video #00000.MTS Special PRCC 10-26-09
Special City Council meeting begins on discussion of restoration of parking area for 31-33 S. Prospect Ave.
@11:30 mark -- Aldermen present unanimously vote to approve (Bach and Carey absent)
video #00001.MTS PRCOW 10-26-09
Committee of the Whole meeting begins.
@01:10 mark -- Resident George Johnson addresses the COW regarding local blood drives
@05:30 mark -- Mayor Schmidt offers an announcement from Police Chiefski about Teen Halloween movie night at the Pickwick theater
@06:36 mark -- Finance and Budget committee meeting begins with discussion and vote on modification to the water ordinance
@12:08 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve
@12:15 mark -- Discussion of renewal of lease with All On The Road catering for Metra station
@19:00 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve
@19:12 mark -- Discussion of increase for Metra station coin box parking fee
@20:30 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve
@20:39 mark -- Discussion begins on Finance Director Diane Lembesis' report on issuing bonds to increase cash for the Uptown TIF
@22:10 mark -- Procedures and Regulations committee begins with discussion of Historic Preservation ordinance
@24:00 mark -- Alderman Ryan offers an amendment regarding awards
@30:31 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Anita Bloom addresses the COW
@33:35 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Judy Barclay addresses the COW
@40:54 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Randy Derifield addresses the COW
@43:55 mark -- Mayor Schmidt suggests the possibility of creating another task force.
@48:10 mark -- Alderman DiPietro motions a substitute for the whole to remove section R from the Historic Preservation ordinance
video #00002.MTS PRCOW 10-26-09
Begins with continuation of discussion on Aldermen DiPietro's and Ryan's amendments
@00:43 mark -- Resident Frank Partipillo addresses the COW
@03:15 mark -- Resident Lloyd Godfrey addresses the COW
@04:46 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Judy Barclay again addresses the COW
@05:27 mark -- Aldermen vote 3 (Sweeney, DiPietro and Wsol) to 2 (Allegretti and Ryan) to approve substitute for the whole and remove section R from the Historic Preservation ordinance
@05:50 mark -- Discussion begins again on the main motion for approval of the Historic Preservation ordinance
@06:10 mark -- Historic Preservation task force member Judy Barclay again addresses the COW
@07:57 mark -- Resident Joan Sandrik addresses the COW
@15:20 mark -- Alderman DiPietro motions to defer approval of the Historic Preservation ordinance
@18:00 mark -- The PRU Crew is given reason to strongly suspect some Aldermen do not read all the items provided to them in their Saturday packets, or they do not visit the City website to review minutes in preparation for discussion and debate on recommended ordinances
@19:45 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to defer approval
@20:27 mark -- Discussion begins on approval of 2nd amendment to the easement and operating agreement for the Uptown redevelopment Phase II
@22:07 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve
@22:17 mark -- Discussion on temporary public art policy begins
@26:06 mark -- Alderman Wsol motions to defer approval
@33:03 mark -- Aldermen vote unanimously to defer approval
@33:51 mark -- Discussion begins on modification to 3P Policy Manual for Special Events
@34;14 mar -- Alderman DiPietro motions to defer approval due to absences and pending notification to effected parties
@36:05 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to defer approval
@36:16 mark -- Discussion of Health and Property Maintenance enforcement begins
@45:50 mark -- City Attorney Buzz Hill comments on the Park Ridge "fine scale" and suggests "fines ought to reflect the cost of...having to enforce our codes."
~~THUD!!!~~ Jeez, Attorney Hill, you think?!?!
video #00003.MTS PRCOW 10-26-09
Begins with continuing discussion of Health and Property Maintenance enforcement
@09:05 mark -- Alderman Allegretti requests the City Attorney research State "nuisance" laws for possible adoption by the City Council
@10:23 mark -- Discussion of Video Poker begins
@13:49 mark -- Mayor Schmidt comments on "morality" of video poker and suggests taking action on the issue
@16:25 mark -- Alderman DiPietro motions to refer the issue to the next Procedures and Regulations committee meeting for action
@17:04 mark -- Des Plaines resident John Boryk addresses the COW
@20:35 mark -- Alderman Allegretti seconds Ald. DiPietro's motion
@20:40 mark -- Aldermen unanimously vote to approve DiPietro's motion to take action on the Video Poker issue at the next Procedures and Regulations committee meeting
@21:20 mark -- Public Works committee begins with discussion on Land Grades
@40:21 mark -- Mayor Schmidt comments on City enforcement of City building codes
video #00004.MTS PRCOW 10-26-09
Begins with continuing Public Works discussion of Land Grades
@12:24 mark -- Resident Jeff Getz addresses the COW
@33:26 mark -- Resident Joan Sandrik again addresses the COW
@35:27 mark -- Resident Cliff Kowalski addresses the COW
@36:47 mark -- CURRB spokesperson Judy Barclay addresses the COW
@38:10 mark -- Mayor Schmidt asks if there is any new business and Ald. DiPietro confirms the Saturday meeting of the Flood Control Task Force
@38:36 mark -- Mayor Schmidt requests City Attorney Hill to provide his answers in a report to the Council regarding the ethics violation process
@39:10 mark -- COW adjourns
Thanks for your patience today, people -- busy morning.
