November 13, 2007

Look! There Goes Elvis!

There's nothing better for a politician than a good distraction to keep the public from focusing on what the politician is and isn't doing. And a good distraction with a good cover story is even better.

Consequently, it was with great amusement that the PRU Crew read the local rags last week and found several shining cover story gems that should provide the public with plenty of distractions away from Mayor Frimark's continuing power grabs.

The Journal & Topics contained two items, both written by its chronically clueless editor, Todd Wessel. The first was a "news" item about
Cops Accused Of Assault, Cover-Up In Federal Lawsuit that was missing so much relevant information that we wondered if Todd has a phone in his office with which he can act like a real reporter and make a few phone calls, get some information, and then write a story that gives readers something that resembles the whole picture. Of course, that approach only works for a reporter who has built a sufficient reputation for credibility, trustworthiness and good reporting on which sources can rely - and we haven't seen that kind of reporter on the local beat for at least a decade.

The second item was Wessel's editorial asking
What's With The Park Ridge Police Department? The PRU Crew saw that and immediately thought that "planting season" (as in planting news stories, not rhododendrons) lasts year 'round in that manure-filled patch between the local press and the local politicians here in Park Ridge. So the question became whether Wessel actually knew something. But maybe the guy really is asking the question because of what he knows, which isn't much. And, maybe he is calling for an "independent investigation" because the picture presented by his own newspaper sure does make things look grim at the PRPD. There have been problems of police conduct within and without the Park Ridge Police department, and we agree, the Mayor and City Council should get to the bottom of what the hell is going on.

But then the next day, we read an article in the Herald-Advocate written by the self-confessed "copper"-philiac (as in "police"), Jennifer Johnson. That article tells the Park Ridge community that
City considers special counsel to investigate the PRPD, and that pretty much confirmed for us that the fertilizer was being spread.

Unlike Wessel and Johnson, the PRU Crew owns phones and we use them. We made some calls to our favorite sources and here is what we learned...

  • Yes, a federal lawsuit has been filed. Yes, things within the PRPD are bad - morale may be at an all time low. And yes, the City will be looking to hire an expensive law firm to "independently investigate" the Park Ridge Police Department.

  • Mayor Frimark wants the authority for hiring and firing City personnel, particularly in the Police Dept. That authority currently belongs to the City Manager, Tim Schuenke. We sure aren't fans of Schuenke, but we don't feel giving hiring and firing authority to any politician is a very good idea. Doing that would be pretty much like sending out an engraved invitation for patronage.

  • Mayor Frimark may want to sack Chief of Police Jeff Caudill and replace him with a ranking officer who's a favorite of Frimark's but not of many of the rank-and-file officers serving under him - who sometimes refer to him as "the shirtless man."
In other words, the Park Ridge Police Department may be headed out of the frying pan and into the fire. And if you know anything about the City staff grapevine, this may very well have the decidedly unpleasant affect of bleeding into other City departments like the Public Works Department.

Why would Frimark view Hoopty Lou as such an asset? Well,
as we told you before, "there aren't too many coppers with the ability to speak and write impressive sounding bullshit" - and the Mayor and the City administration will certainly need someone with that ability to serve as their pitchman for the next new cop shop dog and pony show, which was foreshadowed in another Johnson offering: Police station site search resumes.

Why is the Herald-Advocate's self-confessed copper-philiac walking on proverbial egg shells when it comes to the PRPD and City departments like Public Works? Could it have something to do with the fact that not only is she a neighbor of Hoopty Lou's, but that her daddy is employed by Public Works? That also might explain the slant on her reporting about the PRPD rank and file who dared to complain about Hoopty Lou's cell phone indiscretions.

Meanwhile, if you are Mayor Frimark, you go about your usual public relations practice of sharing questionable "scoops" with the local press while telling the public that their concerns about police conduct will be given the most serious attention the City can afford.

And while everyone is distracted by the cover story, you go about the task of wresting hiring and firing authority from the City Manager.

Hey, everybody! Look! There goes Elvis!


Anonymous said...

We can see that you are not happy or willing to see that the PRPD gets a fair hearing.

I guess you are of old school - lets get a rope and string him up attitude
worked ok for the days when the air was clean and so was a preacher's sheets!!

Those days are gone - these weak kneed joint smokers are never happy unless they get their - way.

Sometime ago a very smart man once said - the commies are out to infiltrate three areas: 1. catholic church, 2.American's youth movement and 3.the black community.

