December 17, 2009

Have A Very Merry Christmas!

By: 1389AD at

From the PRU Crew to all of you, enjoy your holidays!

We encourage PRU readers to keep paying attention to the goings on in local government during the all-too-distracting holiday season. There will be some interesting discussions taking place at City Hall next Monday night -- we're wondering just how gifty Ald. Allegretti will attempt to be on the issue of billboards, for starters.

Stay warm, stay safe, and enjoy some rest and relaxation.


Anonymous said...

PRU, Merry Christmas to you too and thank you.

Anonymous said...

Bah humbug!

Anonymous said...

That there is one funkadelic tree. Have a great Christmas, PRU Crew.

Anonymous said...

I'm asking Santa for a new alderman this year. Allagretti is like a lump of coal that just won't quit.

Bean said...

Anonymous at 12:46,

Ryan isn't much noted by a friend of mine, here's the same guy who can't get enough of forming committees and task forces for resident input...but then at the last meeting dissed, with a broad stroke, the "quality" of residents being named to committees and task forces...

What a stroke.

Anonymous said...

In the spirit of the season lets all be charitable to one another. I do not always agree with what our representatives say or do but they are good hearted volunteers who came forward to do a difficult job. Give them a break and find positive ways to support them in their efforts.

Anonymous said...


I saw video the Pru posted adn what was said. Robert Ryan's words were not chosen very well but I do not think he meant to be insulting to residents even if it did come across like that.

I must admit though, it was odd coming from Robert Ryan who is always asking to form resident committees.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to change the subject but Santa Chief Gjelsten in the Advocate looks like he could of used a shave. ha ha. Thanks Chief for giving me a good laugh and for pitching in to help.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Dave will be giving our town away tonight for a democrat fundraiser being hosted in the Uptown Condo #507.

Whose in bed with who?

Its an early Christmas for the democrats taking over Park Ridge!

We are being sold down the river!

Anonymous said...

Schmidt is not just going but is on the host committee with two council members, Bach and Wsol.

Why Schmidt and Bach and Wsol would be hosting a fundraiser for Dem. John Cullerton I can only imagine.

Same Games. Different Names.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas PRU Crew! Look forward to your continued work in 2010! And thanks!

Bean said...

Good god...I can't stand it.

Neither Dave Schmidt nor Aldermen Bach or Wsol are dems...lame brains, yes...dems, no.

What this is, is lame brains on parade...and a typical political pimp-n-whore party/fundraiser...

Each one of the "players" has something they want...from the actual hostess and host, right down to members of the host committee.

It isn't party politics (the dirty dems coming to "take over" Park Ridge) so much as it is going to be one big "wank fest"...

Anonymous said...

To Bean - Wow, you sure have a way with words! LOL!

To All - Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Check out the list of hoi polloi at the Cullerton/Kotowski fundraiser tonite at #507...

Sure are lots of alleged Republicans on the list to a democratic party fundraiser...hmmmm

PRU.TECH said...

Live link for the hoi polloi list.

Anonymous said...


MIKE said...

Glad you're saying Merry Chistmas instead of X-mas. So sick of that.

Anyway I though I'd type up this PRU piece from 2 years ago.

Certainly a memorable spoof of "Winter Wonderland" which come to mind quite aften when I hear the song.

But what I find interesting about this post is the 14th reply by a member named PR Girl.

Wonder whatever happened to her?

Now I don't know what it is about this reply that moves me, other than it's somebody who left town for a while and came back and suprised to see all these changes which she wasn't happy about, which is no different from any of us here.

Of course what's also interesting how she knew former Mayor Frimark prior to his election.

Just something to look back on.

Anonymous said...


Good one. I liked it also. Thank you for posting it again.

Anonymous said...


We don't want our Mayor or our Aldermen to meet with any other elected officials in a social setting, especially any of them that might actually do something beneficial for our town, someday down the road.

Right. Smart thinking.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@8:23 --

On the surface, your simple argument appears sound.

However, upon closer consideration you may find that hosting fundraisers and assisting with the collection of cash can be problematic, down the road.

Unless you believe that an exchange of money is necessary to the beneficial interests amongst elected officials who meet in a social setting.

Anonymous said...

