January 4, 2010

Register For The Revolution!

Today's Chicago Tribune editorial -- Enlist in the revolution! -- strongly encourages people who are not registered to vote to do so by the deadline for regular voter registration tomorrow. If you are already a registered voter, nag somebody you know who isn't registered to vote to get their backsides to the City Clerk's Office at Park Ridge City Hall -- 505 Butler Place!

The City's website offers the following --

"The City Clerk’s office will register voters for the February 2 primary daily, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Those registering need to bring two forms of identification. Identification must include one piece with the current address...To register to vote, you must be: a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old by Election Day and a resident of your precinct at least 30 days prior to an election."

Your choice people -- primaries and general elections were our Founding Fathers' peaceful revolution solution to the more traditionally conducted bloody variety.

And every single military veteran who has fought and--or died in every single war since the founding of the United States of America has done so in large part to secure your right to vote among the other blessings of liberty we enjoy.

But hey, it's not like you owe anybody anything -- but maybe you owe it to yourself?


Anonymous said...

It's been said that Mike Madigan and The Combine moved the primary up to early February not to give Illinois a primary when it might have mattered for Obama's presidential campaign, but so the predictably bad February weather would discourage voting by those who Madigan and The Combine don't/can't control.

Time to make a statement, people. Register and vote in the primary. And if you want to take it up a notch, impose your own form of term limits by refusing to vote for any incumbent.

Anonymous said...

Good message. If you don't register you can't vote. If you don't vote then you can't whine.

Well you can but you're a jerk if you do whine but don't vote.

Anonymous said...

If nothing else, please please let us get rid of Tod Stroger!

Anonymous said...

PRU, thanks to you for this important reminder message.

Anyone interested in getting information for the February primary about candidates or ballot measures and their polling places can visit http://www.evoter.com/

Anonymous said...

We do owe it to ourselves to register to vote and VOTE! The politicians will carry on with business as usual unless we make a statement. No more!

Unknown said...

"Take time to take back your country"
Come to the Town Hall Meeting January 28th (Thursday)at the South Park field house Park Ridge IL 6:30pm. Sponsored by the Tea Party Conservatives. Come to meet, hear & question 6 Conservative candidates..then VOTE..

Unknown said...

Town Hall meeting on Jan 28th...not 6 but 7 conservative candidates..don't miss it..teapartyconserve@gmail.com