April 21, 2009

Budget BOHICA Recap!

As always, we thank PRU readers for their patience as the Crew gets its reports and act together -- our source reports indicate last night's meeting was even more than the usual cluster fudge, so it has taken us a bit of time to sort through things.

Our sources report that once again, in keeping with the hallmarks of the Frimark administration, the City Council approved the fiscal 2009/10 budget which, by all accounts, remains unbalanced -- there is still a $1.8 million deficit in the overall budget.

Despite the looming budget deficit, Benedict Alderman Robert Ryan (5th ward) recommended restoring full funding to various community groups, along with restoring funding for weekend cleaning of Uptown. In reference to community groups, we are told Ryan said "every dollar spent on volunteer community groups returns 20% in value." We're going to let that stand as it's own punchline.

However, we do agree with Ryan's preference for continuing to fund weekend cleaning of Uptown. We mean this in the nicest way -- people are slobs -- maintaining some level of tidiness in one of our core business districts would seem to be an imperative.

In reaction to Benedict Ald. Ryan's comments, some member(s) of the audience engaged in muffled laughter, at which time Benedict Ald. Ryan complained to outgoing Mayor Howard of "audience noise." Outgoing Mayor Howard, never one to miss a chance to be petty, punitive and unprofessional, seized his last council meeting opportunity to prove the city budget isn't the only thing in city government that could be considered undeniably unbalanced. We are told outgoing Mayor Howard commanded that audience members refrain from "smirking or smiling", and they may not raise their hands. Outgoing Mayor Howard also threatened that he would demand acting Chief of Police Tom Swoboda physically remove anyone "smirking or smiling or raising their hands." We are told that these directives were issued in general terms but meant for those who have consistently opposed outgoing Mayor Howard's public policies and political positions.

The PRU Crew is wondering if after May 4th, we'll have anything fun like this to report to readers once outgoing Mayor Howard's powers are truly and finally taken away.

After the fun died down, our sources tell us Alderman Frank Wsooooolman (7th ward) made a motion to amend the budget and eliminate the 5% water rate increase, based in large part on the idea that the water fund is showing a $3 million dollar surplus. The motion was seconded by Mayor-elect Dave Schmidtzkrieg (1st ward) for the purpose of discussion.

As we understand it, Ald. Wsooooolman believes the water fund surplus should be drawn down in order to ease the fee burden on residents during this recession period. And Ald. Wsooooolman suggested that a new fund be created to combine the water and sewer fees which will then be used for various water and sewer related expenses, such as flood mitigation efforts.

On the surface, Ald. Wsooooolman's suggestion sounds reasonable. However, what the PRU Crew understands about municipal finance, funding, and fund accounting, reveals Ald. Wsooooolman's lack of understanding -- not in suggesting a combined water and sewer enterprise fund, but rather in suggesting that a $3 million water fund balance should be drawn down.

Without going into too much detail, we would like to point out that the general fund and nearly every other city fund is in deficit with projected deficits for the coming year. If you draw down one of the few city funds that have a surplus, you are likely to spend your way into bankruptcy.

We are told that Benedict Alderman Robert Ryan (5th ward) stated his understanding of the water fund is that it is used to fund other city projects -- revealing that Ryan does not understand the nature of municipal accounting and what is meant by "restricted funds." When Ryan made this statement, he then looked to Diane Lembesis the Director of Finance for confirmation of his statement, by saying, "Isn't that true?" Ms. Lembesis succinctly answered, "No."

Our sources report that, at this point, audience members tried to stuff their feet in their mouths to keep from "smirking, smiling, or raising their hands", and they tried hard not to laugh either.

The discussion of Ald. Wsooooolman's amendment also included a lengthy critique from Alderman James Allspaghetti (4th ward), which included Allspaghetti criticizing Ald. Schmidtzkrieg for seconding Ald. Wsooooolman's amendment, as Allspaghetti thought Schmidtzkrieg was in support of the 5% water rate increase.

When it was Mayor-elect Schmidtzkrieg's turn to speak, he explained to Ald. Allspaghetti that he believes when an alderman brings a motion to the council it should be "a courtesy to second a motion for discussion." PRUdos to Mayor-elect Schmidtzkrieg. And the PRU Crew finds it ironic but honorable in the extreme that Mayor-elect Schmidtzkrieg extended this courtesy to Ald. Wsooooolman, when Ald. Wsooooolman has previously failed to do the same.

When the council was finally ready to vote on Ald. Wsooooolman's amendment, it was defeated by a 2 to 4 show of hands, because Robert's Rules of Order are just so much stuffiness.

