April 3, 2009

Park Ridge's Got Talent!

The PRU Crew is pleased to introduce to you the Uncumbent.com

Baby Elephant Walk - Henry Mancini

Our PRU.ADMIN insists on music, and if you do too you can start the player then right click on the Uncumbent link and enjoy the show! Be sure to read the footnotes!

Have an unconventional weekend!


anony-mouse said...

those guys at incumbent ROCK.

Anonymous said...

Park Ridge resident also named in the federal indictment(s) with the City of Chicago's crew.

Source: Chicago Tribune
WLS AM Radio


Anonymous said...

So do the guys at Bristol Court.

Anonymous said...

1008 here. I was referring to Mouse's comment at 920, not the 1007 reference to the indictment. Let's try again...

The guys at Bristol Court rock. They know the current mayor and their alderman have done squat to help them out.

Anonymous said...

Alonzo Monk, 50, of Park Ridge, a longtime friend of Blagojevich who served on his staff when the Democrat was in Congress, managed both his gubernatorial campaigns and was his first chief of staff. He is charged with a single count of wire fraud.


Anonymous said...

I want my town back!!!!!

Who's with me?!


Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Reading the entire article about Monk, he wasn't even successful. He attempted to act as the go between for Blago with the Balmoral Park track owner and squeeze a $100,000 campaign contribution.

I wonder who he's supporting for mayor...

U. E. O. said...

Lordy lord. Sean Sullivan sent out a flier making it look like the the Township GOP incumbents are endorsing and working with Frimark. In fact, they show Howard as leading their ticket, the day after Blagoevich was indicted. Now everyone will think the township GOP are crooked like Howard. This will kill them on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I agree! This can't be good for the township. I'm sure the P.R. members of the township are pulling their hair out right now looking for ways to detach themselves from Howard.

Thanks for the reminder though for all those going out on Tues. Don't forget the Maine township incumbants. They need your vote.

Reggie said...

"The responsibility of those who exercise power in a democratic government is not to reflect inflamed public feelings but to help form its understanding."

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter

Howard only seeks to inflame public feelings for his own gain, what ever the issue may be.

We need someone who can restore honesty to local government. We need someone who can understand different viewpoints and lead to decisions that are best for the entire community. We need to elect Dave Schmidt.

Anonymous said...

I just received a flyer, very similar to the sample ballot. It looks like the Maine Township Republican Incumbents are running on a Ticket with Howard at the Top of the ticket. I am so apalled that even though I am a republican I will no longer be voting for them on Tuesday. I don't understand how they can support a crook!

My neighbor is pulling her Maine Township Incumbent sign out even as I type. I encourage everyone to do the same!

Anonymous said...

The Township GOP is in a trick bag now. The only way they can undo this damage is to PROMPTLY and PUBLICLY disavow the mailer and state that they do NOT support Frimark. And they have to do that through e-mails and phone calls and even a hastily prepared mailer if they have time (which they probably don't). Otherwise, they will lose support among a lot of independents and undecideds and probably members of their own party who despise Howard.

This is the worst possible thing that could have happened to the incumbents right when they are facing their biggest challenge ever and are locked in a very close race. The voters of Park Ridge have been steadily gravitating towards Schmidt because they are tired of Howard's sleazy pay-to-play politics. And now...Howard and the GOPers. Ouch.

anony-mouse said...

Well, well, well...I guess that information helps me make my decision. I was undecided until I read all of that. What kinda scheisters are running those republican people?
I am definitely voting Democratic for the township.
And as always, voting for Dave...

Anonymous said...

oh....Marty Butler...are you SEEING what has happened to your town?

Bean said...

Quoting John Kass today from his column report on his conversation with Paul Vallas...

