For your reading pleasure, we've copied and posted 5th Ward Benedict Alderman Ryan's latest communication to constituents.
We feel strongly that if Benedict Alderman Ryan believes 1st Ward Alderman Dave Schmidt has done something illegal then Benedict Alderman Ryan should file a complaint with the proper authorities. Enforcement of the law is one of the responsibilities of elected officials.
As for the rest of Benedict Alderman Ryan's letter -- we'll leave it to PRU readers to comment.
February 18, 2009
Benedict Alderman Ryan, Illustrated Again!
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Labels: Dave Schmidt, Robert Ryan
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Hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!Please stop already my sides are spitting.
Should we expect a letter next week from Mr. Cary? He's #4 on the payback list.
I'm surprised Foamy Robert found the time to pen such a letter...he's so busy he misses about 35% of the meetings he's supposed to be attending...I believe his failure to appear at the appointed times and locations demanded by his aldermanic office was even the subject of an editorial in the press...and his general lack of response and/or timeley response to constituents who contact him directly makes this even more eggregious...
Funny how one can make time for things one wants to make time meeting privately... out sight of the public light, where his comments are recorded... with developers seeking special consideration on pending council business...
What a tool.
I get more and more disgusted everyday with the stupidity of these people. Name calling!!! He really attacked Schmidt for name calling??? Frimark is a criminal and we're supposed to be concerned because Schmidt may have called someone a jerk?
This is just payback against Schmidt because Ryan figured Schmidt trying to get a recall ordinance would be first used on him. It doesn't matter to Ryan that all the Aldermen would be under the same recall ordinance. Ryan is a real jerk and a disappointment as an Alderman. I am sad to say we are stuck with him for another two years, and he is the only Alderman we've got.
Name calling? Are You kidding me? Howard is NOTORIOUS in the art of colorful language, are we reduced to the "I know you are but what am I" dialog now? Please.
And wow how about giving Dave ALL the credit for scaring away PADS. Perhaps he should refesh himself on the 5-2 vote on the regulations for "Homeless shelters". How does that translate into ONE BIG BAD WOLF? stupid!!!!!!
And although it was a while ago, I don't recall Mr. Schmidt voting NOT to allow senior housing, but rather not to allow for extra density. Missed again!!!
Seems Mr. Ryan is 0 for 3 Do we need to go on?!?
Thank you very little Mr. Ryan. BTW... with your documented record of poor attendance at City Council meetings and your back and forth to the men’s room when you are there maybe you can clue us in on who gave you all of these “insights”. On the issues:
1.Executive Plaza – Schmidt voted against a zoning variance to a zoning ordinance that had only just been rewritten and against a variance to a known contributor to Frimark. Add in the fact that the neighbors to EP were almost universally opposed to the zoning variance and the question becomes: as 5th Ward Alderman where the hell were you on this issue?
2.Closed Sessions – tell us, please, what Schmidt did that was “illegal” and then take it to a prosecutor for action. Either that or quit perpetuating this LIE. Tell us what employee information Schmidt let out for public consumption and why it was so sensitive. Either that or quit telling this LIE.
3.PADS – Schmidt chased PADS away?!? Another LIE.
Did you not vote with Schmidt to amend the zoning ordinance to allow temporary overnight shelters with regulation? Did the full council not vote with Schmidt, 7–0,to amend the zoning ordinance to allow temporary overnight shelters with regulation?? These shelters were not allowed at all until all of you voted to allow them WITH REGULATION. PADS did not want to be subject to any regulation so they walked. If this is Schmidt’s fault it is yours and the other five aldermen’s fault as well. Quit telling this LIE!!
4. O’Hare – WTF are you getting at? Frimark’s attendance at ONCC meetings is documented as abysmal. Frimark installed Bach as his eyes and ears at ONCC meetings. Please produce Bach’s reports back to the Mayor or the Council.
The only factual thing you said is that Frimark is not a skilled orator. And if that is not the understatement of the century I don’t know what is.
Borrowing a phrase, Schmidt is running to CHANGE things. And things certainly need CHANGE. The Mayor’s ham-fisted attempts to control the Council have been surprisingly successful as evidenced by your letter and Allegretti’s and Bach’s prior to yours. I guess we should expect to hear from Carey soon and maybe DiPietro unless he grows some stones.
Schmidt may not be prefect and certainly people will disagree with him on issues but drawing a comparison between him and Frimark, on the issues, as an orator or otherwise, is embarrassing to the Mayor. And the Mayor has proven this by his avoidance of real debate with Schmidt (like the CURRB forum).
You and the rest of the Alderpuppets must have thought this through but it’s sure a surprise that you all have hitched your wagon’s to the Mayor’s slippery coattails.
Had the voters been paying attention to what Ryan was doing while he was on the Dist. 64 school board, his current behavior would not be a surprise.
He and the carpetbagging former Supt. Fred Schroeder were two of the main movers and shakers for building the new Emerson to replace the old Emerson - which at that time was the newest Dist. 64 school building, and being rented from the District for a Futabakai school.
And the borrowing and spending for the new Emerson led to a decade of substantial decline in the District's finances, to go with a similar descent into academic mediocrity.
The fact that he wants to borrow and spend millions for a new police station shows that a leopard doesn't change his spots, and proves that history does repeat itself.
We know Frimark has his Bonita Springs exit strategy. Anybody know Ryan's?
"Foamy" Ryan had better hire a lawyer. Buzz Hill already said in open session that Schmidt did NOT do anything illegal. I believe that was one of the meetings Ryan bothered to attend. That means Foamy knowingly slandered Schmidt. No lawyer who values his reputation for honesty, as Schmidt does, can or should sit still for that.
