April 14, 2009

Boldly Going Nowhere!

"Revenue -- the Final Budget Frontier. These are the voyages of the Park Ridge City Council. Their annual mission: to explore strange, new fees and taxes, to seek out new cuts in services and new capital expenditures, to boldly go nowhere as they've done before."

Our sources report that last night's budget review COW was an exercise in futility that raised more questions among the City Council, and revealed more of their lack of understanding of the budget process, than the taxpaying public may have hoped for.

After the meeting began, outgoing Mayor Howard turned the gavel over to the 2nd ward's Lord of the Manor, Ald. Rich DiPietro, who is chairman of the City Council's Finance and Budget committee.

The City Council unanimously voted to reserve the City's volume cap (.pdf) without discussion.

Then City Manager Jim Hock succinctly explained the current state of the City budget by saying "revenue generation has been a problem" in the current economy, along with "unanticipated expenditures such as the cost of road salt."

Mr. Hock also explained that while the State of Illinois has proposed a 50% increase in the income tax, the legislation proposed in Springfield expressly excludes municipalities from receiving any greater portion of that income tax increase as they normally would.

Mr. Hock then went on to explain that City staff is recommending cuts to the budget that include a wage and step freeze for all employees, along with postponement of the alley paving program, withdrawal from the Northwest Municipal Conference, stopping the removal of vermin, and other various cuts to departmental budgets.

Ms. Carrie Davis, our new Director of Community Preservation and Development, indicated that the City would no longer give out traps and come to remove various vermin from residents' property "for free." Residents will now have to contract with private vermin hunters to get the job done.

Mr. Hock also proposed the creation of a sewer enterprise fund -- this fund would involve the shift of expenses from the general fund to a specific sewer enterprise fund and money for the fund would be generated through a substantial increase in the current sewer fees. Mr. Hock indicated the benefit of such an enterprise fund would be monies in the fund would be restricted to use for the sewer system. Mr. Hock also proposed that the City reinstate a maintenance schedule for cleaning, vacuuming, and video taping the sewer system.

The current sewer fee would be raised to $4.73 per household for the first 5000 gallons of water used per month, and is based on the water usage -- the assumption being the amount of water used is also the amount of water going into the sewer system. Our sources tell us the annual cost per average household would be somewhere in the area of $55. However, the City Council also discussed a 5% increase in the water fee which would also add to the annual household bills.

At this point in the evening several of the Aldermen questioned whether or not creating this fund would help address any recommendations for repairs to the sewer system the consultant hired to study trouble spots in the system may bring to the Council.

After much discussion about the sewer fee and sewer enterprise fund, nothing was settled.

A couple of people in the audience then addressed the Council about cuts being made to community groups that support the arts. Alderman Don Bachtard (3rd ward) indicated it was "heartbreaking" that the Council's earlier indication that cuts in funding to community groups should not be made, are still on the table.

Our sources report that soon after the committee chairman, Ald. DiPietro, suggested that the Council meet again because there were still too many questions among the Aldermen.

With that the Council moved to go into closed session to discuss matters of collective bargaining.

So there you have it people, a quickie COW recap of our City Council boldly going nowhere.

Editorial addition -- we are also told the City Manager handed out several documents to the Council during the meeting, however, none of the documents have been posted on the City's web site, nor were the documents shared with the audience in attendance at last night's meeting.


Anonymous said...

stopping the removal of vermin???

I thought we did that last Tuesday!

(sorry, I could not resist the softball)

anony-mouse said...


first paragraph of above article (reported by JJ-WOW!!):
Days after he was criticized for accepting a campaign contribution from the president of a Park Ridge company seeking favorable action by the city council, Mayor Howard Frimark received a donation from the company itself.

Anonymous said...


Mayor-elect Dave noted the total amount received from Park Ridge Taxi in his last mailer, saying that Howard Frimark had taken a total of $2000 from Park Ridge Taxi, the local taxi monopoly that some have noted also does business with the City through the Senior and hadicap fare subsidy reimbursed by the City.

I'm wondering when the local press will also look into the donation made to Howard Frimark by Judge, James & Kujawa, a local law firm that does business with the City. Wasn't it Howard Frimark who said he was 100% against taking money from businesses that do business with the City?

Gladly, I expect this sort of nonsense to be coming to a close, at least where the Mayor's office is concerned.

gypsy said...

I just read this article.
HEY Lisa Madigan--how about opening up shop here in PR for a while? You can keep your people busy here for quite a long time.

Anonymous said...

Wondering when they have to have this budget finalized...doesn't sound like they are getting very far. For some reason May 1st pops in my head....but lots of things pop in my head....

Anonymous said...

I don't see taxi vendors lining up to take the extra licenses. Fraud or not, Park Ridge may be one of the least lucrative areas in Chicago to run a taxi business. I wouldn't want the business. Does anyone out there want to make that investment?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone hear that giant sucking sound.....Howard closing his door for the last time!!


gypsy said...

anon @ 930 - there is a company (American Taxi??) that asked for a license but Howie said that we didnt need more than one cab company in town.
check minutes of City Council meetings...
by the way, have you ever TRIED to get a cab in PR at 7:30am? YOU CANT because they are all tied up taking kids to school.

gypsy said...

interesting...the minutes from that meeting are MISSING from the city website.

