April 2, 2008

Stark Raving PADS!

Yesterday we told you what we know of the genesis of how the proposed PADS shelter at St. Mary's church came to be. We also told you we believe Mayor Howard is not telling the truth about what he knew (and knows) of the plans at St. Mary's church.

Today we will tell you why we feel the PADS program is nothing more than a feel-good exercise for the conscience-afflicted and a potential money-maker for those involved in it.

What we won't tell you is that we think the local clergy are a bunch of secretive asshats, who surreptitiously tried to shove a homeless shelter up the backsides of their neighbors until they couldn't hide their plans any longer.

Nope. We aren't going to criticize the ineffectual practice of ministerial faith by misguided souls. We believe their hearts are in the right place. It's the placement of their heads that is the problem.

But we are going to tell you why we feel the PADS program sucks as a matter of public policy.

It sucks because it doesn't do anything more than enable the homeless "lifestyle" by providing nothing more than "a hot and a flop", then leaving the homeless to return to the streets. In short, the PADS program does not work.

Based on the information available on the
Journeys from PADS to Hope website:

1. "In the Northwest Suburbs alone, there are 1,200 homeless people accessing shelters with approximately 400 additional homeless people residing on streets, in cars, and throughout forest preserves."

2. "During the 2006-2007 season... Through the combined efforts of our volunteers and staff, we were successful in transitioning 39 clients out of homelessness and 309 clients in the past 6 PADS seasons out of an emotionally degrading life and into one of hope and independence, giving clients a much needed sense of belonging."
By their own account after boasting that "the PADS sites provided 12,149 overnight stays and 36,447 meals throughout the season" and that their volunteers invested "42,775 volunteer hours a year", they were only "successful in transitioning 39 clients out of homelessness" from a potential pool of 1,600. That's an annual "success" rate of only 2%. Hell, even in this crappy economy you get a better rate of return on your investment in a regular savings account.

Is it any wonder that across the nation those on the leading edge of advocacy for the homeless have begun to abandon the band-aid shelter treatments and begun tackling the much harder issue of finding and/or creating permanent housing? Not to mention the medical health advocates desperately seeking funding to provide beds in health facilities for those in desperate need of medical intervention.

Why would the Journeys from PADS to Hope folks persist in not only continuing this failed social program but also seek to expand it? Because when you are Beth Nabors, Director of Journeys from PADS to Hope, and Pat Harrington, Shelter Director, it may be that you find helping the homeless can be not only spiritually fulfilling but also personally lucrative (.pdf - see pg. 5 and Schedule A, respectively), especially if your compensation isn't measured by your "success" rate.

For Ms. Nabors, whose compensation in 2000 was $55,000 (.pdf - see Schedule A) and by 2006 had climbed to $80,520, we imagine working for the homeless coupled with a 46% compensation increase in 6 years is very fulfilling. We just wonder how the woman keeps a straight face when she goes recruiting for volunteers (read, free labor) who actually staff the PADS shelters and provide those "42,775 volunteer hours a year."

And now that we think about it, where one finds
enablers one can usually find codependents.


Tomorrow - The HUDdled Masses?


Anonymous said...

I guess you can add to the homless count that you gave and add the 100 plus families right here in happyville that lost their homes to foreclosure.

Yes - Park Ridge fans....it does happen but 100 ?

That is sad.

We wish these Park Ridge families well and hopefully they can get back up on their feet.

As for the homeless shelter - better get the fire inspector out there too.

IF YOU HOUSE PEOPLE OVER NIGHT IN A BUILDING/CHURCH and accept funds as a 501c3 - you'd better install a fire alarm system in their.
Because now its a hotel!!!

Talk about a problem - waiting to happen.

Not a good idea.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot more that the homeless need other than somewhere to get ONE MEAL, a cot to sleep on for a night, etc.
It's counseling for mental illness, getting a job, a place to live, etc.
If these agencies arent going to do a FULL program, then they shouldn't do it halfway.
I do NOT want to attract homeless to PR, which is what this program will do.

Anonymous said...

Too often people succumb to the "don't just stand there, do something" mentality, even though the "something" can often be worse than nothing.

Of course, it's definitely easier to open a "flophouse" in a church basement than to actually come up with a more permanent solution to homelessness - especially when you keep the church's neighbors in the dark until all the pieces of the puzzle are already in place.

Anonymous said...

This is a accident waiting to happen.
Stop it now.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I feel so dumb. I thought all of this work was being done by volunteers. I had no idea anyone was making money on this.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to PRU to offer another side. This project will never get through the zoning process anyway.

Anonymous said...