>>Thursday's massive 75-page federal indictment of former Gov. Dead Meat and his crew exposed once and for all that there is no true two-party system in Illinois, but rather a bipartisan Combine of insiders who gorge on public dollars and public trust.<<


>>"They selected a candidate who would perpetuate the status quo. They didn't want me. They didn't want real reform," said Vallas<<


>>"The reality is that the political system in Illinois is designed to perpetuate the status quo," Vallas said. "What's happened in Illinois is that the only accountability comes from the U.S. attorney's office. God knows it's not being done in the political process."<<

...and now, quoting the Tribune editorial headline...

"Your move, enablers"

...Frimark or Schmidt?

Anonymous said...

The mayoral race in Park Ridge is supposedly non-partisan. What the hell are the Maine Township Republicans doing? What a bunch of goofs! In addition to voting for DAVE SCHMIDT, I'll be voting for the Democratic Maine Township candidates.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just received a letter from Dave Sullivan. I cannot believe with his involvement in the George Ryan scandal that he would even have face to try and endorse a candidate. Dave Sullivan's signatures were on the documents transferring the money from Ryans campaign fund into Ryan's childrens accounts. We all know the real reason he had to step down from being State Senator. Is he that stupid to think we will all listen to him as he send us letters telling us to vote for Howard! What a fool!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous posters. I am a Schmidt supporter, but was inclined to suppport the Maine Township Republicans until I got my mail today and see that they are running on the same "ticket" as Frimark.

Now I can't trust them, and will be voting the other way.

Well done...you lost my vote.

No longer part of the GOP! said...

I just took my Maine Township Imcumbent sign down also!

I won't vote for anyone who appears on the same ticket as Howard!

Hoover said...

Now don't go sullying Sully's reputation because of his role as one of George Ryan's coatholders. He didn't give up being state sentator for life because of any possible criminal exposure, he gave it up to start raking in the big bucks in the pay-to-play world of lobbying - with a Democrat as his lobbying partner!

So yes, "The Combine" that John Kass writes about is alive, and Sully is one of its lackeys. And pay-to-play is alive and living in Park Ridge. Any wonder Sully endorsed Frimark?

gypsy said...

WOO HOO! Democrats will unanimously take over Maine Township.
thanks, Republican idiots.
Well done!

Anonymous said...

Almonzo Monk lives at 405 N. Lincoln. A McMansion that backs up to public works. We should check and see if he has a howard sign in his lawn!

Anonymous said...

Dave, Dave, Dave...

Who put the gun to your head?

If you did this on your own you really f*cked up 'cause people aren't gonna like the MTRO jumping into the Park Ridge Mayor's race at such a late date. And what are you doing pairing up with this group of stooges anyway?

Further, what are you doing endorsing Frimark?

What have they got on you Dave???

Anonymous said...

It looks like Sully isn't done carrying somebody's coat. He needs to keep carrying those coats to cover his ass.

Sean Sullivan and Rosemary Mulligan formed the Maine Township Voters Leage, the paid for by name on the mailer, on 3/26/09, but didn't file their papers with the State until yesterday at 4:23 pm. Think they were trying to hide themselves?


Their statement of organization has -0- funds available, but I'm willing to bet Howard's D2s eventually show a transfer out to this committee for the mailers.

If you want to email them and let them know what you think about this, the email address for their committee is sos1962@gmail.com, which is funny if you think about it. "sos"? Save our...souls?...seats?...shitbagHoward?

Good old Gary Warner and Laura Morask. They say one thing, but lend their names to another.

Anonymous said...


Fact is that during the George Ryan scandal Dave Sullivans signature was on several pieces of evidence that were put on the big screen projector in the courtroom. Rumor has long been that he was told to step down before March or he would be listed in the indictment!

Anonymous said...

Got my Pickwick postcard from Mr. Howard I'm shocked that businesses would be involved in local politics Frimark.

What a stinking hypocrite.

gypsy said...

anonn@ 3:03--Gary and Laura better get ready to be ousted.

I have to laugh said...

Got a letter from Rosie today, touting Howard's being named the first chairman for the disbanded Economic Development Council.

