Mobius Strip
Our source reports have come in and here we go, PRU readers! A council recap for your reading pleasure!
As most of you know the City Council met last night at Washington School. After the usual niceties of roll call and pledge of allegiance, the council got to work.
First up was a proclamation in recognition of the Rotary Club Fruit Day; the citrus variety.
Next, Mayor Howard reported on this past weekend's Strategic Planning meeting. According to the mayor, the city staff and council met on both Friday evening and Saturday to formulate their grand plan -- 12 formulated goals for Park Ridge to "move forward" in the upcoming years. Mayor Howard assured everyone that a report of the meeting would be available in the near future. We can hardly wait to see what this bunch of spendthrifts has planned for us now!
Then Mayor Howard repeated his prepared statement about respecting all points of view and that the audience has generally been respectful and he wanted that to continue. The Mayor went on to say that while a site for a homeless shelter was no longer being considered the council would still have to amend the municipal code to address the issue of temporary homeless shelters in Park Ridge. The Mayor also reminded those present that speaking time for members of the audience would be limited to 3 minutes.
Alderman Frank Wsol (7th ward) then offered a nice remembrance for the recent passing of Dr. Martin Doot of Lutheran General Hospital. Dr. Doot was a member of the Community Health Commission and instrumental in that commission's founding.
The City Attorney's report was next on the agenda. Buzz Hill, as required by ordinance for the responsibilities of the City Attorney, made a disclosure for Acting Director of Community Development, Ms. Carrie Davis. Park Ridge Plaza LLC is a petitioner to the city and Ms. Davis' husband works for the architectural firm that represents the petitioner; therefore, Ms. Davis will not participate further in the applicant's petition for consideration from the city.
The City Clerk, Betty Henneman, then informed the assembly that the recent referendum to stagger the terms of aldermen passed by nearly 70% of the vote. The staggering of aldermanic terms will begin in the year 2011.
City Manager, Jim Hock, then began his report. The first item of business was final approval of the ordinance regarding licensing regulations for temporary overnight homeless shelters. Mr. Hock clarified language in the ordinance regarding medical care -- "medical care, nursing care or clinical services may not be offered as a regular service at any temporary overnight shelter." Some exceptions apply to seasonal vaccinations, non-prescription drugs, emergency medical attention, and routine, non-invasive treatments.
The ordinance was motioned for consideration by the 2nd ward's Lord of the Manor, Rich DiPietro. Mayor Howard then asked the council if they had any questions, and we are pleased to report that none of the aldermen were dumb enough to admit it if, at this point in time, they did. The Mayor then moved to comments from the audience.
Ms. Jennifer Conlon, the champion of all things ministerial, rose to speak. Our sources report Ms. Conlon tried to finagle longer than a 3 minute limit on speaking time but, to his unusual credit, Mayor Howard denied that request. Ms. Conlon then read a prepared statement that repeated the same old, discredited positions held by the Park Ridge Ministerial Association and the PADS homeless shelter supporters.
Ms. Conlon then asked the council to vote against the ordinance, or to table it. And that is where the idea of a municipal mobius strip trip comes in. In the Crew's view, what Ms. Conlon and her cohorts -- each addressing the council to ask that they vote against the licensing regulation or table the ordinance -- were attempting to do after what has been a long, twisting, and arduous trip down the municipal process path, is to attempt to begin at the beginning again. Doesn't that sound like fun? Wouldn't everyone like to go through this all over again? Wasn't it fun? Everyone who's taken this trip could just take one more step and find themselves right back where they started! Rockin' good time!
Next Ms. Margaret Gallagher Smythe picked up where Ms. Conlon's 3 minutes ended, and she too repeated, for 3 minutes, the warn out arguments of how Journeys from PADS to Hope has been done wrong!
Next Mr. Joe Garvey continued in the shared statement, offering his 3 minutes to ask if Park Ridge wants to be a town that only "writes checks" to charities? As far as the PRU Crew is concerned, that sounds fine by us. But we are wondering which self-righteous charities will now begin turning away cash donations being offered by the generous residents of Park Ridge? Maybe Mr. Garvey should put together a list and let everyone know which charities don't want just our checks any longer.