Anonymous said...

I too have called for a cab on short notice and not been able to get one.

PR Taxi is fine, if you know the night before that your battery is going to be dead in the morning or you have a slow leak in a tire that will be flat when you are on your way to work.

And then there was the time at Ohare when I called for a PR Taxi and another company (Community Taxi?) came to pick me up.

Truth is, the residents can call any taxi they want. What is at stake is the cab stand parking spots at the train station and near Higgins. Those spots are reserved for PR Taxi only.

Anonymous said...

Look up in the sky..its a bird..no a plane..no its..super Howie!

Yes fans its super Howie who - a man of his word, more muscle to work over his clients/buddies, bend those 50's with his bare hands...and who disguised as Rosemary's shadow will find truth and justice once he leaves Illinois the American way..
toes up in 3rd class!

Have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

anon 9:30:

What investment?? The reality is that American Taxi has all the infrastructure already built. They also already service many of the neighboring suburbs. The only investment they would have is what ever the fees would be for the liscense.

Anonymous said...

I personally know the Illinois State's Attorney has been contacted multiple times in the past to investigate Howard P. Frimark and his potential violation of the State's Gift Ban Act.

For those who would like to join in the effort to bring this potential matter towards the top of the priority list - Lisa Madigan's office recommends you contact the Cook County State's Attorney Office (Anita Alverez) at the following address/phone number:

2650 S. California
Chicago, Il. 60608
(773) 869-6373

Give them a call today or email them at stateattorney@cookcountygov.com.

Tell your friends to do so also. Should Howard P. Frimark be found in violation of Illinois' state law, they should also consider having the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations consider revoking his insurance license also.

Anonymous said...

he will be gone to Florida before they catch him.

Anonymous said...

12:51 - if PR taxi runs a poor service, call any other taxi number. They can come over form the airport, it's not illegal.
And Have you ever heard fo dispatch service? Know what that is? You're ignorant. And a cab stand? The "cab stand" is nothing more than an edge of an empty parking lot. You will be freee to bring your taxi into the parking lot and park a sapce from the "cab stand" Truthe is most Park ridgites drive to the train, dumb ass.

1:27 - A car might be considered an investment, dummy. Don't use the word "infrastructure" when talking about a cab service, idiot.

If the cab business is so freakin fabulous and the service is so poor in PR then I'm going to spend my nights running a gypsy service. But the fact is, it's a crap business that none really wants.

anony-mouse said...

248 anon--WOW. check yourself.
There ARE designated Cab Stands at both train stations.
Sometimes people need a cab as other posters have mentioned. You need to get a grip. Have you NEVER EVER had a flat or had your car not start?

Another cab company tried to get a license in PR to operate and they were TURNED DOWN. This shows Frimark's influence.

Now go take your nap and leave the rest of it to the intelligent people. And for goodness sake, use spellcheck or AT LEAST proofread!

Anonymous said...

1:40PM you're right on the ball!
Nice job!
And just think - Linda CAN testify.
She's not his wife-in-law...

Anonymous said...


Before you start calling anyone names like dumbass or ignorant you might want to run your post through spellcheck first. Otherwise you're just the POT calling the KETTLE black!

anony-mouse said...

anon @ 317---oooohhhhh [daydreaming...]

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


If they have under used cabs in neighboring burbs, which they do, there is no need to buy a cab. If they have a cab that is being used only half the time (or many cabs) this is an oportunity to make more money off existing resourses.

If they get 5 liscenses in PR they DO NOT have to buy 5 new cabs!!!

Anonymous said...

mouse brain - what will you do with your pathetic life when the friman is gone? Will your life be perfect? I would guess that you are a small minded follower incapable of independant thought. Am I right?

anony-mouse said...

now, now...settle down. We have enough crazies in this town.
Take your meds and go back in the basement. But, remember to turn off the computer to conserve energy.

Anonymous said...

3:59, Is the labor and gas free?

anony-mouse said...

you betcha, 4:01...

Anonymous said...

awwww, cute mouse brian. For some reason, I would still like to stomp on you.

anony-mouse said...

@ the bar, Uncle Dan's...any time...

Anonymous said...

Uncle Dans is for perverts.

Anonymous said...

How will I know it's you, you perverted mouse faced loser?

Anonymous said...


You have completely lost me!! No, of course labor and gas are not free. Fares cover labor and gas and leave a reasonable profit or there would be no cabs available anywhere. As an aside, many cab co's in the city lease their vehicles to the driver. Anything beyond his lease fee he keeps. The driver is responsible for all fuel costs. I have no idea if suburban cab companies oeprate this way.

If American Taxi (or any taxi co) has cabs that are not being used all the time and adding PR means that the usage per cab goes up that means more money from resourses they already have.

anony-mouse said...

get the net, we gotta crazy one!

Anonymous said...

Linda-ski, is that YOU?

