September 24, 2010

What Matters

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

MIKE said...

You know I've been thinking about the library and how some years back they were wanting to expand or have a new facility get built.

Now my feelings about this, along with many isues affecting the town today are mixed.

But I remember when they were contemplating it, they said that they were unable to add more floors because the ( Oh I can't think of the right word for it) couldn't support extra floors.

But here's what's interesting,

The current building is our 2nd library. And because of that I can't see why the architects at the time or even the staff way back didn't think of building the library where it could support more floors for the future.

Also some history, the present building was constructed in 1958, the readers services area was the original building and the addtion, which is the main reading room and present children's dept. was built in 77.

Recently I was looking through some old files on the library and came across a 1975 article when they were planning the upcomming addition and it said at the time how a new addtion was needed for many years and the first report on it came out as early as 1965.

Now that got me thinking, 1958-1965 is only 7 years. I don't know how long something such as a library exists as it is before it either needs an addtion or a whole new building but because of what I explained. Could the staff at the time have not planned well when the present library was built or is 7 years long enough for expanding?

I know I'm talking close to 35 years for the addition and more than 50 years for the original building which means nothing in the present day, but it's still kind of interesting to wonder about especially when the library get's brought up nowthough it hasn't for a while.