After more nonsensical and circular back and forth among the council, a final vote on the city budget was taken.

The unbalanced city budget was approved 4 (Schmidt, DiPietro, Allegretti, and Carey) to 2 (Wsol and Ryan).


We've also received reports that outgoing Mayor Howard requested a police escort to his car after the meeting. We assume this is because Mayor Howard believes someone or anyone may want to physically do harm to him. We do not believe this for a moment. Mayor Howard is soon to become an unfortunate footnote in Park Ridge's history. He lost. He's almost gone -- literally and figuratively.

To outgoing Mayor Howard, the PRU Crew would like to offer the following thoughts on the subject -- we think the unkindest cut of all is leaving you perfectly intact to have to feel, be fully aware of, and live through each dying moment of your mayoral reign. And we believe everyone else understands that too. So don't worry yourself about it. Nobody wants you to miss a thing in the days to come.


Anonymous said...


As Always, thanks for the recap. Why did Soon to be Mayor Dave vote in favor of the unbalanced budget?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@1:35 --

We wish we knew! We hope he will explain it sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

PRU, your closing in this post is brutal!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@1:59 --

Thanks, we do our best.

Anonymous said...

It IS brutal and vintage PRU. However, imagine the pain and grief of the prior hardworking aldermen who devoted hundreds and hundreds of virtually unpaid hours after long professional workdays, ploughing through impenetrable and often bogus "reports" from Tiny Tim and various other taxpayer-paid characters who routinely steered the trusting taxpayer wrong -- the exhausting late nights (and missed kids' bedtimes) actually sticking around to work an issue through (rather than closing the meetings so fauxdermen like Alegretti didn't have to strain much or waste any time they could have spent in front of the TV at home), the extra meetings, extra innings, extra visits and phone calls and service efforts on behalf of residents - who by now can hardly remember what it was like to actually have aldermen who gave a damn -- only to have this effort scorned and lose their elected positions halfway through their terms because a con-man Caligula like Howard convinced the local sheep that they should "shrink government," and then taunted and laughed his way through the next several years as his betters watched the town go down the sewer?
PRU brutal? To paraphrase Queen Eleanor in A Lion in Winter: "You did all that and you can call me cruel? I could peel you like a grape and God himself would call it justice!"
(Disclaimer: This not a threat or a promise, just a literary reference. You've heard of those, I hope, Linda. Explain it to HO.)

gypsy said...

uh...you missed the part about Frimark telling the audience they couldn't make any "gestures of any kind." But the funniest part is that when Ryan complained to Howard the Coward about "audience noise", Howard was NOT EVEN PAYING ATTENTION.
He spent most of the remainder of the meeting glaring at his foes in the citizen's area of the room. Classy way to go out, jackass!

The lack of knowledge by most aldermen to understand the budget process is FRIGHTENING.

Anonymous said...

Off topic question -
Does anyone know what happened at Main St. & Fairview Ave. numerous emergency vehicles have been there for over an hour?

Anonymous said...

That's where Schmidt's campaign office is. They are doing water main work over there.

Anonymous said...

Great info and we thank the PRU.
As for the pro-commie tactics used at the meeting - one must understand why Frimark needed an escort.But all the way to his favorite place - O'Hare airport !

Have a good life Howie!

OMFG! said...

HOward outdid himself last night, what an oaf...

The sight of the wimp running out of the council chambers asking Swoboda to protect him from a guy wanting to ask a question was priceless. And when he asked Swoboda for the "police escort" home in front of all of those people in the hallway... well, it was priceless. What an ass.

And if last night's meeting wasn't reason to start televising or taping for rebroadcast these goat rodeo sessions I don't know what is.

Are you listening Mayor-elect Schmidt???

e.e. said...

it sure sounds like televising these meetings would be a great service to the community, so that the people who can't get to the meeting can watch it, even it it's on tape delay: better late than never.

i find it amazing that individuals with little hand-held cameras can videotape meetings with such clarity and sound quality for posting on youtube at what I assume is no charge, yet when the city staff studies the issue they come up with a hundred thousand dollar cost. i can only conclude that they either don't want the meetings taped, or they were just following orders from some "superior" who doesn't want meetings taped.

I wonder if that will change with the mayor?

gypsy said...

well, with Frimark, you have to add in to the charges his "pocket fees"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous April 21, 2009 2:28 PM:

Howard Frimark was able to cut the council because the either the voters were too stupid to understand what they were giving up and getting in return, or they disliked Frimark's opposition so much that they didn't care. Your guess is as good as mine.