This all makes perfect sense to me.
Robert Ryan is a big supporter of keeping closed session business secret. Ryan has a personal interest in doing that. He didn't bother to have public discussions with Norwood about the zoning variance they wanted. Ryan made a point of discussing the zoning issue on the q.t. Ryan has a personal friend and campaign treasurer who was outted as a perpetrator of fraud when closed session business came out.
Birds of a feather flock together. Ryan's campaign treasurer tried his hand at fraud and got caught but none of us would know about it unless the information was released to the public.
I am not surprised by any of this. Ryan can protect his friends and himself by keeping as much a secret as possible. Stands to reason he fears Schmidt. No surprise there.
Boy you can tell that the USS Frimark is sinking! The rats are ranting and running.
Please don't tell us that ORD-REST has been anything but a lump on someone's butt and a huge pain at that all while waiting to get a payoff - from Howie or Donnie!
As for the OMP - Yes this plan may have been in the dream stage way back then - but where was Frimark's follow up since that point?
Where was Frimark when the OMP was in the final planning to give the go ahead from the last democrat pouring the cement ( yea boys ) to wheels down ?
No - Frimark didn't just drop the ball - he lost all respect from the people.
My guess is that Linda Ski is hard at work putting the finishing touches on Cary's letter for next week.
Remember when Howard said he was going to run a clean campaign??!?
He has all the lap dogs on short leashes doing his dirty work for him. And all the while, Howard can sit back and say/lie with a straight face "I did know anything about their letters"
How can Schmidt be an obstacle to progress when he only gets one vote? Foamy must be mixed up because Schmidt has been forced to represent his ward, and Allegretti's ward, and Carey's ward, and...
Robert Ryan: another product of the "great" Dist. 64/207 General Caucus process.
The only reason this guy got the time of day for his race to become Alderman is because of his association with the School Dist. and his buddy former Fifth Alderman Steve Huening, one of Frimark's supporter buddies.
The ignorant voters in the Fifth didn't have a great selection to pick from, but like a previous poster said, if they had been paying any attention at all they would have skipped this idiot.
Good call on the Ryan/Huening connection. Neighbors and buddies for years in the shadow of St. Luke's Lutheran (were they both Jaycees back in the day when the Chamber of Commerce and the Jaycees were the place to be for the movers and up-and-comers)?
in case you want to personally respond to the fine alderman about his literary excellence:
well well well.
I doubt very much he wrote that letter. Perhaps if he did, however, he is telling the people of PR that he doesn't want this job. those of you working on Schmidt's campaign--when you are done with that can you help us get a new alderman?
He made quite a fool out of himself with that letter. Will he be soooo embarassed that he won't attend any more city council meetings? oh, wait, he hardly attends anyway. If he DID maybe he would know more about what is going on in City Council and have to rely less on others to write letters to the editor for him.
Alderman Schmidt--this will only work positively for you. They are scratching and clawing like barnyard animals because they are feeling the pressure of losing an election coming close. Then what will these circus monkeys do?
Yes, Schmidt IS an obstacle to you lining your pockets with kickbacks from Howie. It's only a matter of time before the A.G.'s office catches up with you.
Sleep tight!!!
If there is a God, I cannot grasp how anyone can say what Robert Ryan said and not be struck down with a bolt of lightning. When he writes about Howard he says “he is worthy of our trust” and “and he does not debase the dialogue of service in this community with name-calling or deception”. Why don’t you just stand out in Hodges Park and declare that the sun will not rise tomorrow.
Howard P. Frimark is the biggest back stabbing liar I have ever met. All I’ve ever seen him do is name call and use deception. Robert Ryan how do you sleep at night?
Linds Ski-ball wrote that letter, not Ryan. If Ryan had written it, he would have said "matrix" at least twice and "dialogue" at least five times.
But he did sign it, so that makes him a moron.
If Carey writes his own letter, he will use the word *specificity* about 10 times.
It appears that Ald. Bob the builder
has given up. He has given up on what he should be believing in..he has no hope.
Therefore, one cannot act in the proper manner in representing the people of this city or any others.
Pack up your tool box Bob and move on too.
Take the jive five or the filthy four with you too.
Fear is like fire it can spread throughout an army and kill its will to fight.
If Howard had written the letter, he would have used the word 'incest' to describe his anger at Schmidt.
saw in today's Trib that the mayor of Arlington Heights will be meeting with President Obama about the stimulus and concerns in their communities.
How NICE that she is working for the good of her community.
I wonder what THAT is like?!!!!
Schmidt for Mayor
When Schmidt wins, will these mopes resign? One can only hope!
If they resign who will take there place. Last election 3 of 7 were uncontested.
Just curious.
Oh..come on kato....get the black beauty ready for another run to O'Hare so our master I mean mayor can catch his Fla bound plane Friday.
What will all the ladies of his daytime life do while away?
The shadow knows..............
He didn't the media mention that maybe Roland Burris spoke with Howie too?
Rather than see the city council fight each other - why not focus on the key issues at hand:
- What is up and why did the city
officials cover up the 2003
health study ?
It found the city of Park
Ridge - leading in cancer cases ?
- Currently, the city of Park Ridge
leads in 1.lung and 2. Prostate
type cancers.
Mister Mayor & City council members.....what is going on here ?
Between the planes, jet fuel, toxins coming down on us now...what will be the health risk
1 year or 5 years from now.
I smell a cover up ??????
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