May 21, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way --

Good afternoon, PRU Readers. We had planned to put up our Memorial Day post and wish everyone a nice long weekend.

Instead, we feel PRU readers should check out the most current Pub-dog post!

To borrow a phrase -- hellooooo!


MIKE said...

Haven't gone to the Memorial Day Parade in years but I remember last year when that lady held up that protest sign in reguards to the proposed Cumberland Ave. extention.

Wonder if they're be people there protesting Govonor Quinn being there?

gypsy said...

Governor Quinn does a LOT for the veterans and those currently serving, as well as their families.
It would be disrespectful to protest him on Memorial Day. He deserves our thanks for what he does.

Don't stir up trouble.

Anonymous said...

Quin's a warmonger and everyone knows it.

gypsy said...

3:32--and you're a coward.

Anonymous said...

Quinn is NOT a warmonger!
Where did you get this from ?

As far as potential protesting ...we hear that ord-rest will be (in)
the parade to protest w/ a banner.

Maybe they can get Howie to hold up one end.

I agree ..its not the place or time.
what do you expect when DK., JS.,and the other Dem's will be leading the " Park Ridge parade"
this year.

Daley's ground team is here
along with the air team x 400 flights per day.....

What's next pro choice ?

Anonymous said...

This is just fascinating to me. I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, but in general, we treat our vetrans like crap. From the VA, to job training to help for families we have failed. Hell, I drove around PR quite a bit this weekend and the vast majority of people do not even do something as simple as putting up a flag at their houses - something everyone in my town did when I was a child.

But God forbid that someone does something that people feel is "inappropriate" at the parade. Yes ORD-rest was marching yesterday. People do tend to exercise their first amendment rights at places where there are large groups to hear their positions. Is that not part of what all those veterans and soldiers today fought and are fighting for?

To somehow be outraged at this form of expression at a parade and yet not be completely outraged at how our country treats veterans is a classic case of not seeing the forest for the trees.

gypsy said...

anon @ 529--it must be hard to walk in your shoes every day, to be so bitter and angry.