Sheesh Rosie! Don't you know the history of that organization? That's the group that was funded by the City but held meetings that weren't open to the public.

Then they used insider information to give to Owen Hayes, who then tried to defraud the City on the 515 Busse Hwy. building when the City wanted to buy it for a new police station and when it was all discussed in closed session, Howard Frimark voted to buy the building from Owen Hayes anyway! Doesn't that sound familiar? Just like Howard wanted to give Napleton $400,000 anyway! Just like Howard wanted to pay MORE for the 720 Garden property than the City's own appraisal!

Owen Hayes, Howard Frimark, and Rosie Mulligan. Bed fellows. Watch your backs folks!

Anonymous said...

In reference to Make Me Laugh!

What a Menage a trois! Makes my head hurt!

Bean said...

Anonymous at 4:22,

Well, thanks a lot for THAT mental picture!


Anonymous said...

Hold on! Isn't Schmidt a Republican? I thought they were both Republicans, so why even bring it up?

Anonymous said...

aaarrrggg!!!!! The s**t is really hitting the streets now. I hear now that Mr. Ryan has sent out a letter to the 1st and 5th ward residents with a piece now only touting Howard but LYING about Dave. You think he would have learned after his letter to the editor. Although I'm not sure how much weight (other than his own fat ***) he carries particularly in his own ward where is is slightly less than beloved.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who is upset with the Incumbent and Howard Frimark piece that hit our mail boxes today should call the Maine Township number 847-297-2010 and let them know that you are taking their signs down and will no longer be voting for them. Tell your neighbors. Tell your friends.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of mailers... did anyone else see the piece with the "Incumbents" claiming to decrease our property taxes some 4%?

I did what they said and checked my property taxes and sure enough they went UP! Not down.


Anonymous said...

No lawn sign at 405 N. Lincoln.

Anonymous said...

sign and votes gone here too!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@8:15 --

We believe Anon@7:10 was referring to something else.

gypsy said...

I'm very curious as to why Frimark is fighting so hard.
He DOESNT care about the residents, he is a terrible listener, he TRULY doesn't care about the town.
So what's at stake and why is he getting so desperate?
any ideas anyone?

Anonymous said...


Ever see the movie "All the president's men"?

"Follow the money. Always follow the money"

Anonymous said...

Howard is running out of schemes and time. His campaign is desperate, so he goes back to the only thing that works for him “I’m a Republican, He’s a Democrat”. The problem this time is that his opponent is a Republican and unlike him a real one. So, “The Maine Township Incumbents” AKA “The Republicans” are split between HO and Dave and decide to sit this one out.

But oh no, Howard can’t have that. He needs to be The Republican (at least around Republicans otherwise he’s independent or perhaps even Democrat himself). So, his cronies Rosemary Mulligan and Sean Sullivan devise this plan which circumnavigates the whole structure and makes Howard “The Republican”.

The question is will people buy it.

Anonymous said...

Howard is fighting so hard because he knows he is losing!

Anonymous said...

YIKES!!!! I just received an automated phone call from FRIMARK asking for my vote. It seems to have originated from the same calling service that does the city early warning notifications, with a caller ID 214-283-1316 Texas, and paid for by Friends for Frimark.

Anonymous said...

It now appears that Howie is..dancing to the " green apple" two step!

What on earth is this last min "hasty defense" that sweet Rosie and Sean have concocted here ?

The Main Township Voter's League ?

Carol...say is ain't so ....

The only reason here for this end run is to get "their boy" to stay in as our leader !

Bootlickers alike should listen to the message here:

Disinformation at its best!

Hey Howie.....what ever happened to the 20,000 for the PR " art in the park " deal between you and Rosie ?

That Gov. Blago pipeline was long...and narrow as we will soon see during the federal trial.

Hopefully, all of the behind the scenes supporters for Howie will be exposed to show their true colors.

It all leads back t0 505 and Howard's chair - empty promises
and graft!

