January 6, 2010

Redevelopment And Billboards, Baby!

As some of our more astute and faithful PRU readers may be aware, any changes to the Park Ridge zoning code will cover the entire town -- as has been previously mentioned, anything less is spot-zoning and likely to get us into trouble.

Which brings us to the proposed text amendment offered for consideration by 4th ward Alderman Jim Allspaghetti -- The PRU Crew strongly believes Ald. Allspaghetti was doing favors for either Joseph Loss and his Generation Group, Inc. or his close legal associate, Frank DiFranco -- or both.

In typical fashion, Ald. Allspaghetti looked no further into the issue than the money on (maybe under?) the table. And he, along with his buddies, prefer the people of Park Ridge look no further either.

But we can't help ourselves. We like wide open vistas. We especially like those vistas uncluttered with billboards.

We've taken a look at the zoning map(.pdf) of Park Ridge and some of the laws governing the placement of billboards and what we've found is billboards, once allowed, are only limited in placement to areas zoned commercial and--or industrial.

It necessarily means any commercial property could conceivably ask for and receive a permit to construct a billboard.

We've also found one of the next likely places for permit requests for billboards 80 feet tall with 1200 SF faces is probably somewhere along what's known as the Higgins corridor.

So what, you may say? Take the (court-determined unconstitutional) impact fees offered and head to the bank, you may say?

Here's the so what -- the Higgins corridor has long been discussed as one of the next areas in Park Ridge which is "ripe" for redevelopment. In fact, we know of at least one entity which has been discussing a large development along the Higgins corridor. We are also aware of that entities likely need for either the Sate and--or the City to employ the use of eminent domain for such a large development.

And here's where billboards come in --

If either the State and--or the City were to engage in a "taking" of any property along the Higgins corridor, and if any of those properties have leases with any billboard companies, then those billboards become part of the "taking."

So what, you may say again?

Here's the so what -- courts have increasingly determined that billboard companies should be "fairly compensated" for such a "taking" and the value of the billboards are increasingly appraised based on the income approach, which is far greater than the mere cost of constructing a billboard -- the cost approach.

The income approach could add hundreds of thousands, if not millions, to the expense of a "taking" in the use of eminent domain.

And we hope everybody understands the employment of eminent domain means taxpayers foot the bill for any and all costs involved -- which necessarily includes compensating billboard companies for any lost income from a taking of their property.

So, if by some miracle the City of Park Ridge actually can receive and keep any (court-determined unconstitutional) billboard impact fees, we suggest keeping those fees in the bank because you're going to need them for any future litigation and compensation to the billboard companies in the event of a redevelopment which may require the employment of eminent domain.

Did anybody really think a change in the zoning ordinance to allow billboards on the Renaissance property wouldn't affect the entire town of Park Ridge? Somewhere? Some way? Down the road?


Anonymous said...

God help us. Allegretti's billboard plan just keeps getting better and better.

Anonymous said...

Just Say No!

I think I saw that on a billboard once.

Anonymous said...

No public policies or the process of creating them should be viewed in any isolated way.

The domino effect applies across the board for all public policies and the process for creating them.

Anonymous said...

Billboards = lawsuits.

The end

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm.....this is exciting news!!.. Can you flesh it out a bit. The argument seems to be that billboards are a bad idea because these 4 billboards now on the table will lead to more billboards along the higgins corridor that will lead to law suits that will cost me millions because the city is going to have to exercise eminent domain for a project that is going to be so big and glorious as to require land to be taken from people including these areas that will in the future have billboards and these future billboard owners will have to be compensated based on the future earnings of these billboards for which at this point there is no owner and no income!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PRU.ADMIN said...

Anon@3:08 --

Alderman Allegretti and others are engaged in the counting of revenue before there are any billboards and billboard owners. They are doing so despite evidence the revenue they are counting, and attempting to make a selling point for the proposed text amendment, may never be fully realized.

We had hoped to add a plausible scenario to the discussion of allowing billboards in Park Ridge by posing a very real potential for what could be the uncounted and unconsidered costs to taxpayers, down the road.

We had hoped to broaden the discussion to include considerations beyond the immediately obvious and we wanted to address issues we believe were being ignored -- the potential for billboards being erected well beyond the confines of the Renaissance property, and the potential impact on one area of municipal concern; redevelopment.

We understand you, along with some others, may find these considerations worthy of nothing more than emotive sarcasm. But now that at least one potential impact has been raised, we expect those more concerned with the long term character of Park Ridge and fiscal well being of Park Ridge taxpayers will at least begin the process of considering, as one commenter posited, the domino effect.

Anonymous said...