What is a "goat rodeo"? Is it illegal, like dog fighting?

Bean said...

Anonymous at 341,

"Goat rodeo"...one of my favorite phrases...

Here's a link to the Urban Dictionary descriptions...


Anonymous said...

Wish I could have been there last night. Mayor Schmidt should really be rounding up troups (esp Finance and maybe some citizen experts out there) for some intense think tank sessions. They need to come up with NEW sustainable cost efficiencies and revenue generators. The stuff they are proposing will get you nowhere in the end. Why don't they benchmark with other local municipalities, maybe partner up to leverage scale on services, or find competitive bidding opportunities, etc.????

Anonymous said...

May 4 cannot come fast enough.

Anyway Howie can take some of the stooges with him when he leaves?

Has Bach thrown in the towel?

Anonymous said...

Anon at 2:28

Thank you for pointing out what some alderpeople did for all of us before the council was cut in half... it mattered and nothing can change that. And if you were one of them, please know that I for one was aware of the dedication and honor with which many of you performed your duties even then, but appreciate it oh so much more now because, well... Robert Ryan is my alderman. 'Nuf said on that! Sadly, Howard Frimark was a wake up call to the city of Park Ridge... we all had to suffer under his "rule" to realize that things had to change. And now they have... we can thank Dave Schmidt for running, and for being a better leader for our fair city (which I fully expect him to be). But the people of this town did the real work by electing him, by going to meetings, circulating petitions, smirking and smiling, videotaping, questioning, writing to the papers, debating with their neighbors, reading council minutes and bacground materials, and mostly, by caring. We must all keep caring about what happens in our city.

Anonymous said...


I have an answer to your question, although by now you may already know this. There was a bit of an accident at a cleaner.


Anonymous said...

Anon at 2:28on April 21:

The first few sentences of your post ask me to imagine the "pain and grief of the prior hardworking alderman....."

While my post is not a defense of the current Mayor, his alderman, or the move from 14 to 7 (I have opposed all).

I do find some irony in your thoughts.

A good number of the "prior hardworking alderman" who were serving when the council was reduced to 7 are to blame for that outcome.

Poor decision making, picking the wrong battles, letting certain alderman lead, the Pickwick debacle, allowing Howard to play the role of Martyr for 2 years, etc.

This all fed into the reduction from 14 to 7. A good number of those alderman played right into Howard's hands, from the very start of Howard's term as Mayor.

Perhaps history has made us wiser and we can avoid the same problems that brought Howard and his 7 to what we've had in the last two years.

Here's to hoping we can.

Anonymous said...

We can all thank those who did ...come out to vote!

May 4th will be a very good day.

Oh ...that sound you'll hear overhead will be Mr.Frimark's plane taking off from Daley airport.

No - not the one where the deal fell through either!

Don't forget to wave Mr. Frimark.
Send us a postcard from the edge!

Finally, the recent rant at 505 infront of a PR resident really was unnecessary Mr. Frimark.

Using the four letter foul words too!! What type of insurance to do sell sir ?

Anonymous said...

Hey PRU! Help me out with my confusion. I read in this post that the 09/10 budget was approved with a $1.8MM deficit. But yet, I have been told by city staff that the various fund deficits (biggest in Uptown TIF) will essentially be "covered" by the Gen'l Operating Fund on the balance sheet. So is there a problem or no??

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@4:12 --

The budget, as a whole, is in deficit -- right now the projection is $1.8M That is a problem, no?

Most of the various funds, accounted for on paper, are being projected to also be in deficit, individually.

The water fund is projected to be flush, and increases in the property tax and other fees, along with cuts in other expenses accounted for in the General Fund, put the General Fund, generally in balance, in and of itself. However, what has not been made clear is that the General Fund balance is not, repeat not, the same thing as cash on hand. The "balance" shown for the General Fund includes amounts owed to the General Fund by funds such as the TIF.

For this reason, we were not surprised to hear of Finance Dir. Lembesis' extreme consternation at the idea of drawing down the water fund -- using the cash attributed to the water fund to subsidize the City's water purchases even further. The City does not separately bank funds. The City accounts for funds separately -- big difference.

To your statement about what you've been told -- staff is correct that the General Fund will be used to cover the deficits, through temporary loans to those funds from the General Fund, but that does not mean that there isn't a budget deficit.

Anonymous said...

Three Card Monte anyone???

Anonymous said...

PRU, somewhere in here was mention of a police escort for the outgoing mayor. the mention of police got me wondering what the status of the search for a new police chief is. caudill has been gone for over a year. any info worth sharing. sorry, i know this is off topic