April 22, 2010

A Thursday Twofer!

A quickie twofer for our faithful PRU readers!

Some of you may have noticed a new link we've added to our link list on the right -- the Sin Bin blog. We received an email from blogger Michael Sebastian letting us know "Your readers may have noticed some lights and cameras this week in Park Ridge. That's because there's a movie shooting in town. It's called Sin Bin and the writer and director are both from Park Ridge."

Mr. Sebastian has been given access to the behind-the-scenes production of the film and he writes, "The filmmakers--my childhood pals--gave me unfettered access to the set, the crew, the actors, the catering--basically anything I see or hear while they're filming.

The movie is about growing up, set in a suburb of Chicago. The main character owns a van called the Sin Bin --

And since the PRU Crew has a decided fondness for independents, we thought we'd give this film crew and Mr. Sebastian some attention and promotion!

Our faithful PRU readers who took the time to wend their way through yesterday's video of what is supposed to pass for the practice of democracy during local Council debate and discussion may have taken note of the 5th ward's Benedict Alderman Ryan saying he did not recall voting to approve an increase in vehicle sticker fees for the purpose of funding the Park Ridge O'Hare Airport Commission's requests.

In yesterday's video, discussion of the increase in vehicle stickers begins at the 1:50:08 mark. In response to a question raised by the 7th ward's Ald. assWsol, at the 1:51:10 mark, Ryan can be heard saying, "That wasn't the intent." And again at the 1:52:33 mark Ryan states, "This was not put in there for community groups" and goes on to ask, "Can we check the record?"

Yoohoo -- Benedict Ryan! You're in luck! The City posts videos of your meetings on your City web site, in case you don't get around to reading the minutes of the meetings prepared for your reviewing pleasure, before you vote to approve those minutes!

If you check out the video of the 7 p.m. City Council Budget Workshop for Wednesday 3-31-10 on the City web site -- or the second video we embedded here -- you will hear at the 2:38:43 mark, the 3rd ward's Ald. Don Bachtard say, while discussing funding for the PROAC, "I do have a suggestion as to how this is going to be paid for. That's my very next motion." And at the 2:50:50 mark Ald. Bachtard motions to increase the cost of vehicle stickers.

So, Benedict Ryan, there is a record available for your review and that record does reflect the intent behind the increase in vehicle sticker fees.

While the Lord of the Manor tried to clarify the process and procedure of increasing vehicle sticker fees, and while a member of the audience commented on the problem of doing so, it seems clear to the PRU Crew that the intent of the vehicle sticker increase was, in fact, to fund the PROAC request.

Of course now it will be left up to the municipal fund accounting wizards to cover the Council's asses for again not knowing what the hell they are doing.

Business as usual at 505 Butler Place.


Anonymous said...

Now Pru, who are you going to believe? Bob Ryan or your own lying eyes?

Anonymous said...

The entire budget is a mess and considering how they don't know what they are doing even when they are doing it, nobody should be surprised.

Anonymous said...

It's got to be what's left of that Brit accent that totally disarms so many of the people who listen to Ryan, because it sure can't be the content of what he says.

I thought a typical comment from Ryan was what he said Saturday that he didn't want "people blaming this on the City Council," meaning the proposed reduction of 4 cops from the force. Ryan blames the cops for not eating pay raises, which is fair - until you think about Ryan voting to piss that money away, and more, on fighting O'Hare and on his favorite community groups.

Anonymous said...

April 22, 2010 1:21

I could not agree more.

Anonymous said...

It's all ridiculous. Schmidt should veto the whole thing and make them start over. Will he?

Bean said...

Anonymous @ 2:44,

I'm sure the Mayor is weighing his options carefully...between scuba excursions and luaus, while he vacations in Hawaii...

Anonymous said...

PRU, thanks for the info. I did see something going on and I wondered what it was about. Sin Bin isn't something that sounds like a movie I would see, but I wish these young people good luck!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:10 --

You're welcome.

We're hoping Mr. Sebastian will do us the favor of submitting a guest essay, as our PRU.ADMIN suggested.

The Crew would be interested in reading an interview with the writer and director about their memories of growing up in Park Ridge and how those memories may be reflected in their current project.

Anonymous said...

Back to the city budget- add me to the list of people who think it is indefensible to spend money on the airport fight and let go of police officers and maybe fire fighters.

We already lost the fight against the airport and we already spent too much money on it.

If the aldermen need to raise our taxes and fees, do it, but keep the police and fire employees who keep this community safe.

JT said...

Ryan is my alderman and I do not find his accent or his actions attractive at all. The guy is a dope!