Let's get up the money for a one way ticket out of PR to Fla...
the plane leave on the morning of Apr 8th!!

anony-mouse said...

from Dictionary.com:
mis·cre·ant (mÄ­s'krÄ“-É™nt) n.

An evildoer; a villain.
An infidel; a heretic.

ALL HAIL the MISCREANTs of Park Ridge!

Anonymous said...


Try MONEY. Lot's of money.

Consider for a moment how much money an unscrupulous mayor could make selling insurance to all the local merchants, developers, etc. If you don't believe us, look how Niles' Nick Blase (a lawyer, not an insurance salesman) got in trouble for pushing insurance deals to his favored insurance broker and then taking kickbacks.

Consider how much "good will" an unscrupulous mayor could get from steering consultants' contracts to your friends and campaign contributors.

Consider how much money an unscrupulous mayor (or his contributors and developer buddies) could make from the sale and speculation on land development.

Are you getting the picture?

Anonymous said...

I heard that Norwood Developments gave Howard the Insurance contracts on the Condo Associations of some of the developments in Des Plaines and in Mt. Prospect in exchange for his help with EOP!

Does anyone know anyone who lives there and can look at who provides insurance for the condo association?

Anonymous said...

anon @ 1:00--ask the IL A.G.

Anonymous said...

I've had it. I am a Republican and I will not be voting for the Maine Township Republican slate.

What a joke that they have endorsed Frimark.

That's it. I'll vote for the Democrats, simply to get the incumbent Republicans out and we can start from scratch next time around.

A forest fire clears the way for new growth.

Out with these bums!!!!

gypsy said...

does anybody know how many people early voted?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous April 3, 2009 3:04 PM

Regarding your comment about Sully being spared for quitting the state senate, playing political games like that were SOP with those political former U.S. Attys picked by local politicians tied to Daley and Ryan. But the current guy (picked by former Sen. Peter Fitzgerald) doesn't play those political games.

Sully's signature may have been on the exhibits, but if U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald had the goods on Sully, he wouldn't have let him walk just because he gave up his senate seat. On the other hand, Sully was one of George Ryan's coatholders/bootlickers, so just because he wasn't an indictable crook doesn't mean he wasn't a complicit sleazeball who's raking in the cash now - check out the big new house Sully has if you want to see how lucrative his new gig is.

jdawg said...

Did anyone get a letter from Rosemary Mulligan endorsing Howard? My favorite line in the letter was this - 'As Mayor, Frimark has done an excellent job representing his friends and neighbors.' Was this a Freudian slip by Rosemary or are even Howard's supporters admitting he doesn't represent all of us?

anony-mouse said...

jdawg--that should've read, "Howard has done a great job representing his contributors."

Anonymous said...

Send your comments to the US Attorney's office at:

U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois
219 S. Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60604

Re:Maine Township Voter's League
AKA: Our gang comedy!!!

I'm sure he would be interested in hanging another scalp or two on his belt.

Does Howie really wear a rug??
Grease up that thong Howie!!!

Anonymous said...

" There are some things money can't buy ..ha Howie:

- Zoning Variance........$ 1,750.00.

- $ 2.4 million kickback - Napleton
Cadillac deal.

- Taxi Cab Monopoly...2,000.

- City Council appointment.,$500.

Electing a Mayor with leadership
and integrity.....Priceless !!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave Sullivan:

How much did Howie pay you to use your name and integrity ?

Oh, we forgot...the Ryan deal...

anony-mouse said...

Here is another contact for you. The person investigating PR Pay-for-Play, secret meetings and other childish (and illegal) nonsense:
Illinois Attorney General
Mary Bucaro

gypsy said...

shhhhhh, listen...do you hear TAPDANCING?!!!!!

Anonymous said...

After the last eight years, Only a dimwit would vote republican.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

After the last twenty years, only a dimwit would base their vote on a party label.

Anonymous said...

True, we should all look at the big picture. Too bad the republicans drew a line in the sand, and won't work towards the greater good. Too bad, that even low level government has started behaving the same way. What was that thing with the purple ribbons?

