October 18, 2007

Pool of Money!

The Park Ridge Park District has never been "swimming" in money, but you would never know it by the recent direction the Park Board has taken on the Oakton swimming pool complex.

To the reader who provided a link to PublicWatchdog.org, we thank you. In our opinion, their 10-16-07 article on Oakton pool hits the mark: You can't control taxes if you keep on spending more than you take in, especially on obsolete facilities that not enough people use.

We do disagree, however, with the suggestion that the Park Board should "demolish [Oakton Pool] and turn that site into green space while a viable plan for a more worthwhile alternative use is developed." Who says green space alone isn't a viable and most worthwhile use?


Anonymous said...

Is there any unit of local government serving Park Ridge that doesn't have their head up their kazoo when it comes to fiscal responsibility? I remember hearing/reading about the Park Districts pools losing a hundred grand or more each year. That's just crazy. If they can't manage better than that, they should get out of the pool racket altogether.

Anonymous said...

Green space is good, but the site of the current pools is not a prime location for a park/green space - it faces and borders on a too heavily trafficked and noisy Oakton to accommodate raditional park space.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Pools aren't raditional (sic) ;-) park space? What are, the pre-requisites for such spaces? Does the park district have any green spaces that are in less than "prime" locations? Any on any other heavily trafficked streets?

Anonymous said...

If you look at the park district packets(www.prparks.org), you will see that they aren't in the hole 100 grand. Actually operations were slightly in the red, however programs made them profitable. Please read the park district financial reports before you go bashing the management of them.

Anonymous said...

Do you think a deal has finally been cut for the pool?

Do you think there is gold buried underneath all of that concrete
or is it just the constitution
of the United States.

The people have spoken - shut it down and let's move on - get a life park district phonies.

Anonymous said...

I guess someone on the board here owns stock in concrete. Ever see what it costs a yard these days...........
Ah....I thought so.