February 26, 2009

Outside the Box!

Take some time out and let your imagination run wild!

Have an interesting long weekend!


Anonymous said...

Try getting THAT approved by the appearance commission!

Anonymous said...

That is pretty cool!

Anonymous at 1:34 is right though, no way would the PR Appearance Commission pass something like that.

No vision. Just cookie cutter.

Anonymous said...

hey PRU this not so much a message to be posted in response to this posting but a topic for the future.I know you are not fond of that but I have to get this out.
Tonight it is Raining--my question is that our fine leaders believe that Cumberland is our only North South road in our city,why then every time it rains do we have to close the street? I just watched the fire dept help a stranded motorist out of her car--this has become a very regular event since the water main work has been completed--hmmm? another more regular event --me bailing out my basement--which I have to get back to--yet again!
Thanks for all you do!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anonymous@9:39 --

No problem. Weekends are for freewheeling -- whatever is on your mind.

Good luck with your bailing. We understand the hassle very well.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:39:

Boy can I relate to that. I do not get flooding unless it is a 100 year storm. But so many intersections flood, even with rain like yesterday. I live near western and Belle Plaine and the and the East side of that intersection last night was a freakin' lake.

To fix that problem, they will have to replace sewer covers so that they do not clog.

So Mayor and city government, here is wat I want. Tell me the problem (what ever it is). Give me a proposed solution and tell me what it will cost. The public is not stupid. If you give them the information they will make their decision and judge you accordingly. Hell, they may even make a suggestion of two.

Right now you have given me NOTHING and you look like a bunch of boobs!!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to thank the city for allowing me to yet again, clean up water in my basement.

Anonymous said...

Frimark has got to be praying with all his might to what ever he believes in....."Please, no more rain until after April 7th!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Yes, Last night I was mopping up yet again. On April 7 keep in this in mind.

Park Ridge Journal-March 9, 2005

“When discussing vision Frimark spoke of a flood free Park Ridge, and said it would be a big priority of his work as Mayor.”

What else can I say.

Anonymous said...

I personally can't wait for the debates....of course, being a PR resident and payor of that schmuks salary, I will not get to jump up and ask questions. The baffoon might get frightened and have to fake a reaction again.

Anonymous said...

No doubt we need a better sewer system in this town.

No doubt we need a better approach to the key issues that plaque our citizens and pull on our wallets.

Its time people to stand up and tell those in office - at all levels that you want change.

Oh - and for you Frimark support groups....where has he been while all this has taken place on his watch ?

It's the weekend - you can now phone in your complaints to Howie...yes he has the hotline all set up for ya! 1-800-0u812.


Anonymous said...

Frimark with his stupid shopping list for the Obama stimulus. You would think he would ask for 20 million for figuring out a way to install a decent sewer system that can handle 2 inches of rain.

Hell no. Frimark asks for 20 million because he wants to build a new police station so he can put his name on it.

If I could find a way, I would put Frimark out at my curb for garbage pick up along with my soaked basement items.

Anonymous said...

$16 million for a new police station or $16 million for more relief sewers? How come it seems like everybody but Frimark and his City Clowncil toadies (DiPietro, Bach, Allegretti, Ryan and Carey) know the correct answer to that question?

Anonymous said...

a special note to the person(s) who are stealing campaign signs...I have a CAMERA recording the front of my house where my sign is. I hope you DO steal mine. The video of it will be posted all over the internet and will go down in history in PR! what freakin idiots!

Anonymous said...

So much to say about that comment on stealing campaign signs. It's childish and stupid. I will refrain from saying more. Not worth the time. (but I would pay $$ to see a video of someone doing that!!)
The classy candidate will win. You know, the one who actually pays attention to the ISSUES!!!

Anonymous said...

A note to the sign stealer....there maybe some out there that have been dusted.

That purple crap does not come off and will make great evidence
at your bail/bond hearing.

Theft is theft!!


Anonymous said...

I am trying to decide what I find more puculiar.

A person who would steal a political yard sign, or person who would actually set up a camera so that, in the event someone decided to steal his yard sign, he could film them - and then post that fact on a blog. hmmmmmmmmmm.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@9:48 --

What we find peculiar is that you aren't more irritated by those who actively seek to quash someone's exercise of their free speech rights.

As for cameras trained on one's own private property -- we have no problem with that. At least we know they aren't doing it to generate revenue while telling everyone it's a safety issue.

Anonymous said...

As big as the hole in the city's budget is, I wish they would just call it a revenue generator and get on with it.

Would probably beat the ROI for TA2 at this point.

Anonymous said...

High drama!!

Howard - get a life will you!

Drop out and go home.

Give us all a break from this


Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have a motion activated, infrared camera recording destructive animal actively and will re-aim the thing on my lawn sign until April 7th. Thanks for the heads-up 3:19 PM!

Anonymous said...

My Schmidt sign is being guarded 24/7 by a mean German Shepard with a record.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@1:38 --

Would you consider lending that German Shepherd to taxpayers during the next round of City budget talks?

Anonymous said...

Since I do not have the technology, I am just staying up all night, peering through the slats in my blinds with complete focus on my yard sign.

Anonymous said...

PRU - I give to this city till it hurts! If the residents need my mean German Shepard to bite some city politians ass, I'm willing to put him on the scent. Just don't take my Schmidt sign!