April 8, 2010

School District 64 Invites You To Play --

In an online Herald-Advocate article headlined, Board won't share name of 'preferred' superintendent candidate, we read "We're not ready to let go of the candidate's name and information yet," said School Board President John Heyde.

And in an email sent out yesterday --

Message from District 64 Board President John Heyde

To All District 64 Parents:

Just a reminder that you are invited to an informal reception tomorrow – Thursday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. – to meet and learn about the preferred candidate identified by the Board of Education for District 64 Superintendent. We would like to introduce this candidate to our community before making a final decision. It is also an opportunity for the candidate to hear first-hand about the vision we have for our schools. We encourage you to join us for coffee, cookies and conversation.

Preferred Candidate Reception
Thursday, April 8 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Washington School
1500 Stewart Ave., Park Ridge,

John Heyde, President
Board of Education

So you see people, if the District 64 School Board shared the name of the 'preferred' superintendent candidate before the Mystery Date reception it would totally ruin the game!

The PRU Crew is wondering, if the Mystery Date superintendent candidate wears a name tag, will it look something like this --

We're inclined to suggest, if name tags are passed out, everybody put a big ? mark in the name space provided.

The PRU Crew is also wondering if this Mystery Date reception, which sounds a lot like a public meeting, passes the demands of the IOMA -- which tends to put a damper on the games elected officials enjoy playing, but far be it from us to spoil all the fun!


5th Ward taxpayer said...

It's interesting that Heyde addressed his party invite to "District 64 Parents". It should have been to "District 64 Taxpayers", who will be the actual group paying this person's salary. I don't send any students to District 64 schools but I DO send thousands of dollars a year and I'm miffed not to have received Heyde's invitation.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the "preferred" superintendent candidate will wear a bag over his/her head, like "The Unknown Comic" on the old Chuck Barris show. At least we might be able to tell if it's a man or woman, unless he/she is like "Pat" on SNL.

Just how stupid are the people running D-64 to do something like this?

Anonymous said...

It's silly to not say who it is but then have a reception open to the public. Not that it matters anyway. The school board has decided and no matter who shows up and no matter what the feedback is, this mystery candidate will be selected for the sup. position.

8:12, it could be the school board aren't the ones being stupid but they are doing what the consultant they hired has said would create a buzz or whatever.

Anonymous said...

We are back to my idea about a referendum for everything. We need to have every taxpayer have the ability to have a thumbs up or down on every issue. Hell, why just the superintendent? Why not have a meet and greet for every new hire? After all, the tax payer should have a right to meet and let their voices be heard on the new 4th grade gym teacher.

By the way, 5th ward, if you are so interested in meeting the person they are seriously considering just show up. Do you honestly think they will kick you out?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@11:57 --

Back up a little.

We don't believe anyone has said they believe they should have any type of final say or vote on D64's preferred candidate. In fact, in light of the absence of that possibility, the Mystery Date reception is more of a dog and pony show than anything else and makes withholding the name of the preferred candidate silly, as Anon@11:42 pointed out.

What Anon@7:35 also correctly pointed out was the lack of inclusion in the email invitation from the Board President -- it isn't just parents who financially support the district.

However, we will point out the H-A article does include a blurb in which both "parents and members of the community" are invited to attend.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god!! You mean all these taxpayers who are "miffed" about not being invited and could not understand something stupid like this can infact go tonight and meet the mystery guest and ask what ever questions they like???

If as many people show up ans most of the school board meetings they will not need a very big room.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. PRU, I remember that Mystery Date game from when I was little. Too funny!

I don't understand all the secretiveness and I agree it's silly not to tell the press who the candidate is but if anyone is burning with interest then they should go to the party tonight.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's silly. I think it's obnoxious to say they aren't ready to give out the name or any information but invite people to come to a party to meet the person. It is stupid and manipulating if what somebody said about making a buzz is true. If we go to the party are we allowed to ask the person their name and information? At least they are holding their party in town this time and not at some swanky country club. Thanks a bunch.

Anonymous said...

A tempest in a tea pot. Chill out people.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:06:

I disagree with you. I think this is more of the same bs the public gets fed. They treat us like mushrooms and keep us in the dark and pile on the manure.

I shouldn't have to go to some reception party to find out who the hell could be the next superintendant of the schools I pay big tax money to every year.

I should be able to read reports in the newspapers about it. Reporting this information is what the newspapers are for!!!!!!!!

When these elected people won't give out the information for the newspapers to report I am going to have to assume something isn't right.

Anonymous said...

Hey I have an idea!!! How about we have a few volunteers video tape it and we could put it on the internet!!! Gee I bet thousands of Taxpayers will watch that!!!!

Video good... secrets bad... said...


What's your point?

That we should go back to the good old days of just relying on our (outstanding?!?) City Clerk's meeting minutes if we ever want to know what happened at a meeting in an in depth manner? We certainly can't rely on the local rags for anything in depth.

Even if not so many people watch the videos, even if NO ONE watches the videos, it is important that they are there for a record of what ACTUALLY HAPPENS at a meeting.

And don't tell me you can rely on the audio tapes. When someone calls... "all in favor", and you get a chorus of "yeas" and "nays" with no roll call, that is completely useless.

I for one would gladly pay a little less to the ORD group or to the "community groups" if it meant maintaining the videoing of as many meetings as possible.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@4:48 --

While you may not appreciate the efforts being made to get information out into the public arena, and while you may not appreciate the results -- we firmly believe public officials are under a fundamental obligation to provide the opportunity to the public to access information in as user friendly a manner as technology will allow.

What the public chooses to do or not do is the public's' individual and collective choice. What choice the public may make does not absolve government from its obligations for providing information.

And as Anon@5:02 pointed out, video provides a record unmatched by the efforts of minute keeping and audio tapes.

MIKE said...

Looks like the board members themselves haven't gotten out of elementry school, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

5:02, you are right on the money. Minutes are a joke; when it's something staff wants aired, the details have more fidelity than a court reporter's. When they don't want it aired, two hours of impassioned, eloquent debate and deathless speechifying goes down as "discussion occured." It occurs in ALL public bodies' minutes, as I've discovered. And good luck objecting; there's fine print that allows them to just "summarize" -- and that means whatever they wish it to mean. Viva les videos! And PRU, too!

Anonymous said...

Soooooo. . . . Who's the candidate?