

Thanks for the contributions.

Unknown said...

I am one of those small businesses that will be affected by the increase in license fees. I have been in business in Park Ridge and the surrounding suburbs for over 41 years myself. I have a small vending business that my grandfather started over 85 years ago when I started a candy bar was .05 a bar it is now $.50 a bar my cost I charge $.75-$.85
out of that roughly 10% goes to sales-tax 200.00 in product liability insurance then I pay for gas for the truck. With $25 currently on each vending machine there is no profit.
Increase to $75 per machine will force me to pull equipment out of Park Ridge and moved to towns that have over 50 employees as you know the city has laid-off workers sales are down what are they thinking. Park Ridge has no industry like Des Plaines, Niles and surrounding communities other vendors are not interested in Park Ridge they need a minimum of 50 employees to pay for their equipment. Most of my accounts I have had for 41 years and they are like family it's the only reason I am still in some of them. This would be a big mistake especially at this time in our economy. I am sorry the state hasn't given the city the money needed for their support. I support the fine arts and also baseball teams in the surrounding suburbs. I have called my alderman to complain but read in the paper he is quitting. I hope the Mayor rethinks taxing the working people that make the city run. Sorry for the grammar and spelling errors I work-- not write.I just had to put in my two cents oh change that -2 cents.

MIKE said...

Sorry Steve about your situation.

Don't think There's many bussinesses in town todaythat have been in eixistance for that long.

If you let any of the councill people know about this?

Anonymous said...

Wait, is that HOward's HOuse??