October 27, 2009
Video Special PRCC & PRCOW 10-26-09
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Labels: Finance and Budget Committee, Historic Preservation, Procedures and Regulations, Public Art, Public Works, Video, Video Poker
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Nice mug on the mayor in that first video.
I didn't watch the videos, only read the index. No wonder these guys never get anything done. They defer everything!
I did watch and I am happy to see the council finally discussing building code enforcements.
Too many builders in this town have gotten away with boodles of building violations for too long. They have treated long time residents like bugs to be stomped.
Steve Kutaya is the biggest offender. He will tell a resident one thing and then give the builder an occupancy certification anyway.
what is the issue here? I don't understand it. Is this city not enforcing codes? Is someone getting paid off?
Whatever it is, the people who lose are the hard-working people who try to fight city hall and get nowhere.
Now when I see rain in the forecast I will think of these big mansions who overbuilt and ruined our city. I've thought all along that they are the reason for our flooding.
Last night's tape made me believe it even more.
Mayor Schmit what are you doing to stop this craziness? Heads need to roll. Are you gonna step up?
Why don't they start with those slums on Northwest Hway? Fine the slumlord in charge of those properties.
"fines ought to reflect the cost of...having to enforce our codes."
I think the city attorney has said the smartest thing I ever heard from one of these meetings.
You will all get your wishes filled from Schmitty. He will run the builders out of town with his pied pipe.
Anon@4:45 --
We'd be happy if Schmidt ran the builders out of town who repeatedly and consistently violate building codes.
Barring that, we'll settle for code enforcement.
No need to run anybody out of town, just enforce the damn ordinances properly and the troublemakers and grafters will leave of their own free will.
The city council rolled over for PRC in Uptown, which is why the city continues to throw our money down that well and even the condo owners are starting to realize PRC and Mid-America are trying to sell them a bill of goods, too.
PRU, I know this is off the topic but I want to say thank you again for going through the videos and labeling where discussions begin. Without you doing it I have to be honest and say I don't think I would sit through all of these.
Anon@5:17 --
You are very welcome.
Does anyone else get the feeling election politics never ends? There is so much talk about the evil builders now, like Howard Frimark used to talk about the evil blogs.
Mayor Schmidt has never been thought of as too friendly to the building and development community that is a big part of the business community. It looks to me as if he is leading the aldermen to kick the builders while they are down in the bad economy but using the building code to do it? Is all this angst only really payback to the builders and developers who supported Howard Frimark in the last election?
Politicians are the same everywhere. They punish their enemies and reward their friends. Do not think the politicians in Park Ridge are different from the politicians anywhwere else.
Constant complaining about building and development in this town will give Park Rige the reputation of being even more unfriendly to the business community than it already has. Making it harder for business to do business will hurt the whole town.
You are right 5:32, making rules and expecting them to be followed and enforced is unfair, political and anti-business. The nerve of those pesky residents.
6:06, I did nnot say a thing about residents. Honestly, I did not expect to see mmy comment up because it goes against the popular ideas here.
You can say whatever you want but I see the timing on this when the builders are hurting and the economy is bad as being political.
I attended last night for the first time since late summer, having been able to do that due to changes in my work schedule but it suprised me seeing so few people there.
I swear I've seen more than that other times, not to say I've seen other meetings with small attendence as well.
With mention of the Uptown TIF in the previous thread I wonder how many attended these meetings when that was being proposed?
I myself am probably wrong for complaining since I'm as guilty as sin for have not gone to the meetings at the time.
Don't think it even entered my mind.
Back in the mid 1960's a developer proposed building for 10 story buildings in town and though only 2 out of 4 alderman were against it.
A concerned citizen named Marty Butler with other people planned an opposition strategy protesting the developments at it worked.
Of course the city reconsidered it and eventually formed his own party he along with the others defeated the aldermen who were for these buildings.
Needless to say he later became mayor.
Anyway just some history I thought I'd mention.
Oh, fer cryin' out loud...
Folks use the words "political" and "politician" as if they're referring to diseases...which is not to deny that, on occasion, such a "likening" isn't "merited"...
Anonymous @ 6:52,
Do you even know what the words "politics" or "political" means...? It's simply "of or relating to government...the conduct of government." Well...isn't THAT the worst thing in the world!
The entire matter of building code enforcement has been brought to the city council based on residents' complaints about lack of enforcement of building codes and standards by their...wait for it...wait...GOVERNMENT!
So, now the dastardly POLITICIANS...those who instantly become slime-balls for no other reason than having taken the oath of office...are engaged in...GASP!...the POLITICS of how...GASP!...CITY GOVERNMENT conducts itself.
I tell's enough to make a body want to...chuck this whole democracy thing!
so the builders should be exempt from following the rules because the economy is bad?
i want what you're smokin.
Mike @ 7:15---it was called the Mosaic Plan. ahhh, memories!
I never said anyone should be exempt from following rules. I only said the timing of this looks political to me. Bean, sorry if you find that stupid but I think it is true builders and developers are getting kicked because of politics. I mean it in the negative way.
