April 6, 2009

Let's Close the Curtain.

As our regular readers know, the PRU Crew supports Dave Schmidt in his run for Mayor. At the risk of not having any more corruption to tell you about on an almost daily basis, we urge everyone else to do the same.

We are grateful to Dave for taking this long-shot chance, and running against someone he was warned would pull every dirty trick in the book -- someone whose perversion and depravity knows no bounds.

We've watched as Dave has endured the grinding of his character, his reputation, and the use and abuse of his innocent family members. But Dave has stayed the course and stayed out of the gutter.

In Dave Schmidt we see the opportunity for Park Ridge government to again become an institution of, by, and for the people. Dave Schmidt's record as an Alderman is replete with highlights of his being the voice of the people as important issues have come before the council.

Tomorrow is election day. The polls open at 6 a.m.* and close at 7 p.m. We hope all of you will find time to cast your vote. This election hinges on your turning out and refusing to let the local power brokers and their uninformed sheep control the game.

For all the reasons we've ever written about on this blog -- for all the lies, secretive dealings, incompetence, and failings we've observed in the Frimark administration, isn't it time we put an end to the Cocky Howard Horror Show?

* voterinfonet.com correction! Thanks to a PRU reader.


Anonymous said...

Don't the polls open at 6am???


Here's to a celebration party Tuesday night at Uncle Dan's for Mayor Elect Dave Schmidt.

Anonymous said...

I got a postcard from David Orr that says my polling place is open 6AM to 7PM. I assume they are all like that?

And good luck tomorrow Dave! I voted for Howard last election, but his ongoing money antics and secrecy turned me off and I was very happy you chose to run. Just remember not to let power corrupt you next! If you turn evil it will hurt a lot more than seeing Howard sell us out.

Pretty Traditional Guy said...

I'm going to the polls right at 7 a.m. to vote for Dave. I'm a pretty traditional guy -- I vote on election day.

I want to pick up on a comment made to the previous post, the comment about a Democrat who did not cast a vote for mayor since "Frimark is a crook and Schmidt was anti-PADS". Apparently this person had been misled by a high official or high priest of PADS regarding Dave's stance.

I hypothesize that PADS was in turn misled by Howard. Think about it: Howard conducted secret negotiations with the PADS organizers for almost two years before the original Episcopal church site was announced. The deal started to fall apart under public scrutiny when you had CURBB and other local groups and citizens protesting against the sites -- first the original one and then St. Paul's of the Cross. As we all know there were strong feelings on both sides.

Rightly or wrongly, Dave somehow became linked to the local groups who wanted to prescribe zoning regulations for homeless shelters. Mainly this came from the fact that Dave wanted regulations too. But the groups included people who now support Dave for mayor (for example Judy Barclay). Howard likely saw this as an opportunity. He had been negotiating with the pastor and priests for a while, had won their trust and confidence... so when he starts telling them Dave Schmidt is the root of all evil, they listen, not being keen to Howard's other political shenanigans.

Readers of this blog know very well that the City Council voted unanimously to apply zoning regulations to homeless shelters. Reasonable people will listen to this logic; fierce pro-PADS partisans will refuse to see it. The irony is that among the other six aldermen there are likely a few that were terrified of allowing shelters anywhere in Park Ridge. They get off the hook -- for now. (If any of them run for re-election in two years, shouldn't they be tagged as anti-PADS?)

I'm hoping that Mayor Dave Schmidt will be bringing all of them to order -- literally and figuratively -- before long. If not, I only want to say this. Since I'm a pretty traditional guy, I've always addressed the mayor as "Your Honor." And since I'm a pretty traditional guy -- I've stopped doing that and never will address him that way again, even if he is still mayor next week.

Please, if you're reading this -- don't fail to go out tomorrow and vote for Dave Schmidt.

Pretty Traditional Guy said...

Thanks for all the corrections -- you're all right, polls open at 6 a.m. I'll be there.

gypsy said...

The Gods are with us.
Weather once predicted for tomorrow as *bad* is going to be sunny. GREAT election weather.
Now get your asses out and VOTE.

Anonymous said...

Go Dave!, and thank you for not lowering yourself the Howard has done. What a pig.

HP said...

I think it's been said before that a "change you can believe" can only come from the voters, history has shown us that power is corrupting and that once the appearance of corrupted power should be meet with a vote for change. In this case the change that only a voter can accomplish and by going out and casting that vote.
I think it's an easy choice at this point, if you truly believe your city is being run with the majority of it’s people in mind, that there are no backroom special deals being cut to benefit one at the expense of the majority, then I believe you know you can cast your vote and let it continue.
On the other hand, if you feel that the concerns of the majority have taken a backseat to the special individuals, that you have been sold short and your concerns have fallen on deaf ears, then not only is it your right, but it is your obligation to go out and vote.
There is too much at stake to not take the extra time to make the drive by your polling place and casting your vote, there is no schedule that is too busy to stop and take a minute and vote for what you believe is right.
Change we can believe, as we have all found out, is not what a politician tells us, it’s what we tell that politician…

gypsy said...

why is there no City Council meeting tonight?

