February 5, 2009

The Joker Writes for Pioneer Press!

In today's edition of the Herald-Advocate we are treated to a view of the inner workings of what passes for the mind of the Herald-Advocate editor.

In the editorial, Referendum rules work against input on airport question, the PRU Crew came away feeling as if the editor simply could not bring himself to give Alderman Frank Wsooooolman (7th ward) and the majority of the city council a well deserved whack on their heads for approving a referendum question that essentially duplicates if not completely confuses the issue before voters on whether or not to build a new police station.

Instead of rightfully condemning Ald. Wsooooolman and the rest of the lapdog council for their display of "political showmanship" at the 11th hour, which can be deemed as equally responsible for shutting out the possibility of a referendum question about funding to fight O'Hare expansion, the editorial suggests that it is those opposed to Cook County Board President Todd Stroger's sales tax increase who have somehow done a grave disservice to voters by proceeding to accumulate measurable voter reaction to Stroger's fiscal folly.

The PRU Crew feels that kind of thinking is evidence of mental retardation.

PRUdos to anyone that takes on one of Crook County's biggest idiots, Todd Stroger. PRUdos again to anyone who backs up their opposition to one of Crook County's biggest idiots with countable votes which will then provide voter-backed ammunition needed to undo Stroger's fiscal folly.

The Herald-Advocate editor blew it again -- just more noise from one of the local rags.


Anonymous said...

I would love the O'Hare question to be on the ballot, but PRU is correct, we should take OFF Wsol's meaningless string of words that no one knows how to answer anyway.

Anonymous said...

Ald. Wsol originally supported the 40,000 square foot police station with workout room, firing range, and indoor parking. He was the one who came up with the original $16.5 million price for the new police station. He repeatedly voted to go into closed sessions to discuss the purchase of private land for the new police station. And he also knows that a $16.5 million police station will cost $28 million when the interest and fees on the 23 year municipal bonds to finance it are figured in.

So his half-baked 11th hour referendum question was just so much political grandstanding.

Anonymous said...

Good call PRU. I agree with the points made here.

Anonymous said...

The H-A's editorial staff has a long and disreputable tradition of propping up politicians they like...

Llllloyd Wesssstttton did it with Frimark...

...and the tradition continues with Wsol...and the already demostrable bias the press has for building a new police station.

I am wondering, however, who wrote the editorial...? Ann Lunde got her butt canned recently...so, I don't think she's the one who authored today's bird-cage liner...

Anonymous said...

Yes..........its true...more planes are coming! Thanks Howie!!!

You folks living along Granville
better get use to the quiet.

Wait....what was that....its a bird...its a plane....no its super Howie!!!!!!!!

That crap crusader who's able to leap over the desk of the ORD-REST
rep, Bend rules with his bare hands
and disguised as our quiet mannered Mayor...who will fight for truth, justice and the PR way..........

Don't forget to remove your glasses Howie when she take's your wallet...or is it our wallet ??

That's the approach Howie took
at the ONCC mtg today while exiting stage left..for Florida!!!!!

Don't worry batman... we have it covered!

The joker was there....
and catwoman......

Oh boy....

Anonymous said...

Our local news papers are awful! I am very grateful to the PRU for caring enough about this community to try to inform us of what's really going on behind the iron curtain.

Anonymous said...

PRU Crew, I sincerely appreciate the work you do. You help to keep us informed and offer us a place to vent, discuss, air, disagree, and disagree without rancor. However, could you please refrain from sing the word retarded even in jest? It is a hurtful word to many. Thanks.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@11:55 --


The PC exit is thattaway --->