Money is the grease in machine politics. John Kass says its the Illinois combine.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the post. I cannot help but think of what this thread would look like if it would have been Mayor Frimark attending last evenings event. I am sure the post count would be up over 100 by now with people waxing about "crooks" and cronyism" and "bought and paid for".

Oh well. I guess all the outraged people must be Chirstmas shopping.

Anonymous said...

Hey does anybody what happened with the lastest attempt by Joe Karaganis to fleece the people of Park Ridge?

Anonymous said...

nice typo on the invitation

M. Anderson said...

It really does my heart good to see that the Democratic takeover I helped spearhead several years ago is finally coming to fruition.

Seriously, as a strong Democrat I support Dan all the way, but I don't understand what solid Republicans like Dave and Frank are doing at his fundraiser. It's good to work with your fellow elected officials on matters of local interest, but you don't need to help them raise money.

Happy holidays (including Christmas) to all.

Anonymous said...

The woman who hosted the Kotowski fundraiser is what some would call a political entrepreneur which is alot like the worlds oldest profession.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Very few comments. Bob Trinza can't hold a site to be relevant without controversy. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent (is there really such a thing as an Independent???), label 'em however you want, but they're all cut from the same cloth. If the mayor thinks there's an advantage to making nice with or for another politician, that's his prerogative and hopefully some benefit will accrue to Park Ridge.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:13:

Your comment gave me my laugh for the weekend. It is so funny how you have all politicians no matter what you their affiliations as all the same, and yet Mayor Schmidt is cast in the role of the lilly white if somewhat naive do gooder who is just trying to make nice!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:58 from Anon @ 9:13

Glad I was able to give you a laugh!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 9:13,

You do have to admit you held out Schmidt as some kind of good politician right after you got done saying they are all the same.

You gave me a laugh too! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Lobbyists are bad news.

Anonymous said...

December 19, 2009 7:07 PM

Lobbyists aren't the real problem. Politicians allowing themselves to be bought off by lobbyists are the real problem. Any time people contact their representatives about an issue they are lobbying for something. The key difference is most people aren't lobbying to get subsidies from taxes or special favors and aren't promising to make it worth the politicians time other than promising to vote for him or her in the next election. Professional lobbyist go past making their points and promising a vote and offer something else like money. It is the politicians getting influenced for their votes through money being donated I see as the big problem.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas PRU Crew.

Let us hope the city council gives us all a reason to be happy this holiday and VOTES NO ON BILLBOARDS!!!

Anonymous said...

I am also against these billboards! Don't seel out our beautiful communty!

PRU, have a very good holiday season.

PRU.ADMIN said...

Anon@7:28 unpublished --

O.K. I laughed. But your comment will not be published. Even for this blog it was just too crude.

O.K. I'm still laughing. But publication is still denied.

Anonymous said...

What happened with the billboards at the meeting last night?

Anonymous said...

billboards were deferred until the January 18th council meeting.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the videos yet. I checked the site and saw something like 8! I have better things to do this close to Christmas than watch hours of hot air with nothing to show for it. Unbelievable. Hours of discussion and they vote to defer? These guys are crazy.

Anonymous said...

Watching "It's a Wonderful Life" where George Bailey runs hectically down a horribly transformed main street with burlesque houses and honky-tonk bars in Pottersville, I got to wondering while blubbering: How many Houlihans does it take to cancel out the billboards? And why does politics have to be the art of the possible? And...well, you get the idea.
Happy New Year to PRU and all of you.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:28:

Why would you think a Houlihans (or any number of them) would cancel out the billboards? From what I can tell from many of the posts on the blogs many, if not most, who come here would consider both to be a negative.

Anonymous said...

8:50 AM,

Where do you get that? I think Houlihans is nice as do alot of people I talk to.

Anonymous said...

To December 26, 2009 6:28 PM

Politics does not have to be the art of the possible as you said. It is just a sad reality that politicians will make deals for their friends.

To December 27, 2009 8:50 AM

I do not think of Houlihans as a negative and I have not read any negative posts about it. I do think of billboards as a negative though.

Anonymous said...


You said you are so sick of Xmas being used. I like Christmas spelled out too but in case you don't know the history, Xmas has a very old Christian origin and has been used for ages. It isn't meant as an insult or disregard for Christ or the Christmas celebration.