March 4, 2009

You're Soaking In It!

A front page article in today's Journal & Topics reports that State Rep. Rosemary Mulligan's effort to get a bill out of committee has failed -- due in large measure to party line votes cast by the members of the Environmental Health Committee.

Journal & Topics reporter Craig Adams writes that --

"State Rep. Rosemary Mulligan (R-65th) introduced the bill on Jan. 23 in response to concerns about debris falling onto homes and neighborhoods from planes flying into O'Hare Airport. She expressed concerns about debris, jet fuel, and noise causing problems with the environmental and the health of residents."

Apparently Rosemary did not have these concerns, or she failed to express these concerns, prior to the opening of the new 9L/27R runway at O'Hare.

As we reported to you yesterday, Mayor Howard mumbled through a reading of a press release from Rep. Mulligan on the subject of HB322 at Monday night's Council meeting -- along with detailing all his other busy-as-a-bumbler-bee activities regarding the issue of O'Hare expansion. However, the report in the Herald-Advocate article does not include Mayor Howard's reading of Rep. Mulligan's press release.

The PRU Crew was drawn to Rep. Mulligan's statement about debris falling on homes. We recalled reading an article about "yellow goo" being found on and around a home after the opening of the new 9L/27R runway at O'Hare.

So we did what we usually do, we started digging around and asking questions of some of our usual sources about whether or not debris has been reported as falling on homes in and around Park Ridge after the opening of the new runway.

We're told the only reports of "debris" falling have been the yellow goo, as reported in the Herald-Advocate.

However, we were also told that City Manager Jim Hock did report at a staff meeting on February 9, 2009, and later to our elected officials, that the FAA had determined the source of the yellow goo.

As old Palmolive Madge would say --

"We'll give you a hint -- you're soaking in it."

Setting aside Rep. Rosemary Mulligan's belated but legitimate concerns about environmental effects of jet fuel and noise, we're wondering why Mayor Howard didn't address the issue of falling debris in his comments about O'Hare, and at least set one skeptical resident's fears to rest? Does anybody think maybe Mayor Howard didn't want to make himself or Rosemary look silly?


Anonymous said...

Does anybody think maybe Mayor Howard didn't want to make himself or Rosemary look silly?

That has never, ever, stopped him before.

Anonymous said...

This obviously is a kick in the butt of Park Ridge and the other communities surrounding O'Hare, but why should it come as any surprise?

But it says in the article that Mayor Howard was at the Committee hearing on the bill. Does anybody know if he spoke, considering what a great job he did in front of the Illinois Gaming Board?

Anonymous said...

i think this is what howard was trying to tell us about at city council on Monday.
I really couldn't understand what he was saying.

Anonymous said...

Hold the phone..............

Possibly this Bill HB322 was NOT defeated by the murky waters of the City of Chicago and Daley's pirates.

We have been told that it was postponed!

Verification - pending....

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You indicate that the yellow goop was soap.
When was that determined and by whom?
Last we heard Frimark was going to get a private co. to
test, never did do it though. Gee, big shock, Howard did nothing AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

And who would've been leaving soap all over town. That's B.S

Anonymous said...

I believe that we must move forward
and keep watch on what suits are in the federal courts.

Pending is the People of Conn Vs. FAA on the plan by the FAA to have all pilots fly lower and slower.

Its called "Air Space Redesign" and the FAA has already started it with ORD.

Note: The FAA did not want you to know about this project.

It should be noted that this type of flight operation is what caused the passenger jet in the UK to go down.

They were on " auto pilot" and flying too slow and low. The plane stalled and fell out of the sky.

see more information at

The dog and pony show was over before it began down in Springfield this week.

The show put on by our mayor was just that - a farce!

The horse has been gone and out of the barn a long time Howie!
And you still insist in giving your new buddy the 150 grand !!

Why would one municipality
fight another when hanging in
the balance is the common good
for the people ?


Daley and his pirates won again.

Final note - the US BIll HR 1105 did fail as we wanted it to in the congress.

Sen. Dick Durbin and Sen. R. Burris both voted " Nay" as we wanted them too!

Score one for the people!

Anonymous said...

Changing Subjects here for a moment...

I just received my handout from 505
telling us all " Howard Frimark is a breath of fresh air in Park Ridge"

"He gets things done by putting people above politics."

Please allow me to help Mayor in drafting your next mailer.....


-Attempted to pull the wool over on the people by telling the Federal gov't ( Rep. Jan S ) office that ALL the people wanted the Cumberland Ave overpass.

By telling Rep Jan that the city should except the 500,000 in grant/ear marks.

- Failed to see that Billy Napleton wanted the city to cover the clean up as well as a huge 200K payment for the property.

- Failed to see that the flooding
could be handled better with open drains, paved alleys and more.

- Failed to meet with Mayor Daley and demand that NO runway(s) should be allowed over out town.

- Failed to stand shoulder to shoulder with other towns - who went to Washington DC to meet with our Illinois delegation members in seeking their help. Stopping the flow of federal stimulus cash from coming down the pipeline.

- Failed to stand up Mayor Daley on all of the OMP issues.

- Failed to stand up to those state of Illinois Rep's and seek their help - prior to the HB322 vote!!!!!!!!

Please consider the real leaership failures Mayor Frimark - because we need a change from your believing in your own disinformation ( BS ).

Thank you.