September 27, 2010

Monday Grab Bag!

Grab a seat at a meeting, or grab a book to read! Either way, there's no reason for boredom here in Action Ridge!

#1 -- Our illustrious City Council will be holding
another COW meeting tonight at City Hall, starting at 7:00 pm. The agenda (.pdf) covers Finance and Budget, and Procedures and Regulations.

It looks as if there is a ton of potential fun to be had! The PRU Crew is eagerly anticipating the discussion of the
Davis separation agreement (.pdf), as well as another variance discussion concerning zoning code regulations. How new is the new zoning code rewrite? And how much did the City pay for consulting services to rewrite it?

We also see the 5th ward's Benedict Ald. Ryan has gotten his wish -- the Council COW will be discussing the merits of the
possible unbudgeted purchase (.pdf) of the Scharringhausen parking lot. The PRU Crew again believes this to be an especially stupid idea at this time. But then again, consider the source of this idea, and stupid is to be expected.

Finally, for our faithful PRU readers who pay very close attention to what's taking place, we're sure the contents of two particular background memos caught your attention -- succinctly stated, no doesn't mean no for some people.

#2 -- The
District 64 School Board will be holding their annual budget hearing (agenda.pdf) this evening. The budget hearing is scheduled to begin at 7:20 pm, before the regular School Board meeting (agenda.pdf) begins at 7:30 pm at Jefferson School.

We strongly urge anyone, who is interested in how the School Board has planned to spend our money in the upcoming year, to take full advantage of those ten generous minutes allotted to the task. Though the PRU Crew doesn't blame the School Board for setting such a brief budget hearing schedule -- traditionally, nobody shows up for the monumental event.

3# -- If attending meetings of your local government bodies isn't quite what you do for fun, may we suggest reading a book?

It's once again time for
Banned Books Week!

For those interested in making a subversive selection of reading material, you can check
here and here for ideas!

As we offered
here, the PRU Crew still thinks "District 207 should consider adding an elective Junior and Senior level course to the high school curriculum devoted entirely to the reading and discussion of "banned" books.

With a heavy dose of Constitutional and public policy issues thrown into the mix.

Keep the thought police hopping!"


H. Finn said...


Thanks for the blast from the past. Our old friends from the Illinois Family Institute must be going crazy this week!

The IFI likes to warn parents about the dangerous books and information their kids are forced to read and they also warn parents against anti-bullying programs too.

I sure hope our school board is aware of the dangerous ideas in books and anti-bullying programs. I would hate for my kid to learn to tolerate people who are different! It's unchristian!

Bean said...

H. Finn,

That's the funny thing about *public education*... tends not to be based on christian fundamentalism, doctrine, and/or dogma.

Go figure...

Anonymous said...

The COW meeting is in four hours and the supporting documents posted by the City won’t open. The agenda is available, but everything else is blank. Is it just my computer? Try it:

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:22 --

We aren't having a problem opening the supporting documents.

Try clearing your computer's cache.

Anonymous said...


My guess is ther will be even less than normal (if that is possible). Bears/Packers are on Monday Night Football.

Anonymous said...

I second the notion for english classes devoted to reading banned books. I think it is a great idea.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blog this is. You hate Seniors and you hate Christians.

You must all be so proud of yourselves for your values. I shudder to think what you are teaching your children.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@4:37 --


What we hate is sanctimony and its practitioners.

Anonymous said...


We could probably have a discussion about being "Christian" and find much to agree on.m However, with all respect, if your definition of "Christian" includes baning certain books from public schools, count me out. Perhaps you should try Texas!!

Anonymous said...

If faith literature was taught in schools, then maybe Christians could correctly answer more survey questions about their own religions.