May 4, 2009

Peaceful Revolution!

'Spirit of 76' -- by Archibald MacNeal Willard

Good day PRU readers!

President John F. Kennedy once said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." And the PRU Crew remains grateful to our Founding Fathers for undertaking violent revolution to secure our nation's independence and then installing a system by which posterity can partake of peaceful revolution, according to various election cycles.

Tonight, beginning at
7:30 p.m. at City Hall (.pdf), you may wish to witness what peaceful revolution looks like -- the peaceful transfer of power --


a. Betty W. Henneman, City Clerk

b. David F. Schmidt. Mayor

c. Presentation of Badge of Office to Mayor David F. Schmidt


Mayor-elect Dave Schmidtzkrieg will take the oath of office and become Mayor Schmidtzkrieg, here on PRU anyway. We expect the conventional press and most others to call him Mayor Schmidt.

How sweet it is!


gypsy said...

the nightmare is OVER

Anonymous said...

Yes the nightmare is over because Dave was in the beginning, is now, and ever will be, perfect without end. Amen.

(now genuflect before your eminence)

Go in peace to love and serve the Dave.

Anonymous said...

Or just beginning..... ;)

Don't view Dave as a messiah - think of him more as "something different than Howard".

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:58,

You are a bitter sore loser. Only a total jerk would have your reaction.

Anonymous said...


You are correct.

Maybe I need to put my hand into Daves side, maybe I need to feel the scars about his head and the stigmata in his touch.

Until then, I remain a doubter.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mayor Schmidt. I hope you look at your top "BRASS"when you're looking to save some money cause the guys who simply showed up every-day and did there jobs didn't waste Park Ridge's money away and put them in a deficit! Good-Luck

MIKE said...

Too bad I had to work.

Anonymous said...


Huh? get a grip

Anonymous said...

at least Dave has some CLASS, which Howard is lacking until the very end.
You don't agree? Well, ask some of the peeps who were at the City Council meeting for Howard's farewell.
rot in hell, Howard. we all know what you've done.

Anonymous said...

Ya just have to love the blog medium. It encourages such "community".

I do not have the history that many of you do here in PR, but even to a neophyte like me the choice of Schmidt was clear.

However, that does not mean I have to hate Frimark. "Rot in hell, Howard???" Schmidt won. Can't we just leave it that? Why tap dance on a grave?

By the way, I believe the prior poster who has everyone worked up was using satire to make a point. Mayor Dave is not the Mesiah and all of us need to judge him on his actions. It would appear that that is what PRU is doing and I hope all the rabid Schmidt fans do the same.

Rorschach said...

Rorschach voted for Dave, put his sign in the yard, promoted him amongst the neighbors, and is darn glad he is now our mayor. At minimum we can call this city's chief executive "your honor" and not smirk.

We still have the right to smirk, however. Every citizen should stay active and knowledgeable in civic affairs, because no elected official can be perfect all the time. The great thing about Dave is that he's not afraid to admit this.

As for me and my house, we will continue to watch out for ourselves and our neighbors and petition the local government accordingly.

Rorschach also believes we should pray for all our elected officials, and we will do this for Dave just as we did for Howard. (I'm not smirking.)

Go get 'em, Dave!

Anonymous said...

A new beginning!

Just smell the spring flowers and
car exhaust as HF leaves the friendly confines.

Now , lets take back our wards!

Thank you to all who volunteered and worked so very hard.

The voters that did vote - have spoken Howie!

You forgot that its the people you serve - not your bank account(s).

Oh - please forward a check in the amount of $350,000. and make it attention the Illinois dept of Transportation.

Then go down to 219 S. Dearborn street and turn yourself in to the US Attorney's office.

That way you can have peace with yourself.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Howard made a complete fool of himself last night. He had a chance to act classy, but he couldn't or wouldn't. He didn't stay for the reception, he walked around to all the alderman to shake hands and give them a hug; except Dave. When Dave put his hand out, the mayor actually PUSHED it away. He took his gift and walked out the door. Bye Howie...DON'T come back anytime soon!

Anonymous said...

I supported Schmidt and am glad he won. But now he has to do the job.

Exactly what "the job" is, however, needs to be considered realistically in the context of Park Ridge having a "weak mayor, strong Council" form of government - which Frimark often disregarded because the Council was packed with his puppets, and still is.

Reggie said...

Howie would not even shake Dave's hand. Handshakes and man hugs for everyone else, except Allegretti's man hug was creepily a little longer than the rest.

Guess Howie never learned how to lose with grace, and exits a fool.

M. Anderson said...

As I walked down the street this morning, the air smelled sweeter and the birds sang more cheerfully. Well, at least that's how it seemed to me on our first day in 4 years without Howard as mayor.

Dave's not perfect and I am sure he will make mistakes. That's okay. This is a big step forward for Park Ridge.

Anonymous said...

I still think Howie need to get that wig replaced.