November 25, 2010

Have A Happy Thanksgiving!

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
-- John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you Pru! Thanks for what you do.

Anonymous said...

Have a great turkey day!

MIKE said...

Hope the mayor doesn't overdue it.

Anonymous said...

I overdid it on the stuffing for sure.

To PRU and everyone, happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Overdue it?

Does he have books out from the library?

Learn to spell...moron.

Anonymous said...

.....easy 9:05, take it in context.


Anonymous said...

9:05 is clearly overcome by the joy and forgiveness and caring of the holiday seeing.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

So overcome, he apparently didn't realize there was, in fact, no spelling error made.

-- but noting one another's "miscommunication" continues with unabated irony.

Anonymous said...

9:05 sure is sensitive on the subject. Maybe the poster was concerned about the mayors health. Over eating on Thanksviging day is pretty common and I am guilty every year myself!! Maybe 9:05 got bullyish because he was reacting to something else he thought the poster was saying. Who knows. It's sad to see people assume the worse. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

M. Anderson said...


"Overdue" isn't a misspelling in that context? Are you saying Anon. 9:05 didn't spell "overdo" wrong, but instead chose the wrong word, like when someone means "you're" and writes "your"?

If that's what you're saying, I guess you're right. Or should I say, "your write"?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

M. Anderson --

We write.

Anonymous said...

The grammar police show up whenever something ticks them off but they can't think of anything else to say.

Anonymous said...

Grammar errors are important in the context of miscommunication. Those little black scratches on white paper lose their power to convey thought when the people aren't in the same room if we don't at least agree as to what the little black scratches stand for in spoken words. "their" and "they're" are not the same, "overdo" and "overdue" aren't either -- and every word ending in "s" doesn't take the possessive apostrophe before it, even though Spellcheck says so. (In fact, that's how you can tell M. Anderson is literate -- he doesn't rely on the 50% wrong Spellcheck.)
Grammar is important to clarity. And, to paraphrase Mr. White, who wrote a droll little classic called THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE, think of the love affairs broken and wars lost by simple lack of clarity. Think on this, and be clear.

Anonymous said...

Change of topic.....

I've been on the City website for a half hour now. Can anyone just tell me when yard waste pick up ends?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:56 --

Having trouble searching the City's fabulous newly redesigned $19,500 website?

We feel your pain.

And the answer to your question is the week of Dec. 13th.

OMG WTF said...

Anonymous 12:40

Couldn't help myself, but.........shouldn't your post start

" Errors in grammar ", or " Grammatical errors " ?

Just axein'..........

Anonymous said...


Like it or not, with the advent of technology, communications has become less formal than in the past. People generally do not put as much care into an e-mail to a friend or blog post as with a "hard written document". I will admit that there are times I post to a blog, excited to express my point, and do not review document. It is only after my post reaches the thread that I notice my error. My god, have you seen text messages?? I guess you can't count these as spelling errors since they rarely spell complete words. While the errors may bother you, I don't see how in the complete context of what was written, you can say that communication was negatively affected. Whether "their" or "they're" was correct, when you read the sentence you know what the poster was saying - not that that is an excuse. Your points are not incorrect, but if you really find it that irritating your head must explode about 10 times a day!

M. Anderson said...

I don't think there's anything technically wrong with "grammar errors," even if it wouldn't be my first choice. Anon 12:40 makes some good points.

I tend to agree with Anon. 8:42. Everyone makes mistakes. I sure make plenty. It's the people who look back later and still don't see their mistakes that I worry about.

Anonymous said...

7:56 - "Grammatical errors" or "Errors in grammar" are both better than what I used ("Grammar errors")- too much catalog copywriting which values saving a couple of characters here and there has apparently seeped into my brain. But thanks. Nice catch.

Steve Macko said...

41 days until the Australian Open starts.