March 18, 2009

Name One!

In today's edition of the Journal and Topics we read that Mayor Howard thinks it was the Mighty Schmidt who, and we quote, "...chased PADS out of town." It seems clear to us that Mayor Howard finds math so hard he can't even count -- or he would be able to add up all the votes on the City Council that were cast in favor of the ordinance regulating homeless shelters. Here's a hint for you Mayor Howard -- it takes more than one vote to pass an ordinance.

But what the PRU Crew really enjoyed was Mayor Howard's discussion of the blogs, saying, "They continually, on a daily basis, put out false information and false innuendo about my candidacy."

It seems clear to us that Mayor Howard's ego causes him to believe everything is about him, as anyone interested in reading through our tags will find that of the 379 posts we have written, only 76 -- 20% -- have been dedicated to the shenanigans of Mayor Howard. But again, we all have to recognize Mayor Howard's difficulty with numbers, which may well explain the current city budget mess.

Mayor Howard, we invite you to name one piece of false information Park Ridge Underground has published about either your conduct as Mayor or your candidacy.

Name one.

We'll be waiting.

In the meantime, we will continue to publish our unadorned opinion on the bullshit that takes place in Park Ridge under your watch.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Frimark is really flailing around.

PRU, I understand some people don't like reading negativity, but I for one can't imagine how anybody is supposed to talk about the garbage that makes up the Frimark mayoralty in a positive way!

I appreciate the blogs for the alternative news you give us and drawing peoples attention to things we could have missed otherwise.

Viva the blogs!

Anonymous said...

By Frimark's standard, "Just Say No to Drugs" is just a lot of negativity.

Anonymous said...

Same old, same old... Howard spends more time twisting, distorting, and outright lying than he spends time on anything else...

Howard has always and will always point his finger in every direction to avoid taking any responsibility for anything...

...the budget? That's up to the council! Homeless shelter regulations...? That's Schmidt's fault!

...and I just luuuurve his web site discussion/explanation for his failure to keep his promises for a "flood-free Park Ridge"...

>>We been working diligently to balance the need for flood control and other infrastructure improvements as much as possible during difficult times. In my campaign in 2005, I promised we would do these things, and progress has been made. New relief sewers have been designed and constructed, and more are on the way. I would have liked to have seen more of these things done, but in a declining economy, which is resulting in a corresponding decline in property, sales and other tax revenues for the city as well; it is simply bad government to raise your taxes to pay for these things to a greater degree than we have.<<

Setting aside the functional illiteracy...more frequent flooding is "progress"...? Failing to install relief sewers according to a systematic priority list is "progress"...? Failing to keep up a maintenance schedule for sewer vaccuuming is "progress"...? ...and exactly where and when did Howard ever express his desire for more of "these things" being done...? I must have missed it.

Anonymous said...

I thought the letters in the Journal today talked about the homeless shelter and PADS regulations very well.

My thanks to those letter writers.

I did read a Speak Out that said Schmidt is a Democrat planted here from Evanston.

PRU, is that at all true?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@2:01 --

Don't be a schmuck.

Whenever Mayor Howard and his supporters want to distract from his failures he and they pull out the Big D and wave it around.

Schmidt lived in Evanston for a few years, and Mayor Howard is from Wisconsin -- exemplifying what is meant by the term cheese head

Anonymous said...

PRU, that didn't really answer my question. Is Dave Schmidt a democrat or not?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@2:12 --

Sorry, you're right. The answer is No, Dave Schmidt is not a democrat.

Anonymous said...

as with many things Frimark says, my response is "huh?" where does he get his information?
If it weren't "the blogs" in town, he would find someone else to blame. Like the Easter Bunny.
State the FACTS Howie. Stick to the facts.
It's a shame that so many people still listen to him.

Anonymous said...

From everything I've heard Dave Schmidt say and seen him do as a public official, and from everything I've heard Howard Frimark say and seen him do as a a public official, I can say without any hesitation that Dave Schmidt is more of a traditional conservative Republican than Howard Frimark.

After looking at the City's finances and infrastructure under Frimark, he would be an embarrassment to the most tax-and-spend Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:00,

Do you think those letters changed any minds? Even thought the truth is spelled out right in front of them do you think they'll listen.

