September 1, 2009

What's The Park Board Been Up To?

L to R top row = Jim O'Brien, Marty Maloney, Scott Duerkop, Rick Biagi
L to R bottom = Richard Brandt, Mary Wynn Ryan, Stephen Vile

-- not a bad looking bunch --

Our techy guru attempted to find a way to download then upload the most recent video from the Park Ridge Park District meeting on August 20, 2009 -- but as our PRU.Tech phrased it...

...on second thought, we shall leave out how PRU.Tech phrased it.

For those who may be interested in what the Park Board's been up to, we encourage PRU readers to click on the video link below.

Video PRRPD 8-20-2009 Mtg.

And for those so inclined, you can view agendas, packets, notices and other documentation along with Park Board minutes here.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the reminder about these videos. I had forgot about them!

Why did Board Prs. OBrien vote against the union contract? He gave no reason! The talking was all done behind closed doors and I can understand some of that but none of the commissioners said anything, but a vote of no would seem to be something the taxpayers should have explained!

Anonymous said...

Must be a Ryan thing. Ryans don't show up to meetings?

Cecil B. said...

PRU...I know just how testy the PRU Tech can be.

For your convienience, here's a link to the Park District video you can link to or embed:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to rip on these park board schmucks! They're gonna get it. Just wait til gypsy gets a hold of 'em.

Thanks PRU!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@11:22 --

Any time, buddy.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that the video is kind of cheesy, because you can't even see everybody at the board table. But I still give the PD credit because they've been videoing their meetings for about 10 years now, while the City had to wait until Mayor Schmidt bought it a videocam and had his own volunteers do the filming and uploading onto his website.

So even when the PD does or says something stupid, at least it's there for the public to see and hear.

gypsy said...

1122--you "calling me out"?

KaiserSosay said...

"Park Board Schmucks?"

Come's the best group of elected officials we have in town.

First to "televise" their meetings, even as low-tech as it is.

First to place Board Packets and supporting meeting documentation on the web for anyone to review.

Not perfect and the mantel of "best locally elected officials" might be akin to tallest midget at the circus, but schmucks?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Relax Kaiser. Anon@11:22 is a fellow traveler.

The Crew appreciates and agrees about how tall the Park Board midgets have been.

Concerned Citizen said...

I've attended a number of park district board meetings, and my opinions aside, I'm disappointed in some of the remarks in this blog. If you want to criticize volunteer, elected public officials, maybe you should attend a few meetings once in a while. Throwing cheap shots out on an anonymous blog without even attending the meetings is cowardly. At all the meetings I've been to, public attendance is anemic. Also, and I'm not saying I support the board 100%, but why are they schmucks? For posting videos of meetings people won't attend? Criticize all you want decisions they've made, or areas where our parks are lacking... but name calling, what is this 3rd grade?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Concerned Citizen and any others who may not have caught the tongue in cheek nature of the schmuck comment --

It was tongue in cheek. You may even say it was self-deprecating.