Anonymous said...

You know after the most recent mailer I recieved, some thing has to be said once and for all about our good friend Mr. Dave Sullivan.

Dave, your days of being taken serious as a person of any political worth ARE OVER! You and your George Ryan era are long since past. Just like Blago, you are political refuse.

Seems like the only time anyone even murmers your name is every 2 years or so when some desperate politician feels that using your name will actually do them some good.

Can't say that worked to well for Cheryl Axley(R) When you left her hanging put to dry in your own home town only to give up the seat to Dan Katowski(D). Job well done Mr. republican.

Time for you to keep your nose and worn out name out of mix and stick to lobbiest game. You are much better suited for that.

Anonymous said...

Two years ago, Dave Sullivan endorsed Robert Ryan for the 5th ward alderman and asked those of us living in the 5th ward to give him our vote. Today, most residents of the 5th ward are not happy with the pitiful job Ryan is doing for his constituents and this city. Dave Sullivan's endorsement means nothing to the voters in this house except to show us what a bunch of weasles the township republicans are! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

anony-mouse said...


Anonymous said...

Frimark an "independent leader you can trust" I guess he doesn't really know what independent means and anyone who has seen him in action knows he can't be trusted, His list of lies keeps growing.

Anonymous said...

I guess he's an independant.....
except when he's not.

Oh yea he's a republican......
except when he's not.

He's a man of his word.....
except when he's not.

A man of may quotes.....
but don't quote him on anything he says.

Has not taken money from local business's......
except when he did.

Is endorsed by 30..no 35...wait 40 former alderman.

Whew I'm gettin' tired are we having fun yet?

Hey -mouse care to pick up where I left off? My fingers are tired.

Anonymous said...

Dave Sullivan is a washed-up sell-out.

anony-mouse said...

Frimark doesn't take contributions from companies that do business with Park Ridge, except when he does.

Frimark is not guilty of Pay for Play, except when he is.

Frimark's not a liar, except when his lips are moving (sorry, old lawyer joke, but it fits here!).

Frimark's scared. Bullies are like that. They also look good in black & white stripes.

Eye on the prize, my friends...

gypsy said...

Here's a riddle:
Which mayoral candidate has had several neighborhood political gatherings where only one or two attendees have shown (not counting the hosts)?

The gypsy sees all...

Anonymous said...

Best idea yet!

Patriotic Retirement - This Would Work:

This was an article from the St. Petersburg Times Newspaper on Sunday. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on "How Would You Fix the Economy?"

I thought this was the BEST idea.

I think this guy nailed it!

Dear Mr.President,

Patriotic retirement:

There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force;

pay them $1 million a piece severance with stipulations:

1) They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.

2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.

3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage- Housing Crisis fixed.

All this and it's still cheaper than the "bailout".

snap said...

As the last weekend of the heavily heated Mayoral race winds up... a vision appears.

Howard on the campaign battle field calls out to one of his alder-soldiers,


As the battle winds down he is asked,

He replies,

Then comes election day,
Howrad calls out to his alder-soldier,


anony-mouse said...

anonymous @ 9:20--careful, your bitterness is showing! You're just pissed off that the Democrats are going to take over your township too.
If you didn't have something to bitch about, you wouldn't know what to do. It's a shame you cannot contribute positively to anything. Quite sad.
We all see your black cloud.

Anonymous said...

I don't get the bitterness part, I'd take the million, retire, etc. Why not?

and I still won't vote for those scumbags that tried to throw Schmidt under the bus for Frimark!!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess that Howard wants to be mayor that bad....let's give it to him.

If he and his crew are willing to go that extra mile - why not ?


wow......sounds to me that he really wants it that bad.

Stay out of their way - I guess.

The newly formed poltical party of Maine Township Voters League!

Tell, me do they really meet on holloween and burn a cross too!!!

I can see Howie with a hood but maybe an orange jumper will do.