Do you think they will ever get the picture that the ONLY one responsable for PADS leaving, is Howard. It was because of his ABSOLUE mismanagement and dishonesty right from the get-go that turned this whole thing into the disaster it was. And then has the nerve to use it as a campaign pitch, like bean said pointing his finger at anyone else.

I have to ask, at the last debate, Howard painted himself as the master of compromise when he tells of his offering up the Public works center for the shelter. Do you think any of "them" stopped and asked "WHY THE HELL DID IT TAKE NEARLY 9 MONTHS TO COME UP WITH THAT?" NO!! Because the true answer is, IT WAS A POLITICAL MOVE DUH! The election was 5 short months away. An 11th hour pitch used for grand standing and vote counting. What did you think he was gonna do. Thake the blame? Yea right.

Anonymous said...

Daley's machine has been here for a while.

The political influence is so strong it stinks!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:12PM,

You are nucking futs.

Anonymous said...

anon @312--- GEEZ, enough already. We have enough drama. Stop stirring up more. your paranoia is exceptional.

Anonymous said...

That is right!! The last thing that anyone should do here is stir up drama!!!

Anonymous said...

Kass calls it "The Combine" while Carol Marin and Mark Brown have less quotable references to it. But what we've got is Democrats and Republicans in the same bed, screwing the taxpayers and laughing all the way to their vacation homes.

So yeah, 3:12, the Daley "stink" is all around us - and it smells just like 99-44/100% of all Illinois "Republicans." Just go sniff George Ryan, Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar, Judy Topinka, Bill Cellini, Mark Kirk, Andy McKenna (Sr. & Jr.), Judy Biggert, Denny Hastert, Rich Williamson and the rest of that sorry lot, and you'll know it's true.

Anonymous said...

I don't like to get bogged in messy details, but the olfactory sensation troubling you is Dave Schmidt's soul roasting in the unfriendly confines of Hades, whence it has been condemned by the holy alliance of St. Howard and Friar Morello, two men who no longer believe they represent the diety, but have personally assumed His position.

I hope that isn't a run-on sentence.

Anonymous said...

C'mon everyone, let's get along...Si se puede! We really need change!!! So we'll pay more in tax, so what? It's time for scarifice, people. I am seceretly housing homeless illegal aliens. Yes we can!!! Obama's on Leno tomorrow - alllright!!! Si se puede!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! As the election gets closer, you're all starting to lose your minds!

Relax...take deep cleansing breaths...focus on the end kick Howie the hell out of office.

Anyone hear anything about the debate today?

Anonymous said...

I think what is crazy is Frimark taking a thousand bucks from a Chicago real estate guy with an office in Chicago and the only other contributions that real estate guy has ever made was to a Chicago Democrat Alderman, Tom Allen. What is one of the Chicago Council positions Tom Allen serves on? The AVIATION COMMITTEE!

You screamers can tell me I'm wrong on the Daley machine trying to get control of Park Ridge, but I don't think so, and Frimark is up to his neck in it.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@4:48 --

Interesting degrees of separation you've noted.

That real estate guy is Joseph Chicnewski, of Joseph Real Estate at 505 N. Lake Shore Dr. in Chicago.

However, that real estate guy also appears to be an owner of a condo at 120 N. Northwest Hwy. in Park Ridge. That would be the Uptown Redevelopment for those of you less numerically inclined.

It is an interesting trail of campaign contributions. But it is also perfectly reasonable that a resident of Park Ridge contributes to his perferred candidate.

Anonymous said...

Reasonable enough, but then why is the real estate guy from Chicago with a condo in Park Ridge giving money to the 38 ward Chicago Alderman who is a member of the Chicago Aviation Committee?

Anonymous said...

That is the dilemma. How does one really know if there was an attempt to influence or if it was one had washing the other.

I am sure that a person could look at contributions I have made and then, based on my job or history, piece together a senario where I was "clearly" buying a favor.

I think what you see in these cases depends on whether you are for or against the candidate.

Anonymous said...

Hey, did anyone see Howards letter to the editor about Howard? I have figured out why he gets nothing done. It is because he met with the other Gods on Mount Olympus and they put him on the Inner-Structure Committee. That is one of those special God Committees and now he just doesn’t have the time to deal with things called reality. In the words of Barney Fife “this guy is nuts”.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@5:14 --

We have no idea. You could write to the gentleman in question and ask him, but don't be surprised when the answer is -- none of your business, I'm free to contribute money to anyone or anything I support without having to answer to you.