Don't bet on that m. anderson, and please don't lure worried folks into a false sense of security. City staff seems to be making every effort to see this through, of course as quietly as possible. The mayor is running around behind the scenes giving this plan his support, and there are some aldermen who are doing so as well, although none of them has the balls to do so publicly. The plan also has the support of some former aldermen close to the mayor, people the mayor will want behind him when he makes his reelection bid. No m., the worried folks MUST be very vocal and show up in strong numbers at the Council meeting next Monday night. They should not wait for the approval process to get started before voicing their concerns. It will be too late by then.

Anonymous said...

Definitely agree w/ Anonymous at 2:38pm. Keep your eyes and ears open folks or BOHICA!!

On a separate matter, I scanned the IRS Form 990 that was attached to the item today. Do I have this right? This organization had total revenue of $638k in the fiscal year 2006 and paid salaries of $402K in that same year??? 63% of the fiscal year's revenue went to current salaries. Huh??? And that $402k in pay was 41% of he total expenses. Something doesn’t smell right.

And that $402k is made up of the $80,520 to Ms. Nabors and $394,089 paid to "employees not included on lines...”, that is, paid to undisclosed individuals. That’s a lot of money folks. Where’s it going?? I am no expert on this sort of thing but does that seem a bit out of line? BTW, add another $44k of employee benefits to that payroll number... sniff, sniff.

So, this organization had about $550k of cash on hand at the end of their fiscal year 2006 end. That was after blowing through $343k that year ($638k revenue - $982k expense).

Executive Director Nabors... you get paid for this???

Anonymous said...


I believe that's referred to as "taking advantage of an opportunity"...

I think it's also referred to as "exploitation"...

Anonymous said...

Just how many people are making a living off of the needy homeless?? As mentioned: B. Nabors, PADS, $80,520. Add to that: R. Darr, WINGS, $88,294 and M. Schurder, Center of Concern, $50,000. Working for a nonprofit is the way to go!!

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:45 right on the head.

Just ask the Rev. Howie....hurry sir sounds like your blue eldorado is double parked !

Hail to the chief and his followers.

Anonymous said...

$50,000? Anonymous 6:59 you have got be kidding. If someone was to ask me who is the most ethical, caring and decent person in town, not to mention the public good that she performs the hands down answer is Mary Schurder. This is not a person that works a nine to five job either. I cannot recall what her salary is, but it is not extreme or even close to equaling the value she gives to this community.

If you want to quibble over this kind of stuff pick another target because Mary is way out of your league.

Anonymous said...

Do your homework! Journeys from PADS to HOPE doesn't just assist faith ministries in providing shelter it runs a day center that offers mental health services, case management, vocational services, and counseling. It has a nurse that offers healthcare. There is a food pantry, clothing closets. They offer transportation and bus, train and taxi vouchers. They find people jobs and homes. They have even partnered with an affordable housing agency and are currently housing 6 people in a permanent housing environment. Get out from behind your computer and go visit their day center. So, since the majority of their staff hold master's degrees in psychology or similar fields of study and work 40+ hours - what do you think they should get paid? And, what do you get paid and is it as meaningful work? Lastly, if all the services they provide are free and the services are mostly counseling and case maneagement - wouldn't the salary line items be the largest? Grow up people!!!!!! Now print this!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

The PRU Crew, along with many other people opposed to your shelter, have done quite a remarkable amount of homework on this matter.

We take you at your word; your master degreed staff and free labor volunteers have a 2% success rate.

We know exactly what you are.

Anonymous said...

The homeless person who comes to the shelter IS NOT the neighbor next door who fell on bad times. 80% are disenfranchised mentally ill people or have recently been released from the Department of Corrections and need to meet their parole officer somewhere, so it is PADS.

The system has a history of allowing drugs and alcohol flow through the sites because the volunteers respect the individuality of the Guest. There are also prostitutes and pimps. Since Park Ridge is on a rail line, the Guests come from Chicago. These are people whose lifestyle has been on the streets. They can be dangerous.

The question is, was Jesus codependent when he came to the prostitutes and low lives. No he met them, was unafraid (of course He is the Son of God) to face their issues. He did not offer them a "hot & a cot" but rather a new life.

So does Park Ridge have the wisdom and the fearlessness to reach out and invite homeless people to their church? Well as long as the Guests are allowed to sit in church along with the rest of the church goers and are not forced out on the street at 7:00 am to dissapear into the fast food restaurants, forest preserves, and libraries, maybe, just maybe Park Ridge residents will be able to reach out beyond themselves. But beware, it gets messy. You can't have it all.

Anonymous said...

Some towns will never be ready to make any kind of sacrifice which would help other people. The people of Park Ridge are only concerned about keeping their slice of the pie. Nothing else.

Don't do PADS Park Ridge! You have no heart. Get out of the way and let someone else do it!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Deal. Let some other town, full of suckers, get duped by the PADS crowd looking to suck up local resources, donations, and volunteers. Park Ridgians, on the whole, are too smart to fall for the propaganda garbage that PADS peddles.