Anonymous said...

One other thing. American Taxi has come to the city several times asking for the ability to do business here. So your statement "But the fact is, it's a crap business that none really wants", is wrong - American wants the business and clearly believes they can make money on it.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anonymous --

How quickly you have abandoned your meticulously crafted persona of middling compromise and transparently false even-keeled reason.

We've always suspected you for what you are now revealing yourself to be.

Thanks for our best laugh today --now go play in traffic.

Anonymous said...

4:15 - Is auto maintenance free? The dispatcher? Payroll taxes?

You may be right. I may be wrong. It is possible (in your butt) that it costs nothing to expand a business.

Anonymous said...


I do not know everything about the taxi business. Having said that, it appears that American has a process in place for dispatching cabs and for taking cab orders. They have a fairly advanced web site that allows you to place an order online.

If they were to get an additional 50 orders a day from PR (I have no idea if this is what they would get), it would appear they have a process in place to handle those orders. If they have cabs that are idle they could be dispatched and be making money.

In terms of maintemance costs, fuel, etc. These are items that are built into their business model. Of course additional use would mean additional maintenance but if they were not already able to maintain the cabs and make a profit they would be out of business. The more the meter is running the more money they make.

Anonymous said...

4:58 - So call American when you need a taxi. Why do we need politicians to tell us what to do, down to what taxi to order? I've never called PR taxi cause I heard the service sucks. I call a 312 dispatch number and the closest guy picks me up, usually in 10 min. or less.

If you think PR taxi is a "monopoly” that you do not want to patronize then call someone else. American doesn’t need a license to drive in and out of PR.

Your talk of "business models" and "built in costs" are business school, textbook bull cocky. You don't know anything about running a business except the one in your butt. You can't even call American taxi for service, stank for brains.

I think you and the mouse should get some perverted pina coladas at Uncle Dave’s and call it a life.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@5:53 --

Are you suggesting the citizens of Park Ridge aid and abet the breaking of our City laws?

Have you read the ordinance governing the pick up of passengers in Park Ridge?

Please see 10-6-12 of the municipal ordinance for your edification on the subject.

Anonymous said...

Cabbies in Park Ridge pay their leases, gas and everything else,including cab repairs in at least some cases, from what the cabbies tell me. They get little or nothing from the cab company and it appears they are not getting rich off of our penurious neighbors, either. They don't want another company in town because that would create more competition for whatever fares we do represent, many or few. Sometimes there are a lot of cabs and little demand, other times there are few cabs and a lot of demand,and sometimes the two are in balance. Obviously, more cabs would be better for residents but worse for the drivers. The aldermen had a chance a few years ago to let another cab company in to improve access and service to the public but the majority of good Repuglican fans of the free market voted it down. During the recent election, cabbies were telling customers that Schmidt was going to bring in another cab company and Chicago-style politics. Gee, a twofer!
Them's the facts, Jack.

Anonymous said...


How exactly does one discuss the taxi business (which is what broke out here over the last several hours wothout using "business terms?"

Two points to clarify. First, I never went to business school and even in undergrad did not read that many textbooks.

Second, I have no need to call American Taxi. Between my wife and I we use PR taxi about 30 times a year to get to the airport and we have never been anything but very satisfied with their service.

Anonymous said...


A rebellious act has been reported in sector 3. A middle aged white male wearing a Sox hat, jogging suit and gold crucifix has entered an unauthorized vehicle. Notify BBhq and secure the perimeter. Our beloved Brother’s ordinance 10-6-12 must not be compromised. Any collaborators will be eliminated per our beloved Brothers code 10-6-12 –b. Offender may be eliminated, as Cubbie disloyalty allows for the use of deadly force, BB ordinance l -s-r-s –4-101-y.


ParkRidgeUnderground said...

As we've seen previously recommended --

Get the net! We got us a crazy!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Why do I always seem to miss the fun. Watching the meds wear off post by post...

I am curious though, why the hell do we all need to be concerned about whether or not American makes money in PR? The point is, they want to try. Why would we mess with the free market. The only answer here is that Howie made money on it. Even with all the games he played, he still lost the election!

Hoover said...

If we've got a taxi ordinance that is not enforced, get rid of it. But so long as it's on the books, it should be enforced. And if it is enforced, then Park Ridge Taxi (with its recent $1,500 contribution to Frimark) keeps its monopoly.

But that doesn't necessarily mean the contribution to Frimark was pay-to-play. After all, the owner said in a letter to the Journal yesterday that he supports all sorts of charitable organizations, (and Frimark often acts like a charity case). But none of those charities have a say in keeping taxi competition out of P.R.

Wonder if Dean Dinev has another spare $1,500 to donate to one of the city's cultural arts groups whose city funding might get cut back.

Anonymous said...

Well exxcuuuse me PRU, but I was under the impression that this was the place for irreverent and unrepentant satire and irony.

I guess I crossed the line which seems to be placed comfortably close to reverent and repentant.

gypsy said...

so, is it correct that leftover funds from campaign contributions can be used for legal fees? hmmm, Howie?