If you suspect there is some pay-to-play involved -- it's been our experience, that sort of thing is only revealed or becomes more apparent at the backend, as it appears to have been with the Napleton deal, the Executive Office Plaza deal, and way back when with Park Ridge Taxi.

Anonymous said...

after reading Frimark's last communication from the Never-Never Land he lives in, I have polished up my best jumping shoes and I am good to go for tomorrow night! St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland, we should be able to get rid of one!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of tomorrow night, I hear they take questions right from the audience. Boy I sure hope no one jumps out and scares Howard. Although I'm sure he'll have a little crew there all with their hands on the ready.

Anonymous said...

Come on now PRU Crew, don't take it personal that Howie is dissing you. Just like Nick Millissis, if you were giving him props he'd be saying how great you are instead of calling the blogs evil.

Anonymous said...

There is a 2nd debate tomorrow night....they do allow you to write a question/concern (anonymously) on a card to hand in for each candidate to address. This is an invaluable experience and a great opportunity to get our incumbent to answer some tough questions.

Anonymous said...

Without our blessed blogs, we'd have no real news at all. Try getting useful info published in the local rags without buying enough ad space to cover the cost of the clerical who sends your letter to the layout people.
Anon 3:50, you are absolutely right. Pay-for-play is not a partisan issue. It's an original sin: you know, avarice/greed, lust for power, yada, yada. The really scary folk are not the thieves themselves, they're the sheep who can be spooked off a cliff by the mere mention of a political party's name. It would be so convenient if the blame for discontent could be placed on "outside influences" but a few Park Ridge residents -- many of them long-term, by the way -- actually do read and think and compare what's said with what's done.
To appreciate the true martyrdom -- and I mean that sincerely -- of PRU and Dave Schmidt and a few others, you have to read Ibsen's "An Enemy of the People." The doctor who tried to point out that the hot springs that attracted tourists were toxic was demeaned, damned, and eventually impoverished by the good burghers of the town, starting with the mayor.
Read it. The Library has a copy, I'm sure. And while you're at it, grab a copy of Mark Twain's chilling short story, "The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg."

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. "Dems are the root of all evil"---I know who you are and I am sick of your negativity. The REASON this country is in the mess it is in, is because of YOUR PARTY f-ing all of it up for the past 8 years. Wasn't it YOUR candidate McCain who said that there was "no problem" with the economy?
Please shut up and focus on something more positive, do something for the good of your community.
We are all sick of your senseless ranting and raving.
Yes, you know who I am too.
If you want to debate this in person, I am just a phone call away. Be prepared to lose.

Now back to our regularly scheduled blogging...

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:18PM
Grow up!

Did you loose your silver spoon or the truth hurts.

Your Dem machine is selling out this county. Throwing millions out the windows.....AIG!

Our in Howie's democrack mind....
its AIC....always in cash!!


Anonymous said...

I'm ready with my question for Howie tonight!

Hey Howie..........try a little pepto it works wonders for the stomach... when you don't tell the truth.

Hey is there valet pkg tonight??
or planned bingo after...?

Anonymous said...

The last two posts, and yesterdays soap opera on the hill, point out the biggest problem with politics at all levels. The masses (us) and our elected officials are generally more interested in assigning blame then actually solving a problem.

Anonymous said...

wow. it's a throw-down!

Anonymous said...

Oh, bitter Republican, you show your cards too soon!
AIG? Really?
The reason AIG needs a bailout is because it was failing due to the necessity of paying the insurance on bad loans to banks. These bad mortgages were handed out because the federal government under REPUBLICAN DIRECTION for 8 years, substantially lowered the regulations for overseeing mortgage loans.
When things started to turn in the market...the REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT pretended everything was fine, that there was no problem, for an entire year.
Now we are in the mess we are in, having to bail out this company and many others.
While I don't condone the bonus situation, you seriously cannot with a straight face blame this situation on the "Dems" as you say.
Get the facts before you start spewing your b.s.

Anonymous said...


I'm new to this thread but I would like to add a fact to the discussion - the mortgage regulations were relaxed in 1999, under the Clinton administration. Here's a link to an article from the New York Times, originally published September 30, 1999:

All of the politicians should take some responsibility for this current financial mess. Neither party is blameless.