Calm it down Rosie & Sean...you'll get your boy re-elected.

Your strong arm tactics and working.

Were all scared here now.

What's next arm bands and blk boots!

Anonymous said...

Seems Mr Dave Sullivan is still busy lending his name for endorsements, now for school board candidate Eric Leys.

I actually recieved the same endorsement for Eric from Maine Township candidate Laura Morask, who Sullivan has endorsed.

Golly Dave, your busier now as a has been, than you were when you were our State Rep.

For a guy who grew up in this town you sure have made it clear that your loyalties and concerns are a little shy of what's good for the community, but rather what's good for Dave. What a disappointment.

Anonymous said...

To Gypsy @ 2:21
Park Ridge early vote count = 952
From David Orr's website

gypsy said...

Thank you. That is a LOT of votes, yes? Does Betty get to see the counts when the machines are closed down?

Anonymous said...

Laura Morask is denying that she knew anything about the mail piece from Dave Sullivan and Peter Silvestri.

So Sean Sullivan and Rosemary Mulligan set up this phony baloney committee and used the Township Republicans names without their knowledge? Riiiiiiiiiight.

All these idiots are thick as thieves. Emphasis on thieves. They use Park Ridge for their base of thieving operations. Their supporting Frimark is proof of that since he's the biggest liar of all. They don't give two craps about the people of Park Ridge.

Throw the bums out.

Anonymous said...

I went to Morask's website to send her an email and see what her side was. hmmm...no link on the site!

Bean said...

Anonymoust 1251,

"Her side" is a lot of denial denial denial, but no retraction...

Morask is a Park Ridge resident and candidate for Trustee, who is saying she didn't know anything about the mailer and can't control the use of her name...however, she hasn't sent an email blast to her supporter list either...you know, to set the record straight...?

hmmmm...is right.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to Marty Butler and the folks that led our local government during that time, much of the problems we face are the result of years of head-in-the-sand decisions to keep PR in some kind of suburban hibernation.
Decisions were made based on the fear of change. "let's keep bucolic PR just like it's always been" Unfortunately, an enormous amount of opportunity to build a real tax base was lost.

So here we sit, days away from the choice of electing either someone who is charitably without any vision or the poster child for closed-minded arrogance. We have a failing tax base because we ignored years of real opportunity and got on to the redevelopment train too late and tried to force it along a bit too hard the last few years. We bitch about our residential property taxes yet we don't want any change that might alter, every so slightly, the density and vibrancy of Uptown. Mr. Schmidt, I still just hear complaining and not any real vision. Jeesh.

Bean said...

Anonymous 121,

Charitably, I'd say you have put your fingers in your ears and refused to hear.

Charitably, I'd say you've planted your feet firmly in the mud of the idea of using public funds for what should be private development.

Your "vision" for Park Ridge appears to be, unless we publicly subsidize "change" desired by private developers, then "change" will never come and we will be eternally "stuck" in the past.

Your "vision" for Park Ridge appears to be, unless government is publicly subsidizing large development, then our tax base is failing.

Your "vision" presumes that government subsidies create vibrancy, notwithstanding the glaring contradiction evident by a large swath of land on the west side of Chicago.

Your "vision" presumes that vibrancy cannot be achieved unless density (and height?) restrictions in our zoning code are dismissed.

Your "vision" presumes that a return to traditional Republican values, of what government should and should not do for and to citizens, as is being advocated by Dave Schmidt in his insistence that government focus on core responsibilities such as infrastructure and maintenance, is not a legitimate "vision"...because
it appears your "vision" prefers government act in a more far-reaching and controlling manner...

Your "vision" appears to ignore the difference between an under-handed, lying, secretive, reprobate, deal-maker, who lacks even a modicum of decency, and Dave Schmidt, who has tried to discuss the real issues facing Park Ridge without resorting to ridiculous smears against his despicable opponent in the mayoral race.

Ppppppppppfffffffffffffttttttt to you.