PRU, you are the one who ought to be compensated. God only knows the grief and expense you have already spared the residents of this city, and only you (OK, you and PubPuppy) would have the smarts and the dedication to look -- really look -- at all the costly ramifications down the road which we KNOW just keep on a-comin' as long as elected officials are asleep at the switch. Keep on looking under those rocks, dear PRU; we need you.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:57 --

You're too kind. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

There already is a billboard down by Mr K..been there forever.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@4:17 --

Correct, and forever is the operative word -- though we note that billboard is not erected on an 80 foot tower and does not have a 1200SF sign face.

Anonymous said...

any hint on what this large development might be on HIggins?

Anonymous said...

Another question. In the development you are bringing up, what exactly are they going to have to take via eminent domain? Is a business or residences? How many?

PRU.ADMIN said...

Anon@4:27 --

Until the entity pursuing the redevelopment becomes more engaged in legitimate business pursuits such as raising real capital, recruiting serious partners, and making bona fide offers on parcels -- vs. pathological schmoozing of politicos at various cocktail parties -- we're going to decline to discuss it.

There are other entities who've also looked into redevelopment along the Higgins corridor and we don't wish to give the impression any one of them is out in front of the other.

Anonymous said...

This really has me scratching my head!! You put together a senario related to eminent domain and a potential new development as an attack on billboards. I am sitting here trying to imagine a senario, any senario, under which you would be in favor of the use of eminent domain for a development. If there is this magic development you speak of, the city is going to have to participate in some way whether that be ome sort of tax deal or deferrment ot something elose. The city will be on the hook for any payments related to eminent domain on private residences or existing businesses. All this for a "promise" of future business and tax revenue. Sounds like Uptown to me!! And yet you seem to be saying that it would somehow all be so simple and wonderful if we can just keep billboards out!!!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@4:50 --

We're going to go out on a limb and suggest this is not an isolated incident for you and that there are probably a raft of issues which leave you scratching your head.

We also suggest you take the time to more finely hone your reading skills.

Carry on.

Anonymous said...

What has been stated at previous meetings is and I quote "The Rennisance property is the only place in Park Ridge that billboards would be allowed".

I believe what the PRU is trying to say is, that comment may be incorrect. That there are other probable (and likely) locations for billboards to be erected. And that these locations may have additional baggage that go along with it.

The arguments being made, imply that this is a one time one location sweetheart of a deal that the City can't possibly turn down.

What I can't figure out is why, if this is such a legitimate, on the up and up offer, did Generation Group go through all the trouble to circumvent City process and approach an elected official, to get a text amendment?

Any offer of monumental proportion certainly would have no trouble successfully going the process. Allowing for open and honest public discussion, and facts presented would be judged on the merrits of full diclosure and would certainly be able to withstand any public scrutiny.

So why didn't they?

Anonymous said...

Ald. Allegretti was a very vocal opponent of AT&T's Uverse because of the "ugly boxes" that would be installed on city property. If AT&T had offered the city $400,000 would the boxes have been any less ugly?

Funny how the billboards aren't ugly to Ald. Allegretti. Guess it must all be in the eyes of the beholder.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@7:49 --

Outstanding oberservation and connection! We completely missed it!

Anonymous said...


You are absolutely correct that ugly is in the eye of the beholder!! That applies to many of the arguments/discussions in this town. Your comparison of the AT&T boxes versus billboards is excellent. Here is another one for you to consider. Many on the blogs who feel that billboards will destroy a neighborhood have no problem with a development going up next to a neighborhood which might include multi-story buildings and increased traffic. Ironically many of those same people who would have no problem with a higgins development seem to complain about the Uptown development and its design and height. Eye of the beholder!! Consistency is not required.

Not Buying It said...

PRU, your graphic for this post is perfect. Another load on the taxpayer's backs. I wish I had that nickel they always talk about when along comes another politician with some great plan to ease all our tax suffering.

I remember when the state lottery was going to ease the taxes we pay for public education too.

The alderman and the billboard plan and the print out you posted yesterday are the same thing. Promising some fast cure for our financial problems. We are all going to be so much better off if we only will take the cash being offered. We'll see, it will be great!

I expect down the road as you put it some way us taxpayers will again get left with a bigger load to carry on our backs and the politicans and their friends will walk away with full pockets.

Anonymous said...

10:06 PM:

Most of the negative comments about the Uptown development on the blogs criticize either the money it has sucked out of the city, or the extra demands it seems to have placed on the infrastructure (especially sewers).

Anonymous said...

anon 7:43:

I do not want to split hairs. You are right about those complaints but I have also heard about "the old world charm and character of the city being destroyed" - as I recall that is part of what Schmidt ran on. I have also heard about the Uptown "concrete jungle". I even remember a poster cvomplaining about icicles falling off of balconies. Again, ugly is in the eye of the beholder and consistency is not required!!