After Mr. Garvey spoke, Mrs. Garvey rose to offer her portion of the endlessly shared 3 minute statement. Mrs. Garvey informed all present that she's lived in Park Ridge for 38 years and that after all the meetings it's very sad that there won't be a homeless shelter in Park Ridge this year. Jeeze, Mrs. Garvey, have you been sad about that for the past 38 years? Or did it take you 38 years to notice Park Ridge doesn't have a homeless shelter?
Mrs. Garvey took particular aim at Alderman Dave Schmidt (1st ward) and "his band of anonymous bloggers" who had "entertained" everyone and treated this issue "like a Saturday Night Live skit!"
-- The PRU Crew will pause now and take a bow! --
Though we were hoping to be more like "The Onion" -- we like this one too -- we'll settle for comparisons to Saturday Night Live! Knock, knock Mrs. Garvey -- Candy gram!
Mrs. Garvey went on to speculate on whether Ald. Schmidt was the source that revealed the nasty email from Fr. Carl Morello in which he accused those opposed to a PADS homeless shelter of "racial and economic bigotry." For the record, the PRU Crew states that we also received copies of Fr. Carl Morello's email, and Ald. Schmidt was not the source. If we'd gotten it a day sooner, we would have scooped the Pub-dogs!
Then Mrs. Garvey decided to sling some serious dirt and stated that Ald. Schmidt told a news reporter the PRMA was staging a protest march. We do not know if Ald. Schmidt did that, but we will say we believe we were the first to publicly characterize the PRMA's "Bellowing for the Homeless" as a protest march through Uptown Park Ridge, because march through Uptown Park Ridge is exactly what they did. These folks are really radicals! (editor's note -- paragraph content corrected)
Mrs. Garvey concluded her remarks by saying that Ald. Schmidt's actions may not be illegal but they have been unethical and "he deserves sanctioning from the citizens and council."
Well, Ald. Dave -- at least she didn't threaten to condemn you! But we do feel that if you run for Mayor you may want to skip knocking on the Garvey's door, unless you're delivering a candy gram! And you can take comfort in knowing that, even after having lived in Park Ridge for 38 years, Mrs. Garvey still only gets to cast one vote. Democracy is funny that way.
Then, on a roll call vote, the council voted 6 (Carey, Wsol, Schmidt, DiPietro, Bach, and Allegretti) to 1 (Ryan) to approve the final reading of the ordinance regarding licensing regulations for temporary overnight homeless shelters.
Next came a motion for final approval for the Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding temporary overnight shelters, creating a special use permit process.
Alderman Bach offered an amendment to attempt to limit shelter operations to Friday and Saturday nights to "protect kids" and make sure there would be "no Monday morning overlap." Our sources tell us that they truly believe that this amendment was offered with conviction and sincere consideration for the school children and concerned parents, and that the PRU Crew should be nice to Bach today, which is why we aren't going to call him Bachtard for the rest of our post today.
Again it was Ms. Jennifer Conlon who rose to speak, and ask that all the "evidence" presented by the homeless shelter supporters on September 23, 2008 be included in the record. We don't remember a public meeting taking place on that date, but that doesn't mean there wasn't a meeting held with homeless shelter -- PADS supporters or that they didn't submit "evidence" to city officials on the subject. Ms. Conlon went on to say that there is no evidence to support claims that the homeless pose a risk, that there is no evidence that this will apply anywhere else children are present, and that this is discrimination against the homeless in violation of city ordinances.
Alderman DiPietro said he would not vote for Bach's amendment because he felt they have "talked this thing to death" and the amendment was "over the top." Alderman Schmidt refuted Ms. Conlon's claims of lack of evidence of the health and safety risks that homeless shelters may pose.
In a roll call vote the amendment failed in a vote of 3 (Carey, Schmidt, and Bach) to 4 (Wsol, DiPietro, Allegretti, and Ryan).