Anonymous said...

Anony-mouse....I'm next. Why don't you read this and put a sock in your pie hole.

Everyone's to blame..Democrats, Republicans, the House, the Senate, the President, but we elected them. Get YOUR facts straight !

Anonymous said...

the point was...directed to the person who spews rantings about "the dems" that it is NOT the fault of the democrats that all the ill in this country belongs to them.
This person who I was directing my comments to CONSTANTLY blames every single pothole, disease and strife on the Democratic party.

He needs to wake up and realize that it is NOT the blame of every single democrat walking on the sidewalks of this country.

I contribute and try to do something positive to make my personal community a better place. This person sits at his computer, creating negativity in his universe.

Thanks so much for all your personal attacks. How classy of you. I will stick to the topics.

Anonymous said...

Judging from this blog, it's only a matter of time before the reasons why I moved to PR are gone for good.

The world is truly upside down. effort and achievement are to be vilified. In evidence, Schmidt attacks businesses for a living. Another tort lawyer wielding power. Just what we need at our doorsteps.

Anonymous said...

attacks businesses for a living?
where do you get THAT info?
Mouse is right, the spewing of information has to stop.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@10:12 --

The Crew would prefer more spewing of information, not a stop to it.

We think what you're objecting to is the spewing of misinformation, since it appears to us that what Schmidt does for a living is defend businesses -- specifically, insurance companies.

Anonymous said...

In some cases it is misinformation that people object to but in many cases it is simply information that does not match their world view.

For example, one of the previous posters view is that the democrats are to blame for everything. Therefore any information to the contrary is completely discounted. They have built cable "news" networks around this concept. Hannity or Olbermann - pick your poison.

Anonymous said...

Schmidt defends insurance companies for a living?

How interesting.

I know someone in the insurance business who contsantly needs defending.

Anonymous said...

1006 and others...I know Dave Schmidt personally. He is a defense attorney who represents insurance companies in life insurance and employee benefit cases. To my knoweledge he has never been involved on either side in a tort case, other than as it relates to an underlying contract claim.

He moved to Park Ridge because he fell in love about 12 years ago with a beautiful Italian girl who went to Maine South, bought a house in Park Ridge 20 years ago and convinced Dave that Park Ridge, not Evanston, was where they should spend the rest of their lives together. Dave is grateful he took her advice. He loves this town as much as any of us does, enough so that he has been willing to step up and try to save it from destruction at the hands of the special interests and Howard's political contributors. He has no motivation other than to protect what the City's website describes as Park Ridge's "small-town charm." Nothing more, and nothing less.

Anonymous said...

Stub your toe at work?

Call Schmidt, get $$$.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Want a liquor license?

Call Frimark, pay $$$.

Anonymous said...

Then fall down in said store and call Schmidt. Take ownership of store from man who paid for it and worked for it.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@11:10 --

You're in the running to win the Crew's clueless commenter of the day award.

Anonymous said...

you are way off base and obviously YOU are the problem. Your misrepresentation of Schmidt is immature and stupid.

Anonymous said...

Want a zoning variance?

Call Frimark, contribute $$$.

Want $2MIL. in tax incentives?

Call Frimark, contribute $$$.

Want a $400K taxpayer give-away?

Call Frimark, contribute $$$.

Anonymous said...

Want an appointment to the City Council?

Call Frimark, contribute $$$, just like Allegretti.

Anonymous said...

Want the inside track on a garbage contract? Call Frimark, contribute $$$$, and make sure you grease his friend Dudycz too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, to people like you, I am the problem, I am clueless.

And one day I will just quit careing and then you might have to come to terms with yourself.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon11:21 --

The first step is recognizing you have a problem. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Dear 2:00 Frimark is the one who had the meeting with Daley. Should we ask if he "benefited" from being inept and negligent concerning the new runway?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 1137,

Howard did describe that meeting as a "discussion of mutual interests"...

Howard also said he and Daley planned to discuss the airport...but I don't recall ever hearing about any "mutual interests" that were supposed to have been discussed...

Anonymous said...

Reading some of these stupid comments, (anons at 11:05 and 11:10), it's easy to see how Howie has stayed in power.

