January 26, 2010

In The Meantime --

While the Crew waits for Cecil B. deMelidosian's videos to fully load, we urge our faithful PRU readers to click on over to the Pub-dog's post today. We think it's well worth your time and consideration.


Anonymous said...

I just want to remind PRUs readers who have been following the D207 budget issue to contact the school board members and let them know how they feel about the situation, and how they would like them to vote. At the public comments "meeting" the teachers and students were the most numerous and vocal speakers. It was an intimidating environment for those who might have wished to express support for the administration's proposed cuts. it could lead the board to believe that the tone of that meeting reflects the views of the community at large. It is my own impression, from speaking to people, that in fact the majority view might be quite the opposite, but the Board might not know that. Unless people speak up. Their email addresses are listed in the D207 website [PRU, perhaps you can provide the link?]

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:08 --

The link is in the same place it's always been -- in the link list to the right.