Then it was Benedict Alderman Robert Ryan's (5th ward) turn to try his hand at offering an amendment. Ryan wanted to add language that "parking for temporary overnight shelters be entirely on site, or immediately adjacent to, or directly across the street." Ryan was inspired to offer this amendment because several people had concerns about the homeless congregating in the area of a shelter and that St. Mary's did not have enough on-site parking.
Alderman Wsol asked if it was more appropriate to follow past parking regulations and would this apply to any other entities? Acting Director of Community Development Carrie Davis said "the regulations used typically satisfy parking for the use of the property", which should now make that issue clear to everyone.
Alderman DiPietro said he felt the current, relevant language "gives staff broad leeway to incorporate what Ald. Ryan is proposing." The City Attorney said the current, relevant language gives the Planning and Zoning Commission the authority to fashion the special use.
When it was time for comments from the audience, everyone's favorite homeless shelter pusher, Ms. Jennifer Conlon rose again to address the council. After hearing the audible groans from other members of the audience, Ms. Conlon prefaced her remarks by saying, "Someone has to speak on behalf of the people who are cold", which we are told by our sources prompted the Herald-Advocate reporter to leave her seat and turn off a giant fan whirring in one corner of the room. Ms. Conlon went on to say that she thought Ryan's amendment was ridiculous and she asked whether the next regulation would be to have the homeless "wear little aitches (h)?" Now that you mention it, Ms. Conlon, that's not a bad idea -- it would make it easier for all the super duper do gooders to identify those in need and take one or two of them into their own homes, one night a week or 365 nights a year; your choice, and bonus! no regulations!
When it was again the council's turn to speak, Ryan took umbrage at having his parking amendment called "ridiculous", and DiPietro said he understood the intent of the amendment but that the language under the special use is there now.
In a roll call vote the amendment failed by 2 (Bach and Ryan) to 5 (Wsol, Schmidt, DiPietro, Allegretti, and Carey)
But Benedict Alderman Ryan was not deterred and offered another amendment to change language that would require application for special use to be made by the owner and operator of a homeless shelter, if the owner of the property were different from the operator. The motion for this amendment died for lack of a second. Still, Ryan felt the need to explain that he wanted to change the language so that the PRMA would be considered the operator and he felt there was no need for co-applicants, that the language as it now stands is onerous, and would discourage helping those in need.
On a final roll call vote, for final approval for the Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding temporary overnight shelters, creating a special use permit process, the council voted 5 (Schmidt, DiPietro, Bach, Allegretti, and Wsol) to 2 (Ryan and Carey) to adopt the ordinance.
At this point a member of the audience tried to ask Mayor Howard if she could address the council because many members of the audience had thought they would be given a chance to speak to the main motion just passed by the council but that Mayor Howard had not asked the audience for comment. Mayor Howard denied her request.
And the Crew would again like to repeat segments from one of our earlier posts on this subject --
"The PRU Crew would like to add a special note here -- while we are disappointed that the council did not adopt the zoning text amendment as it was recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and while we would have really liked to see at least one alderman offer a resolution to the council to have the matter voted on in a referendum, we could not be happier about the participation of so many Park Ridge residents and local church parishioners.
What you have done is no less than carry on the greatest tradition of democracy ever known. You participated -- deeply, consistently, and unwaveringly. You have stepped up, taken hold of the microphone and spoken your views -- more eloquently and ably than many of you give yourselves credit for. Without each and every one of you, even the people we feel have been totally stupid on this issue, there would be no democracy. Without debate and consideration there is no democracy. To those of you who so diligently did your homework on this matter, you should take tremendous pride in seeing that much of what you researched on the matter and demanded from your representatives has been made part of the legislation governing this issue. We agree that the most important demand, the 500 ft. regulation that would have kept homeless shelters out of elementary schools, is a tough and heartbreaking loss. Nevertheless, you should view this entire process as a win. You worked for it. You earned it. Continue to demand that your elected officials respond to your concerns and represent your best interests.
For the PRU Crew's part, we're damn glad to know ya."
And we sure hope none of us is given a reason to have to talk about PADS or the PRMA for a long while.
