May 13, 2009

Sublimely Mad As Hell!

Today's Pub-dog post offers up some observations well worth your time.

The PRU Crew was wondering if anyone would pick up on the idiocy of giving away $271,000 taxpayer dollars to community groups while potentially hamstringing physical functions at City Hall for a fraction of that amount.

We're pleased the Pub-dogs figured it out and are sharing it with the masses, for free.

If you haven't got a copy of today's Journal & Topics, you may want to spend the $.50 to read the two articles being referenced.

We warn you though, you may find yourself becoming mad as hell.


anony-mouse said...

Mad as Hell?
You mean, like "mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore"?

The last time I did that, I worked on a campaign to get us a new mayor. I guess we need a new City Council now too!

Anonymous said...

To anony-mouse,

I'm with you! I read in the paper today that BachTurd wants the city to help fund the installation of overhead sewers for residents.

Well well BachTurd, if you pull your head out of your butt and do some math you would be able to figure out that the city has not extra money right now, but if you are all for helping out residents with their private flood improvements then you would take the 168K you just gave to all these community groups and instead fund your overhead sewer subsidy program.

The paper said Arlington Hts. gives 5K to home owners. Do the math BachTurd. 168K would be enough to give 34 homes a year a 5K subsidy.

gypsy said...

they are spending money LIKE WE HAVE IT! There is no money! Hel-lo? Pay attention aldermonkeys.

Anonymous said...

What the city council says and what the city council does - is two different things.

Hey Don B. its time to come forward to your queen....of Bellplaine.

She's still waiting for the check!

Better call Howie - 1-800-OU812.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE OU812!!!! My favorite is 5150 !!!! 5150 sounds like something all the alderman could be classified as. CRAZY

Anonymous said...

Like Bach, I use Wikipedia when I don't know what's going on. It explains OU812 as a Van Halen album or Cheech & Chong's license plate #. 5150 is either another album or "a California police term for a mentally disturbed person. 10:07 & 10:49 please explain your reference.

Anonymous said...

OU812 is a Van Halen record. Real original. I thought this was the place for irreverent and unrepentant sarcasm and humor.

And these people that are investing their time for almost no money are not "turds". "Turd" is not funny or sarcastic. It is what you are for complaining for the sake of your own relevance.

You wanna be relevant? Run for "aldermonkey" (hilarious) and work for $100.00 while people openly refer to you as human waste. Doesn’t sound too appealing, does it.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 11:24 while I agree it's a thankless job that doesn't pay, they all have their own reasons for being there; or they wouldn't be.

Anonymous said...

11:24 AM

They're "aldermonkeys" because they don't get it, don't want to get it, and don't care that they don't. Pay them $5,000/month, and the only difference with this crop is that they would be better paid "aldermonkeys."

A $2 MILLION BUDGET DEFICIT, and they're sitting there jacking up the money we're giving to private organizations that no voter ever had a chance to vote on!


Anonymous said...

"......jacking up the money we're giving to private organizations that no voter ever had a chance to vote on!"

OK...I did not major in political science but if I am not mistaken we do not get to vote on everything. There are much more costly things that happen in PR that we never get to vote on. About 6 months ago they spent more money than is given to these organizations on a few trucks. I never got to vote on that. There are contracts negotiated with unions - sorry no vote. The one that really frosts my ass is I never got to vote on the Iraq war! See our vote is for or against the elected officials so if you do not like money going to private organizations you vote against that alderman. Of course for that to work it helps to have more than one person running.

Of course there is another option....I feel another referendum coming!

Anonymous said...

I missed one option. If you really want a chance to vote on all of these issues, you could run for alderman. Sorry but that is just the way it works.

Anonymous said...

Who needs referendums? BachTurd will just ask 30 of his constituents and that's all he needs.

Anonymous said...

Its going to be a long...four years with this mulit talented group of volunteer(s).


gypsy said...

it's only two more years for them. aldermonkeys are up for re-election in 2011.

Anonymous said...

Ok - I bought the Journal and yes- I agree that there are some very interesting comments in the "Speak Out".

1- "Kotowski should be blamed for poor showing".
Comment: You can blame DK on the poor showing during this last election cycle. Yes, the voters that DID turn out made the victory sweet but the total count of those who did was very low.

2. "Kowtowski should replace Murphy as committeeman".

Comment: Money and out of town Dem's in the past have always been a key factor when it comes to election(s) in and around the communities of the City of O'Hare.
After all as one resident recently stated " we have been annexed by air space and part of the 41st ward - west.

Let this last election be a wake up call to all of us.

The Republican party is getting the wind back into its' sails when the Obama team keeps up the current agenda.

The apology tour must end.

We have nothing to apologize for

Thank you.