I guess he was correct in all three.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a few of
those Virgina farms
boys have been seen
hopping around - like
the rabbits.

Anonymous said...

For those interested, District 64 is holding an information session at the library Thursday, November 14th at noon in the 1st floor meeting room. Subject: "The State of the District - 2007". Might be an opportunity to ask some of the questions raised in this forum last week.

Anonymous said...

HEY anonymous at 555am. You make some very strong comments. But, hmmm, why are you anonymous? Show your name, or else you shall be regarded as a coward along with the rest of them....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:55

Can you let us all know when the next KKK meeting is?

Anonymous said...

Now that my head has cleared from the dust whirling around the earlier posts (Sutcliffe is especially bizarre), I will join PRU in waving the danger flag. No mayor should be in charge of hiring and firing in a City department. It would be especially bad under current circumstances.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Indeed. It seems to us that old blatherpants may have discussed more than just the airport when he met with Richie Daley to discuss mutual intersts -

Anonymous said...

We sure love the ones who love themselves.

Anonymous said...

Looks like we have a few here.

Anonymous said...

It's not a distraction like an Elvis sighting, but you've got to love D-64 for holding its "State of the District - 2007" meeting at the Library at NOON this Thursday. What a convenient time for anybody with a day job!

Anonymous said...

Not in defense of anybody but the Park Ridge Board of Police and Fire Commissioners has the end all authority on employment of the police and fire departments.

The say so on who will be fire or police is about the only authority they really have though.

Anonymous said...

It may very well be time to clean out the old guard here. But that includes the politicians too ( on and off the field ).

As for a preacher's sheets - not in this day and age I'm afraid.

PS I also think MS football team was robbed on that one play - but who are we to sit and judge.

Welcome to the jungle boysZ!!!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous at 3:16...

Yes, that is almost completely correct...

However, the Fire and Police Board is appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council, and the Board does not have authority over promotions and demotions for supervisory personnel. That authority is supposed to belong to the Chiefs.

Anonymous said...

I would like to, as a PR tax payer, be able to vote on the proposed police station.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. 9:49 am
yes - its great to be able
to smell that old spice and
gun the morning!!!
Get a life and if the shoe
fits - then wear it.

Sounds like we struck a nerve

Anonymous said...

Why did the city buy the property next to city hall on Courtland if they're not going to use it to expand city hall to provide more space for the cops?

Anonymous said...

oh my, I think I've been "told." You must be a cop...
It's a great thing about being American, this free speech thing. You canNOT silence us with your freaky writing.
Changes will come because it is the majority who speak the truth and who are becoming more and more disgusted with the way things are in Park Ridge. We will do it democratically, not with frightening rantings like yours.
And by the way, I LIKE the joint smokers. Perhaps we can all sit in the park and pass the ganja, while resolving our town's problems.

Anonymous said...

p.s. to "anonymous" shoes fit fantastically! and I wear them WELL.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Manchester...take a breath...

If I read the "freaky writing" correctly... Anonymous WAS a cop...but is now retired.

He's a complete dunderhead, but he's also "Semper Fi" and all that, so maybe cut him some least this week...might be a hard week...

Just a suggestion...

If I've guessed apologies to both...and please disregard this comment...

Anonymous said...

I'm good. Quite busy right now in my shoes that fit, hanging with my joint smokin friends.
He probably won't respond. I think he has to write "I am a dunderhead" a hundred times on the blackboard.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope you are not driving
when you are using the dope.
Please inform us all of what
to watch out for when traveling
the roadways of the big city here.

Anonymous said...

Ms. what you need to do..but please don't sit and smoke in our parks.

We've got enough problems there and besides the Park Board has outlawed smoking (tobacco) in our parks.


Anonymous said...

Off Topic - sorry
Does anyone remember the Norwegian Day parade in either '05 or '06 where hizzoner, in a public address, congratulated the "people of Norwegia" ???
Checked but couldn't find THAT on the map.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Norwegia right next to Swedestan? Just above Denmany? ;)

Anonymous said...

This is getting hotter by the topic.
Lights - camera - action....wake up Mr. Mayor! Lets see we can always allow the locals to supply paid for ads to further help with paymt for the cameras!! I can see it your next car insurance from friendly Howard - your local insurance salesmen........yes that his photo taken with Elvis, poncho,
cisco, tricky dickey, fat jack, phony tony.......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Smoke and mirrors - show!