In other council business, Ald. Schmidt refused to authorize another payment to the law firm of Ekl Williams, who our souces tell us has now billed the city for a total of approximately $100,000.00 -- 33% above the original bid for the police department audit. Ald. Schmidt said Terry Ekl had billed the city $2,000.00 to appear before the council and stonewall elected officials in answering questions. Schmidt attempted to amend the motion to approve the warrants -- payments of city bills -- to exclude the Ekl Williams bill, but the amendment died for lack of a second and the council voted 6 to 1 to approve the warrants.
The last items of business on the council agenda were approvals for an IDOT resolution to indemnify the State of Illinois for red light camera equipment placed on IDOT property, authorization for the city to enter an agreement for red light cameras, and to approve the placement of one red light camera at Oakton and Northwest Hwy. These three first reading motions were each approved on a unanimous voice vote of the council.
Finally under New Business --
1. -- Alderman Schmidt professed to having a "brain cramp" and said he had intended to vote "no" to the main motion to adopt the text amendment to the zoning code regarding homeless shelters. He reminded the assembly that the ordinances do not prohibit homeless shelters in Park Ridge, they only regulate them, and he urged all citizens interested in the issue of homelessness to rally behind the Park Ridge Center of Concern.
2. -- Alderman Schmidt said there is a difference of opinion regarding the building of a new police station and that to address this difference he would introduce a resolution at the next city council meeting, asking the council to approve a resolution for a referendum vote on the issue. PRUdos to Ald. Schmidt!
3. -- Resident John Humm asked the council about any follow-up report on the flooding issues and whether the Sibley Pump Station had been repaired yet. Public Works Director Wayne Zingsheim said the pump would be repaired tomorrow. Ald. Bach told Mr. Humm he has asked the City Engineer for a report, and also if Mr. Humm would be willing to participate in meeting with himself, the Mayor and various government muckety mucks to see if they can find a solution -- "solution" being "government speak" for money -- to the flooding problems.
With that, the council adjourned the meeting.
November 18, 2008
Attempting A Municipal Mobius Strip Trip!
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Labels: Aldermen, Homeless Shelters, Red Light Cameras, Staggering Aldermanic Terms
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Ald. Schmidt is supposed to announce today if he intends to run for Mayor in April. I'm willing to work on his campaign. Maybe then we can change the ordinance.
Alderman Schmidt DID announce! Go to his website,, to see how you can help.
Hope it's OK to mention that, U'ground.
u.e.o. --
No problem.
We are finding our visitors list very interesting today. Everyone say cheese and welcome to Redspeed Illinois Llc.
Mayor Howard, let us know when you have your website active again and we will provide links to both candidate's sites.
Reading this lengthly piece was almost as painful as being there. What a circus it was last night. I really would like to see the Mayor handle these meetings with more professionalism. He is quite shameful.
it was a circus last night, that genius, jen conlon, said if people just walked their kids to school and supervised them there would be no problems with the homeless milling around when the children arrive. she was speaking so quickly, I don't know if anyone else heard that.
I love it that the white shirts are reading this and report back to the prma club. they've made a mockery of themselves in my book (and everyone else I know thinks so too) what a joke, I think all their white shirts were dirty last night. Did anyone else notice they weren't wearing them?
Go Dave S.
We are for you........
Howie.....stay off the phones...
and leave the residents alone during this campaign period for mayor.
Thank you.
Leave the residents alone??? So he is not supposed to campaign???
yeah, frimark's certifiably nuts, he wouldn't even let anyone smile during the meeting at Wa, what's with that???? weird and spooky
Want to make Frimark more nuts? I say we get people together to just go to the meetings to sit and smile at him the whole time. Freak Frimark out! Now with Schmidt running we have something to smile about!
Is there a way we can have Frimark's mental health, and therefore his ability to be mayor, checked? I think the man needs to see a dr.!
I think that would be awesome. Instead of the white shirts that went around scowling at everyone we could be called the smiling faces. That would make them furious!!! How much bad press could we get from that????? Frimark would need to be hauled away in a straight jacket and then we could have Schmidt!!!!
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