All voters with brain activity need to vote...PLEASE for the sake of Park Ridge....Howie must go!

Anonymous said...

Though I am not sure Schmidt is the "right" person for the job-Frimark has demonstrated time and again he is a complete failure. As I type this I have no water-massive water main break. No notice from the city-just no water.

Drive around town-the streets are falling apart and we all are aware of the flooding problem. Planes scream overhead and a casino will shortly be built within walking distance of 3 schools. It is shocking to me how in so short a time one man can completely ruin a town of 38,000. But since Frimark has no leadership skills and no idea where to focus our tax dollars to benefit the most people-he has to hire a consultant so then nothing gets done.

As I have blogged before-this man should be escorted fromt he building NOW-not in April.

All the time wasted on Napleton and PADS and Norwood and other fiascos could have been spent planning and fixing the infrastructure, among other things.

How anyone could vote for this man after the damage he has done to this city in so short a time is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

And another thing-in a city like Park Ridge with the high property taxes we pay there should never be an infrastructure issue. The city has collected plenty of money to repair, replace and maintain the infrastructure. This is not a third world country.

Anonymous said...

Again - some great comments here and I believe that the type of positive campaign that Dave S. has been running should be a "field manual"
for all to use after April 7th.

Frimark not only wants to be retained as our Mayor - he believes he rates it!

Either way, Howard needs to " off ramp" and allow the community to continue on.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Our infrastructure IS crumbling around us. Walk along the train parking on Summit from St. Paul to Prospect and it's embarrassing. Whether this is METRA's responsibility or not, if it's this crappy for the citizens of Park Ridge it should be fixed.

Streets are loaded with potholes that we can't fix. To do all the sewer work we need would probably cost $30-40 million, but nobody in City Hall has even started planning a timetable for that because the new $16-28 million police station is Frimark's bonus baby.

Where's the money coming from? It's a moving target, especially when we can't even tell how much money we've got on hand in the different funds - not counting those funds that are in the red (like the Uptown TIF fund) and not likely to hit the black for awhile.

But so long as the Current Occupant remains at 505 Butler Place, things will get worse because he has no interest in actually governing. Being mayor is just a vehicle for selling insurance and doing deals that profit the special interest du jour.

Anonymous said...

I think it's obvious, the Republicans with their small minds and big pockets have ruined this town and this country.

MIKE said...

Anyone read the journal today about the metra bridge?

Anonymous said...

The only question asked of Dave S. last evening at the debate was a planted question.

We all saw Howard walk over to the
Mr. Sullivan just before his statement.

Very sad!

Anonymous said...

Yes Mike, I read the story. What is your point - were you shocked? We have an infrastructure problem that is city wide, state wide and national. We have not addressed these issues as needed in 40 years (probably more). I would have thought that this would have been driven home when the bridge fell into the river in Mn.

Anonymous said...

anon 5:34:

Two things.

First, what was the "planted" question and the associated answer?

Second, you are saying that Schmidt received only one question the entire debate?!?!?! That seems odd to me.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon10:40 --

The guestion came from one of the biggest Mayor Howard supporters around, Sean Sullivan, who is also a member of the Dist. 207 School Board.

The question was to Ald. Dave, "If you are such a Republican, why did you have an Aurora Austriaco sign on your lawn?"

Ald. Dave answered, "Because her "Republican" opponent sent out mail pieces with her and Obama's picture on them."

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the Frimark forces to try to turn a local nonpartisan race between two Republicans into a partisan one. Sean Sullivan should just go home and keep on eating hot pockets. He's an ass and so is his wife Amy.

PRU.ADMIN said...

The moderator asked, and I have agreed, to allow the above comment to be posted -- because Mr. Sullivan is an elected official and public figure, while Mrs. Sullivan is a constant campaign operative for local candidates such as Howard Frimark and Rosemary Mulligan.

Again people, be careful where you tread when it comes to family.

Anonymous said...

Frimark has gotten alot of help running Park Ridge down the sewer inside 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Are we supposed to be impressed with Frimark because he is a Repiblican? And what was Schmidt answer supposed to mean?

Anonymous said...

Frimark goes both ways............Republican or Democrat! As long as the money is there he'll be anything you want.

Just ask Mayor Daley the same thing.

Anonymous said...

It's not doubt that Rosemary will latch onto anything as long as its
filled with money.