MIKE said...

This maybe the most interesting election PR has had in all the years it's been in existance.

gypsy said...

PRU--today's photos are disturbing. I may be ridden with nightmares over the Frimark one.

Anonymous said...

Mike--because things got SO BAD, we had to start paying attention. They counted on us not paying attention, letting things go by and accepting that our elected officials were looking out for our best interests.
No more.

Anonymous said...

Council meeting is Wed. They switched days to allow for election set-up in council chambers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No council meeting tonight so they can set up the polling place in City Hall. That is the official reason.

But it also gives Howard and his alderpuppets one more night to get out and tell some lies.
Wait, they could have done that at the council meeting!

gypsy said...

So when Dave Schmidt wins, there is going to be a City Council meeting the NEXT DAY???

Howie will have a difficult time maintaining the crowd. WOW.

My Wild Irish Prose said...

Please, everyone get out and vote. I continue to believe that this election will be won by a slim margin.

And when Mr. Schmidt triumphs, we will all owe a vote of thanks to the PRU Crew. It's a whole lot of work to keep something like this going!

Pretty Traditional Guy said...

MWIP is right... this is going to be close. Howard has a lot of friends, a network built up from 40 years in PR... not just people he's done kinky deals with, either. What we have going for ourselves is that turnout in off-year municipal elections is usually low. To turn that into a true advantage we must drag every Schmidt supporter to the polls tomorrow.

anony-mouse said...

and Prose is buying drinks at Uncle Dan's?

Hoover said...

Don't just drag "every Schmidt supporter" to the polls, drag everybody to the polls and trust that more of them will vote for Dave than for Howard.

Turn out is the whole ball-game, people.

Anonymous said...

I was picking up my child at MS this afternoon and saw Dave Schmidt out walking the neighborhood and talking to his fellow PR residents. To me this shows he cares-versus the annoying computerized mass phone call I received from Howard Frimark today. Though I am upset about no PADS in PR-this issue pales in comparison to the issues (crumbling infrastructure-poor development choices just to name a few) facing our town which Howard Frimark has shown us he is both incapable of addressing and incapable of working toward a solution.

Dave Schmidt is simply the only responsible choice to make.

Anonymous said...

"Do you hear the people sing
Lost in the valley of the night?
It is the music of a people
Who are climbing to the light....

Will you join in our crusade
Who will be strong and stand with me?...
Is there a world you long to see?...
Say do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes..."

Dave Schmidt for Mayor!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely job. PRU. Your work the past two years has been one of the sparkling illumination (ok, and a painful burn or two) in ever-dimming Howardsville. If any readers doubted the God-given value and power of the First Amendment, PRU has made them see the light. On behalf of our beleagured fellow Park Ridgians and our even more beleagured fellow journalists, I salute and thank you. You truly do what the job is: afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@7:30 --

Darn nice of you to say. Here we thought we were just being crabby.

Anonymous said...


It's good to hear that you havent given in to the campaign cry of "Dave hates PADS".

And dont give up what it is you want to accomplish there. What so many have failed to realize is that this recent ordinance was progress to your cause. What was once a "DO NOT ENTER" sign on the door to PR was changed to a "PLEASE WIPE YOUR FEET AS YOU ENTER" sign. (And PADS was the one who walked away disgruntled.) Now that fair rules are in place, maybe you (collectively) can get PADS to come the other half way...

But the progress that was made was not in spite of or because of Dave's position or vote (or Howard's for that matter).

If anything, I would think that Dave as Mayor would be more attentive to the citizens and I believe he would be more open to a fair compromise and not just try to solidify a political advantage out of it...

Because when it comes down to it, during the whole PADS situation, Mayor Howard did not do much for your cause...only for his.

And that of course is his modus operandi...

Anonymous said...

PTG, please, don't use the words 'Frimark' and 'kinky' in the same sentence. Between that and PRU's graphic, I won't be able to sleep for a week! LOL!

Glad to see a PADS supporter has not fallen for Howards B.S. I find it amusing that Howie can take credit for something that didn't happen. He's a weasly little parasite, and he needs to find another host.

miscreant said...

Love It!!

Anonymous said...

Can you hear it.....that giant sucking sound....when Howard closes the door at 505 for the last time and get's on the plane for the senior's invitational

Enjoy Howie~~~

Note: To Dave - get that office checked for bugs!!!! and we don't mean the four eyes - either!

Anonymous said...

Iam so happy Dave won! Now it is time for all of us to come together. Let's stop the name calling and finger pointing. The man who won, represents all of us. Let's look forward and leave the past issues that divided this city in the past. If some of those issues resurface, we now know that our new mayor will allow any and all Park Ridge residents to voice and opinion and better still, he will listen!