Go soak your head.

gypsy said...

anon @ 1:21--
Uh, Linda, don't you have a pathetically mean campaign to run? Invoking the name of Marty Butler? Shut up and crawl back in your hole.

Anonymous said...


Are you saying that you believe Howard has "the vision"? Are you kidding me?

Listen you could develope with the same ol same ol that you can find in every other community along the train tracks, with stores that are a dime a dozen and Park Ridge will still NEVER become a vibrant destination. What will happen is what has happened thoughout history. 37,000 resdidents left to sustain the business sector, which results in vacant fronts.

The only chance to make P.R. any kind of destination per say is to preserve and celebrate it's histoy and unique nature. Perhaps with the older architecture or arts.

New and bigger doesn't translate into better.

I believe Dave Schmidt sees and apreciates Park Ridge for all that it is, and not what he can turn it into for the sake of money.

Lastly, the only reason people complain about their taxes is because the leadership that we've had has provided this community with a more for less approach in order to sell us a bill of goods that all this so called progress will help us. Please, have you seen any sign of relief since that piece of .... was built uptown? NO
Don't look for it to happen either.

Anonymous said...


Like it or not, the vast majority of the residents of this town stayed here or moved here for what it is, not for its potential to become another Des Plaines, Mt. Prospect or Arlington Hts.

The only people who seem to want to get on "the redevelopment train" are the real estate speculators (like Owen Hayes? Robert Ryan? John Kerin? Howard Frimark? Steve Huening? John Zimmerman? Bob Casey? Mike Marous? Bruce Adreani?) and the developers who are just looking to make a buck and don't give a damn about the community; the crooked politicians who want to cash in with them; and those relatively few shallow-thinking residents who believe the first two groups when they lie to them about how much more "vibrant" Park Ridge can be and how much new development will save them in taxes.

Hey, 1:21 - any chance you're a member of one of the aforementioned groups? Owen, is that you?

OMG WTF said...

The more I talk to Frimark supporters, the more I want to scream.

The Dave Schmidt supporters are passionate, and well informed on the issues surrounding this campaign.....infrastructure needs , budget deficit,the police station issue, the casino, O'hare, Executive Plaza, Park Ridge Cab, Napleton, etc.

But the Frimark people only know one thing.....PADS. When you tell them the vote was 6-1 in favor of PADS, as long as they were licensed, they look at you like you're kidding. Not a one has spent five minutes researching the meetings, the votes, what a license is, that the city would have partnered with them,...just that the evil Dave Scmidt was against it and solely responsible for its demise. and these are not stupid people which shocks me even more.

I suggested that folks like Frimark, Kirk Machon, Jack Owens, should petition the Country Club to have a homeless night instead. They have showers, banquest facilities, parking, dancing,( swimming during nicer weather), and if they stayed with the Sunday night schedule, the homeless could golf on Monday since the club is closed. Maybe they could even caddy the other days, or valet, or bus tables. It's a private club, so they really just need to get the approval of the balance of the members. Whatdya say Howard ?

Also, all the hub-bub reagarding the Maine Township Republicans hitching their wagon to HF looks to be a major eff up. Not only will they not be getting my vote, but the die hard Democrats who didn't think of H as a Republican ( he is ? ) now wouldn't vote for him on priciple alone.

Anonymous said...


Well said.

MIKE said...

Park Ridge is not just what it is due to the late Mayor Bulter though he is credited to limiting any large developments Uptown like what's being built in PR today.

PR is what it is mainly due to the fact we don't have large shopping areas outside the UT area such as Desplaines which has large shopping areas on every corner and industry.

I don't know if that was a coinncidence or perhaps PR annexed the last pieces of open space just before it was developed allowing the sundivisions to develop with limited commercialization. I suspect that might of been the case.