PRU, thank you for putting up my comments. I knew my view would not be popular here but I thank you for letting me air it.
The builders have every right to earn a living and are welcome do so here as long as they adhere to city ordinances and building codes.
Anon. 6:52: I don’t understand your comment “I see the timing on this when the builders are hurting and the economy is bad as being political.” The Timing on what? Making the city employees accountable for enforcing the existing code? Everybody is hurting, not just builders. I’m hurting. Are my property rights less important because builders are hurting?
I know I’m repeating myself from a former post, but it’s so sad when people walk out of City Hall congratulating each other after getting an ordinance passed that they think will solve a problem. If staff doesn’t like it or they just don’t want to be bothered it is never enforced. If a building or traffic ordinance is written into law then it should be enforced. If any person or staff doesn’t like the ordinance then they should address it with the City Council and get it changed. Staff has no right to ignore it. It really does make our city government a farce.
Anon@7:58 --
You're welcome. And thank you -- a little chum in the water never hurts. ;-)
PRU, lol. I am happy I could be useful.
Can someone please clarify something for me? I have been trying to view the clips but apparently my DSL is slow tonight. They keep locking up. What codes have been violated? As an example, take Vine Street. What codes did they violate and did they do so without a "waver" or permission from the city. What codes have been violated by other McMansions in town. I will keep trying to view the clips as I am sure some of these answers are contained in the discussion from the meeting.
Vine Street house has a patio and yard that was built over 1 foot higher than what was originally approved in building plans.
The building dept did not look at the original approved plans when doing the final inspection.
What was approved by the city is not what was completed. The city did not hold them to the plans. They overlooked it.
Anon @ 7:58M,
I would agree with you if the politicians were making new rules to punish a particular group or reward another. But in this situation, people are only asking to have the existing rules enforced.
Since the builders should know what the existing rules are, they should already be in compliance. If they're not, they should be held accountable.
Really?!? So are you saying that in order to make P.R. more builder/business friendly, we should ignore ordinance and code and make exceptions to make the builder want to build here or do business here. Because I'm thinking, if YOU want to build/or do business here you ought to KNOW the rules before you do so. Make yourself an educated decission, instead of looking for exceptions right from the get go.
...And please, don't insult us by implying that all this "new developement and building" is doing us some kind of favor. It isn't the "residents" who are profiting by continually violating ordinance or asking for exceptions.
anon 7:18:
Please forgive what is probably a dumb question (s). I guess I am just flabbergasted. You clearly got this information from somewhere. I have seen the Vine St. issue on the blogs before but cannot recall seeing an offical comment from the city or any elected official. Was it disclosed at a meeting that the patio was 1 foot higher then what was approved? Does the city agree with your assesment that the original approved paln was not followed? Did the city admit to this? What is the cities response to your statement? Has the city made any comments about how the house on Vine may or may not have caused the "new" flooding in the neighborhood? Have there been discussions with the Alderman for that Ward (Ryan I believe) and what has he said?
This all just seems so obvious and, quite frankly, stupid. I am not an engineer but one can clearly see that a one foot elevation increase beyond what was originally approved could cause water issues. It would seem that a one foot increase would be fairly easy for an inspector to see. I had a neighbor who recently installed a generator. The inspector came out and it was not installed the proper distance from certain things according to code. It cost the neighbor several grand extra to resolve the problem. But when you are dealing with something as significant as a new home and land grading, when do they inspect? At the end of the process when the damage is done and the cost to "fix" the problem is huge.
There has to be more to this story or at least a statement from the city that I ammissing.
Anonymous at 10:36. Yes the City does acknowledge that the elevation and grading are too high. Up to 18-24" above the neighboring properties is some places. The issue here is that the codes were not enforced causing the neighbors to flood. This is what so enraged many of the alderman.
If you didn't see it, there was an article in the Journal several weeks ago where Director of CP&D Carrie Davis said that the builder of the house on Vine was just taking care of his own water issue and now the neighbors must in turn take care of the water directed to their property. Why should these poor people, or any resident, have to deal with an artificially created flooding problem thrust upon them because of a new construction next door. Especially when there are codes in existence intended to protect the neighbors. The issue is enforcement, or lack of it.
As for the contractors, everyone is entitled to make a living and no one is denying them. It is the few "bad eggs" that knowingly bend and break the rules to their advantage, without regard to the neighbors, who are also at fault. It is the City's responsibility to make sure that they don't get away with it.
the information on the approved land grade and the actual land grade were reported from surveys on file with the City.
There's no way around it. There's something very evil going on there.
WHY isn't the mayor commenting on this?
The mayor did get up and say I'm sick of this, but he actually has little power. He does have power over Hock, and the building dept reports to him. Why Hock is not doing something one is sure
I have had to deal with the 2nd floor and I pity anyone who has to deal with these people. The sad thing is , we are paying for these guys.
To clarify what Anonymous at 9:05 is referring to when speaking of "dealing with the 2nd floor", they are referencing that 3 ring circus also know as Community Planning and Development which is located on the second floor at City Hall.
Hock needs to go.
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