Now ask me how I feel about PR as a residentual community, I never thought about it one way or another. but needless to say, becuase of this our property taxes have turned out to be much higher throughout the years compared to the other nearby towns and it still stands today. So I can understand why some here wanted to have some sort of redevelopment Uptown but my critisisum is not as much of it's looks but more due to the fact is we have a large volume of traffic going through the area and in my opinion we don't need anymore of that.

Now I probably would of accepted the the target whatever the number is along Northwest Hwy if it wasn't so big but as I said before it's too large for the ammount of traffic that goes through there on a daily basis.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea that PR turned out to be what it is today becuase we're probably paying for it in more ways than one.

I just don't know other than I seem to be stuck in the middle.

1 thing I feel with all the other proposed redevelopmets, I think we should forget it or at least wait a while and see if the main one lives up to its pertentual.

Anonymous said...

OMG WTF The homeless shelter at the country club!! Priceless!

Anonymous said...

After reading all these posts and news articles and e-mails, all I have to say is....

THIS... is what bad leadership does to a community.

Anonymous said...

I agree.

This site and those posts have placed this election right into the oval office.

Can't wait to hear the results in the AM.

Good luck to us all!

Maybe that's why the line at church was a lot longer yesterday.

Anonymous said...

This is to build on the comment of OMG WTF... Late last week I had the pleasure of a phone conversation with one of the mayor's alderpuppets. Hint: he is a pretty dim bulb. Anyway, you're right, he absolutely did not have his facts straight. On top of that none of his points were logical -- i.e., the logic broke down under the first simple question. It was a polite conversation, but I hung up the phone and scratched my head in amazement that this fellow thought the simple repetition of his talking points would suffice. The talking points themselves, by the way, were absolutely in order. The same order as they appeared in the letters from Rep. Mulligan and Ald. Ryan. Is this how they talk at the Country Club? I love the "shelter day at PRCC" by the way. How about if we start by inviting the homeless to "Plae Dae" so they can fondle the waitresses along with everyone else?

(During Caddyshack I was absolutely rooting for Rodney Dangerfield and his friends.)

Anonymous said...

Sullivan pushed Ryan! Wow, that's interesting, but I guess it kinda makes sense. Both are stooges without spines. Is it me, or does Ryan whine an awful lot? He's like a big baby!

I spoke to a very active Dem yesterday hoping to get a vote for Schmidt. Very interesting...she said she'd already voted, and didn't vote for mayor because 'Frimark is a crook and Schmidt was against PADS.' I tried to explain the whole PADS thing, but she said she'd gotton a call from the 'head of PADS who said Schmidt was terrible to them.'

No, PADS is not political...not political at all!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:47 AM
I may have misunderstood your statement about "AM results", so
I want to clarify that the election in on Tuesday the 7th and the very earliest results might be coming in on Thursday the 8th.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Alderman Jim Allegretti does not have time on Saturdays to attend the City's annual budget discussions because he is busy preparing for his upcoming week of practicing law, or so he states. However, I saw him going door-to-door this past Saturday with a clipboard in hand on Talcott Ave. I presume he was campaigning for his favorite incumbent mayor. Did he come to anyone's house that reads this blog, and if so, what was he selling? I presume he was explaining our City's current and future budget deficits. Oh no wait, he would not know that since he fails to show up at those trivial and burdensome meetings. He has cases to win and campaign checks to cut.

gypsy said...

Wednesday the 8th?
nooooo, you can watch the news and see the results on Election night. Why would you wait until the next day? Or you can check Orr's website.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was an open forum? So why did you refuse to publish my response last evening?

I'm truly disappointed if you are actually determining which comments to publish based on if our views align with yours or the balance of your readers.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@6:37 --

It has been our experience that most people who complain that we have blocked their comments are usually suffering a case of pilot error.

You can retype your comment and see if it goes through.

We trash far fewer comments than we are accused of.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@6:37 --

There's nothing in the can and PRU.ADMIN reports nothing on the dashboard.

There are reports on the Blogger Help Group of problems with comment notification.

This appears to be another case of pilot error or your being in disfavor with the Google Blogger notification gods.